Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1595 1595: The Robotic Research Team

Chapter 1595 1595: The Robotic Research Team

"Doctor Yu Qi, this is my friend. Mo Huizhong, Hu Tingfeng, Tan Xiaosheng, and Deng Jianguo. Each of them has their specific specialist." Zhao Yongzhung introduced his team to Yu Qi.

"Not need to call me Doctor anymore. Just call my name." Yu Qi stated.

"Then, should I call you dear?" Deng Jianguo joked.

"Jianguo, control yourself. Please ignore him. He always being like this when he saw a beautiful woman." Zhao Yongzhung apologized to Yu Qi.

"It is okay. I don"t mind." Yu Qi stated.

"See, she doesn"t mind." Deng Jianguo smiled.

"However, please don"t do it again. It would be terrifying if my fiance see that. You might be ended up in the hospital." Yu Qi warned Deng Jianguo with a smile.

Deng Jianguo s.h.i.+vered as he saw the smile. It was beautiful yet eerie. He was also surprised when hearing this girl in front of him already had a fiance.

"Your fiancee? You mean the Long Hui, right?" Mo Huizhong asked.

"Yes." Yu Qi nodded.

"Huh? Long Hui? The soldier?" Deng Jianguo asked.

He also knew one man with that name. That man was very famous. Then he remembered reading the news about that man getting engaged. 

"Don"t tell me you are his fiancee?" Deng Jianguo was shocked. 

"I am." Yu Qi nodded.

Deng Jianguo was stunned. Just now, he was flirting with that Long Hui"s fiancee. Yes, if Long Hui knew about this, he might end up in the hospital. 

"Oh my lady, please forgive me." Deng Jianguo began to apologise. 

Yu Qi chuckled. People thought Long Hui was scary. 

"It"s okay. Let"s go and see your workplace." Yu Qi said.

So, Yu Qi began to give them a tour of the research centre. She introduced the place and explained that some of the places were forbidden for them to go to because they were others" research rooms. They should not go and disturb the research that had been going on. 

They understood the rules and would be following the rules. Finally, they arrived at their working area. It was pretty s.p.a.cious. 

Yu Qi prepared the room according to Zhao Yongzhung"s instructions. 

"Wow, it is very good." Tan Xiaosheng was surprised. 

"You will have a meeting room, a pantry and a toilet completed with a shower and two rooms with beds." Yu Qi explained.

"So, we can stay here without going out." Hu Tingfeng stated.

"Of course, you are allowed to go out. I will prepare your pa.s.s." Yu Qi said.

"Oh, people are already here?" Su Ziqing peeped inside.

"Oh, you are here. Come inside." Yu Qi asked Su Ziqing to enter.

"Another beauty." Deng Jianguo"s eyes lifted.I think you should take a look at

Tan Xiaosheng elbowed his friend.

"Thank you for calling me beauty." Su Ziqing laughed.

"This is a robotic development team, their leader, Zhao Yongzhung and his team, Mo Huizhong, Hu Tingfeng, Tan Xiaosheng, and Deng Jianguo." Yu Qi introduced the men to Su Ziqing. "This is one of our researchers here. She mainly researched the p³arasites inside our bodies." 

"h.e.l.lo, everyone. I am Su Ziqing. Nice to meet you." Su Ziqing smiled.

"We will have other researchers here. You will get to know them later." Yu Qi said.

"Okay." Zhao Yongzhung nodded.

"You can take a look at your workplace. I will leave first." Yu Qi stated.

Su Ziqing also followed Yu Qi out.

"Yu Qi, do you think their leader is single?" Su Ziqing whispered.

"You mean Zhao Yongzhung?" Yu Qi was surprised seeing Su Ziqing was interested in Zhao Yongzhung.

She remembered that Su Ziqing was interested in Dian Shu Xian. To be honest, she was glad that Su Ziqing lost interest in Dian Su Xian. They were not suitable for each other.

And Dian Shu Xian would not be married to a normal human being. He would be married to a cultivator as well. Dian Shu Xian also took an interest in Jiang Hani recently. 

"Yeah. He looks quite handsome." Su Ziqing stated.

"Hmm... That... You need to ask her by yourself. I don"t know much about him." Yu Qi said.

"Oh, alright." Su Ziqing said.

"You are finally over with Brother Shu Xian?" Yu Qi asked.

"Yeah." Su Ziqing nodded. "Well, you might don"t know about this. I confessed to him five months ago but got rejected." 

"What?" Yu Qi was very surprised about this. She did not know about that. 

Su Ziqing laughed. "I confessed to him. He rejected me. Remember when I asked to take a two-week vacation?" 

"Yeah. I remember." Yu Qi nodded.

She did remember that Su Ziqing suddenly applied for a two-week vacation. The reason, she needed some rest because she was mentally exhausted. Yu Qi did not think much about that and approved her application. 

"I went to heal from his rejection. I went to enjoy the beach on a southern island. It was quite relaxing. You should go over there. With your fiance." Su Ziqing recommended. "So, it is finally over with Brother Shu Xian?" Yu Qi asked.

"Hmm... My principle, never look back. Since I already confessed to him and he rejected it, there is no need for me to cling on to him anymore. It just meant my fate is not with him. But with another man." Su Ziqing was very positive with her love life. 

"I am planning to get to know Zhao Yongzhung first. If he already has a girlfriend, I will not disturb their relations.h.i.+p." Su Ziqing said. 

"Good luck." Yu Qi supported Su Ziqing. 

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