They say that no flag is large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people...

But throughout our history, mankind"s history, isn"t that all we"ve done?

From the ancient times to the modern era, history had always repeated itself, philosophers warning kings, n.o.bles and peasants, and yet they always tend to forget...


Alexis woke up with a gasp, he looked around to find a waterfall...

"Where am I?" He asked himself and scanned his surroundings vigilantly.

"You are here!" He heard a male voice and instinctively looked up to the voice while jumping back alertly.

"No need to get scared now..." mumbled a handsome sharp eyed man with black hair and blonde tips.

"Who are you?" Alexis asked him cautiously, something about the person infront of him felt nostalgic but he didn"t know why.

"Hmm... simply put, I"m you!" The man answered with a smirk and jumped down from the rocks, he walked on the water sending ripples through the thin equilibrium.

Alexis widened his eyes and stared at the man in shock...


"That"s impossible?" The man continued and laughed maniacally.

"Indeed it would seem that way! But no... it"s all real, I"m a fragment of your soul... the original you! The one who was forced to merge into that prince! The one who made you, you!" The man"s eyes turned red as he trembled in rage.

"I see... so is this supposed to be the final step to becoming a Divine Emperor?" Alexis asked him, the man screamed of power which unnerved Alexis.

"You! You! TAKE ME SERIOUSLY!" The handsome man"s face marred with an insane look, he then vanished from his spot, his fist landed on Alexis" gut as it went further in making Alexis widen his eyes in pain.

The fist immediately broke through his ribs and flattened his diaphragm making him lose his breath almost immediately.

His eyes turned teary in pain...

Alexis was thrown away into the waterfall making his body collide with the jagged rocks.

He came out of the waterfall while coughing out blobs of thick salivary blood.

"Oi... is this how you treat yourself?" Alexis asked him as blood leaked through the corner of his mouth.

"Brat... do you know how annoying you are?" The man asked him coldly and got ready to attack Alexis who quickly took a defensive stance.

The sound of flesh colliding reverberated through their fists...

Then came the silence as the sounds of the gushing water engulfed the duo.

Alexis grunted in pain and kneeled, he held onto his hand that was turning from red to blue within seconds.

"f.u.c.k... my hand!" He screamed only to be attacked again as his opponent"s fist landed on his jaw.

"Ngh!" He flew into the forest and gasped for air.

"How is he so strong?!" Alexis asked no one in particular.

"Is that it?" The black haired man asked him, disappointed by the power gap between him and his foe.

"...that... hurts... you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" Alexis was furious, his pride would not let him lose to a mere fragment of himself!

He then punched the man who was. .h.i.t square in the face.

The man looked shaken from the force behind it and spat out a bit of blood and laughed.

"Now we are talking!" He whispered and disappeared from his spot, Alexis followed suit as the two fought each other at speed inconceivable to the naked eye!

For every shot Alexis landed, the man would get three more on him...

He couldn"t feel his nose, it was just skin and cartilage all mashed up by his opponent who with much glee proceeded to keep attacking his nose.

"AHHHH!!" Alexis screamed in pain and jabbed his finger at the man who widened his eyes thanks to his shock.


His finger went straight through the man"s left eyes he kicked him, the eyeball came with his finger as the man was kicked away making the scene very grotesque...

"Impressive... you took my eye!" The man smiled and wiped the blood pouring out of his left eye socket, soiling his fingers with blood.

"But this is it... goodbye myself..." He grinned malevolently as wisps of blue mana covered his dominant arm.

The blue mana encrusted his arm forming a blade like structure which he would use to kill himself...

"...I don"t understand why you have to kill me..." Alexis spoke with confusion in his tone as the man sighed.

"Nothing personal... you just disgust me!" The man muttered with anger in his eyes as he ran staright at Alexis who shrugged and stated at the blue blade...

Time seemed to slow down as Alexis saw the blade come closer and closer until he blinked and crouched, dodging the blade within a split second.

The man pa.s.sed him and stopped a few meters behind him, black haired Alexis turned around and grunted in annoyance...

"Why won"t you let me kill you?" He asked him softly.

"...because I don"t plan on dying this soon..." Alexis mumbled with a serious look on his face.

