Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1301: Payback Part One

Chapter 1301: Payback Part One

Yu Qi found some information that she could use. Since Chi Yuan wanted her to be seen by everyone, she could use the same method on Chi Yuan too.

She was typing some code for a few minutes and was done. She hoped Chi Yuan would like this. Even though she might not get to see Chi Yuan"s reaction.


Chi Yuan entered the company. She wanted to close the deal today. She knew that her design would be chosen by the client.

She walked proudly, telling the receptionist that she had an appointment with the manager. The receptionist nodded and checked the list of names.

After getting permission from the receptionist, Chi Yuan entered the lift. When the door was about to close, a hand grabbed the door of the lift, preventing the door to be closed.

A woman probably the same age as Chi Yuan entered the room.

"I am safe." The woman said.

Chi Yuan did not say anything. She just looked at the woman. The woman looked like a b.u.mpkin country.

"4th floor, please. Oh, you already press it. Thank you." The woman thanked Chi Yuan.

Chi Yuan did not respond. The woman seemed not to mind about it.

The lift arrived on the 4th floor. Both of them came out.

Chi Yuan saw someone and asked. "I have an appointment with Mr Guang regarding the jewellery design. Where can I find him?"

"Me too. I also have an appointment with Mr Guang." The woman also said.

Chi Yuan was surprised to hear that. She never knew that this woman had the same purpose as her.

"Oh, you arrive. Come. Let me show the way." The person gestured for them to follow him.

The person led the way. Both of them walked until they arrived at one meeting room.

"Mr Guang is waiting inside the room. Please enter." The person said.

"Thank you." Chi Yuan smiled.

"Yes, thank you." The woman beside Chi Yuan nodded.

They entered. It was not just Mr Guang inside the room.

"Welcome, Ms Chi and Ms Duan." Mr Guang greeted them.

Ms Duan or her full name, Duan Li was referred to as the woman who stood beside Chi Yuan.

"Before we start this, I want to introduce people inside this room." Mr Guang said, then continue. "This is our owner, she would choose the design which one that we use."??ℯℯ?????νe?.???

Mr Guang proceeded to introduce others to the girls. The meeting was supposed to be one to one face. However, the owner had time to join them today to choose the design herself.

""Okay, then, let"s start with Ms Duan." Mr Guang said.

Duan Li took a deep breath. She stood up and moved in front. She connected her laptop to the projector. Then she began her presentation.

Chi Yuan looked at Duan Li. Sometimes, she glanced at the owner. When the presentation approached the end, Chi Yuan could see the owner nodding several times. It seemed she quite liked the design.

Chi Yuan smirked. She was confident that she changed the owner"s thoughts with her design.

The presentation from Duan Li ended. She returned to her seat. Mr Guang told Chi Yuan that she could prepare.

Chi Yuan went in front and prepared for her presentation. After everything was set up, she began her presentation. Her eyes glanced at the owner sometimes. She could tell that the owner was quite interested in her design.

Chi Yuan become more enthusiastic to continue her presentation. She did not look at her slide presentation much. She thinks her presentation skill could win those people in front of her.

"What the h.e.l.l? Why are you showing that to us?" The owner stood up and shouted at Chi Yuan.

Chi Yuan was startled when hearing the shout. She was confused.

"Stop showing us this kind of video." Mr Guang was also angry.

Chi Yuan was confused. When she turned around, she was greatly shocked.

On the projection, it showed that she showed her naked body. She even jingled her chest to show how big they were. Chi Yuan tried to close the video but she could not. Her laptop could not allow her to close the video.

In desperation, she pulled the plug that connected her laptop to the projector. The room was silent.

Chi Yuan felt that she could not stay here anymore. She took her thing and her laptop. Then, she rushed out of the room. She did not care about the design anymore. Being seen naked by many people was very embarra.s.sing.

She entered the car and started to think about the incident. She did not know why was this happening. She grabbed her laptop and opened it once again. Right after she opened the laptop, the video that showed her naked body played once again.

She tried to close the video again. But she could not. She tried to close all of the applications that she used earlier. Only the video could be closed too.

Chi Yuan was speechless.

Mr Guang coughed as he glanced at the owner.

"You should know what to do." The owner said.

"Yes, Boss. I know." Mr Guang nodded.

Mr Guang knew that his boss already made the decision about which design should they pick up. The owner chose Duan Li"s design. Duan Li was shocked when she the video.

However, her feeling took a sudden change when Mr Guang told her that her design got chosen.

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