So the 3 months pa.s.sed and our research advance another stage on the curse seals and bloodline limits. We discovered that it was easier to implant the artificial Bloodline if the user had at least one of the elemental affinities. This would make it so the user won"t waste or over use chakra more than necessary. If implanted on somebody without non of the affinities, we could still successfully in-plant the curse seal with the Kekkai Gekkai but he would use double the chakra necessary to use the moves.

You wondered where we got test subjects so early right....Well, Orochimaru use his contacts with Root to get some inmates that were about to be sentence to death. Orochi just pa.s.s it as he needed test subjects for the seal we were developing for the medical department and needed some human trial before being officially release. Orochimaru once he got his results did ended killing the subjects since they were criminals and only were used for data gathering.

Since our venture was giving fruits we decided we needed somebody to work on the medical department. I convince Orochimaru since he already caught up with Tsunade"s medical expertise to be the new Medical head in charge. This could give him more power on collecting data and even willing volunteers for the Artificial Kekkai Gekkai Project. If this bear more fruits we could get some funding from the village council since war times were approaching and we both new it.

So both Orochimaru and me decided to report our research and success on the Medical seals that we develop for the medical branch. Orochimaru even willingly release some of his develop curse seal with the ability of the Mystic Palm. He inform this was develop for the new recruits that knew about medicine and surgical procedures but lack the talent for the mystic palm and chakra scalpel.This curse seals could grant the user artificial pre-program jutsus based on both. This curse seals were program also so if they ever get killed they will be erased from the body not leaving a trace. Cutting the arm with the curse seal was also a big no, no. Since we manage to put a security system that only works while its connected to the individuals chakra network. Even if they manage to get their hands on the curse seals they were design for the user it was inscripted on and work only with the user chakra signature.

We seriously put allot of security measures since we didn"t want it to fall on enemies hands. If by miracle they even got it....well they needed to be seal masters. Which at the moment only me, Orochimaru and maybe Gekko, Kusei, Raido and Kushina were capable of deciphering it. Don"t forget they first needed to know high advance Medical knowledge since we also use that for our research on this seals.(So almost impossible for it to fall on enemies hands).

The Hokage was beyond impress and couldn"t believe how much we created within this 3 months. My father also reminded me that I never picked up my chunnin coat and he had it still with him. So he pa.s.s it to me, the coat was st.u.r.dy and heavy since it had metal plates within it to give extra protection.

Orochimaru also throw the bomb to Hiruzen that he was interested to expand into the Medical field and wanted to be the new head of the Medical department or at least to have the same level of authority. Since he said he was not dropping from  Anbu but when he was around the village he wanted to keep working on the medical field, helping teach new recruits since he notice the lack of medical ninjas. Also he wanted to expand his curse seals of Mystic Palm and Chakra Scalpel to worthy individual with medical knowledge and skills but lack the control of chakra necessary for the field. Like this he could create instant medics for the battle field.

The Hokage agree to give Orochimaru equal authorization as the Head of the Medical department, since Orochimaru will also be teaching medicine at least 1 week out of the month. Hiruzen approve the curse seal program to those worthy of it to expand the medical ninjas reserves. He said that his other research of the curse seals Kekkai Gekkai was a more sensitive topic and needed to be discuss with the other clans heads and the council.

My dad also throw me his own bomb...figurative obviously. He inform me about the new program branch that was funded by the Lord of Fire Daimyo himself. He explain me if I was willing to give away my SwordG.o.d and WaterG.o.d sword style to the village. This was going to be considered a S-rank or even SS-rank contribution to the village since it was important to them since it was being backup by the Daimyo and they didn"t want to look bad or dissapoint him.

In short they not only wanted to me to give away my sword styles but also have me teach new recruits, he did inform me that I was not the only one since most of my Sword Club members also had the qualifications to teach there and could make it a monthly mission for them to teach making it a C-rank or B-rank mission.

