Reborn Girl's New Life

Chapter 671 Truth or Not

Chapter 671 Truth or Not

When the screen turned black, people present frowned.

However, Xia Binger breathed a sigh of relief immediately after frowning.

A maid came to tell Chu Mochen’s parents, “Mr. and Mrs. Chu, it’s an electrical fault.”

Hearing it, Xia Binger let out a long sigh of relief unnoticed.

Song Yunxuan turned her head to glance at Mei Qi.

Mei Qi didn’t say anything, but Song Yunxuan knew it was most likely done by Mei Qi.

However, she didn’t expect that Mei Qi would do it.

If it had not been the power outage, the wrong scene would have appeared in the video, and she would not have known how to deal with it.

Xia Binger breathed a sigh of relief but was nervous again, afraid that Song Yunxuan would have other tricks.

However, Song Yunxuan turned to look at Xia Binger and said nothing.

Seeing that the situation had changed, Chu Mochen’s parents said to Song Yunxuan, “We will see the video after the circuit is repaired.”

Song Yunxuan knew Mr. Chu and Mrs. Chu probably had other ideas.

Song Yunxuan nodded, “Okay.”

When Song Yunxuan just finished saying this, Chu Mochen’s mother raised her hand to rub the temple lightly, “I’m tired.”

Chu Mochen’s father cherished his wife, and Chu Mochen took after him. Hearing Mrs. Chu’s words, he immediately said, “Go to rest.”


Mrs. Chu nodded and turned around to go upstairs.

When she reached the second floor, she turned to look at Xia Binger and Song Yunxuan in the living room and said, “Shall we discuss it tomorrow? Binger, stay at our house for one night.”

Hearing Mrs. Chu’s words, Mr. Chu didn’t object. He nodded and said, “That’s good.”

Then, Chu Mochen’s mother went back to her bedroom.

Xia Binger saw that it would take one more day to resolve the matter and was afraid that something unexpected would happen. She wanted to urge Mr. Chu to settle the matter first.

However, she didn’t dare to say it bluntly because if the video evidence was true, she would be miserable.

Therefore, after considering, she covered her face and started sobbing.

And she cried harder and harder as if she would cry to death like this.

Song Yunxuan pursed her lips and watched Xia Binger cry, saying nothing.

Seeing Xia Binger crying so much, Mr. Chu said, “You can go back. I will call you to confront each other tomorrow.”

Song Yunxuan knew that Mr. Chu was talking about herself. She glanced at Xia Binger and said, “OK. Mr. Chu, I’m leaving.”

Mr. Chu nodded.

Song Yunxuan winked at Mei Qi. Then, she and Mei Qi left the Chu Family together.

As soon as they walked out of the door of the Chu Family, Mei Qi said, “Was my response great?”

Song Yunxuan looked around and confirmed that no one was following them. Then, she said to Mei Qi, “A reckless move. You almost put us in danger.”

“Manager Song, you are so clever. You will never put yourself in danger.”

“It’s hard to say.”

Song Yunxuan didn’t make any other explanations and got into the car with Mei Qi.

After they got into the car, Song Yunxuan made a call. Mei Qi didn’t know who the call was to but knew it was an important call after hearing what Song Yunxuan said on the phone.

Song Yunxuan frowned and asked the other end, “Not done yet?”

Hearing Song Yunxuan’s voice, the other end felt a little stressed, “Manager Song, this is really a technical job.”

“Of course, it is a technical job. Otherwise, I would not ask you to do it.”

Hearing Song Yunxuan’s words, the other end became speechless.

He only said, “Manager Song, where should we send the person?”

“Hide the person first. I will tell you when the time comes.”


Song Yunxuan only hung up after agreeing with the other end.

Mei Qi didn’t know what Song Yunxuan arranged. He pursed his lips and asked Song Yunxuan, “Manager Song, did you arrange anything?”

“The same thing.”

“Manager Song, are you referring to Xia Binger’s matter?”

Mei Qi asked Song Yunxuan.

Song Yunxuan nodded, “Yes. Xia Binger schemed against me. I naturally need to give her a gift in return.”

Hearing Song Yunxuan’s words, Mei Qi felt it was her manner and made no further comments.

Song Yunxuan and Mei Qi went back to the Song Family.

Xia Binger was terror-stricken.

She wanted to make a call in the room but thought the Chu Family might send someone to monitor her, so she dared not to make the call.

At night, Xia Binger saw Mrs. Chu drinking soup and went up to her. With a pair of tearful red eyes, she asked Mrs. Chu, “Mrs. Chu, are you well?”

“Better.” Mrs. Chu sighed after seeing Xia Binger.

Next to her was a picture of her grandson, which Xia Binger showed her.

She really wanted to see her grandson.

However, no one could expect that a woman would tell them that they had a grandson who was dead.

