As Zhang Fang was still confined in the hospital, w.a.n.g Dahu’s group went directly to the hospital instead of stopping by their home.

The baby was born on time. At a glance, it was white and chubby, incredibly cute, making the two old people stare for a long time, smiling until their faces were full of wrinkles. w.a.n.g Dahu went to Zhang Fang’s bedside and worriedly asked, “Mom, how are you?”

As soon as his grandparents walked through the door, they were in such a rush to see their new grandchild that they neglected to ask about their daughter in law. It was human nature, but in her heart, she felt a bit uncomfortable. Now, hearing her eldest son’s caring voice, Zhang Fang’s eyes reddened and she caught him in an excited hug, “Mommy’s fine, just missed Dahu. Dahu, did you miss mom?”


From the moment Zhang Fang was found pregnant and w.a.n.g Dahu stayed at his grandparent’s house, the mother and child only met a few times. Naturally, she would miss her son. Seeing his wife’s red eyes, w.a.n.g Guangzong rushed over and advised, “Fang Er, be careful of your eyes, losing weight the first month after giving birth isn’t a good thing.” Dahu’s grandparents finally noticed their daughter in law’s condition, and followed up with more advice.

Zhang Fang held back her tears, smiled and said “Mother, father, these past few months, Little Tiger has been in your care.”

“What are you talking about? Dahu is our precious grandson.” Grandma hated hearing these kinds of polite words, “And you even worked hard to give birth to another child. You are a great hero, mother and father can’t thank you enough, what’s a little tiredness?

“Mother!” Zhang Fang emotionally cried out.

Actually, she didn’t want to give birth to this child, because they didn’t have “Planned Parenthood.” Giving birth to a child was easy, keeping it was hard. However, she could see that her husband really wanted this child. If she had an abortion, there would definitely be a rift between husband and wife and they wouldn’t be as loving as before. Then again, the fetus in her womb was a part of her, how could she have the heart to relentlessly destroy it? She hesitated, time dragged on day by day, until the child was fully developed. This child just didn’t want to die.

“Fang Er, don’t worry!” The old woman sat down next to her daughter in law, holding her grandchild with one arm, and firmly holding her daughter in law’s hands with the other. “Let us old people worry about Dahu. You take the little one and worry about getting well soon before anything else.”


Dahu watched his mother carry a hint of sadness within her happiness and gently sighed. He knew what she was worrying about. In his past life, because Xiaohu was just born, in order to make s.p.a.ce for him, w.a.n.g Dahu was temporarily sent far away to his maternal grandparents. They only intended to avoid making a big deal, but who knew that six years would pa.s.s before w.a.n.g Dahu finally returned to his house when he entered junior high school. Because of this, Zhang Fang felt guilty towards her oldest son, so she spoiled him more than anyone else.

However, w.a.n.g Dahu contemplated, this lifetime will probably be different. His paternal grandparents had a harmonious relations.h.i.+p with his parents, there was no need to send him far away. In other words, until he graduated elementary school, he should be able to stay in Xing Ye Village.

One household cheerfully exchanged pleasantries for a while before w.a.n.g Guangzong drove everyone back home.

In the evening, grandma used the chicken they raised to make a soup, the scent was enough to make people drool. She saved a bit for w.a.n.g Dahu to drink and packed the rest up. Later, the two old people would go to the hospital to bring food to Zhang Fang. w.a.n.g Dahu didn’t go with them, he stayed at home. Zhang Fang recovered quickly, on the fifth day, she was allowed to go home. However, her pelvis had not recovered, so she could only lie on the bed.

One day, w.a.n.g Dahu was sitting at the bedside, cutting apples for his mother. Suddenly he heard the chime of the electric door bell. He hastily wore his sandals and immediately saw a Chihuahua in his peripheral vision.

“Uncle!!!!” w.a.n.g Dahu threw open the door, and exclaimed loudly.

w.a.n.g Yaozu[1] saw his nephew and his handsome face was immediately all smiles, his round dark eyes transformed into smiling crescents.

He specifically came to see the newborn, not this one! As soon as he held the child in his arms, he refused to put it down!

“If you like children so much, you should hurry up and find your significant other, and quickly get married!” Grandma saw his actions and nagged nonstop, “You’re already twenty-two and your work is stable. This is the perfect time, hurry up and form a family, so that I can die without regrets!”

The youngest son and the grandchildren were the old woman’s treasures.

From youth, w.a.n.g Yaozu was spoiled by the old woman more than anyone else, so he developed an innocent temperament. Because of that, the old lady was even more restless. She needed to find a reliable daughter in law. However, no matter how much she spoke about it, her son kept refusing, really vexing the old woman.

“Mom…” w.a.n.g Yaozu’s tender white skin flushed a rosy red with embarra.s.sment, “I-I don’t want to find a significant other right now.”

“Then, when do you plan to?”

“I, I…” w.a.n.g Yaozu lowered his gaze and mumbled, further annoying the old lady, who scolding him until Zhang Fang interceded.

w.a.n.g Dahu looked at his uncle’s face obviously fall and couldn’t help but secretly sigh.

