Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1231: Betting On Her and Long Hui Names

Chapter 1231: Betting On Her and Long Hui Names

Of course, Yu Qi and others knew too. Yu Qi also made this bet. She made the bet on herself and Long Hui. Long Hui saw that and put his bet the same as Yu Qi made.

Only two of them made that bet. The majority of them were betting on Dian Zin Fang and Bucong Shuye. It was because they were the finalist for last year"s compet.i.tion. This meant they had lost their bet.

"I lost my bet."

"Me too. This is unbelievable."

"How could Bucong Shuye lose?"

"Dian Zin Fang also lost."

"Are they planning this?"

"I don"t think."

"My money!!"

"I thought I will make some profit from this compet.i.tion."

"How unlucky!!"

Yu Qi heard the discussion and smiled. Long Hui noticed it.

"I think we make some profit." Yu Qi whispered to Long Hui.

"Hmm... But what are you going to do with that money? We can not use the money outside. You only can use it here." Long Hui said.

"I already have the plan." Yu Qi smiled.

At first, she thought, she was going to use the money to use the herb here. But after seeing the heal potion, she was interested in that.

She would use the money to buy the potions. She would recreate the potion and sell them in the cultivation world at a cheaper price. So that everyone could afford that.

As for coming to the cultivation world, Bo Ya told her that they had the same device as Dian Family had. So, it would not be a problem. If her device did not work, she could use borrow Dian"s Family"s device.

The fourth round for this year"s martial arts compet.i.tion. Bucong Guang already left after Yu Qi won the match. He did not have any intention to watch the compet.i.tion anymore because none of his family managed to enter the final round.

This round was a bit different because they would have to fight multiple times in order to determine the winner.

The first match would be the Qiu w.a.n.g and Huo Jinxi. It was a quick fight. Qiu w.a.n.g won the match. Huo Jinxi did not feel bad because she already knew that she was not a match for Qiu w.a.n.g.

The second match was between Long Hui and Dian Shu Xian. Dian Shu Xian knew that he would be lost to Long Hui. But he was not giving up.

Because he knew if he gave up so easily, his great Grandpa and Grandpa would be lecturing him and making him practice more than usual. He would not afford that because he had another thing to do.

Their fight lasted about 2 hours before Dian Shu Xian finally gave up.

The next match would be continued on the next day.


Great Grandpa Dian told all the Dian Family members to gather at the restaurant. He wanted to celebrate Yu Qi, Long Hui, and Dian Shu Xian who successfully entered the final round.

Great Grandpa Dian asked his son to book a hall for the dinner. He sat together with Grandpa Dian and other elders of the Dian Family.

Great Grandpa Dian stood up and grabbed his drink.

"It has been a long time since I watch the compet.i.tion. I was sick until last year. So, I am happy to see my descendants compete in this year"s martial arts compet.i.tion. Congratulation to Dian Shu Xian, Long Hui, and Yu Qi to manage to squeeze the place in the final round." Great Grandpa Dian lifted the up and drank.

Everyone followed his lead.

"This is just a small dinner. We will have a celebration dinner outside later." Great Grandpa Dian said.

Dian Shu Xian, Long Hui, and Yu Qi did not allow them to drink the alcohol because they felt it might affect tomorrow"s performance.

Yu Qi did not care much because she knew that Long Hui would never allow her to drink alcohol. So, she obediently drank the juice.

"You will fight two or three matches in this final round." Dian Zin Fang said according to his experience. "If you think you can end the fight quickly, you should."

"I hear from some that the ancestor would be coming tomorrow." Dian Qi Qi said.

"An ancestor?" Yu Qi tilted her head.

"Yeah. He lives for such a long life." Dian Qi Qi nodded.

"Oh... But why are you seem excited?" Yu Qi looked at Dian Qi Qi.

"Because he is a handsome man." Dian Qi Qi said.

"Wait, you said it is an ancestor?" Yu Qi lifted up her eyebrow.

"Yes, but he has a handsome face." Dian Qi Qi smiled.

"How do you know that? He always wears a mask. And usually, put some mist when we look at him." Dian Ren Qi said.

"Well... I saw his face coincidently one time." Dian Qi Qi grinned.

They never expected that. Others imagined that the ancestor was a strong old man.

"But he is an old man because he lives longer than our Great Grandpa." Dian Ren Qi said.

"Longer than our great Grandpa? Are you serious?" Yu Qi asked in shock.

"Yes. We confirmed it by asking Great Grandpa. He even says that the ancestor is an immortal." Dian Zin Fang nodded.

Yu Qi became interested to get knowing about the ancestor. As a doctor and researcher, she would like to see this ancestor. Dian Qi Qi said, he would be coming tomorrow. She just needed to wait then.

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