Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1502 1502: Deal With Your Subordinates First

Chapter 1502 1502: Deal With Your Subordinates First

Meanwhile, at Capital City, Director Quan came to meet Qin Xia at Yue Headquarters. He wanted to meet Qin Xia because ot the deal that they discussed before.

He did not understand. The discussion was very good. But out of a sudden, Qin Xia wanted to cancel the deal. He wanted to know why.

Qin Xia"s secretary had told him about the reason. But when he asked both Cindy and Shuo,  they told him that they never did anything to Qin Xia.

So, Director Quan wanted to meet Qin Xia face to face to ask the reason. The receptionist called Min Liang to tell him that Director Quan wanted to meet Qin Xia.

Min Liang immediately told Qin Xia about that. At the time, Qin Xia was not so busy. So, he agreed to meet Director Quan. He asked Min Liang to bring Director Quan up to the meeting room.

"Mr Qin." Director Quan stood up when Qin Xia appeared in the meeting room.

"Why do you want to meet me?" Qin Xia did not waste his time and went straight to the point.

"Mr Qin, please tell me the reason why you suddenly cancel the deal?" Director Quan asked.

"Oh, did my secretary not inform you about that?" Qin Xia leaned on the chair.

"Well, he did. But still, I dont understand." Director Quan stated.

"Do you ask your subordinates?" Qin Xia asked back.

"I did. But they told me that they did not do anything to impact the deal." Director Quan said.

"Oh, really? But it is not in your plan to ask your subordinates to seduce me?"" Qin Xia snorted.

"What?" Director Quan was speechless.

"Not only the woman wants to seduce me even the man also wants to seduce me. He even thought I was gay." Qin Xia continued.

This time, Director Quan was totally speechless. He could not respond to Qin Xia. He invited them that night just to introduce them to Qin Xia. Since they would involve in the project.

He really did not ask them to do such a thing. He knew Qin Xia"s rules. After he calmed down a little bit, only then he responded to Qin Xia.

"Mr Qin, I never ask them to do something like that." Director Quan said. Then he apologized to Qin Xia. He even stood up and bowed down to Qin Xia. "I am deeply sorry for the insult."

"So, since you know the reason, you can"t leave." Qin Xia stated.

"Wait, Mr Qin. We really need this deal." Director Quan said. "I will deal with both of them appropriately. Please consider it."

"Let"s see about that." Qin Xia did not wait for Director Quan"s reply and left the room.

"Director Quan, please." Min Liang wanted to escort Director Quan out.

Director Quan looked at Min Liang. Actually, he forgot that Min Liang was also in the room. After Min Liang spoke up, he remembered Min Liang.

"Mr Min, what is Mr Qin mean by that?" Director Quan did not understand.

"Mr Qin means you should go back and deal with your subordinates first. Then, we can discuss." Min Liang delayed what Qin Xia meant.

Min Liang was shocked when he listened to the conversation when Director Quan"s subordinates mentioned that his boss was gay. Well, his boss did not seem to be interested in a woman but it did not make him interested in a man.

Director Quan nodded in understanding. He then left the Yue Headquarters. He rushed to his office. Since Qin Xia told him that the deal could still be considered if he dealt with those subordinates, he would do it.

Director Quan arrived at the office. He told his secretary to call Cindy and Shuo to his room.

Cindy and Shuo looked at each other and went to Director Quan"s room. They could see that Director Quan was angry.

"Be honest with me. What did you say about Mr Qin that night that made him so angry until the deal is cancelled?" Director Quan shouted at Cindy and Shuo in a loud voice. Even people outside could hear that.

Cindy and Shuo were really confused. They were sure that they did not say anything rude to Qin Xia.

"Director Quan, we really did not say anything rude to Mr Qin," Cindy said.

"Yes, Director Quan, how could we say something rude to Mr Qin?"" Shuo also agreed with Cindy"s statement.

Director Quan looked at both of them sharply.

First, Director Quan attacked Cindy. "Then why did he tell me that you said you would seduce him to make the deal fall into our company?"

"That..." Cindy could not answer that.

Then, Director Quan"s eyes moved to Shuo. "And you! How dare you say that he was gay and you want to seduce him too?"

Cindy and Shuo were shocked. Well, they were indeed saying something like that. But it was between them. There was no one around them.

And not like they were saying that out loud. They were whispering at that moment. How could someone hear the conversation and told Qin Xia about the content? It was impossible.

Hearing this, Director Quan felt that Qin Xia was talking the truth. His subordinates really talked about that and Qin Xia knew about that. Which man who was a normal man did not get angry when someone called him gay?

"Just be prepared. I will talk to the CEO about this." Director Quan stated.

Cindy and Shuo could not believe that their work would be impacted because of that conversation.

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