Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1472 1472: Can"t See Through Their Strength

Chapter 1472 1472: Can"t See Through Their Strength

"However, the time Yu Qi and Long Hui spent to inherit was different than others." Dian Ren Qi stated.

"What do you mean by that?" Grandpa Dian asked.

"Others spent about two days to inherit but Sister Yu Qi and he spent about five days to inherit." Dian Qi Qi explained.

"No wonder, your strength increased significantly. Even I could not determine your strength." Dian Jung Gi nodded several times.

"What? Even you can"t see through?" Dian Ren Qi asked in surprise.

Usually, a person could see through the strength of another person if the person was weaker than him. This meant Yu Qi and Long Hui were stronger than his father.

"Even I can"t see through their power." Grandpa Dian also added.

Other people were shocked when they heard that. Yu Qi and Long Hui were even stronger than Grandpa Dian.

"Wow!, Sister Yu Qi, you are so awesome." Dian Qi Qi shook Yu Qi"s hand.

"We are just lucky." Yu Qi smiled.

"Let"s go home. People are waiting for us. They already prepared a big meal for you." Grandpa Dian said.

All of Dian"s family members who partic.i.p.ated shouted happily. They were hungry. It had been a while since they had a warm meal.

Everyone stepped into the teleportation device and returned to the outside world. Their return had been welcomed by all the family members.

Not all of them were happy since they were a few family members who lost their members. But they all knew that everything was fated. They knew that going to the miracle s.p.a.ce might cost them their life.

They went to eat.

"The meat is delicious."

"Yeah. I miss the warm meal."

"I am really happy to be alive, return home and get to eat the delicious meal."

"The journey is worth it."

"Yeah. My power increased."

They were talking during the meal. Great-Grandpa Dian did not stop them from talking. He also wanted to hear more about the story. When he heard about Yu Qi and Long Hui"s inheritance, he was surprised. He wanted to know more about that.

Yu Qi and Long Hui already made up the story where they were unconscious in front of everyone when they were in the miracle s.p.a.ce. They made up the story that they met a master and that master taught everything to them.

How could they just tell others that they relived their past life? Others would think they were crazy or something like that.

After they finished the meal, Yu Qi and Long Hui wanted to discuss something with Great-Grandpa Dian. Great-Grandpa Dian asked them to go to his study room.

"What do you want to ask me?" Great-Grandpa Dian asked when all of them were seated.

"Great Grandpa, do you know anything about the cultivators with the name Qin Yue and Xie Likui?" Yu Qi asked.


Great-Grandpa Dian thought about the names. Then, he stood up. He went to the bookcase located at the right of the study room. He took an old book and flipped the pages. After finding the pages that he wanted, he went to his seat back.

"Xie Likui. This is his book apparently." Great-Grandpa Dian put the book on the table.

Long Hui recognized the book right away. It was indeed his blood during Xie Likui"s lifetime. He wrote the book after Qin Yue"s death. He studied formation and s.p.a.ce as well.

"Is it?" Yu Qi asked.

"Hmm... It is indeed Xie Likui"s book." Long Hui nodded.

"Wait, how do you know about this book? Sir Xie Likui was a cultivator that lived over thousand years ago." Great-Grandpa Dian asked.

"The master that I told you about earlier was Xie Likui." Long Hui stated.

"What? Really?" Great-Grandpa Dian could not believe his ear.

"Yeah. I inherit all of his skills and knowledge." Long Hui said.

"I see. Then Qin Yue is..." Great-Grandpa Dian looked at Yu Qi.

"Yeah. Qin Yue is the master that I met during the inheritance." Yu Qi nodded.

"Hmm... I don"t know much about Qin Yue. But I think there might be some information about Qin Yue in the cultivation world. Do you need to know about that? I will ask someone to go and ask other cultivators." Great-Grandpa Dian suggested.

"There is no need for that." Yu Qi shook her head.

There was no need for that because she was Qin Yue. No need to ask someone else.

However, Yu Qi already had planned to meet with her senior brother. The Senior Brother that saved and took care of her.

Qin Xia must have known already who she was before. She wondered how he managed to live for such a long time. He probably already obtained Immortal Strength which basically made him immortal. He would not die easily.

"You are really lucky to be selected by the two masters. I can not see through your strength." Great-Grandpa Dian was happy for both of them.

They left the study room and went to the room which had been prepared for them. Of course, there were two rooms had been prepared but Long Hui insisted to be in the same room as Yu Qi.

Yu Qi did not mind at all. After they entered the room, they entered Yu Qi"s s.p.a.ce. Both s.h.i.+no and Aoi were already inside the s.p.a.ce. After Yu Qi and Long Hui were unconscious, they had been taken care of by the Dian Family. Aoi and s.h.i.+no were sad that they needed to eat something else.

When Yu Qi and Long Hui were back, Yu Qi took them and put them inside her s.p.a.ce.

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This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...

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