Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1821: Public Proposal

Chapter 1821: Public Proposal

“What the f*ck…” Helian Tulong cursed under his breath.

Never in his life had he been so embarra.s.sed before. Right now, he wished a hole would suddenly appear in the ground to swallow him!

Feng Zhongwu and Yun Changxia were equally fl.u.s.tered.

They had all thought that Luo Puti was coming towards them and even made a big show of it.

Instead, she went right past them. That was like the slap of the century!

There really was nothing more humiliating than this!

Their eyes followed Luo Puti to see who she was headed for.

Their little hearts nearly exploded when Luo Puti broke through the circle of men and sprinted towards the man in the center – the one who was about to be attacked!

“Xiaobei! It’s… It is really you…” Luo Puti stammered.

Her beautiful eyes fixated on the man in front of her with a mixture of shock and joy!

Those frosty eyes reddened and grew misty.

“Silly girl! It is me! Who else could I be?” Chen Xiaobei gave her a lazy grin.

“It’s… really you!” Luo Puti said in almost a whisper before throwing herself into Chen Xiaobei’s arms, tears spilling down her face.

They were tears of joy and relief!

All that tremendous pressure she had endured for such a long time and the compromise she had to make with the cruel fate she was destined for was suddenly relieved!

She had kept her cool and composure front even with her father, holding herself together when she really felt like falling apart so that no one would know how she really felt!

To protect Saint Duke starfield, Luo Puti was willing to sacrifice her happiness, bearing all that pain and grievance on her own!

Upon seeing Chen Xiaobei, however, Puti abandoned the mask she had put on for so long and allowed her true emotions to be unleashed because she knew that Chen Xiaobei was willing to carry all that burden with her.

Although they had not seen each other for a long time, Luo Puti knew that the man in front of her was the same Chen Xiaobei she knew!

This man would never stop being faithful! He would never let her down!

“What the f*ck is this…” Helian Tulong, Feng Chongwu, and Yu Changxiao stared in bafflement.

Everyone else was equally perplexed.

Why did Luo Puti embrace Chen Xiaobei?

Helian Tulong was supposed to be the fuma!

Even if Luo Puti had decided to do away with their original plan, she should have at least chosen the fuma according to the betrothal gifts, right?

Instead of choosing the three highly respected and prestigious childes who had all brought expensive gifts, she chose the weasel who came to the betrothal contest empty-handed!

It made no sense! It was completely irrational!

Is this Luo Puti another counterfeit princess?

“Puti… Puti! What are you doing?” Luo Qiongcang’s face was blue. His daughter’s misbehavior had caused him to lose all face. Also, if people found out about this, who would want to marry her?

After her tears gradually slowed to a stop, she began to calm down, letting go of Chen Xiaobei and muttered softly, “Xiaobei… I’m sorry. For the Luo family…For all the innocent citizens of Saint Duke… I cannot choose you!”

When Helian Tulong heard this, he grinned cunningly. “Hey, Chen! Did you hear that? No matter what, Princess Puti will never choose you! You are a loser! I, Helian Tulong, am the winner! I have the last laugh after all!”

“Puti, stop dilly-dallying and choose your fuma!” Luo Qiongcang’s tone was stern. As he spoke, his eyes settled on Helian Tulong.

The royal court had already agreed beforehand that Helian Tulong was to become Saint Duke’s fuma.

Choosing him would give Saint Duke an edge in the war.

“Xiaobei… I’m sorry. I am the one who let you down today… If there’s a next life, I will be yours…” Tears welled up in Luo Puti’s eyes again.

It was a painful decision but between her own feelings and the safety of the entire Saint Duke starfield, Luo Puti had to take the higher path.

“Wait!” Chen Xiaobei swiftly reached out and took her hand as she walked away.

“You have to let me go… There’s nothing we can do…” Luo Puti sobbed.

“I will never let you go!” Chen Xiaobei announced. “No matter how big the problem is, I will carry it for you!”

“Not this time… You can’t…” Luo Puti shook her head.

Chen Xiaobei’s grasp on her hand was tightened. His deep, dark eyes gazed deeply into hers. “Tell me, do you trust me?”

“I…” Luo Puti felt her heart tug as if an invisible force had pierced through the most delicate part of her soul!

Chen Xiaobei’s powerful compulsion gave Luo Puti a feeling of security and stability that she’d never experienced before!

Even if the sky was falling, as long as Chen Xiaobei was there, there was nothing to worry about!

With a reliable and dependable man supporting her, Luo Puti suddenly abandoned her earlier decision!

“I do! I trust you!” cried a resolute Luo Puti. Her mind was changed and there was no going back. “I have made my decision! The fuma I’m choosing is Xiaobei! I believe that he will not disappoint me! No one can make me change my mind!”

“Puti! Have you lost your mind? Do you even know what you’re saying?!” Luo Qiongcang’s face was but a ghostly grey. “Don’t you know that this decision of yours will doom all of Saint Duke?!”

The people in the plaza wore a panicked look on their faces.

For all they knew, Tenshou and Royal Dome could attack them at any moment! They could wipe out the entire starfield at any given time!

The only way to save Saint Duke from destruction was to form an ally through marriage to the Helian family.

All the preparations and planning they had done would have been all for nothing if Luo Puti did not go through with it. Calamity was now destined to fall upon Saint Duke and its people!

No one could understand why Luo Puti would make such a stupid decision.

Luo Puti did not know why either.

All she knew was that she had to trust Chen Xiaobei! She had to trust this man who had never let her down before!

There was no reason, just a strong, deep-rooted belief!

“Puti! Thank you! Thank you for having faith in me!” Chen Xiaobei dropped to the ground on one knee and took out a gorgeous diamond ring.

“What… What is this…” Luo Puti asked. “Didn’t you come empty-handed?”

Chen Xiaobei smiled. “I didn’t prepare any betrothal gifts. It’s too old fas.h.i.+oned! I’m following the customs of earth, ergo the ring!”

“I…” Luo Puti was so happy she could not find the words to express herself.

Chen Xiaobei lifted the ring and asked, “Puti, will you marry me?”

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