"But... why?" The man asked him again.

"...what?" He was confused.

"WHY WON"T YOU f.u.c.kING GO DOWN?!" The man roared angrily as tears cascaded down his furious eyes.


"Shut up... do you not remember us? ...the suffering I went through before you?! And you yourself are doing the exact same thing! became the one thing you were not supposed to..." The man glared at him.

"What are you talking about?" Alexis asked him.

The man laughed deprecatingly, then more and more tears fell down his eyes...

"It can"t be... have you forgotten about yourself? ...this is some sick joke right?" He asked him in a desperate manner as Alexis shook his head, he was confused.

"...have you heard of Alexis Bledel?" The man smiled sadly.


He was answered with a deathly silence and sighed.

"Before I became you, I was a spy of an organisation in Earth... even before that, I was an orphan, before I was an orphan, I had a family... they weren"t the nicest bunch, I was left malnourished, abused and neglected..." The man sat down on a boulder and retailed his, no, "their" story.

Alexis listened to him intently...

"I thought I could influence you to be a better person in this life, but it seems like you became a disgusting piece of s.h.i.t..." Bledel chided.

"I"m the reason why you are here in this world, I"m your guilt, your remorse and your regret... do you get it? You are a monster!" The man said coldly as he stared deeply into Alexis" eyes...

"And you are good?" Alexis asked him mockingly.

"Look at you... it hurts doesn"t it?" Bledel chuckled.

"...shut up..." Alexis glared at the man hatefully.

"Yes, this is it... this is what I wanted to see... regret in your eyes for the atrocities you have committed throughout your second life..." Bledel grinned.

"Atrocities? They are necessary casualties..." Alexis answered the man while closing his eyes to calm down his emotions.

"Did you know... Florestine was scared of you?" The man asked him curiously.

"Lies... she was prepared to serve me..." The red head replied in a strong voice.

"That"s what you want to believe... sooner or later, everyone close to you will walk away from you leaving you forever alone... you are derailing from your path, little by little becoming a tyrant..." Bledel"s voice echoed in his mind.

"I said shut up..." Alexis interjected.

"You make your loving mother worried sick all the time, your father became sick because of your rash actions... your little sister was forced to distance herself from you! The perfect family I never had... you spat on it! Threw it away! If you are not a monster... then what are you?" Bledel had walked upto Alexis and grabbed him by his collar.

"You are trash... you are a devil... you are a horrible person... accept it!" His fragment reminded him.





"...they will forgive me once everything is over... that"s how history goes... in a few decades I will be hailed as a hero, a great man... I will finish my task..." Alexis declared and grabbed the hand holding him up.

Alexis Bledel had never heard such ridiculous words, he immediately started laughing, not because of it was funny, but because he was angry.

"WHAT?! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you are so naive! Me from the future... They don"t like you, they will fear you!" Bledel shouted at him.

"I CAME THIS FAR TO COMPLETING MY GOALS!" Alexis had enough of this mere fragment demeaning him!

"And without me you wouldn"t have been able to achieve anything!" Bledel"s grip tightened as Alexis choked.

"You... ...are ...wrong!" Alexis wheeze out three words as Bledel threw him away distastefully.

"Are you sure? Think of Annalise, Aurelius, Irene, Florestine and everyone else that you know! DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT? We both know the truth... STOP DREAMING! NO ONE LOVES YOU! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!"

Alexis Bledel then ran towards Alexis Gladios who leaned to the right and dodged the incoming mana blade.

"NO ONE WILL EVER FORGIVE YOU! SO STAND STILL AND LET ME FINISH YOU OFF..." Bledel bellowed as Alexis breathed in and out calmly.

His own arm turning into a blue mana blade...


The two mana blades collided with one another and slid into the foes of both users, the two Alexis" grunted in pain, Alexis" hand had gone straight through his opponent"s heart, Bledel had missed and struck Alexis" lung, missing the heart by a few inches.

"...impos-urk!-sible..." Bledel paled in fear while involuntarily vomiting regurgitating blood, he slowly looked up at Alexis who had a smirk.

