Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1616 1616: Burned Down

Chapter 1616 1616: Burned Down

Aran called Matty several times but no one picked up. After trying so many times, he also called James. Neither he picked up the call.

Aran did not think too much about that. He thought Matty probably went on training and left his phone in the locker or something like that.

As for James, he was probably catching up with his numerous girlfriends and did not want others to disturb him. That was why he did not pick up his call. I 

So, he decided to return to their base first. He was left behind because he needed to watch Long Hui. However, Long Hui did not leave his room all day. He even put the sign "Don"t disturb" on the door handle. 

It seemed there was nothing else that he needed to do here. Tang Yu Qi was already in their hands. They would not meet each other again. 

Aran went to the base. However, something strange happened. The entire building went missing. He was sure that this was the place.

He looked at the map. It was correct. The building was supposed to be here. But now there was disappeared.

The building would not go disappear just like that. It was here two days ago when he returned.

Well, it was a big deal if the building went missing. Not to mention the people inside the building. They were precious manpower to their organization. And also the research here. 

Aran could feel the headache coming over. But still, he needed to report this incident first.

He left the place first before making the call to the high-ups.????????.???


Yu Qi was dazed off while looking at the lake. She kept thinking about the innocent lives who gave up their life especially the youngest.

She did not want what made a child give his life like that. He was very determined.

She should force them to keep alive. Maybe suns.h.i.+ne would appear. She sighed again. 

"Master is like this since two days ago." Aoi looked at Yu Qi.

"Hmm... Master is probably feeling sad about letting those victims die like that." s.h.i.+no nodded.

"Hmm... If Master wants, she can let those people come inside here." Xiaohua spoke.

"No. You can"t!" Bo Ya exclaimed aggressively. 

Everyone was shocked. Seeing Bo Ya reject the idea, there must be something else. 

"Why?" Xiaohua asked.

"You should know Master"s past. She got betrayed by her friend because the secret of the s.p.a.ce got leaked. If Master brings those people inside, there is no guarantee that they would not leak the secret. We can"t take the risk." Bo Ya said.

Since Bo Ya remembered everything, he did not want the same thing to happen again. He did not know those people. 

Long Hui approached Yu Qi and hugged her from behind. 

"Are you alright?" Long Hui asked.

"No, I don"t." Yu Qi did not keep her feeling a secret from Long Hui.

"Thinking about those people again?" Long Hui asked.I think you should take a look at

Yu Qi did not sleep at all last night. Well, she could not sleep. 

"It is their choice. You should not blame yourself." Long Hui comforted Yu Qi.

"I know... But still, I think I should do something else to save them." Yu Qi sighed.

"I know you are kind. But it is impossible to save everyone. However, there is one thing that you can do for them." Long Hui articulated.

"Hmm? What is it?" Yu Qi turned and looked at Long Hui.

"You can find the mastermind. Punish them. I don"t think they only have this base. They probably have another base somewhere else." Long Hui said.

The idea lightened up Yu Qi"s heart. Indeed, they should find the mastermind. 

"Yes, we need to destroy them once and for all." Yu Qi nodded.

Long Hui could see the fire inside Yu Qi"s eyes. She was determined to catch the mastermind. Well, he did not mind. 

This kind of organization was a threat. He knew that the nation did not want this kind of organization to continue its operation. 

He felt this organisation that their nation tried to investigate was the same as this one. The modus operation was kind of similar. 

They kidnapped people. From Elder Mong"s information, they trained people to be a killer. If they did not qualify to be a killer, they would be sent to a research centre as living testers. 

"I think so too. It is similar to Elder Mong"s story." Yu Qi nodded. "Time for depression is over. Sorry for making you worry." She smiled.

Long Hui was glad that his beloved Qi Qi recovered from the sadness. 

"Oh, I forget about the fire." Yu Qi stated. She looked outside the s.p.a.ce to see whether the fire already burned the building to ash or not. 

Upon seeing the situation outside, Yu Qi was quite satisfied. Everything was burned to ash. 

"It seemed to already burn out. I think it is about time we leave this place." Yu Qi said.

"Yes." Long Hui nodded.

"The bodyguards are probably worried about us." Yu Qi remembered the bodyguards.

"Probably." Long Hui nodded.

They told Long Hui that they would wait until Yu Qi and Long Hui came back. They planned to return back to Binhai Nation together. 

"Well, before that, I need to do something first." Yu Qi stated.

"Do what?" Long Hui lifted his eyebrow.

"Cooking for my cuties." Yu Qi said.

They helped her a lot this time. She should give them some rewards. 

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