Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 937 - 937: Excited

Chapter 937 - 937: Excited

Yu Qi finally received an e-mail from Mr Jack about their cooperation. The email was saying that if she wanted to co-operate with him, she needed to show some sincerity.

Yu Qi was smiling as she read the email.

"Sincerity... Hmm... What should I do?"

Then her eyes twitched. She had decided. Since she already knew what that person wanted, she would prepare the best for him.

It was a day off for Yu Qi. She had already made a plan. It had been a long time since their last meeting, Yu Qi wanted to see her fiance.

Turned out, Long Hui also had the same intention. It was his day off too. He did not want to make his beloved Qi Qi tired, so he drove to FINN City to meet her.

After breakfast, Yu Qi got ready to go out. Her aunties were teasing her.

"Oh my... Your face is s.h.i.+ning today." Ming Yue chuckled.

"Someone will meet her beloved today. Of course, her face is s.h.i.+ning." Su Xiao added.

"Aunties..." Yu Qi blushed in red as she heard the tease.

"It is good to take care of your relations.h.i.+p." Su Xiao said.

"Yeah. Don"t be like your brothers. They only know how to work. The girls who are dating them are very miserable." Ming Yue rolled her eyes as she remembered her sons.

Tang Jin Wei and Tang Han Lee who were currently doing their job at the hospital coughed twice. The nurses who were accompanying them at that time had even asked them whether they were fine.

Yu Qi laughed when listening to Ming Yue"s words. Then, her phone rang. The screen showed Long Hui"s name.

"Answer the call quickly." Su Xiao said.

Yu Qi answered the call. It was Long Hui"s. He was already outside the house.

"Aunties, I will go first." Yu Qi waved her hand before running out.

"Okay. Have fun." Su Xiao said.

"It is nice to be young." Ming Yue said.

"I am always young." Su Xiao joked.

"Yeah. We are always young." Ming Yue laughed.

Yu Qi saw Long Hui parking the car outside the gate. Sensing Yu Qi was out, he turned around and he was right. His beloved Qi Qi ran towards him.

"Slow down." Long Hui said after he caught Yu Qi in his arms.

"I am excited to have a date with you today." Yu Qi said.

Both of them entered the car and headed towards their first destination. Today"s plan was arranged by Yu Qi. She asked some of her colleagues about the interesting place that people could visit as a couple.

Her colleagues gave many ideas that she could use for her date. So, after a few thoughts, she made a plan for today"s date.

"Oh, before I forget, have you taken breakfast?" Yu Qi asked.

Long Hui drove here. It was possible that he still did not eat breakfast.

"No. But it is okay..." Long Hui could not finish his sentence.

"That will not do. Let"s head to some cafe. It is not good to miss the breakfast." Yu Qi ordered.

Long Hui chuckled as he heard the order. "Okay. I will listen to my princess."

So, they headed to a cafe. Yu Qi ordered a light breakfast for Long Hui and a cup of tea for her. She was still full from her breakfast earlier.

Under Yu Qi"s eyes, Long Hui ate his breakfast. Missing meals during the morning was a normal case for Long Hui but since it was Yu Qi"s request, he fulfilled it.

Far from their table, there was a group of women who were eating and talking.

"Look at the couple, that man is so handsome."

"That woman is also beautiful. They are matching other each."

"If they enter the entertainment world, they will be instantly famous."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Sui asked her friends.

She did not know what her friends were talking about since she had just returned from the ladies washroom. She was on her break too. So, she invited some of her good friends to hang out together on her day off.

"We are talking about that couple. Look at them. Aren"t they handsome and beautiful? They are matching each other." Her friend, Shui Ang Den pointed at the couple.

Ye Sui turned out to look at the couple. She was shocked to see Yu Qi together with a very good looking man. The man looked like a sculpture with his good face and fine jawline. Even the man was sitting, she knew that he was tall from his legs.

"Is he fiance that others had been talking about?" Ye Sui remembered that others said that Yu Qi had a handsome fiance and she loved him very much.

"Hey, the girl is going somewhere. Let"s go and ask for his contact information." Another friend, w.a.n.g Bien Wen, who had a beautiful face suggested the idea to her friends.

"But he already has a girlfriend." Shui Ang De said.

"Well, he is a man. He probably wants to taste another flower." w.a.n.g Bien Wen said.

She was excited when s.n.a.t.c.hing a good looking man from their girlfriends. It was like a hobby for her.

"Bien Wen, don"t play with fire." Shui Ang De advised.

"Don"t worry. I will be fine." w.a.n.g Bien Wen grinned.

She then stood up and walked to the handsome man"s table.

"h.e.l.lo." Using a wanton tone, w.a.n.g Bien Wen greeted Long Hui.

However, Long Hui ignored the woman. It was not the first time this had happened.

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This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your further action.

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