Alexis was in a very bad mood, infact... he was scowling at the corner of his cla.s.sroom.

Ever since he transferred into the Imperial Academy, a certain someone too has moved in secretly...

"Why... the h.e.l.l is she here?!" Alexis growled inwardly while his face darkened, inside the cla.s.sroom was Sophia Ex Myst who was introducing herself infront of the cla.s.s... The girl who proclaimed to be his fiancee infront of the entire cla.s.s.

She looked down after seeing his cold and rage filled eyes but steeled herself to sit down next to him...

"Noooooo!! G.o.dd.a.m.nit! why is she going over to the pretty boy?!" Alexis heard a few cries of sorrow from the back and facepalmed.

"Your highness..." Sophia said in a hushed voice, it was a desperate attempt at mending their strained relationship...

"what do you want Party girl?" Alexis asked her nonchalantly after regaining his cool.

"I would like to apologise for my stubborn behaviour back in the n.o.ble Academy!" She said and looked at him tearily.

Alexis raised an eyebrow at this, the girl apologised to him for her own mistakes...

"What a surprise... so, why did you come here?" Alexis asked he casually as Sophia smiled brightly at him.

"I want to make things right between us..." She said as Alexis groaned.

"I believe we weren"t necessarily close" Alexis retorted as Sophia bit her lip and glared at him.

"Why are you so rude to me?" She asked him in a calm voice.

"I"m just treating you indifferently, I see no problem with it or maybe it offends you?" Alexis answered and turned to the teacher who was explaining Mana theory...

"I can"t believe Master had taught me such advanced theories when I was still five years old..." He thought and shook his head with a smile.

"...Why do you treat me indifferently?" Sophia asked him.

"Why should I treat you differently?" Alexis said in an amused tone.

"Ridiculous!" He thought...

"Becaus-" She tried to reason with him, only to be interrupted by Alexis.

"Because you are a lady? because you are a daughter of a n.o.ble? none of that means anything to me... and as far as I"m concerned, you haven"t proved your worth to me to be treated differently from others, so I won"t!" Alexis argued with a shrug as Sophia clenched her fists.

"You are not even a good mage nor a good fighter... YOU as of now have no worth in my eyes..." Alexis told her in a cold and indifferent voice as Sophia covered her mouth in shock at his sharp words as tears fell down her eyes...

Each word and sentence gave her agonizing pain in her chest, the man she admires and had given her feelings for had destroyed her with words...

"But this is why I like him..." She argued within her inner turmoil of thoughts.

"No... he is a horrible person!" Another voice echoed in her mind...

"Maybe... he is right... did he mean something when he said so?" She asked herself.


The day was over and done, Florestine was waiting for her highness to come out of the entrance, a few older boys from the Academy had already come to speak to her.

"Fools... n.o.body can take me except for his highness!" She thought to herself with a determined expression and coldly rejected anyone that would try to speak to her...

"Mad" She heard a voice.

"I"m not into relationships!" She nonchalantly interrupted the man who tried to speak to her.

"Oh my... I"m hurt Florestine!" Alexis said with a smirk as Florestine who turned to the voice was shocked and blushed immediately.

He then gently caressed her hair while a few boys that had gone upto her started coughing blood and cried...

"...Is this the reason why you treat me like this?" Alexis heard a familiar voice and sighed.

Everyone near the trio quickly moved away to look at the drama that was about to start.

"Your high- Master Alexis, who is this girl?" Florestine asked Alexis curiously and glared at Sophia coldly as Sophia glared back at Florestine and scoffed.

"Florestine, let me talk to her okay?" Alexis asked his maid with a gentle smile as Florestine nodded meekly, seeing this, Sophia grit her teeth in frustration.

"Party girl, didn"t I already give you the reason?" Alexis answered as a few boys in the crowd started booing at him.

"Then... does that mean you will love me if i prove my worth to you?" She asked him desperately as Alexis shook his head.

"Just because you prove your worth doesn"t mean I have to love you... we just aren"t as close as Florestine and I..." Alexis stated and held onto Florestine"s hand and walked into his carriage.

"Then what do I do??" Sophia shouted at him as Alexis turned to her.

"That"s for you to find out" He shrugged his shoulders and went in.


"That b.i.t.c.h!" Florestine scowled and glared at Alexis who had a wry smile.

"Your highness... are you planning on making a harem?" Florestine asked Alexis with a disgusted expression.

"I"m just going with the flow..." Alexis told her and hugged her waist as Florestine resisted his advances and glared at him.

"Please give me some time to think through this..." She said and looked away as Alexis shrugged and leaned on the sofa and observed the outside scenery...

The carriage was painfully silent as Alexis glanced at Florestine every once in a while as she harrumphed as their eyes met.

"Oh come on, I didn"t even do anything!" Alexis reminded her with a shrug.


"Is this supposed to be the silent treatment?" Alexis asked her curiously and moved closer and closer to her until he was right next to her and their shoulders touched.

Florestine tried to move away but there just wasn"t enough s.p.a.ce, Alexis then pat her head like how he always used to do.

"Florestine... enough with these childish acts, you need to go out and buy some land now..." Alexis reminded her as she nodded slowly.

"It"s that b.i.t.c.h"s fault!" Florestine grit her teeth and clenched her fists.

"Your highness, shall I get rid of that vermin?" She then asked Alexis who was playing with her hair.

"Vermin? Who?" Alexis asked her curiously.