I accepted and release out of my storage seal on my wrists some booklets out and pa.s.s them to my father. On them I had a systematic approach for learning the SwordG.o.d Style up to the King rank. I did said to my dad I was only willing to teach, give out the info up to King rank of the SwordG.o.d Style. I gave him the requisites for anyone that wanted King Rank needed to give  contributions to the village by either creating their own moves, and sharing them, exchanging them for ninjutsu/techniques the village doesn"t have, or by accomplishing specific missions that the Hokage deem worthy for them to learn the King Rank techniques.

For the WaterG.o.d I gave him all of it, and explained that this was develop for the sword but it wasn"t only meant for it but for any type of weapon. So since it was way more complex system to learn I was willing to share it all and all depended on the individuals talent and pa.s.sion to try to master the 5 concepts of this style. I did gave him the requirements for the ranks, which he said where really hard to achieve and even could take a life time. I agree but that was the goal to master all of them if possible.

He did inform me that Might Gal was going to be the main instructor since she was a gennin and had more free time compared to every one else since they all got promoted to chunnin. I agree since she had the best program to help temper the body at the fastest speeds which was beneficial for the SwordG.o.d style.

I also recommended Raido to teach since he didn"t manage to reach the finals and he also didn"t manage chunnin. D-rank missions was not his style and would be more than glad to teach instead of doing house hold My dad took note to that and added him to teach next to Gal. He was going to teach every now and then and the tasks would be considered C-rank or B-rank depending of how many days he teaches. It also double as training for them since they had the time to practice the style so much more.

We kept talking about the program known as Sword Order and how he was planning of expanding it and make it available to everyone willing to venture on it. He was even going to give the chance to students that did not manage to meet the requirements for the ninja academy, and was planning on making it for those that were still willing but would become tai jutsu sword specialist. At least giving a chance to those not having the chakra to accomplish ninjutsu or genjutsu, as long they put the effort they too could become"s of the village.

Once we finished talking about the details and me giving my booklets so Hiruzen could have a publisher to ma.s.s produce for the academy instructor to also learn, since they will need teachers with experience in combat to teach. One volunteer who jumped into the project was the teacher of Alvin and Po. While having both as students he also pick up some of the techniques of the SwordG.o.d and WaterG.o.d so he volunteer to be a instructor.


Once we left from my father"s office I inform to Orochimaru that if he wanted his project to be approved he needed the connections of Danzo, I told him to convince Danzo with some of our projects being available to root since that would also give us more test subjects to work on our curse seals. I also told him to approach Fugaku the Uchiha clan head to throw him the deal of the Bloodline Amplification seals we created, in exchange for their cooperation on the project of the Curse Seals Kekkai Gekkai.

If you wondering what is the Bloodline Amplification Seal project. Well basically we manage a way to help awaken and multiply the cells that hold the most potential of the user, giving it the blessing of awakening his dormant genes. Example is like a Uchiha from the side branch, who never managed awaken his sharingan for having a thin bloodline/diluted.

Well this seal helps purify his bloodline in a sense, releasing his full potential and awakening his bloodline which in his case would be the sharingan. This was going to be our betting card to convince Fugaku to join our enterprises and see if he was willing to convince some Uchihas to join Konoha"s Medical department since they were being isolated being the Military police which was hurting them more in the public image in the view of the citizens. Now it all depended on Orochimaru successfully convincing him. I did warn him to keep a eye out for Danzo since for some reason he despises Uchihas.

If he was not successful I was going to approach Alvin Uchiha since I was close to him and I knew he was influencial with the younger generation since he been proving himself to be talented. I also wanted to see if we could correct this vision with a type of chakra laser surgery to get rid of his farsighted vision he was born with.


