Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System

Chapter 1097 Stupid G.o.ddess

Chapter 1097 Stupid G.o.ddess

"Why are you making fun of my name!? Did you think I wanted to be called G.o.ddess Killall!? Did you think I wanted to be a G.o.ddess who kills people!? Those crazy people kept coming up to me asking me to smite them day in and day out until I finally lost it one night when I was drunk and then…. Bam! Suddenly I am called G.o.ddess Killall!  I wanted to be called G.o.ddess Princess! Whaaaa!" The G.o.ddess known as G.o.ddess Killall broke down crying once more.

Rain held her head. She wanted to know what happened to her peaceful life. She just wanted to sit quietly, cultivate and do nothing but now…. First, it was the people of this world not leaving her alone and now the G.o.ddess of this world was having a mid life crisis. But most importantly… "Why would you even want to be named G.o.ddess Princess!?  What kind of c.r.a.ppy name is that!?"

"Wha!? What is wrong with G.o.ddess Princess!? You have no idea what is good! Your sense of taste is bad! Look at you! Look how you are dressed. So old fas.h.i.+on. You will never find a man like that! Especially with that flat chest!"  Said G.o.ddess Killall. Where she got the sudden energy to start pointing out Rain"s flaws was anyone"s guess but it seemed that Rain finally snapped. "Ow! Ow! Ow! My head! Stop! My head is going to be crushed!"

Dangling in the air, G.o.ddess Killall was lifted off the ground by her face. Rain eyes were as cold as ice as she squeezed harder on the stupid idiot G.o.ddess"s face. "You just said a lot of words poking at me in every direction. Now you want me to let you go after I retaliate!? 

"You are not even a real G.o.ddess! How did you even come to be known as a G.o.ddess in the first place!? Just because you came from a higher plane!? Did you know there are so many higher planes that you wouldn"t get there for hundreds of thousands of years!? You are so weak you did not even see me move!"  Rain laid into the dangling G.o.ddess over and over until she started to cry again. Rain let her go and let out a long annoyed sigh.

"How was I supposed to know there were more planes!? I was born here and ascended after I became powerful. I thought there was nothing higher than the plan I ascended to! Why are you so mean!? Is it because you are fla… Okay! I give! I give!" Once more the G.o.ddess of idiots found herself dangling in the air by her face.

Rain let the stupid G.o.ddess go once more and sat down in a chair she just created and crossed one leg over the other. With her arms crossed in front of her chest, she started: "Now tell me. If you disliked the whole G.o.ddess Killall t.i.tle, why the h.e.l.l did you keep up this farce!?"

  "I tried to get them to stop with the stupid t.i.tle, but they only kept pestering me. I got so sick of it I just gave up and started killing everyone! I destroyed cities and towns, but this only made them grow crazier, and now the whole d.a.m.n planet wors.h.i.+ps me as the ruler of all! They do not even dare to progress their technology any more than they have! For over ten thousand years, everything has stayed the same! I mean, where is the progress!? They only care about impregnating as many women as they can to make more offerings to me! I have no idea what is wrong with these people! I am so sick of it, but I do not have the strength to destroy the world…." The idiot G.o.ddess replied. She looked up at Rain with a look of desperation. 

"You are strong! Can you just destroy the entire planet!? I will be very happy if you get rid of it in one fell swoop, then I can be free! I can be free from it all!" At this point, Rain wondered if this idiot even realized that she had a huge smile on her face while making all kinds of poses in the sky when she first showed up, talking about how she was there to kill them all!

"Ummm, no. First off, I am leaving for a month. Second off, if you stop parading around as you have been then, then maybe they will stop wors.h.i.+ping you. h.e.l.l, go a few thousand years without showing yourself. They might have started to wors.h.i.+p the G.o.ddess of living or something." Rain suggested.

"I have…." The idiot G.o.ddess lowered her head. "I tried! I tried, and I tried! But even after a few thousand years, when I took a look at the world below, those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds were doing just fine praying to a statue of me! They would gather and beg for me to kill them all. To free them from their mortal bodies. I mean, are they that stupid!? Maybe I should just go out there and kill a bunch of them so I can go back home and read the next book in that series." 

"I think you should fix your issue first. If you just ignored them altogether, you wouldn"t be back here. But you did not ignore them. But instead of just taking a peek, you came down and killed them. You are only digging your own graze. I really have never met such a stupid person before. Well, maybe not the stupidest, but very close to it. I will say this now. You and your crazy cult should just leave me alone!" Rain yelled out before picking the stupid G.o.ddess up by her head once more and tossing her out the door.

Rain dusted her hands off and waved her hand, setting up a barrier to block anyone from bothering her. Why she did not do this in the first place? Only Rain would know….

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