Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1203: Meeting With Dian"s Branch Family

Chapter 1203: Meeting With Dian"s Branch Family

"Here, I introduce you, my direct descendent, my other grand-granddaughter, Tang Yu Qi, and her fiance, Long Hui." Great-Grandpa Dian made the announcement.

Hearing this made everyone surprised and whispered among them. They looked at Yu Qi and Long Hui. "Direct descendent, meaning, she is related directly to Great-Grandpa Dian. How is this happening?" A lot of questions appeared in others" minds. They really wanted to know.

"I used to happen a daughter." Great-Grandpa Dian said.

Once again, that fact made people shocked. Only the person in the same generation as Grandpa Dian knew that. Below that, they did not know a bit about that.

"My daughter formed a family with a man and had a son. Then he had Tang Yu Qi." Great-Grandpa Dian tried to make things simple. "I already acknowledged her. So, she is a Dian Family member."

"Then, Great-Granduncle, she should change her surname to Dian. It should be better." Dian Chi Ne expressed her opinion.

Dian Chi Ne"s parents and Dian Wan Ye were shocked when heard that Dian Chi Ne dared to voice her opinion right now. Dian Chi Ne"s mother slapped Dian Chi Ne"s hand under the table.

"Ouch. Mum, why do you hit me? That"s hurt." Dian Chi Ne looked wrongly to her mother.

"So, in your opinion to become a family, one must need to change her surname, that is what you mean?" Yu Qi asked Dian Chi Ne.

"Well..." Dian Chi Ne wanted to continue.

But her mother stopped her. "Miss Tang, please ignore this ignorant girl."

"Mum..." Dian Chi Ne looked at her mother.

Dian Wan Ye was angry at her sister. She pinched her sister"s hand. She also made a signal for her sister to shut up. Seeing both her mother and sister were angry, Dian Chi Ne kept her mouth shut up.

"Regarding the martial arts compet.i.tion, the young generation can enter the compet.i.tion as you like. But remember, you might injure badly in this compet.i.tion, and the worst, you might cripple." This time, Grandpa Dian took over to talk to the family members. "I hope you can get a good ranking. We already prepare a prize for those who are in the top 10 rankings."

The young generation cheered when seeing that. They became excited to face the compet.i.tion. Dian"s Family was very generous with the prizes. It must be a good prize.

"We will go to the compet.i.tion venue tomorrow morning. For those who partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion, you need to be early to register too." Grandpa Dian reminded them.

"Yes, Sir." The young generation answered.

"Let"s eat first." Great-grandpa Dian said.

With that, they began to eat. The excitement was still there, had not stopped yet. They talked among themselves.

"Everyone seems to be excited." Yu Qi commented.

"Of course, even our family prize is still a secret, the martial arts compet.i.tion also had its own prize." Dian Qi Qi said.

"Oh, really? What is the prize?" Yu Qi asked again.

"100 5kg gold bar. With that kind of money, if you exchange it for cash, you can buy a mansion. Who doesn"t want that?" Dian Qi Qi smiled.

Yu Qi widened her eyes. "That much?"

Long Hui saw Yu Qi"s reaction. He knew that his beloved Qi Qi loves money so much. She would try to win the compet.i.tion. That"s for sure.

"That is just for first place but still, with that kind of money, they can be instantly rich." Dian Qi Qi commented. She actually did not care much about that. "You interested in the money, Sister Yu Qi?"

"Of course, I can use that money to invest somewhere." Yu Qi nodded.

If she managed to win the first place, she would get the money. She would tell Su Yu Hi to look at the potential companies for her to invest in.

"I can"t wait for tomorrow. I want to fight." Dian Qi Qi grinned.

After dinner, everyone went to separate way. Some of them still sat and talked to each other. One of them already left the dinning room. Yu Qi and Long Hui also struck at the dining room.

Dian Shu Xian wanted to have a chat with Yu Qi. He was a doctor too. He had been reading about Yu Qi"s research and knew about the award that Yu Qi received on other day.

"Congratulations on getting the award." Dian Shu Xian said.

"Oh, you heard about that too. Thank you." Yu Qi nodded.

"If you are a doctor and have not heard about Tang Yu Qi, you are left behind." Dian Shu Xian chuckled.

They started to talk about the research. Yu Qi was surprised that Dian Shu Xian had a deep knowledge of the research that she had done. They also exchanged opinion.

"If you are interested, why don"t you join my research?" Yu Qi invited Dian Shu Xian.

Dian Shu Xian was taken back by the invitation. "No... no... I don"t think I am qualified for it."

"When I talk to you just now, I know that you are really talented. If you want to join my research team, you are welcome." Yu Qi genuinely invited Dian Shu Xian.

Dian Shu Xian did not give his answer yet. He wanted to think about it first. "I will consider it. Thank you."

"Brother, can you not talk about this? It is boring." Dian Qi Qi who stayed with them whined.f??ewe??૦?el.c??

"I am not telling you to stay and hear, right?" Dian Shu Xian said.

"Humph..." Dian Qi Qi rolled her eyes.

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