
Yu Qi was quitting the job despite the owner"s offer. However, when Yu Qi got home, Madam w.a.n.g was very furious when she knew that Yu Qi quitted her job. Madam w.a.n.g was very angry that she wanted to hit Yu Qi but Mr w.a.n.g held her back.

Mr w.a.n.g said if she hit Yu Qi, she would get injured and it required money for treatment. They might have to get their money out. And she would not get out to find another job.

Yu Qi was very sad when she heard those words. She even wondered why was she been treated like this. She was their daughter too. She ran to her old room. 

The next day.

Yu Qi woke up and prepared some breakfast for the family. She hoped her father and mother would be pleased with it.

"Morning, mum, dad. I cook breakfast." Yu Qi said with a smile.

They just sat and eat breakfast without gave a response to Yu Qi.

"Good morning mum, dad." w.a.n.g Yu Jin greeted her parent and eat breakfast.

"Good morning, my dear son." Madam w.a.n.g patted her son"s head. 

w.a.n.g Yu Jin just glanced at Yu Qi and treated her as an invisible person. 

"Morning, guys." w.a.n.g Ha Na appeared. 

"Morning, everyone." w.a.n.g Fu Ya also sat at the table.

Then the table was full. All of the seats had been taken. It was the normal routine for Yu Qi in the morning when she was still living at this parent. She was left out. 

"Oh, you are here too. Elder Sister." w.a.n.g Fu Ya smirked.

"Humph... She"s here because she quit her job. Stupid. You better left and found another job." Madam w.a.n.g said in an angry tone.

"What? Why are you quit your job, Elder Sister? We need money for Ha Na and Yu Jin." w.a.n.g Fu Ya said with a smile.

"It"s just... I don"t like the job." Yu Qi gave an excuse. She would not tell anyone the reason why she quitted the job.

"Elder Sister, you must not choose the job since you are not highly educated. Unlike me." w.a.n.g Fu Ya put a proud look on her face.

"That"s right." Mr w.a.n.g opened his mouth and said one sentence.

"I know. Today, I will be out and find another job." Yu Qi responded and left to the kitchen. 

She ate her breakfast in the kitchen. Sometimes she heard the laugh from the dining room. They were laughing at each other. They never included her even the new year dinner. The kitchen was always the place where she eats.

Yu Qi went out to find another job. Yu Qi greeted some of the villagers. Then she asked about the job. They sad they heard a new hotel had been opened in their town. Maybe she could get a job there. She needed to try and checked it. She thanked the villagers for the information.

She walked to the hotel. She could see a hotel. It was not so big but nice. She walked into the hotel.

"Yes, may I help you miss?" The receptionist greeted Yu Qi with a smile.

"Erk... Miss... Actually..." Yu Qi felt embarra.s.sed.

"Yes, miss?" The receptionist still in her kind and gentle smile.

"Is this hotel need some workers?" Yu Qi asked in one breath.

"Oh, miss, you want to apply for a job here?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes." Yu Qi nodded.

"Okay, please wait there. I will inform the HQ management about it." The receptionist said while pointing to the waiting lobby over there.

"Okay." Yu Qi went to the waiting lobby and sat there.

The receptionist seemed to call someone. Probably from the HQ management. Not long after that, someone in a woman office suit came and met Yu Qi.

"Miss, are you here to apply for a job?" The woman asked.

"Yes." Yu Qi quickly stood up and answered the woman.

The woman looked at Yu Qi up and down. She scanned Yu Qi from her head to her legs. Then she nodded several times.

"Come with me." The woman said.

"Yes." Yu Qi followed the woman.

They arrived at an office room. They entered the room. In the room, another woman sat on the chair. 

"Madam, it is good." The woman that brought Yu Qi here said to another woman. "I will leave first."

The woman that had been called Madam lifted up her face from her paper. Yu Qi had been scanned for the second time.

"Good. Sit here." The woman said.

Yu Qi sat on the chair in front of the woman.

"Hi, I"m Hong Wen Yi. You can call me Madam Hong." The woman introduced herself.

"h.e.l.lo, Madam Hong. I"m w.a.n.g Yu Qi. You can call me Yu Qi." Yu Qi greeted her with respect.

"You want to ask you a job here, right?" Hong Wen Yi smiled.

"Yes." Yu Qi nodded. She really needed the job.

"Good. We just accept a beautiful girl working here. You need to change your image if you want to work here. Do you dare?" Hong Wen Yi challenged Yu Qi.

"Yeah. I don"t mind." Yu Qi did not care if her image changed. 

"Good. I like the quick decision. We will train you for six months. In the six months, you will be learning all about the hotel. During that training, we might send you to work different position. To see what position that you really good at." Hong Wen Yi explained.

"So, you might have to stay in our dormitory room within the training period." Hong Wen Yi continued.

*** This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If it is not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, then it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website beside w e b n o v e l .c o m, can you consider to read it on the original website? As your support to me.Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

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