Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 860 - 860: Danger In The Plane

Chapter 860 - 860: Danger In The Plane

Both Yu Qi and Long Hui went to the airport after lunch. According to their plan before, they would leave after breakfast. However, since they already woke up late in the morning, they changed the plan.

Yu Qi still could not look at Long Hui in the eye because she would remember the scene from last night. How bold was she to play like that?

They would not be boarding the normal plane but a private flight. No need to wait for others to board the flight.

"You will not look at me?" Long Hui asked.

At that time, they were already in the sky. So, they were free to move around.


"Well, what?"

"I am just feeling shy right now."

Long Hui smiled as he heard the answer from Yu Qi.

"After all of that?" Long Hui teased.

"Stop." Yu Qi pouted.

"Okay... Okay... I will not tease you anymore. But can I hold your hand during this flight?" Long Hui requested.

"Okay." Yu Qi agreed.

Long Hui without any restrictions, held Yu Qi"s hand. Sometimes, he was rubbing her fingers.



A loud sound could be heard and the plane was shaking. Everyone on the plane was shocked as they grabbed on something to hold on to.

Yu Qi and Long Hui looked at each other with serious expressions. After the shaking had stopped, both Yu Qi and Long Hui stood up and went to the c.o.c.kpit area where the pilots were working.

The crews wanted them to sit on their seats but how could they listen to them right now.

In the c.o.c.kpit, there were two pilots that currently tried to control the plane.

"What has happened?" Long Hui asked with a serious tone.

" One of our engines has exploded suddenly. The cause is still unknown. We still have one engine to use but..." The pilot answered.

"Any other problem?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yes. The fire from the explosion is spreading to other places. It will be dangerous if the other engine also catches fire and we have just found that the fuel is also not enough to continue to fly to FINN City." The pilot explained.

"How much longer can the plane hold on?" Long Hui asked.

"Probably 45 minutes. We need to land quickly. But there is not runaway nearby." The pilot added another problem.

Long Hui was silent as he thought about something.

"Brother Hui, should I use..."

"Shhh... Don"t." Long Hui put his finger on his lips.

He knew what Yu Qi wanted to suggest. She probably thought to use her s.p.a.ce. But Long Hui would not allow it. Her s.p.a.ce should be secret that no one should know because the exposure would be dangerous to her.

"Okay." Yu Qi obeyed him. She knew that Long Hui was thinking about her safety. If there was only two of them, that was the best solution but right now, they were not alone.

"Let"s do the emergency landing then." Long Hui said.

"As we say,? there is no runaway around." The second pilot said.

Long Hui ignored the second pilot. He looked at the first pilot. The first pilot was much older than the second pilot. He should have more experience in handling this kind of situation.

"What do you say?" Long Hui asked the first pilot.

"You should be suggesting that we should do it on the ocean, right?" The first pilot knew it.

"Yeah." Long Hui nodded.

"That is dangerous." The second pilot said.

"We can not land when people are around right? It is a good idea since the ocean is nearby." The first pilot said.

"But..." The second pilot wanted to protest again.

"If you don"t want to do it, get lost." Long Hui did not want to reason with him anymore.

He needed to act quickly. His beloved Qi Qi was on the plane. He would not let her die.

"What?" The second pilot was furious.

Long Hui ignored him and looked at the first pilot. "Call the control tower and ask them to inform the authorities nearby that we will be doing the emergency landing on the ocean. Ask them to get the medical team on standby and the military as well. If they ask on whose orders, tell them, it is Colonel Long Hui"s order." Long Hui gave the order.

The first pilot immediately called the control tower and told them about their situation right now. He also rallied the order from Long Hui. The control tower was shocked as they heard Long Hui"s name. They quickly pa.s.sed the orders..

The second pilot was shocked when he heard the name. "Long Hui. The grandson of Great General Long. The youngest Colonel in the history." He gulped. He did not know this young man was "that Colonel Long Hui".

"Sir, I apologize for being disrespectful towards you." The second pilot said.

"Give me your place." Long Hui said.

"Huh?" The second pilot was confused.

"Give me your place, immediately." Long Hui said. This time,? he ordered the second pilot.

"Yes, sir." The second pilot stood up and gave his seat to Long Hui.

Long Hui took the place. He turned to Yu Qi and said in a gentle tone. "Qi Qi, return to your seat. Don"t worry. I will not let you die."

Yu Qi looked at Long Hui for a moment. "Okay." Yu Qi nodded and returned to her seat. However she was worried about Long Hui and wanted to know about the situation in the c.o.c.kpit.

**This novel is a contracted work with . If you do not read this novel on , it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website besides , can you consider reading it on the original website? As your support to me. Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help.

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