(some days later)

I got inform by Orochimaru he manage to convince Fugaku, to send some of his clan members interested on medical ninjutsu that he himself was going to tutor in exchange he was going to use the first Bloodline Amp seals on them to prove they work. After that Fugaku was going to cooperate by giving samples of Uchiha blood/tissues and even give a pair of eyes to us in exchange for us on researching a way to get rid of the blindness effect of the Magenkyou Sharingan. Which Orochimaru totally accepted. One of the steps was to first to repair the vision of Alvin since he was born far sighted.

We made an appointment on the medical facilities and successfully manage to repair Alvin"s vision to a perfect 20/20. We even intergrated a healing curse seal specifically for his eyes.This would make sure he no longer goes blind. Which this brought our discovery that maybe this could also work on the Mangekyou Sharingan.(since lazer surgery is only temporary fix...over time the vision again slowly deteriorates and would need fixing again)

After our success with Alvin we reported the results to Fugaku which he gladly was surprise. We even told him we may have actually found a way to stop the deterioration of the eyes for the over use of the Magenkyou Sharingan. 

Fugaku volunteer to go with the same procedure Alvin went but told us to keep it a secret, since he was the only M. Sharingan user in the clan, so Fugaku got integrated with the Curse seal of healing eyes.

Fugaku was not suffering from blindness but wanted a rea.s.surance if he ever over use it he didn"t wanted to go blind, we also integrated the security measures on the seal so n.o.body could steal its secrets apart from Fugaku that is, since we made a deal with him to get permission to try to replicate the sharingan.

We did told him we most likely couldn"t imitate M. Sharingan since they were unique to their blood but we could most likely accomplish to copy up to a 3-tomoe but it would require more chakra than usual compared to a Uchiha. He agree and gave us his blessings since he also had Uchiha"s under Orochimaru"s wings.

(this was going to be a long term project is not like before since I am not going to be around as much to help Orochimaru and he now will be a medical teacher cutting some of his time on his research.)


(At the Hokage with the Council meeting and Clan heads)

Hokage: "I have called upon this meeting to inform of some new changes that are going to happen in Konoha. Before we start does anyone has something to say or address?"

Danzo: "I do, I wanted to inform that I wanted to open a new program. I will be funding it, so not problem on that front, I just need your permission since it also involves your ANBU."

Hokage: "What is this program that also includes my ANBU?"

Danzo: "This program is going to teach a particular set of skills require for the elites of ANBU and ROOT members. Here is a list of the program and what the members will be able to achive under it. You will see that it will benefit both of us, as well it will benefit Konoha to elevate the quality of our Anbu." He said as he pa.s.s the some papers to Hiruzen to read.

Hokage: " Do you have more copies could you please pa.s.s some to the other clan members. This may convince some of their clan members to actually enroll to anbu" He said as he was reading.

Danzo: "I do, here I got more copies." he took out some more out and pa.s.s it to the clan heads.

Inuzuka clan head: "Are you sure this is true? Anyone willing to join Root or Anbu will be able to learn this techniques? Are this  techniques for real? Are they really capable to do what is written here?"

Danzo: "I a.s.sure you everything written there is true. But has you see it requires effort to achieve such results. This program will boost our Anbu"s strength as well we would be one of the first to have"s capable of flight similar or at least close to the Tsuchikage. If you decide to sent some of your clan members to my Root I will a.s.sure you they will be able to do all that is written there, since my Root"s training is more harsh but accomplish fast and better results." he said with a convincing smile.

Inuzuka Head: "I"ll think about it, what is the difference if I decide to sent some to the Hokage"s Anbu?"

Danzo: "Well, there are 3 more techniques not included in the curriculum only available to my Root and those techniques are incredibly powerful. Since Root came out with it we obviously reserve those to our group." he said in a stoic manner.

Hokage: "Well is fair after all this was created by Root so they having some extra skill not in the curriculum is understandable."

