Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1293: Capital City Again

Chapter 1293: Capital City Again

"How do you relate to each other?" Su Ziqing asked.

"My grandfather is a biological brother to her grandmother." Dian Shu Xian explained.

"Oh... But I hear that Doctor Yu Qi is an orphan." Ling Xuan said.

"Yeah. I just meet him a few months ago and recognized each other." Yu Qi said.

"I see. Then you are like a cousin then." Su Ziqing said.

"How interesting the fate turned out." Yi Qihan said.

"Doctor Yu Qi is from here, you are from Fanghai? How do you guys meet and recognize each other?" Ling Xuan was interested to know it.

Everyone was also interested.

"I often travel to Fanghai for some business. Coincidently I meet with his sister. We become a good friends. One day, his sister invited me to their ancestral house where the great-grandpa was also there." Yu Qi paused for a second then continued. "Great-grandpa recognize my face because it was very similar to his daughter. So, we decided to prove it by DNA TEST. Turned out we are indeed related."

Everyone nodded several times.

Then the door was knocked on by someone. Dian Shu Xian went to open the door. Outside, Long Hui was standing. Dian Shu Xian was so surprised to see him here.

"Does Qi Qi here?" Long Hui asked.

Dian Shu Xian was confused for a second. He thought Long Hui was asking for his sister. But then he remembered that Long Hui referred to Qi Qi as Yu Qi.

"Yeah, she is inside." Dian Shu Xian nodded.

Long Hui entered the room. Everyone gulped when seeing Long Hui here.

"You are here?" Yu Qi looked at Long Hui.

"Hmm... It"s late already." Long Hui said.

Everyone looked at their watch. It was just pa.s.sed 11 p.m. Technically to them it was not too late. But to Long Hui, it was already too late to him.

"Oh, so, you come to pick me up." Yu Qi smiled.

"Hmm..." Long Hui nodded.

"I will go back first." Yu Qi said.

"You can eat and drink as you want. Don"t worry about the bill." Long Hui said.

"As he says, you can order as much as you want." Yu Qi winked her eyes to Dian Shu Xian.

"Okay." Dian Shu Xian smiled.

The couple left.

"Is that okay that we order as much as we want?" Teng Li asked.

"Well, since Long Hui is so generous, we should take his offer." Dian Shu Xian smiled.

"You just finished your work and come here to pick me up?" Yu Qi asked.

"Hmm..." Long Hui nodded. "I am afraid that you will be drunk."

"I already told you that I am taking the sober pill. So, you don"t need to worry." Yu Qi rolled her eyes.

"Hmm... But I am kind of looking forward to seeing the drunk you." Long Hui chuckled. "I remember that our neighbour says before."

"Don"t you remind me over that?" Yu Qi glared at Long Hui.

They approached the counter. Coincidently, the manager was at the counter.

"Mr Long." The manager greeted Long Hui.

"Cover the bill for the VVIP room. It is my fiancee"s friend." Long Hui ordered.

"Yes, Sir." The manager nodded understanding.


They arrived at the Capital City. The flight touched down at the airport earlier in the morning. So, Yu Qi was kind of sleepy. Fortunately, she was held by Long Hui.

They went to check in to the hotel that they had booked earlier. The birthday party would be held during the night. So, Long Hui thought of letting Yu Qi sleep for a little while.

Yu Qi slept until 1 o"clock in the evening. That was only Long Hui waking her up. Long Hui woke her up because he wanted her to eat lunch since she already did not eat breakfast.

"What"s time now?" Yu Qi asked while rubbing her eyes.

"1.10 p.m." Long Hui answered. "Wake up and eat something. I order something from room service for you to eat."

"Okay." Yu Qi stood up and went to the bathroom to refresh herself.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she saw Long Hui sitting on the chair on the balcony. In front of him, there was a table full of food.

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"Why do you order so much food? We can"t finish them all." Yu Qi said when she saw the food.

"Don"t you have your pets? You should give them too. I bet they are also hungry." Long Hui said.

When Long Hui finished the sentence, a lot of voices came into her head.

Aoi: "Master, I am hungry..."

s.h.i.+no: "I am also hungry."

Bo Ya: "I want to taste some."

Yu Qi was dumbfounded by the responses from her little cuties.

"I will take some of these to give to them. Wait for a moment." Yu Qi said while collecting some of the food.

"Hmm..." Long Hui nodded.

Yu Qi disappeared. After one minute, she reappeared.

"Let"s eat. You must be hungry too." Yu Qi sat beside Long Hui.

They were eating while enjoying the view from the room. It was not so bad for a city.

The party would be started at 7 p.m. There was still time. So, they decided to relax first.

"Who"s else that President Hai invite?" Yu Qi asked.

"I don"t know. It is probably his political friends. Who knows?" Long Hui did not care much about them.

He just came here because Yu Qi seemed to be interested in going to the party.

"I think we are going to see familiar faces tonight." Yu Qi chuckled.

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