Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1443 1443: Another New Contracted Beast

Chapter 1443 1443: Another New Contracted Beast

Long Hui also followed Yu Qi to the PaG.o.da leaving the monster tree outside. The monster tree was dumbfounded by their action. They did not afraid that it might escape.

"Oh, as she says earlier, don"t ever try to escape because you can"t." Rukh stayed outside. He could understand what the monster tree was thinking right now.

The monster tree looked at Rukh and asked. "Why?"

"Because here is her territory. You will never escape if she did not allow you to do so. Trust me. I went through the same thing." Rukh advised.

"What does she want from me?" The monster tree asked.

"You want to devour the human before right? You think there are a lot of people, so, you will be full, right?" Rukh asked the monster tree back.

"Yes." The monster tree nodded.

"That is your fault. You target people under her protection. That is why you are here." Rukh explained.

"Then what will she do to me?" The monster tree gulped.

"Well, I don"t know. You just need to wait." Rukh said.

Rukh did not want to be with the monster tree anymore. He wanted to go to the garden where he ate the strawberry.

The monster tree did not know what it should do right now. It also could not think that it could escape from here according to what the roc bird said earlier.

Rukh went to pick up strawberries again. It tasted very delicious. He could not help to pick it up again.

After several times, he stopped. He walked again. His master grew a lot of plants here. Then he noticed something. This smell... It was the Lingli herb"s scent.

However, he felt the scent become fresh. He went to take a look. He was surprised to see the situation. There were a lot of Lingli herbs. It had been multiplied. How could this happen?

Then he remembered what Yu Qi said before. He could use as many Lingli herbs as he wanted. She had the ability to multiply the herbs. Once again he felt it was not bad being her contracted beast.

"Rukh, come inside." Yu Qi called Rukh.

Rukh left the garden and went to Yu Qi.

"Here, this is your portion." Yu Qi placed a plate in front of Rukh.

"What is this?" Rukh asked.

"Idiot. Of course, it is food. If you don"t want it, you can pa.s.s it on to me. Aoi smiled while trying to covet Rukh"s portion.

"Aoi." Yu Qi said.

Aoi shut his mouth and ate in silence.

"I cooked it. You can try it." Yu Qi smiled.

Rukh gulped. He looked at s.h.i.+no, Aoi, and Bo Ya and ate like crazy. He wondered about that. He took a bite. Once the flavor hit his tongue, his eyes opened widely. Without saying anything, he ate like crazy too, the same as the other three.

Yu Qi smiled when looking at Rukh"s action. She knew Rukh became a foodie too.

Rukh felt it was not enough when he finished his food.

Yu Qi noticed it. "Sorry. I didn"t cook much. I will cook again sometimes."

Rukh felt a little bit disappointed but he was looking forward to the next time Yu Qi cooking. Everyone finished eating.

"It"s delicious as always. Thank you, Master." Bo Ya thanked Yu Qi.

"Hmm.." Yu Qi nodded.

"By the way, Master, are you forgetting something?" Rukh asked.

"Hmm... What?" Yu Qi asked back.

"Master, there is a monster tree outside. Did you forget about it?" Rukh reminded Yu Qi.

"Oh, right. It is our reason for entering the s.p.a.ce." Yu Qi clapped her hands. "I forgot."

So, they went outside again. They could see the monster tree sitting on the ground. When it heard someone here, it stood up.

"Where do you go? I am tired of waiting here, you know." The monster tree complained while looking at Yu Qi.

"I think I could understand what this monster tree try to say right now." Yu Qi could read the situation.

"He asked where did we go. He also told us that he is tired of waiting for us." Aoi informed me what the monster tree said earlier.

"Hmm... what should we do right now?" Yu Qi thought for a while.

Bo Ya approached the monster tree. The monster tree could see that Bo Ya was not a human. Bo Ya nodded several times.

"Master, you should make him your contracted beast." Bo Ya suddenly said.

"What? Why?" Yu Qi said.

"Yeah. Why? Not like it is cute or beautiful." Aoi commented.

"Master, Monster tree cultivate the plant. Having it inside your s.p.a.ce would increase the quality of the plant here." Bo Ya explained.

"This ugly-looking monster?" Aoi was shocked.

"Well, it is up to you." Bo Ya only could advise. Everything would be Yu Qi"s decision.

"Sure. I will take it as my contracted beast." Yu Qi nodded. "Can you explain it?"

"Sure, Master. It will agree." Bo Ya smiled.

The same thing happened. Bo Ya threatened the monster tree. However, this time, Aoi joined too. He even threatened the monster tree with fire, saying he would burn it if it would not agree to become Yu Qi"s contracted beast.

The monster tree was crying in fear. It did not want to die by burning. It was the most painful death to the monster tree.

In the end, it agreed to be Yu Qi"s contracted beast. They performed the ritual. The monster tree became Yu Qi"s fourth contracted beast.

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This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help.

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