Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 888 - 888: Have different Aim

Chapter 888 - 888: Have different Aim

Bai Gu Wen was proud when the man praised her looks. Her husband did not say anything else.

They drank a lot at that time. Of course, they ended up drunk. Since the mind had been influenced by alcohol, they did not think straight.? ??

They went to a hotel beside the nightclub. Entering the room, Ze Cui w.a.n.g kissed Bai Gu Wen aggressively. Bai Gu Wen also responded to the kiss. After that.. everyone knew about that.

The next day, Bai Gu Wen woke up feeling shocked as she saw an unknown man laying beside her. Then, she was stunned as she remembered what had happened last night.

Ze Cui w.a.n.g woke up too. He was smiling when he saw the woman he met last night was still here. They talked for a moment. Wanting to make yesterday"s matter a secret while planning to meet again.

So, they exchanged the contact number. With that, the forbidden relations.h.i.+p began.

Ze Cui w.a.n.g felt excited when thinking that he was sleeping with someone"s wife. Bai Gu Wen also thought the same. So, they ended up together before breaking up after one year.

During the time, Bai Gu Wen did take many pictures together with Ze Cui w.a.n.g. She stored the pictures privately. So, no one should be able to get the pictures.

The picture that she received from the unknown sender was one of them. How could someone get the picture? She was shaking, feeling afraid of what would happen next.

"This sender probably wants some money from me, right? Yeah... He will... He will send another email to ask for money. I will give him the money as soon as he deletes the pictures." Bai Gu Wen thoughts as she calmed down herself. She just needed to wait. There would be a second email asking about the money.

Bai Gu Wen ended up waiting for another email for the whole night. She could not even sleep. She waited and waited but she did not receive anything.

Quan De Bei was surprised to see his wife who was awake at this time. Usually, she would not wake up at this time and would wake up at 10 am. He wanted to greet his wife but seeing the bad mood on his wife"s face made him cancel the thought. He quickly refreshed himself and got ready for his work.

When Quan De Bei was about to get out, Bai Gu Wen also stood up and followed him. Quan De Bei could not help but ask her.

"Do you have a plan on going out today?" Quan De Bei asked when they were about to enter the dining room.

"No." Bai Gu Wen said.

The maids were surprised when they saw the madam came down together with the master. They quickly asked the chef to prepare food for the madam"s portion. Usually, they would just have to prepare breakfast for the master and young miss only because the madam did not wake up at this time.

Quan Hou Chi was also surprised to see her mother together eating breakfast together with them today. She did not say anything other than greeting her mother. She then started eating and made small talk with her father.

Bai Gu Wen was eating but she seriously did not feel the taste of the food because she was so worried about the email. She was still waiting for the email demanding the money for the picture.

"Mom... I will go to school first." Quan Hou Chi said to her mother. Her mother did not respond to her. She sighed.

Quan De Bei saw his daughter had been ignored by her mother, patting his daughter"s head. Quan Hou Chi looked at her father and gave a weak smile.

"Let"s go. You will be late for school." Quan De Bei said to his daughter.

Quan Hou Chi nodded. Both father and daughter left the dining room and headed out.

After a few moments, Bai Gu Wen realised that she was alone in the dining room. "Where are they?" She looked around. "They" was referred to her husband and daughter. They were here just now.

She then turned to the maid who currently cleaned up the Quan De Bei"s plate and asked. "Where are my husband and daughter?"

"They have already left, Madam." The maid answered carefully.

"What? They have left without telling me. Humph!" Bai Gu Wen banged the table.

The maids were looking at each other. They were thinking about the same thing. "They already told you but you ignored them. Now you are angry at them. Has she gone crazy or what?"

But of course, the maids could not tell their madam about their thoughts. Otherwise, they would be fired from this job.

Bai Gu Wen felt that she already did not have the appet.i.te to eat anymore. Grabbing her phone, she left the dining room and went to her room.

If they did not demand the money meaning they had another aim. She was afraid of this type of thing. If their aim was the money, she could just give the money to them since money was not a problem to her.

Waiting around would not solve the problem. She thought she could try contacting the sender. So, she tried to reply to the email back. But it said that she could not reply or send even a new email to the sender.

She was angry. Then, she shouted angrily. The maids heard the scream and were shocked. They looked at each other.

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This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help...

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