Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1626 1626: One By One Of Her Businesses Got Revealed.

Chapter 1626 1626: One By One Of Her Businesses Got Revealed.

"The next company will be under Qinyue Group is the famous skincare brand which is Qi Qi Skincare Brand. As you know, the brand is focusing on the skincare industry. We also currently develop to enter the cosmetic industry as well." Su Yu Hi said.

Everyone knew Qi Qi Skincare Brand. They had been placing their name as the top brand of skincare bought this year.

People never expected that they would join Qinyue Group because there were a lot of people who offered to work together with the brand. Qinyue Group must offer a lot for the brand to join under its name.

Su Yu Hi moved to another business. The slide showed Qiaosu Entertainment Company. 

"Qiaosu Entertainment Company would be the next one who going to join Qinyue Group. Qiaosu Entertainment Company would be covered the entertainment industry for Qinyue Group." Su Yu Hi said.

Su Yu Hi"s fiance was Song Su Jin who was one of the artists from Qiaosu Entertainment Company. People might think that was a little bit personal but Su Yu Hi did not think so. He was also thinking about the profit that they would make in the entertainment industry. 

"Next, we have HuiQi Jade to join the group. HuiQi Jade specialised in selling jade and jewellery." Su Yu He asked.

People were shocked. They knew who the true owner of HuiQi Jade was. It was Tang Yu Qi. A doctor and researcher. Tang Yu Qi probably sold HuiQi Jade to Qinyue Group because she could not handle the business.

People who were interested in buying HuiQi were disappointed. If they knew that Tang Yu Qi wanted to sell HuiQi Jade, they would offer a lot to Tang Yu Qi. 

"The next one is Tiantang Research Centre. Currently, a lot of research had been conducted at Tiantang Research Centre. The research could help humans in the future. They would join the Qinyue Group as well.

Once again, people were shocked. Did Tang Yu Qi was having trouble managing that research too? Did she going to bankrupt or what? A lot of speculation played in their minds.

Su Yu Hi continued again. 

"The last one is Nigure Koen. People probably don"t know about this place yet. It is located in Capital City. It is a newly opened theme park. They have a lot of attraction that would be enjoyed, not only for the children and for the adult as well." 

Su Yu Hi showed the pictures of Nigeru Koen. Indeed, not many people knew about this since it was still new. 

"That all will be joined Qinyue Group under one management." Su Yu Hi ended the topic with the company that would be joining them.

But he had not finished his speech later. 

"People also think that I am the one behind the scene. But you all are wrong." Su Yu Hi dropped the statement.

Yes, people also thought that Su Yu Hi was a very good businessman. Because he was the one who went to go to meet the client before. 

"I am just her a.s.sistant. Without her, I am not here, at a place like this." Su Yu Hi smiled.

"I meet her through an acquaintance. He told me that he wanted me to work for her. To be honest, at that time, I was unwilling to work for her.

Why? Because she was a young girl. From what I remember, she had just entered the university. How could I work under her?  I think you should take a look at

However, the times pa.s.sed. I saw her ability. She was a very good businesswoman. She knew what she wanted to do. All of the businesses that she started succeeded."

People became very curious about the woman that Su Yu Hi had been talking about. 

"Today is the grand opening of Qinyue Group. I would like to introduce to you all the women who make Qinyue Group today." Su Yu Hi stated. 

Su Yu Hi"s eyes moved to Yu Qi. "I invite her to come up to the stage."

People looked around and waited for the mysterious woman to come up onto the stage. 

Yu Qi slowly stood up and walked up to the stage. People looked at her. 

"Wait, don"t tell me, it is her?"

"That is Tang Yu Qi right?"

"Yes. But is it real?"

"She is the one behind Mr Su?" 

Yu Qi arrived at Su Yu Hi"s side. Su Yu Hi smiled. 

"Let me introduce to you, the owner of Qinyue Group Tang Yu Qi. She is the sole owner of Qinyue Group." Su Yu Hi announced.

People began to clap their hands. It was a surprising news for them. A woman who was only famous as a doctor was now the founder of the Qinyue Group.

No wonder HuiQi Jade and Tiantang joined the Qinyue Group. Then, wait a minute. Did that mean all of the businesses mentioned earlier were opened by Tang Yu Qi?

"Oh, as you might wonder around, all of the businesses I mentioned earlier were Tang Yu Qi"s businesses. If you noticed, some of the businesses use part of her name. YQ, Qi Qi." Su Yu Hi explained. 

Yu Qi stood up on the stage without any flaw. She smiled gracefully to the audience. 

People never expected this turn. A uprising doctor was a very good businesswoman as well. What"s a surprise.????????.???

So, they proceed on the grand opening ceremony. Yu Qi would cut cutting ribbon accompanied by Su Yu Hi.

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