Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1021 - 1021: A Weird Patient

Chapter 1021 - 1021: A Weird Patient

"Wait? Doesn"t she say she is a doctor?" Grandma Wei remembered the incident where she was being treated by that girl.

"Yeah. Indeed." Wei Su Kee also remembered that.

"Then, why does she suddenly open the Jade store?" Grandma Wei said. Then she seemed to remember something. "Wait. Yuan-er, you are also involved in Jade related business too, right? You are even Elder Chu Ming"s disciple."

"Yes, Grandma Wei." Chi Yuan nodded.

"Does she want to compete with you by opening this store?" Grandma Wei a.s.sumed.

"Well, we have met once at the gambling stone event." Chi Yuan told them.

"Then, this woman was indeed competing with you then." Grandma Wei said. Chi Yuan"s statement confirmed her a.s.sumption. "Since she is a doctor, she should be a doctor. She must have heard about your outstanding talent and wanted to prove to others that she is more outstanding than you. That is disgusting."

"Grandma Wei, don"t think about that. I don"t care much about that." Chi Yuan said.

Hearing from her grandmother and Chi Yuan made Wei Su Kee uncomfortable. Yu Qi was free to do whatever she wanted to do. It seemed Grandma Wei disliked Yu Qi so much and Chi Yuan seemed like it when Grandma Wei hated Yu Qi. Wei Su Kee could not talk about that. So she was silent.


Yu Qi was sitting on her chair recording the medical report in the system of the computer. As she was recording, Nurse s.h.i.+ng Ten came and called for her saying that they had a patient who needed some checkup.

Yu Qi nodded. She closed her laptop and went to the patient. The patient was a man, who was twenty-three years old. He was accompanied by a middle-aged couple. Yu Qi a.s.sumed that they were his parents.

The man told Yu Qi that he felt pain all over his body. Yu Qi checked his body. She asked some questions about his pain such as where the pain was. But the man did not give a clear answer about the pain. So, Yu Qi could not make a correct diagnosis.

"What happen to my son?" The middle-aged woman asked.

"Well, I am not sure about it either. We need to check further." Yu Qi did not say anything to the man"s parents before she was clear about that.

However, she had a theory there. So, she went to ask another doctor for a piece of advice. The doctor was a male doctor, Doctor Jun Zhan, who was also on the night s.h.i.+ft with her. He had more experience than her.

"Doctor Jun Zhan, I have something to ask you." Yu Qi asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Doctor Jun Zhan did not have any patients at the moment. So, he was quite free.

"I have a patient. He is twenty- three years old male. He is saying that he is having pains in his body. When I checked him, I could not find the cause. I did ask him about pain, he did not have any clear answer for that. So, I could not make any diagnosis of him." Yu Qi explained.

"Really? Well, let me go and see him." Doctor Jun Zhan said.

"Okay. Follow me." Yu Qi said.

Both of them went to the man who was still shouting about the pain all over his body. His parents were worried about their son.

"Doctor, please save my son. He is in pain." The mother was begging Yu Qi and Doctor Jun Zhan.

"Please calm down, Madam. We will try to find the cause of the pain." Yu Qi said.

Doctor Jun Zhan checked the man. The man was still shouting about the pain. When Doctor Jun Zhan held his hand, the man shouted slightly loud.

"It is hurting." The man said.

Doctor Jun Zhan let the hand go. "Let"s do the CT Scan."

"Yeah. Do it. It can find the problem inside my son"s body, right?" The father said.

"We will also do the blood test too." Yu Qi said.

She called the nurse to collect some samples of blood from the man. After that, they went to do the CT Scan. The CT scan revealed that there was nothing wrong with this man"s body. They explained it to the parents. But the parents insisted that there was something wrong with their son since he was in pain too much.

Doctor Jun Zhan tried to hold his hand again. Yu Qi also wanted to help. But before they could hold him, he was crying out loud telling it was hurting.

"Sir, we did not even hold you yet." Yu Qi said.

The man was puzzled for a moment but started crying again.

"Can you just give me some Demerol?" The man asked.

"Yeah, Doctor." The mother said.

At this point, Doctor Jun Zhan and Yu Qi had already noticed something. They looked at each other.? The man seemed to start having a runny nose and watery eyes. His pupils seemed to be unable to focus.

Coincidently, the nurse came back with the result of the blood sample. When Yu Qi and Doctor Jun Zhan read the result, they frowned.

The parents noticed the expression on both of the doctors.

"Doctor, what is going on with my son?" The mother asked.

"Let"s talk outside." Doctor Jun Zhan said.

"His CT Scan"s result is good. Nothing unusual inside his son. But.. his blood test shows something different." Doctor Jun Zhan said.

"Something different? What is it?" The mother was anxious. The father waited for the doctor to complete the sentence.

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This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit... Thank you for your help....

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