"Fire!" A Lunar officer ordered calmly as he observed the Satellian soldiers that charged their position.

The soldiers pulled the triggers as their rifles crackled with a few distinct flashes of light and wisps of white smoke coming from the barrel, infront of them the Satellians fell down dead and even injured...

The green gra.s.sy plains were now tainted with blood and dead bodies that kept on mounting on one another.

Alexis watched the battlefield from atop a hill for a while with his binoculars and turned to Sophia who had a frown marred on her beautiful cold face.

"What"s wrong with you?" Alexis asked her and turned back to the battlefield.

"It"s just... this doesn"t feel right! This is too easy, and there is no honour in fighting in such cowardly ways, it"s not fair!" She replied in a loud voice as Alexis chuckled...

"You think war is fair? Nothing is fair in war, from country to soldier to civilian... why do you think war happens, It happens because there are differences in each and everyone of us, fairness means equality. We both know that there is no fairness in the world..." Alexis said and pointed at the Satellian soldiers that kept on falling down dead, forming a small elevation on the ground as their comrades now had to climb ovee their dead...

"That"s not what I mean..." Sophia muttered angrily.

"You better let go of your so called honour before it kills you..." Alexis warned her coldly as she grit her teeth.

"Besides, mages do the same thing as our soldiers, we throw our magic attacks at the enemy... isn"t that cowardice?" Alexis asked her with a smirk.

"They go upto the enemy and fight them!" Sophia retorted.

"Hmm... so do our soldiers, what about archers and crossbow men then?" He fired back as she looked down.

"Besides, your honour is ridiculous... how many have fallen for the sake of the so-called honour? Don"t forget that it is just a word given to say "fight to the last man", Atleast now our soldiers can go back home safely without charging like idiots and dying..." Alexis kept on bashing her ideals mercilessly...


"You may not agree with everything I say but this is the reality, tell me... would you charge into an army in the name of honour or would you retreat to live and fight another day?" Alexis asked her.

"I..." Sophia tried to speak but was stopped by Alexus who put his hand up and turned to her with a small smile.

"No need to answer, you probably plan on dying... If I was you, I would retreat, get myself an army and then attack the enemy. That"s all there is really, don"t think that there is anything fair in life..." Alexis interjected before she could answer...

"Especially when it is coming from the mouth of a n.o.ble"s daughter, where everything is given to you!" He shrugged and pat her shoulder.

"Be more open minded..." Alexis preached and let go of the binoculars, he then walked away and grabbed a rifle and came back...

"What are you doing?" Sophia asked him meekly, still contemplating on his words.

"I"m going to shoot some pests!" Alexis smirked and pulled the bolt, he then took a stripper clip that held five bullets and pressed it into the breech of the rifle and pushed the bolt back, the empty stripper fell onto the ground as Alexis aimed his iron sight at the Satellian troops that were preparing to charge.


"My G.o.ds..." The Satellian officer responsible for the next thousand Satellian soldiers, whispered to himself as he saw the carnage infront of him.

He, for the first time in his life felt fear... just what on Terra have the Lunarians made?!

Even their mages cannot outrun the projectiles of the enemy"s weapons... but he needed to be prepared, he needed to go and charge at the invading Lunarians! It was his duty...

Feeling his fear lessening, he turned to his soldiers who were pale in terror, the man sighed and shook his head.

"ATTENTION!" He roared getting his men to turn to him, some started hyperventilating knowing that it was their turn to enter the death field...

"Warriors of Satellia, I won"t sugarcoat anything... Which means that you will die! ...But we are not going to live forever are we? We are mortal beings!" He shouted and breathed in.

"So then what"s the point in trying to live and crying over a universal reality?! If we die, we die! Prepare yourselves, soldiers... because the next time you open your eyes... you won"t be seeing this reality!" The Officer said solemnly and glanced at his men who gulped, a few of them seemed to contemplate on his words...

"And remember! With our deaths, comes an opportunity for the Empire to fight back against this cowardly b.a.s.t.a.r.ds... we will die, but be forever immortalized as the ones who sacrificed their lives for the Nation... and ITS PEOPLE!" He roared as the soldiers shouted along.

It was their final war cry to rouse themselves...

"CHARGE!" The officer bellowed out the order and took off from the trenches they had dug as his soldiers followed suit.

"GO! GO! GO! f.u.c.k YOU LUNAR b.a.s.t.a.r.dS!" He shouted as fear took over him and he started wailing...

"CH-" But before he could say something again, his body fell on the ground with a bullet hole on the side of his head and his mushy brain matter and blood on the green gra.s.sy ground.

And soon, chaos followed as the Lunar soldiers started firing...


Alexis moved his rifle slowly yet steadily, the iron sight moved with the captain of the Satellians that was charging.

He aimed the iron sight infront of the man, not on the man, so that when the bullet had gone the distance as the man ran, their paths would collide and the bullet would go through his head.

The rifle crackled as it moved up from the recoil as Alexis nodded seeing the man fall on the ground dead...

He then pulled the bolt as the bullet casing popped out and fell on the ground creating a high pitched noise as the bra.s.s cover rang on the rocks.

"Headshots are... hundred?" Alexis muttered as Sophia looked at him weirdly, she had some complicated feelings regarding this new era of warfare.

"Maybe... he is right" She told her herself and saw Alexis fired away the remaining cartridges inside the gun.


Princess Amelia, the eldest of the Satellian Empire"s Imperial children, the one who was tasked to bring peace to the world by the Administrator...

She was currently on her way to her father"s official room, The room where Emperors worked.

Amelia heard shouts coming from within and frowned.

