Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1282: Bear The Consequence

Chapter 1282: Bear The Consequence

Wu Yao did not stop calling her sister to spare her daughter. Mrs An Yanyu did not answer the call. So, Wu Yao went straight to Tang Private Hospital after investigating which hospital An Yiming stayed in.

However, she could not even get closer to An Yiming"s ward because An Family did not allow anyone else to visit An Yiming. She kept calling her sister until the day when Wu Meng Qiu needed to go to the court to answer the summon.

On that day, Wu Yao met with her sister face to face.

"Sister." Wu Yao rushed to her sister.

But she could not get closer to her sister because An Chang blocked her way.

"Chang..." Wu Yao looked at her nephew.

"Don"t act so closer to my family." An Chang already treated Wu Family as his enemy. He would not allow them to be close to his family anymore.

"Chang, I just want to talk with your mother." Wu Yao tried her luck.

An Chang snorted. "Want to talk to my mother? Just wait until this trial is over."

If Wu Yao waited until the trial was over, that would be ended for Wu Meng Qiu. Then she saw An Yiming in the wheelchair pushed by Mr An Chia. So, she changed her target. If she begged An Yiming, An Yiming might be soft-hearted and dropped the charge against Wu Meng Qiu.

"Stop right there. Don"t you try to get closer to my daughter." Mrs An Yanyu said to Wu Yao.

"Yiming, I want to apologize. Please forgive me." It was Wu Meng Qiu who begged An Yiming.

Even though Wu Meng Qiu hated An Yiming right now, she needed to beg An Yiming to forgive her.

"Wu Meng Qiu, I still remember the words that you said to me before you do such a thing to me. "An Yiming, enjoy the f.u.c.k that you will get later." That time, I was still conscious, you know." An Yiming glared at Wu Meng Qiu.

Wu Meng Qiu was taken aback. She never thought that An Yiming heard that sentence.

The court started. The lawyer that Mr An Chia hired was quite good. He presented the evidence gave a huge impact that the opposite lawyer could not find wrong in them.

As Wu Yao planned, Wu Meng Qiu"s lawyer switched the blame to Wu Meng Qiu"s friend, Su Zitong. On Su Zitong"s side, the lawyer and family were dumbfounded by this situation.

They thought Wu Meng Qiu was on their side to fight An Yiming, but this happened. They understood that Wu Meng Qiu"s side tried to push everything to Su Zitong. It made the situation in the court worsen. It should be two sides fighting but now it became three side fighting.

On An Yiming"s side was very relaxed. However, it was not the same as the other two sides. It was very tense.

In the end, Wu Meng Qiu and Su Zitong were proven guilty. Since they were already an adult, both of them were sentenced to a minimum of 5 years of jail time and they also needed to pay the compensation of 200,000 to the victim, An Yiming.

Since both of them were still a student, the family would be the ones who paid for it. When Wu Xiulong heard about the amount of compensation, he was very furious. He wanted to beat Wu Meng Qiu on the spot but he needed to restrain his anger because they were in public.

Wu Yao and Wu Meng Qiu were crying when the judge announced its verdict. Wu Yao did not want her only daughter to spend her young time in jail. The world was not so nice to people who had a jail record in their life. She knew that her daughter"s life would be ruined after her daughter got out of jail.

An Family was pleased to hear the verdict. Not like that verdict would make them return to the past, but at least, the one who ruined An Yiming"s life would not have a happy life either.

Mr and Mrs An thanked the lawyer for his work. They were about to leave when Wu Yao rushed over.

"Sister, please help my daughter. Please don"t let her be sent to jail. Her life will be ruined after 5 years in jail." Wu Yao did not care anymore. She kneeled in front of An Family.


"Your daughter will be ruined... Humph... You only think of your daughter. So, what"s about my daughter?" Mrs An Yanyu asked. She did not have any pity for Wu Yao.

"My sister is suffering because of Wu Meng Qiu. She should pay the price." An Buyi interfered.

If Wu Meng Qiu did not do something like this, their families would be close as usual. But right now, the situation was different. An Family could not forgive Wu Meng Qiu for what she had done to An Yiming.

Wu Xiulong felt embarra.s.sed when seeing his wife kneeling in public like that. He rushed to Wu Yao and pulled her up.

"Brother in law, sister in law, I will take my wife away." Wu Xiulong said.

"Don"t call us like that. From now on, we are not family anymore." Mr An Chia said. "I will announce it later."

"Please don"t do that." Wu Xiulong panicked.

His bussiness client had their contract done in his company because of An Family. If not, they would terminate the contract with his company.

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