Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 931 - 931: Miss Him So Much

Chapter 931 - 931: Miss Him So Much

"Are you going back?" Dian Qi Qi asked.

"Then, it has been a while since we have come here." Yu Qi said.

"Can you stay here?" Dian Qi Qi asked back.

"I am sorry. We are here to do some business. It is unexpected to meet you." Yu Qi explained. "Don"t worry. I will come here again in the? future."

"Okay..." Dian Qi Qi showed a sad face. "Next time, you are going to stay at our house. Not this house."

"Okay... okay..." Yu Qi nodded.

Yu Qi had been told that their family had been living separately. The mansion in the mountains only was where Great-Grandpa Dian lived.

Yu Qi and Grandpa Tang left the mountains, escorted by some people who were guarding the house. They had been told that Yu Qi was their young miss.

They had been escorted until they reached the greenhouse. Yu Qi thanked them before they were leaving.

Su Fan who had just arrived at the greenhouse saw the scene. He came out and walked towards Yu Qi.

"Are you okay?" Su Fan asked.

"Yeah." Yu Qi nodded. "Where is your grandfather? We want to meet him before going back to Binhai."

"Oh, I think he is inside." Su Fan said.

So, three of them entered the greenhouse together. Grandpa Su was teaching someone about the plants.

"Su Jin." Grandpa Tang called him.

Grandpa Su turned around and saw the three of them. He spoke to the person whom he was teaching. Seeing the person nod, he left him and approached them.

"Yu Qi, thank goodness you are safe." Grandpa Su knew the situation.

"Thank you for worrying about me." Yu Qi smiled.

"We are leaving." Grandpa Tang said.

"Oh, I see. When?" Grandpa Su asked.

"Our flight is tonight." Yu Qi answered.

"I will visit again." Grandpa Tang said. He was happy since there were a lot of interesting things here.

"Okay." Grandpa Tang smiled.


The flight touched down safely at the airport. Yu Qi, Grandpa Tang and not to forget, Pei Xian returned to s.h.i.+wa Town.

Hang Chu Xiao welcomed them happily. She was probably happy since her beloved person had returned. Yu Qi had some time to tease Hang Chu Xiao, making both her and Pei Xian got red faces.

Seeing the scene made Yu Qi miss that person a lot. She wanted to see him. Remembering that it was the weekend, she decided to go to the military compound.

After saying that to Grandpa Tang, she went out. Grandpa Tang shook his head several times, watching his granddaughter.

Yu Qi drove her car to the military compound. Since it was a weekend, some citizens came to visit their family members here. Yu Qi went to the post guard.????w????vℯ?.com

The soldiers already knew Yu Qi. They gave her a salute. Yu Qi was speechless but she nodded at the soldiers.

"Miss Tang, you can enter and wait at the allowed area. We will inform people inside about your arrival." The soldier said.

"Oh, okay." Yu Qi nodded and walked inside the cafe where citizens were allowed to sit while waiting for their family members to come.

Indeed, there were some families who were talking to the soldiers. Then after twenty minutes of waiting, her body had been pulled into a hug. She just let her body got hugged since she knew the one who was hugging her. She also replied to the hug and hugged back.

"I miss you." Long Hui rested his head onto Yu Qi"s and breathed on his beloved Qi Qi"s fragrance.

"I miss you too. Are you busy?" Yu Qi asked.

"No." Long Hui quickly denied it.

Well, he was busy. But after hearing that his beloved Qi Qi came to visit, he pushed the work aside. Well, the work was not urgent. He could finish it later.

Yu Qi chuckled. She knew how busy he was. He was lying to her. She just wanted to see his face and would return soon.

After a while, Long Hui released Yu Qi from his hug. He looked a look at Yu Qi. Seeing that she was okay, he was relieved. As Yu Qi had predicted, he knew about her being missing.

He was on a mission at that time when the report about Yu Qi came. He read the report after getting the second report telling that Yu Qi was safe.

If he had gotten the report saying she had not been found, he would fly to Fanghai Nation right away to search for her.

"Tell me, what is actually happening?" Long Hui asked.

Yu Qi smiled. She was right. Pei Xian indeed reported something to him.

"I found my family on my grandmother"s side." Yu Qi was happy to tell Long Hui about it.

"Oh... Good for you." Long Hui was happy for Yu Qi.

Yu Qi told him everything that happened to her. Meeting with Dian Qi Qi by the coincidence, ti ending up reuniting with her biological family on her grandmother"s side. She also told Long Hui about the poison and how she had treated her great-grandfather which made her sleep for 3 days straight.

"Then are you okay, right now?" Long Hui asked in a worried tone.

"After sleeping for 3 days straight, how can I not be fine?" Yu Qi laughed about that.

"Please be careful while treating the patients. Don"t use that method ever." Long Hui begged.

"Okay... okay... I don"t think that I will use the method on another person. I have used it because I know he is my family." Yu Qi said. "I will use everything that is available to save my family including you."

"I know." Long Hui nodded as his fingers were playing with Yu Qi"s fingers

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This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help....

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