The guards who were infront of the door gulped hearing the rage in the Emperor"s voice, but then they say their Princess and opened the door as she nodded and walked in...

"G.o.dd.a.m.n these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! It hasn"t even been two days since the Invasion and we have already lost two hundred thousand men!" Nartus roared and slammed his fist on the table.

The Generals of the Satellian Empire sighed solemnly.

"We need to keep defending and use the time to hurry the research on the new weapon!" A General said.

Everyone looked at him weirdly...

"What the h.e.l.l is this idiot spouting? That"s exactly what we have been doing since the beginning!" They shouted at him mentally and scoffed at the man"s words.

"Get out!" Nartus shouted at the man who then quickly ran away.

"Since when has my Empire been producing such horrible Generals?!" He thought angrily and gnashed his teeth.

"Father..." He heard his daughter"s melodious soft voice that entranced the younger Generals, everyone then turned to her as she smiled back at them...

"Amelia... now is not a good time to talk to me!" Nartus smiled wryly but Amelia shook her head.

"It"s fine, this is about the Empire anyways. Father I believe that we do not need to copy their technology and rather downgrade the weapon a bit so that production is easier..." Amelia stated.

"Downgrading... Have the blacksmiths figured out it"s mechanism?" The emperor asked the General responsible.

The said General nodded slowly and replied, "Indeed they have... but with our current technology, we cannot ma.s.s produce such complex weaponry!" He reported...

The atmosphere became tense after the General finished speaking.

"d.a.m.nnit... is there really no way?" Amelia cursed with a frown on her face.

The oldest man in the room, General Tyrus then crossed his arms and opened his mouth to speak.

"Your majesty, I believe we should surrender or even request a ceasefire..." He said as Nartus clenched his fists.

"An unconditional surrender in just two days of fighting?!" A few Generals frowned, it was simply humiliating to surrender... but this was was too devastating for the Satellians.

"Those moon lovers!" Everyone in the room cursed at the Lunar Empire.

"...What of their demands?" Someone spoke up as everyone focused their attention on the man, he was a young General and had a face quite pleasing to the eye, he glanced at Amelia a few times but stopped and controlled himself...

"What if they want the Empire? Your majesty, this is a risky option... who knows what those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are thinking!" The same person continued.

"We can"t help it at this point... I"m sure Aurelius is a reasonable man! It"s his son and his faction that did all these!" Nartus muttered and looked down.

"Son?" Amelia voiced out curiously as the young General felt threatened...

"The Crown Prince of the Grand Lunar Empire... he is around your age and a very powerful figure in his Empire, possibly even more influential than Aurelius himself..." Her father explained.

"My spies have gathered some information about him, he was apparently the one planning this... invasion! Aurelius would never do such a thing, he was probably overwhelmed by his war loving Generals..." The man tiredly sighed and relaxed on his throne...

"...Is he married?" Amelia asked her Father.

"I"m not so sure about that... why though?" Nartus asked his favourite child with a smile.

"Maybe the war will end if I marry him... I"m not trying to sound boastful of my looks but I"m sure he will find me pretty..." She mumbled.

"REJECTED!" Her father shouted as Amelia cowered under his scoldings.

"You will marry someone whom you truly love, not some war monger I have no clue of! Enough of this ridiculous conversation. Generals, prepare a letter and send it to Aurelius... Peace talks will be held in the Kingdom of Enleitz. The decision is final, until there is confirmation from the Lunarian side... we will be at war indefinitely..." He said in a voice of authority as the Generals kneeled.

"YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!" They shouted in unison and immediately exited the room.

Amelia was still inside the room as Nartus looked at her gently...

"Silly child, leave everything to me... you don"t have to think too much as of now. Your old man can still rule the country!" He laughed as Amelia smiled brightly.

"This world... I love it..." She thought and was more than determined to bring back the peace that was broken by the Crown Prince...

"That hateful b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I"ll make sure he suffers the worst death!" She added and walked out of the room as her eyes became cold.


"Your highness, what is the plan as of now?" A General asked Alexis, who was still wearing his General uniform.

"Our forces as of now number at around five million, the enemy has low morale... we can charge them and take over, a few kilometres from their side... but the problem is the fort!" Alexis stated and dragged his finger away from the base and pointed at the drawing of a fort in the large map that was on the wooden table...

"We have cannons for sieges but they are not as efficient as the howitzers being built! The enemy also has the higher ground as the fort is built on the foot of a mountain range..." He mumbled.

"We can charge the enemy... but with a cost!" Alexis ended and looked up at the Generals who were contemplating.

"If the problem is being seen... why not dig tunnels?" A General said as his colleagues laughed at him.

"HAHAHA! You sure know how to joke eh?" His friend nudged him with his elbow and giggled.

"No, that is a good idea!" Alexis chuckled as the Generals looked at him weirdly.

"We need to get close enough to the enemy but still stay away from their attacking range, this could take some time... but if we use around five thousand soldiers we can take over the fort!" Alexis smirked...

"If you haven"t forgotten already, we have plenty manpower!" He reminded them.

"Then we need to delay the reply of his majesty! He would definitely try to end the war fast..." An Old General informed the group as they turned to Alexis who nodded his head.

"Attack every messenger that crosses the border, leave none alive... we can let them sue for peace after we have taken the fort!" Alexis stated as the Generals chuckled, they were very happy with the war against the Satellian empire...

The main reason as to why Alexis was so adamant on taking over the fort was because it would leave the Satellian empire defenseless in the Lunar-Satellia front!

If the Lunar empire wanted to attack them, they could do so easily and make the Satellians capitulate and move to the other two great nations, in the case of a four way war that is...

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