Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 864 - 864: Her Safety

Chapter 864 - 864: Her Safety

Yu Qi joined Long Hui to go onsh.o.r.e. The military managed to pull out the plane body from the sea. The plane was placed in an empty s.p.a.ce.

The body was still perfectly attached. The only part of the body that was damaged was where the exploded engine was located. They had already collected the door.

When they pa.s.sed some soldiers, Yu Qi heard that they were talking about the door.

"Do you see the door?"f??ℯ?????νel.c??

"Yeah. It had a leg print on it."

"In order to make it happen, a lot of force was applied to it. It is unbelievable."

"As expected of our Colonel Long. He is so strong."

"No. It was not him."

"What are you saying? If it is not him, then who?"

"According to the survivor, it was a woman. To be exact, it was Colonel Long"s girlfriend."

"What? That is impossible."

"That is not impossible. It is must be true. If not,? how could Colonel Long be interested in a normal girl?"

"F.u.c.k!! That is crazy. Even men don"t have that kind of strength."

"Colonel Long!"

One of the soldiers shouted Long Hui"s name and saluted Long Hui. Others followed his lead. Long Hui saluted back.

"Where is Major Captain Yuan?" Long Hui asked.

"He is over there." One of the soldiers pointed in one direction.

Long Hui nodded then he walked away with Yu Qi.

"A G.o.ddess."

"Yeah. A G.o.ddess."

"A G.o.ddess with a monster"s strength."

"Colonel Long"s girlfriend is so beautiful."

Long Hui smirked. He heard that. "A G.o.ddess with a monster"s strength."

"What? You don"t like it?" Yu Qi asked aloof.

"Nope. I like it. How can the woman who I like will be a normal one?" Long Hui smirked again.

They arrived at Major Captain Yuan"s place. He was together with several people discussing something.

"How"s the investigation?" Long Hui asked.

Everyone heard Long Hui"s voice turned to Long Hui and saluted him. Long Hui accepted their salute.

"We have discovered that there are two bombs used in the plane"s body. One is at the second engine like Colonel Long"s suspected. The second is at the fuel tank." Major Captain Yuan told his discoveries.

"Second bomb? But we have only heard one explosion." Yu Qi said.

Major Captain Yuan looked at Long Hui and saw Long Hui nodding.

"The amount of explosion used on these bombs were different. The one that at the engine used a big amount of explosion. It can be a.s.sumed that they used a big amount of explosions because they want to destroy the engine and let the fire spread. The second bomb used a small explosion since they just wanted to make a hole in the tank. That is why only one explosion could be heard." Major Captain Yuan explained.

The culprit was so sinister. He wanted to give no hope to the people in the flight by not destroying it once and all. Having one of the engines,? the plane still could fly but without the fuel, the engine would not work.

"The crew of plane inspected the plane and told it was fine when they had to take off. Meaning, someone had installed the bomb after the inspection. Have you already looked at the CCTV where the plane had been inspected?" Yu Qi asked again.

"Yes. After the inspection, no suspicious person entered the plane." Major Captain Yuan explained.

Yu Qi was silent for a moment while looking down. Then she looked up.

"Watch the CCTV carefully. Calculate the inspection team members carefully. That person was probably from the inspection team." Yu Qi ordered.

"You mean?" Major Captain Yuan looked at Yu Qi.

"Yes. They had probably disguised as the inspection team and sneaked in along with the inspection team. They just had that time to install the bomb." Yu Qi explained.

"Everyone, go." Major Captain Yuan ordered.

With that, they moved.

"Let"s return." Long Hui said.

"But the investigation..." Yu Qi was reculantky to go home.

"Let them do their work. You have already helped them." Long Hui said.

"How about you? Do you still want to return with me?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yeah. I will send you home first and come back." Long Hui told Yu Qi his plan.

"Why don"t you stay here and I will return alone?" Yu Qi did not want to trouble Long Hui. Since he needed to come back here,? why don"t he just stayed and let her return alone? It was a good idea.

"No!" Long Hui firmly rejected the idea.

Of course, he would not agree with that. Leaving her and let her returned alone, would be dangerous. Right after this incident. He felt better if he escorted her home.

"But..." Yu Qi wanted to say something.

"No but. It is final. I will send you home." Long Hui did not want to listen anymore.

Both of them were staring at each other. They were battling each other.

There were a few soldiers around that doing their jobs there. Among them, it was Major Captain Yuan. He felt that this girl was very brave to fight with Colonel Long. Even he was not so brave to stare directly at Colonel Long"s eyes.

He also heard about the girl"s strength. She had kicked the plane door to get out of the plane. Not even men in the plane could do it.

Yu Qi sighed. "Okay. Let"s go together." She knew that Long Hui would never give up regarding her safety.

"Okay, then. Let"s go, Qi Qi." Long Hui smiled.

***This novel is a contracted work with . If you do not read this novel on , it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website besides , can you consider reading it on the original website? As your support to me. Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help...

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