Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1111: Plot Against Those Stupid Politicians

Chapter 1111: Plot Against Those Stupid Politicians

Long Hui lifted up his head and looked at Ren Qian Yi like he was an idiot.

"What? Why do you look at me like that?" Ren Qian Yi could feel that Long Hui was mocking him right now.

"I am just thinking... Have you this idiot?" Long Hui asked.

"What? That is an insult. I am just asking." Ren Qian Yi wanted to cry.

"Of course, I will not stay at Tang House. I know that Elder Tang will not allow that. Not to mention her uncles and her brothers. I am planning to use one of the condos that I owned." Long Hui said.

"Oh..." Ren Qian Yi nodded.

Long Hui indeed had a bunch of property over there. Some of them had been rented out. At first, every property had been rented out. But after Yu Qi officially lived at FINN City, coincidently the tenants ended the contracts, and Long Hui left that one empty. He would be using that as his own house, then.

It was not possible to live with Yu Qi in Tang House. Her family definitely did not allow that. So, it was better to find somewhere close to her house.

As for the incident that Yu Qi faced recently, he knew that Liang Mo Han would find the truth and the true culprit. Even though he was a soldier, he would be ruthless to others if they touched his life which was his beloved Qi Qi.

If he could not touch them directly, he could use Liang Mo Han to handle those idiots.


Yu Qi already ended the conversation with Long Hui and smiled. Long Hui was back. She could meet with him tomorrow. Then, she entered her s.p.a.ce, straight to her computer room.

Even though she was happy with Long Hui"s return, she still had grudges to pay back. Those three stupid ministers did not know that she already hacked into their personal data, their official emails, their personal emails, and their number phones.

She already knew that they were the mastermind behind all this. But she let them be first to settle the hospital matter first. Since the things at the hospital already settled, it was her time to play with those stupid ministers.

Actually, that night, when she was with Dian Qi Qi, she did not plan to take action on those stupid ministers. She did not care what they wanted to do to the women. The women also knew what sequence they were doing at the time.

But the stupid ministers tried to ruin her Family"s reputation. There was no way she would let them continue. The stupid ministers should be cleaned up.

"Oh, they were calling each other. Let"s hear them." Yu Qi smirked.

Yu Qi listened to their conversation. Indeed, their words admitted that they were the mastermind. However, they used another person. And that person right now was having a problem with his family.

"So, you want to wait and see now?" Yu Qi chuckled. "I will never you sit at your position anymore."

Han Dong Wa was a minister of finance. Nan Kong was the minister of education while Piang Tong was the deputy minister of education.

As Yu Qi expected, three of them had done embezzlement. The money supposedly went to the people and development and went into their pockets. To be honest, they were pretty stupid too since they stored the evidence of their embezzlement in their personal emails and personalℯ???ν??.?om

It was easy for Yu Qi to gain access to their personal emails. The previous minister, Wei Zhu Feng was much smarter than them since he even hired a group of hackers protects his data.

Yu Qi collected all the evidence. She wanted those stupid ministers to get fired from their positions as quickly as soon possible. Which method should she use in order to get them fired?

Then she remembered that she had President Hai"s email. She got it when they met with President Hai at his house. She could send those evidence to President Hai.

Of course, she knew that President Hai would be making his own investigation about those stupid ministers. She believed President Hai could get the evidence when there was a lead about that.

So, she sent all of the evidence to President Hai"s email. Of course, she did not use her personal email. It could be traced back to her.

Next, she would send this evidence to a magazine. "The Truth" magazine was a magazine that only wrote about government. Every movement that the government made would be reported in this magazine.

The reporters tended to investigate the truth first before publis.h.i.+ng the story in the magazine. However, she would send it to them later. Because she did not want to wake up the involved. If those stupid ministers knew that they had been investigated, they might have had time to run away overseas. It would be hard to capture them later.

She got out of her s.p.a.ce and lay on her bed again. Seeing their master was out, and laying on the bed, s.h.i.+no and Aoi also jumped on the bed. Aoi preferred to lay down at his master"s legs. While s.h.i.+no liked to snuggle up at Yu Qi"s chest.

If Long Hui saw it, he probably would be mad and say that place was his only place. Well, if Long Hui was here, s.h.i.+no and Aoi could not be sleeping with their master at all. Long Hui would have their master all along.

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