This matter made her anxious, especially after Xia Binger said that Song Yunxuan killed her grandson.

Song Yunxuan was also pregnant with their grandson.

Mrs. Chu was filled with a myriad of thoughts and ideas. She doubted Xia Binger and didn’t trust Song Yunxuan, unable to make a decision.

Xia Binger saw that Mrs. Chu was frowning and knew that what happened today made her feel irritable. She approached Mrs. Chu and said to her, “Mrs. Chu, Boer was a docile child.”

Mrs. Chu frowned and sighed when she heard Xia Binger mention the dead child, who might be her grandson.

“The child is dead. What’s your purpose of saying it?”

Xia Binger was reminded and remembered that the child was dead. She shed tears in an instant and cried, “Mrs. Chu, I miss Boer so much.”

As she said, tears kept falling.

Seeing Xia Binger crying like this, Mrs. Chu reached out and pulled a tissue for her.

Xia Binger took the tissue and wiped her tears.

She continued to talk about the child’s cuteness and docility.

Listening to her crying, Mrs. Chu felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Nevertheless, the child did not grow up by her side, and she had never seen him. Therefore, though she was happy when someone told her that she had a grandson, she was sad but not heartbroken when knowing her grandson had been dead.

She only watched Xia Binger crying beside her and kept sighing.

After a while, she might get annoyed by Xia Binger’s crying and found an excuse to go back to the room.

As soon as Mrs. Chu entered the room, Mr. Chu asked her, “Do you think which one of the two told the truth?”

“I don’t know.” Mrs. Chu shook her head, “The child in the photo Xia Binger showed is a lot like Mochen when he was a kid. If the child were still alive, we could confirm whether he is our grandson when we see him with our own eyes. Unfortunately, the child died.”

“Not only did he die, but he died in a strange car accident, which ruined his appearance. He was unrecognizable.”

“That’s why I said it was suspicious, and I can’t completely believe Xia Binger.”

Mr. Chu fell silent.

Mrs. Chu suddenly remembered the unfinished video and said to Mr. Chu, “There is the video, isn’t there?”

Hearing Mrs. Chu mentioned the video, Mr. Chu knitted his brows and said, “The video is fake.”

After the circuit failure was repaired, Mr. Chu watched the video. That was simply fake, in which no one appeared.

Mrs. Chu frowned, “Since it is fake, did Song Yunxuan deceive Xia Binger on purpose?”

“Yes. Song Yunxuan also doubts Xia Binger and the child.”

“Did Song Yunxuan really kill that child?”

Mr. Chu frowned and said nothing.

Mrs. Chu said, “It was true that when Xia Binger found us, we were very dissatisfied with Song Yunxuan. Song Yunxuan said she was pregnant with Mochen’s child, but she has been engaged with Lu Feng. Regarding this, we had a big dispute with her and gradually became estranged from each other.”

Hearing what Mrs. Chu had said, Mr. Chu said, “Do you mean that Xia Binger deliberately provoked the relationship between Song Yunxuan and us?”

“It’s possible. Still, there’s a possibility that Xia Binger really had Mochen’s son and Song Yunxuan killed him. Both you and I know Song Yunxuan is full of conspiracies and plots.”

Chu Mochen’s parents knew exactly what Song Yunxuan was.

All the way from the Song Family to the Chu Family and the Lu Family, Song Yunxuan was seeking helpers.

She used these helpers to get what she wanted and achieve her goals.

No one would say that Song Yunxuan was heartless, but no one dared to say that she had feelings.

Because Song Yunxuan didn’t seem to care whether the method to her goal was aboveboard.

“If Song Yunxuan wants to take some advantages from our Chu Family, she won’t let Xia Binger and the child appear in front of us. If Xia Binger and the child become the heirs of our Chu Family, Song Yunxuan will lose our help.”

Mrs. Chu said, “This is the only reason that can explain why Song Yunxuan killed that child.”

Frowning, Mr. Chu listened to Mrs. Chu’s a.n.a.lysis and didn’t speak anything for a long while.

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Mrs. Chu felt strange and asked him, “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing. Wait until tomorrow. It’s too complicated.”

Mr. Chu also felt troublesome and raised his hand to gently rub the eyebrows.

Mrs. Chu sighed, nodded, and went to bed.

Left alone in the living room by Mrs. Chu, Xia Binger was agitated.

She waited until midnight, sneaked out of the room, came to the garden, and made a phone call.

As soon as the phone was answered, the voice of an impatient man came, asking her, “Didn’t I say you couldn’t call?”

“Things changed. Song Yunxuan has evidence against me.”

As she said this, the man’s voice became cold, “What’s the evidence?”

“She said that she had surveillance video, which could prove that the child’s photo has been photoshopped.”

Hearing Xia Binger’s words, the man immediately said, “She was lying to you.”

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