Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1149: Fuang Cian Xie"s Life Part One

Chapter 1149: Fuang Cian Xie"s Life Part One

"Darling, what are you thinking about?" Fuang Cian Xie asked.

Feng Cho Kang just realized there was someone beside him. He turned around and saw Fuang Cian Xie with a gla.s.s of water.

"What do you say just now?" Feng Cho Kang asked.

"I am asking you, what are you thinking just now? You look so serious. Does Feng Yue says something that upset you again?" Fuang Cian Xie repeated the question.

Feng Cho Kang went silent again. After a while, he answered Fuang Cian Xie.

"Nothing..." Feng Cho Kang shook his head.

"Then, did she has her hand in this morning"s news?" Fuang Cian Xie carefully asked.

"You also thought that too?" Feng Cho Kang asked.

"Well, she dislikes us. I understand why she feels that. She must feel that we rob you from her." Fuang Cian Xie sighed.

Fuang Cian Xie carefully glanced at Feng Cho Kang, checking Feng Cho Kang"s reaction.

"No, you are not. I love you and our daughter." Feng Cho Kang strongly denied it.

Hearing that, Fuang Cian Xie smiled. "That stupid girl wants to ruin my family... Humph... That is not working..." If Feng Cho Kang disliked her and her daughter, everything that she owned right now might get destroyed in a split second.

He was the one that she needed to grab right now. If she lose this man"s affection, she and her daughter would be in trouble. They might lose this lifestyle.

She came from a poor family with a weak mother while her father was a gambler and drunker.

Her father used to hit her and her mother when he was gamble and drunk. She used to cry and think about why she had to live like that. She could not accept that.

Once she started to hit p.u.b.erty, everyone started to notice her beauty. Because of that, she began to focus on her beauty.

She started to work part-time. Of course, the first salary that she got, had to be taken by her father.

Of course, she fought back. But she was a girl. She was weak to a mature man. Because of that, she opened a secret account bank without telling her parent.

She put 80% of her salary in that account bank and gave the other 20% to her parent. Since she felt it was not enough to buy the beauty product, she started to take another part-time job.

The part-time job paid her an amount higher compared to her previous part-time job. It was an escort job at a nightclub.

She just needed to accompany those men drinking, listening to their stories, and just letting them touch her body a little bit.

She met Feng Cho Kang there. He was drinking with a few friends. It was the rich young masters. They called a few women to accompany them to drink.

Fuang Cian Xie was one of them. That was their first meeting. Feng Cho Kang was interested in Fuang Cian Xie.

He felt Fuang Cian Xie was gentle and treated him like he was a king. At that time Feng Cho Kang already had his fiancee. Yes, that was Feng Yue"s mother.

Because Feng Yue"s mother grew up in a military family with her father as the great general, she was like a tomboy.

Feng Cho Kang disliked that. So, when he met with Fuang Cian Xie and had been treated like that, he felt Fuang Cian Xie was a lot better than Feng Yue"s mother.

They started their relations.h.i.+p. Fuang Cian Xie did not return to her parent"s house anymore. She lived in the house that Feng Cho Kang gave to her.

Of course, her father started to look for her. But she never told him about her workplace. So, he had no idea that his daughter worked as an escort.

Until Fuang Cian Xie heard about her parent"s death. She heard from the neighbor that her parent had a fight.

As usual, her father hit her mother. Her father was so angry that he even grabbed a broken gla.s.s bottle to hit her mother.

Unfortunately, he did not realize there was another gla.s.s bottle at his feet. Once he stepped on the bottle, he lost his balance and fell forward.

The broken gla.s.s bottle in his hand stabbed his stomach. The blood came out.

Seeing that her mother rushed to call for some help but she was sick to begin with, her sickness such as her blood pressure rising, she fainted when she opened the door.

Her father pa.s.sed away. The neighbor saw her fainted mother and her father immediately called the ambulance and police.

Her mother had been brought to the hospital. However, she did not manage to survive.

The police opened the investigation. After some investigation, the police concluded that the case was an unfortunate accident.

Fuang Cian Xie was very calm. She completed the process. The bodies were cremated. However, their ashes were separated.

Fuang Cian Xie throw away her father"s ash in the garbage while she released her mother"s ash at the sea. She hoped that her mother in a better life.

Even though her mother was sick and weak, she did protect and love her daughter. She did not want her father disturb her mother in afterlife.

As for her relations.h.i.+p with Feng Cho Kang, it went deeper and deeper. Feng Cho Kang loved her very much. She was happy when a rich young master loved her like that.

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