Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1679 Chapter 1679: Follow Yu Qi

Chapter 1679 Chapter 1679: Follow Yu Qi

"I am sorry that she has mistaken you as my new girlfriend." Yi Lishan said.

"It"s okay. It did not bother me at all." Yu Qi shook her head.

"She just found out that I come from a good background family. That is why she wants to come back to me. I will never accept that kind of person in my life." Yi Lishan said.

"Hmm... It is kind of a red flag. Need to avoid that." Yu Qi also agreed with Yi Lishan"s opinion.

They finally arrived at Mayor Yi"s house. The moment Yu Qi stepped inside the house, she had been welcomed by a hug. The hug was at her legs.

Little San looked up cutely at Yu Qi while hugging Yu Qi"s legs. Yu Qi bent down and kissed Little San"s cheek.

"h.e.l.lo, Little San. Nice to meet you again." Yu Qi said.

Little San"s face went red when Yu Qi kissed him. He liked it.

"Welcome to my house, Yu Qi." Madam Yi said.

Yu Qi stood up again. "Hmm... Thank you for having me here."

"Hmm... Let"s go to the dining room. We can talk over there." Mayor Yi said.

When they were about to go to the dining room, they met with Yi Liwei who also was going to the dining room.

"No wonder Little San is so restless just now. His favourite person is here." Yi Liwei commented.

Little San went to kick his brother"s leg. Yu Qi chuckled when she saw the scene. The scene when a little brother gets embarra.s.sed by his brother"s comment

They were having a wonderful talk during dinner. It was like Yu Qi was a part of their family. Yu Qi felt that she was in Tang"s family.

"Yu Qi, do you still have a hidden business that you still never disclose?" Yi Liwei asked.

"Hmm... It is still not the time." Yu Qi nodded.

"Yu Qi, you are so amazing." Madam Yi said.

"Thank you, Auntie Yi." Yu Qi smiled.

Yu Qi spent another hour after dining, playing with Little San. Little San gave Yu Qi a house tour.

After that, Yu Qi excused herself to return to the hotel. Madam Yi suggested that she could stay overnight at their house. But Yu Qi rejected telling Madam Yi that she did not have clothes to change and she was not comfortable borrowing someone else.

Hearing this, Madam Yi understood. She did not force her any longer to stay overnight. Well, Little San was quite upset. Yu Qi calmed down telling him that they would meet again if had time.

Yi Lishan became Yu Qi"s driver again. Yu Qi thanked Yi Lishan for sending her back. She entered the hotel lobby.

However, she was greeted by Cai Liqin. She was surprised to see Cai Liqin over here.

Cai Liqin who was waiting for Yu Qi stood up when she saw Yu Qi walk into the lobby. She looked around Yu Qi and did not see Yi Lishan. She approached Yu Qi.

"Where is he?" Cai Liqin asked.

"Who?" Yu Qi asked back

"Of course, I am talking about Yi Lishan. Why is he not following you too?" Cai Liqin asked again.

"He already returned home. Then, excuse me." Yu Qi said and walked around Cai Liqin to go to her room.

"Wait! I want to talk to you too." Cai Liqin stood in Yu Qi"s way.

"I don"t think there is anything to talk about between us." Yu Qi said.

"I have something to talk with you." Cai Liqin stated.

"But I am not interested. If you excuse me." Yu Qi walked away.

Cai Liqin did not give up. She wanted to say her piece to Yu Qi. So, she began to follow Yu Qi.

Seeing Cai Liqin wanted to follow her, she made the decision to go to her floor using the staircase, not the lift.

"Hey, why are you not using the lift?" Cai Liqin asked.

Yu Qi did not answer that. She just stepped up on the staircase and started climbing up.

Cai Liqin did not want to leave alone and followed Yu Qi.

"How long had you been together with Lishan?" Cai Liqin asked again.

Yu Qu did not have any intention to answer the question. She calmly climbed up the stairs.

"Why I never see you before?" Cai Liqin asked.

She had been back and hung around Yi Lishan for about 5 months. But she had never seen Yu Qi before.

Yu Qi kept her silence. Cai Liqin began to feel out of breath. She glanced at Yu Qi. "Why does this woman did not feel anything at all? Is she not tired after climbing up these stairs?"

Yu Qi stayed at the 5th floor. When Yu Qi was at the 4th floor, she could hear that Cai Liqin was panting her breath.

"If you are tired, stay here and rest. It would be troublesome for me if you died." Yu Qi said.

Then, Yu Qi began to sprint climbing the stairs. Cai Liqin was shocked to see it. She did not have the energy anymore to follow Yu Qi. She just could watch Yu Qi disappear from her sight.

She gritted her teeth. How could that woman did not feel tired at all after climbing so many stairs? She sat on the chair.

The area was very silent and made the area seemed creepy. She started to feel scared staying at the place like this. She quickly left the staircase and went to the lobby using the lift.

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