In China, in a conservative family like theirs, the sudden appearance of a “h.o.m.os.e.xual” was unacceptable, so w.a.n.g Yaozu didn’t dare to admit it. He wasn’t ashamed of his s.e.xual orientation, but he was worried that his parents would be traumatized. This kind of pain of having a lover that you couldn’t admit to in public was a torture most people could not possibly endure. Thinking about his past life, in which staying by Li Qingran’s side made his parents’ heart break and caused chaos in the household, he immediately felt extremely uncomfortable.

For a moment, the room was quiet, the uncle and nephew quietly thought about their own issues.

w.a.n.g Yaozu stayed for one night and went home the next day. w.a.n.g Dahu also had to go back to school soon. It had been one week since he saw Li Qingran, he missed the other boy to death and wanted to go home soon. Zhang Fang thought that her son was “studious” and was scared that he would fall behind in the school curriculum and felt guilty. When leaving, Zhang Fang prepared some snacks that he still liked, and sneaked him 100 yuan so that he could buy whatever he wanted, no need to hold back.

With that, under his parent’s reluctant gaze and the sound of the baby’s gurgling, w.a.n.g Dahu returned to Xing Ye Village.

When he got back to the village, it was already dark. w.a.n.g Dahu didn’t go look find Li Qingran, thinking that after all, there was school tomorrow on Monday, so he wasn’t in a hurry at the moment. After a peaceful night’s rest, the next day, w.a.n.g Dahu was as vibrant and cheerful as “the motherland’s flowers”.

However, he didn’t expect that he wouldn’t see Li Qingran at school. The seat next to him was empty from morning until evening.

What exactly was going on? With Ran Ran’s personality, he definitely wouldn’t cut Could something have happened in the few days he wasn’t here?

All of his cla.s.smates said that since four days ago, no one saw Li Qingran go to school. Their homeroom teacher, Miss Zhao, said she went to Li Qingran’s house and found an adult from his family, who said that Li Qingran wasn’t allowed to go to school any more.

Which adult?

Could Li Zhanggui or Kong Xiumei have reutrned?

As soon as he thought that, w.a.n.g Dahu couldn’t sit or stand still. He didn’t wait for the school to dismiss him, climbed the back wall, and ran straight to Li Qingran’s house.

Pus.h.i.+ng aside the simple door, w.a.n.g Dahu’s brows instantly furrowed.

The ground was littered with chicken manure and duck feces, giving the courtyard the stench of death. Not only that, the vegetables that Li Qingran carefully cultivated on the week days were destroyed. Nothing was left, only the large footsteps from someone stomping on the soil. The house that was supposed to be neat and tidy now transformed into a pig sty.

He suppressed his anger and rage. Right now, the most important thing was to find Li Qingran as soon as possible.

The house door wasn’t locked, he pushed it open and walked in.

w.a.n.g Dahu walked directly into the back rooms and saw a person sprawled on the bed and snoring. He was close enough to see that the person wasn’t anyone else, it was Ran Ran’s aunt———— Yang Li.

Looking at this————

w.a.n.g Dahu seemed to suddenly understand everything, his eyes instantly reddened.

He ran outside to fill a pot with cold water and went to the courtyard to find a rough stick.

The entire pot of cold water whirled onto the sleeping woman’s face, Yang Li screamed “Aaaaaaaaahhhhh” in terror.

w.a.n.g Dahu ignored her, he got up on the bed, gripped the stick in his hands, and released a ruthless barrage onto Yang Li’s body. Yang Li ate the pain and screamed in agony, but w.a.n.g Dahu was merciless, madly smas.h.i.+ng downwards a few dozen times. He attacked until there wasn’t a spot up and down Yang Li’s body without a bruise before stopping his hand.

“Speak! Where did you hide Ran Ran!” w.a.n.g Dahu sat on the woman’s body, the stick in his hand was forced against her neck.

Being splashed by in the face by w.a.n.g Dahu’s cold water in the middle of her sleep and then beaten severely, Yang Li was stupefied. Right now, she only knew fear. Furthermore, w.a.n.g Dahu continued using the stick to press down on her neck, scaring her even more.

“I don’t know! I really don’t know!” Yang Li yelped in terror, “That b.a.s.t.a.r.d ran on his own! It’s got nothing to do with me!”

Hearing that, the anger in w.a.n.g Dahu’s eyes burned fiercer. He grabbed Yang Li’s head and, BAMー slammed it downward.

Yang Li yelped, the nape of her neck started bleeding.

“I’ll ask one more time, where is Ran Ran?”

w.a.n.g Dahu’s voice was cold, overflowing with danger.

Yang Li’s entire body trembled like a blender, extremely terrified, and immediately stuttered.

“Th-Three days ago, he went out to the hill out back, a-and never came back!”

Translator’s Notes:

[1]Wow, holy c.r.a.p, I must not have been paying attention because I called him Youzu 11 times in chapter 6. Pretty sure his name is Yaozu.

I have no idea what some of the “advice” given in this chapter means lol

w.a.n.g Dahu: (#’m’)/ Don’t touch muh waifu! Dahu is a proper gong/seme unlike our dear White Lotus, but Lian Hua ah, he’s too cute (>wO)b

Translator’s Notes:

Alright, I’ll be translating White Lotus until that arc ends. Then I’m translating an arc of Reborn Only to Love You Again, which is… not nearly as popular, but hey, there needs to be more variety in the BL translation community, and people need their sappy love stories.

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