Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 432 - 432: Owner of YQ Investment Company

Chapter 432 - 432: Owner of YQ Investment Company

On the next day, Yu Qi had received the call from Ming Xuehai who said that he wanted to meet Yu Qi. Yu Qi agreed to meet him at one restaurant.

When Yu Qi and Chui Mei Fung arrived at the restaurant, they had already spotted Ming Xuehai and a girl who had tied up her hair in a ponytail style. She was probably his sister about whom Ming Xuehai had mentioned yesterday.

Ming Xuehai stood up pulled and his sister to stand up too when he saw his G.o.ddess.

"h.e.l.lo, Miss Yu Qi. This is my sister, Ming Xuebai about whom I had mentioned yesterday." Ming Xuehai introduced his sister to Yu Qi.

"Xuebai, this is Miss Tang Yu Qi that I told you." He also introduced Yu Qi to his sister.

"Hai. Just sit down." Yu Qi said.

Ming Xuebai nodded. She began to observe the girl in front of her. She admitted that this girl was very beautiful but even now she had a thought that she had to confirm something so that she and his brother did not get cheat by others.

"Miss Yu Qi, you have told my brother that you want a lawyer for your company. Can I know what does your company do?" Ming Xuebai began to ask.

"Xuebai." Ming Xuehai called her sister. He did not like the tone which his sister had used to talk with his G.o.ddess.

Yu Qi only gave a faint smile. She did not mind the tone and answered. "Right now, I have three businesses under my name. One is an investment company, second is a ryokan hotel, and the last one is a greenhouse. We grow a variety of plants such as herbs, vegetables, and others. But we mainly focus on herbs."

"Can you prove it?" Ming Xuebai asked.

"Yes. You can check on the internet. Just type YQ investment. There should be a contact number present on the site and try to give a call to them." Yu Qi remembered that Su Yu Hi had told her that they had already established a website page for YQ Investment Company.

Saisei Ryokan and greenhouse would have their own website sooner. They were already working on them.

Ming Xuebai looked at Ming Xuehai. Seeing her brother nodded, she searched for YQ Investment Company on the internet. The result popped out immediately. She saw the contact number on the website. So, she called the number and put on the speaker mode so everyone could hear it.

"h.e.l.lo, it is YQ Investment. Can I know who is on the line?" A voice of a woman greeted Ming Xuebai.

"May I ask you, do you know Tang Yu Qi?" Ming Xuebai asked the question directly.

The woman in the call was silent for a few minutes. Then she answered. "Just for a minute, I will pa.s.s this call to someone."

Ming Xuebai watched Yu Qi. The girl seemed did not affect by that.

"h.e.l.lo, may I know who is talking there?" This time, the voice of a man answered the call.

"Do you know Tang Yu Qi?" Ming Xuebai asked the same question.

The man acted the same as the woman earlier.

"Brother Yu Hi." Yu Qi called Su Yu Hi"s name. She already knew that the owner of this manly voice was Su Yu Hi.

"Yu Qi? Are you there?" Su Yu Hi was surprised to hear his boss"s voice.

"Yes. Are you busy right now?" Yu Qi asked.

"I"m always busy." Su Yu Hi answered annoyingly.

Yu Qi laughed. Su Yu Hi was currently working as acting CEO for YQ Investment.

"So, why have you called right now? And you have used a different number." Su Yu Hi focused on the situation. His boss would not call him if she did not have something to do with him.

"Well, I want to recruit someone to YQ Investment. So they want to confirm whether I"m the boss or not." Yu Qi explained.

"Okay. For those who call me, yeah, I know Tang Yu Qi. She is my boss. Owner of the YQ investment Company. Is this clear?" Su Yu Hi made the confirmation for Yu Qi"s ident.i.ty.

"Oh, Yeah. Thank you." Ming Xuebai stumbled in her words.

"By the way, what is that person"s position?" Su Yu Hi asked.

"A lawyer." Yu Qi answered.

"Okay, then, I will hang up. Oh, before I forget, Yu Qi, I send some reviews about the companies in which we would like to invest. Please go through the doc.u.ments." Su Yu Qi did have time to remind Yu Qi about the matter.

"Got it." Yu Qi said.

Then, Su Yu Hi hanged up the call.

Yu Qi looked at the siblings. "So, are you satisfied with what you have heard?" Yu Qi gave a faint smile.

"Yes, Miss Yu Qi. I"m sorry for being rude. But I just want to make sure that we would not be cheated by someone." Ming Xuebai apologized.

"It"s okay. Don"t worry about it. " Yu Qi shook her head.

"Miss Yu Qi, we agree to follow you, but my current job..." Ming Xuehai said to Yu Qi.

"Let"s go settle it now." Yu Qi stood up. "As for your sister, can she settle her resign?"

"Miss Yu Qi, don"t worry about me. I can settle mine. But my brother..." Ming Xuebai sighed.

"Then, you should go settle your own. I"m going to your brother"s." Yu Qi looked at Ming Xuebai.

"Okay, Miss Yu Qi." Ming Xuebai left.

Yu Qi, Ming Xuehai together with Chui Mei Fung went to the firm where Ming Xuehai was currently working.

When the people in the office saw Ming Xuehai, they immediately said something.

"Xuehai, where did you go yesterday?"

"Xuehai, what were you doing yesterday? You were supposed to buy us the coffee."

"Xuehai, where is the paperwork that I have asked you to copy yesterday?"

Xuehai... Xuehai... Xuehai... They were so noisy.

"Shut up!" Yu Qi shouted and gave everyone a cold gaze.??e????no???.??m

All of the workers in the firm were silent. They just realized that there were two people behind Ming Xuehai. The two people were beautiful especially the one who shouted "shut up" earlier.

"I want to see your boss." Yu Qi said.

"Is Mr Qian in his room?" Ming Xuehai asked other workers.

"I think so." One of the workers answered.

Ming Xuehai led Yu Qi to his boss"s room. Ming Xuehai knocked on the door. When he heard the answer inside, he opened the door and three of them went inside.


"Yeah, I agree."

"When she has shouted "shut up", I get gooseb.u.mps."

The men commented about Yu Qi.

"She just a little beautiful. Hmph."

"What a fake."

While the women snorted and feeling jealous of Yu Qi"s beauty.

"But, why do they come here? Xuehai has also gone inside Mr Qian"s room. What do you think they will talk about?"

"Well, I don"t know. We just need to wait and ask Xuehai after he comes out."

*** This novel is a contracted work with . If it is not read this novel on , then it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website beside , can you consider to read it on the original website? As your support to me.Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

This chapter is edited by Uncagedspirit..

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