"...that b.i.t.c.h!" She spat out with a dark expression as Alexis sighed and hugged her.

"Calm down... stop being so rash!" He scolded her and then started tickling her, finally... Alexis could not last a single second in the carriage that was so painfully silent.

The carriage then arrived at a mansion prepared by Trebourn, the of the Imperial Academy, who after hearing of Efreel preparing a mansion, bought a bigger mansion!

Atleast Alexis had a comfortable time inside...


Two years have pa.s.sed since Alexis was transferred to the Imperial Academy, currently Alexis was in bed with Florestine who was repeatedly moaning, luckily the room was silenced under Alexis" orders otherwise the four guards would have heard everything...

With a grunt he lied down on the bed, next to Florestine who was unresponsive and spasming.

After taking a few deep breaths, Alexis decided to take a bath and read the letter from Magnus he had recieved awhile ago.

He came back after an hour and tore open the envelope, after reading the contents of the letter, he couldn"t help but smile widely...

The rifle was made! During the four times he had visited, the rifle was already in working condition but there were many problems with it, sometimes the material used was too soft and the gun broke and other times the models used were faulty...

It frustrated him knowing that the rifle was working but wasn"t at the same time but now that it was made, he could start manufacturing them!

He already owns two heavy industry factory, one food factory, one chemical factory and ofcourse a few businesses...

Alexis went back to bed and stared at Florestine who turned to him with a happy smile.

"Florestine, the rifle is done..." Alexis informed her as she nodded and caressed his face.


Alexis had noticed Sophia doing incredibly well in her studies related to mana and also during the practical period...

He was currently dodging a wooden sword thrust from Sophia who then retracted her sword as Alexis looked a bit surprised at her improvement.

"come!" He said and dashed at her with pure speed, she couldn"t necessarily see him move considering how fast the man was but her danger senses screamed as she brought the sword to her head and held it up flat and used both her hands to keep it in place...

There was a loud sound, the two wooden swords collided against one another, the sword he used was damaged, Alexis was blocked!

He smirked and walked away and kept the wooden sword back in the rack as the teacher looked gobsmacked at how fast his student was...

"Wait! did you defe-!" Sophia wanted to say something but felt pain in her joints and fell on her knees.

" fast..." She thought, knowing that Alexis had managed to hit all of her joints within a split second...

Sophia stared at his back in daze until the teacher decided to clear his throat.

"Winner, Alexis Gladios!" He declared as the cla.s.s cheered, they were amazed his masterful swordsmanship and clapped...

He then helped the girl up considering the fact that it was his fault for her painful experience in fighting.

Alexis then lifted her in a princess carry and walked away to the School medical centre.

"I must say, I"m impressed..." Alexis said as Sophia blushed at his compliment.

The duo entered the medical centre as Alexis placed Sophia on the bed gently, a doctor came to check up on her.

Sophia who saw the doctor immediately glared at the Doctor.

"Oh my... what a surprise, the b.i.t.c.h is here!" Florestine who was wearing a Doctor"s outfit said as Sophia scoffed.

"If it isn"t the hag!" She remarked as Florestine grit her teeth...

"Hmm... are you guys done?" Alexis asked the two women who had dark auras.

"Your highness!" Florestine squealed and hugged him and then proceeded to make out with him infront of Sophia who looked at the scene with wide eyes...

"Y-Y-You... You OLD HAG!" She shouted as Florestine grinned at her and turned to Alexis with a blush, she circled her finger around his chest.

"Your highness, you may leave now... we need to have a small conversation!" She said as Alexis chuckled at their antics and walked outside back to his cla.s.s.

"Don"t kill her... don"t harm her!" Florestine heard Alexis" voice fading away as she turned to Sophia with a frown.

"b.i.t.c.h, what are you trying to do with my Highness?" She asked Sophia who snorted.

"I don"t know..." Sophia shrugged with a smile and whispered.

"Maybe steal him from you? I can already imagine your face when that day comes..." Sophia said and laughed maliciously as Florestine"s face darkened, Florestine then smiled.

"That"s too bad considering we have already done "that" multiple times!" Florestine goaded and had a smug smile...

" YOU s.l.u.t!" Sophia shouted at her as Florestine laughed and wiped a tear from her eye.

"But then again, if it was true... i feel sorry for his highness, having to sleep with an old hag or maybe that"s the type of stuff you like?" Sophia asked her curiously and looked at Florestine with pity and annoyance...

"Don"t you feel jealous?" Florestine asked her as Sophia laughed at her question.

"And that... is why I will steal "your" highness!" Sophia stated.

"W-What do you mean?" Florestine panicked as Sophia looked at her with mock pity.

"You can"t keep him to yourself, he will get bored of you... that"s why if I was his lover, I would let him have a certain number of lovers!" Sophia nodded at her words and glanced at Florestine who was pale...

"Hmph! Now she will allow me get closer to my highness..." Sophia thought inwardly.

Florestine then silently did her job as Sophia had a gleeful smile on her face.

"...did you think that would work you b.i.t.c.h?!" Florestine shouted at her.

"Wha!!" Sophia was shocked.

"Oi... enough with the fighting... the are over!" They turned to see Alexis who stared at both of them in annoyance...

"Florestine, get ready to leave" Alexis reminded his maid who nodded her head as Sophia"s face soured.

"You may come if you are sick..." Alexis shrugged as Sophia faked her pain and finally got into the carriage and put her tongue out on Florestine.

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