Fugaku: "Since we are talking about people joining Anbu. I recommend Alvin Uchiha to join the Hokages Anbu unit. I have talk to Alvin and he doesn"t want to join the Military Police. He wanted to join Anbu. I know Hokage you will benefit from a Uchiha with such talents after all he as awaken his sharingan to a 3-tomoe." he said with a confident smile.

Hokage:" Did he agree?....I see then I will accept the proposal. Let Alvin report to my office tomorrow morning I will a.s.sign him a position on my Anbu." he said with a smile, since the Uchiha were prideful and never accepted other responsibilities out side of the Military Police.

Danzo: "Won"t you send any Uchiha to my Root? We seriously need competent and the sharingan would totally benefit my units." said to Fugaku in a amicable tone.

Fugaku: "I am so sorry Lord Danzo but I have already deploy some to the Medical department. I think the Hokage was going to talk about that." he said with a smile.

Hokage: "Indeed I was going to report about that. So lets return to briefing about the changes. Danzo, I approve of this cross training program for recruits of Root and ANBU, you got full permission, just inform me when the trainings will be to send my ANBU"s." he said to Danzo who had a inquiring look about the Uchiha"s joining the Med dept.

Danzo: "Understood, I"ll send you the training times." he said with a nod.

Hokage: "Okay, so as I was saying, I have appointed a new co-head to the Medic ninja department. Could you please step up Orochimaru." he pointed to Orochi who was standing next to him in a white professional medic suit.

Orochimaru: "h.e.l.lo, everyone as you see I been in the last few months learning everything I could. With the help of Tsunade"s medical research and with the help of the medical staff at the hospital, I have learn allot, I promised the Hokage I would show some results that benefited the Medical department. So I wanted to show you myself about some projects I and helper manage to accomplish to do." he said as he took out several types of seals.

After that Orochimaru started talking like a sales man trying to caught everyones attention and explaining his advances he made in medicine, insinuating his genius several times as he explain how they work. He reveal the Hemolytic Seals, Mystic Palm Seals, and the most important the Self-Regenerating seal that was going to be implemented at the Konoha Medical Ninja Hospital.

The council couldn"t stop but to praise the developments of Orochimaru on the medical field. They understood well why Hiruzen had appointed him as the new co-head of the medic department.

There shock didn"t stop there as he reveal about he Medical Ninja Corps program. This was a program for talented individual with deep knowledge on medicine but didn"t had the chakra control for Mystic Palm or Chakra Scalpel. Reveling his Curse Seals with pre-program jutsus like Mystic Palm and Chakra Scalpel, similar to the seals he develop. This could help create fast medic ninjas in time of need if war ever break out.

This. .h.i.t them like a bomb to the council, but what came out more was when Orochimaru claim he could create artificial bloodlines similar to the real ones. He just needed permission, funding and possible specimens. Like maybe death row inmates or war criminals. He insure that he would have contingency plans for if anything went wrong and had a type of kill switch on such persons.

The council and clan members were not sure about such ventures. Danzo on the other hand approve of such venture giving his approval since that could strenghten Konoha"s military. Another surprise was that the Uchiha also back up Orochimaru.

Which caught Danzo off guard. Later explaining about also teaching new medic recruits personally, having taken some Uchiha"s under his wings since they were fast learners thanks to their sharingans.

By the end of the meeting most of the clan pa.s.s on the approval of Orochimaru"s Kekkai Gekkai curse seals but was put under S-rank secret to make sure this project was not leak out from Konoha.

Also the Inuzuka volunteer 3 clan members to join Root and 4 members to join the Hokage ANBU. From the Uchiha apart from Alvin who got recommended, 1 other who join Root that member was Ren Uchiha who also partic.i.p.ated on the 3rd phase chunnin exams.

With the meeting over, every one got out happy...since Danzo manage to get a Uchiha on his Root program he didn"t complain about the rest of the meeting.


(By: Author, thanks for watching, thank you are not needed and prefer chapter comments and opinions. What do you think about Orochimaru being the new Head of the medical department?)

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