"Your mind games won"t work on me... stop trying to stop me, die like the me from the past, you unnecessary soul fragment!" Alexis said as he winced in pain.

"no... No... NO!" Bledel shouted in panic as Alexis pulled his hand out of the man who fell down, a puddle of blood formed under him as Alexis illuminated in a bright light.

He then woke up where he was meditating at and sighed.

"Divine Emperor... first step..." Alexis smiled and pat his back and walked away.


"Iron giants?! Stop fooling around officer!" The supreme commander of the Axis Western Frontier army, shouted over his phone.

["BUT SIR, IT IS WHAT IT IS! what the... AHH! RUN AWAY!"]

The line was then cut, the phone had lost connection, the commander slammed the phone on the hard wooden flooring.

Their armies were suddenly pushed back further back into their territories! This scene occurred throughout all frontiers, the Republic suffering more than expected and pushed back into their Capital...

Alexis ordered the ma.s.sacre of all prisoners of war and male civilians hoping they would not be able to fight back once the war was over.

What came after defeat after defeat of battles was more bloodshed...

Men of the Republic were systemically executed in cold blood, showing just how cold blooded the Lunar Empire was!


"...are we to kill male children aswell?!" The Lunar officer grit his teeth and glared at Sophia who nodded.

"Yes, this is an order from the higher ups..." Sophia said nonchalantly while she went through a cla.s.sified doc.u.ment.

"I REFUSE!" The officer shouted at his General.

"This is not the way of soldiers! We will be nothing more than murderers then, how can you people even think of executing children?!" The man bellowed angrily.

Sophia sighed and ma.s.saged her head.

"...officer, this is an order... if you can"t do it, I will have to choose someone competent enough!" Sophia warned the officer who sighed.

"Maybe I can save the kids..." The man thought and begrudgingly accepted his orders.

"Alexis... is this really right?" She asked herself and rested her head on the table.


"Immediately inform all troops to cease their actions!" Alexis ordered his General who left hurriedly.

"How could those idiots mistake the letter..." He sighed.

Killing children...

What a horrific misunderstanding... those fools, now I have to get them executed after the war...


The Axis nations were appalled and terrified of the atrocities done by the Empire and her allies, smaller nations going as far as to surrender immediately after hearing of such gruesome incidents.

The Capital of the Republic was then bombarded by heavy artillery fire a few months later, killing millions of both military men and civilians alike...

With Nox operatives now easily infiltrating into the Republic, many high ranking officials were daily until the council had no choice but to sue for a peace under the pretense of a ceasefire...

With most of the Republic now under Imperial occupation, the First Satellian Republic and the Kingdom was in trouble under the overwhelming might of the Eagle Alliance!


"Our armies are all equipped, supplied and ready to go! Your highness, now is the time to strike!" A General urged Alexis who was in the tent with Sophia.

"What are our numbers?" Alexis asked him while holding onto Sophia by her curvaceous waist.

"We have five hundred tanks and ten million soldiers all over the frontline ready to march deep into enemy lines!" The General reported with a smile.

"The war will finally come to an end... it"s been nearly five years..." Sophia said nostalgically as Alexis nodded and walked away with the General.

He walked along an execution ground for the prisoners, ignoring the shouts and insults thrown at him by the captives.



The prisoners that were tied to the wooden poles immediately leaned forward, dead, only held by their arms that were tied behind the poles...

The next hundred were brought up, the same actions repeated until ten thousand soldiers were executed, they were loaded onto tractors that were built to carry supplies.

Alexis arrived at the exit of the base where one hundred tanks were ready to move into the Satellian Capital, Salaten...

"Remember, do not harm the civilians when I"m leading the forces..." Alexis ordered the army and jumped on a tank.

He then nodded at his Generals who took serious looks and shouted at the soldiers to prepare for the invasion...

The army then drove into the Satellian Republic, there was little to no resistance and were quickly killed.

"They are probably gathering at the Capital..." He theorized and shook his head.

The Satellian Republic was doomed to fall now, He would lead his army from the west of Satellia while another humongous army would invade from the north of Satellia...

"Poor Amelia... I"ll let her live, she can work for me!" He nodded his head and ordered his troops to rest.

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