Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1451 1451: Need To Throw Away The Treasure

Chapter 1451 1451: Need To Throw Away The Treasure

"The monsters... They did not attack everyone. They seemed just to attack some people. They even ignored my attacks." Yu Qi explained.

Others began to think about that. They also thought the same.

"To think about, yeah... It is really like you say." Dian Zin Fang nodded.

The monsters did ignore some of them.

"But why?" Dian Shu Xian wanted to know about that.

Everyone was silent. They did not know the reason.

"The monsters already died. Why do we need to think about that?" Bucong Jiye snorted.

"Stupid. It is to prevent something like this to happen again. Can"t you think?" Yu Qi directly called Bucong Jiye stupid.

"How dare you call me stupid?" Bucong Jiye shouted.

"There is nothing wrong with calling a stupid person, stupid." Dian Qi Qi added more to the injury.

Bucong Jiye felt angry and wanted to beat Dian Qi Qi but Ling Su Liu pulled Bucong

"Calm down. You are still injured." Ling Su Liu said.

Bucong Jiye was indeed injured in the battle.

"What is the difference?" Dian Zin Fang was seriously thinking about that.

"Hey, do you take some of the treasure earlier?" Yu Qi asked.

"No." Dian Ren Qi shook his head.

"I didn"t take it either." Dian Shu Xian also answered.

"Those treasures are of no use to us. Why bother?" Dian Zin Fang said.

Some of the Dian family members also answered the same.

"How about you?" Yu Qi asked Bucong Shuye.

Bucong Shuye was a little bit surprised when Yu Qi suddenly asked him a question. He managed to answer it. "I didn"t take it."

Yu Qi thought about the possibility. "It seems people who took a treasure had become targets for the monsters."


Everyone was shocked.

"Well, when we think about it, it makes sense." Dian Ren Qi nodded several times.

"Humph, that is only your a.s.sumption." Bucong Jiye said.

"Sister Yu Qi, I believe what you say." Dian Qi Qi smiled at Yu Qi. She then turned to Bucong Jiye. "You can believe if you want. We don"t force you or anything."

"It is better if you guys leave the treasure." Dian Zin Fang suggested.

Dian"s Family members who took the treasure immediately throw them away. They would follow the young master"s order. They still wanted to live.

"Humph... Like I want to follow your order." Bucong Jiye rolled her eyes.

"That"s great. We can prove the theory when the next monster appears." Dian Qi Qi smiled.

"You!" Bucong Jiye gritted her teeth.

"Bucong Jiye, leave your treasure here." Bucong Shuye ordered.

"But..." Bucong Jiye wanted to protest. She finally found the treasure that she wanted, but now she needed to leave it. No. She did not want that.

"I don"t mind. But remember, your life is at stake. I will not help you if you are in danger." Bucong Shuye reminded Bucong Jiye.

Bucong Jiye took out the treasure and threw it away. She sulked after that.

Well, Bucong Shuye made it sound harsh but it was for Bucong Jiye"s own good. If the monster really attacked people who took the treasure, it might save her life if she had been attacked and was alone.

"Guys, look at the pool." Someone shouted.

Everyone looked at the pool. They thought other monsters appeared from it again. They were on standby to fight again. But they were dumbfounded when they saw the black water had been changed into clear crystal water.

They even would see the bottom. It was not the pool and a lake. That could be a.s.sumed when seeing the bottom. There were other biological creatures such as fish or plants at the bottom of the lake.

Yu Qi approached the lake. She touched the water once. Nothing happened. "Great." She smiled. With that, she cleaned the blood on her hand. It was the monster"s blood.

"Hey, what are you doing? What if those monsters come back?" Ling Su Liu asked in a panic.

"If they come back, someone with the treasure would be attacked. You do not happen to hold a treasure, right?" Yu Qi smiled.

Ling Su Liu gulped. However, she managed to calm down. "It is just your theory. We still don"t know about that."

"Yeah... Whatever you say. I just want to wash the blood on my hand. You are lucky that you are so clean." Yu Qi said.

Well, only Ling Su Liu and Bucong Jiye looked very clean without any blood on their hands. That was because they did not kill any monster at all. Others did for them.

"I want to clean my hand too. It is stink." Dian Qi Qi said.

With that, other people started to clean their hands using the lake water. They were relieved when seeing nothing happen even after time pa.s.sed.

Some of them went to drink some of the water because they were thirsty. They had finished their water supply.

"This water is very sweet."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. You can taste it."

"Hmm... You are right."

They even filled their bottle with water from the lake.

It seemed that the water turned black because of the monster. Since the monsters had disappeared, the water turned crystal clear.

"Hey, look. There is another door." Someone shouted.

They turned to see a different door. It seemed that it appeared when they were having the discussion earlier. It was the same pattern as the previous one.

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This chapter is edited by Tzin99. Thank you for being so helpful

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