Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1823: Go Ahead, Kill Me

Chapter 1823: Go Ahead, Kill Me

“Do you even have to ask?!” Helian Tulong snapped. “The fact that he has the Frozen Heart Spiritual Ring is more proof that he’s a spy for Tenshou! I’m sure of it!”

“Helian Tulong! Is there a big hole in your brain?” Luo Puti scolded. “The Frozen Heart Spiritual Ring is the Tenshou’s most treasured item! If Xiaobei is a spy for them, why would he give it to the enemy?”

“Why not?” Feng Chongwu retorted. “They are using the ring as a decoy! They want to beguile Saint Duke!”

“Yeah!” Yun Changxiao rubbed in the salt. “If Princess Puti chooses that kid, it means she’s turning down the three of us down! From today onwards, Saint Duke will lose all external aid! That’s is exactly what Tenshou wants!”

This yielded panic among the royalties and officials.

“That makes sense to me…”

“The Tenshou wants our princess to choose the spy so that we’ll lose the support of the three childes’s forces!”

“How treacherous of them! Even if we received a Two-star Earth-G.o.d Instrument, it’s still not going to be enough to help us out of the danger we are in! Powerful allies are the only things that will guarantee our survival!”

“The emperor of Tenshou wants us to lose all our external aid so that when they attack us, we’ll be on our own and helpless!”

“They’ll take back the Frozen Heart Spiritual Ring and everything in Saint Duke will be theirs! The Tenshou people are vicious!”

The truth of the matter was, everyone in Saint Duke had been petrified ever since the war began!

They were paralyzed with fear of the Tenshou army.

As far as they knew, Saint Duke was in danger of being exterminated by the enemy any day now.

One Two-star Earth-G.o.d Instrument could do nothing to change their situation! Having the Helian family on their side was the only way to safeguard Saint Duke.

Although no one said it, everyone thought that Helian Tulong should have been Luo Puti’s choice!

“Princess Puti! You have to snap out it! Choose the person you should have chosen or Saint Duke will fall!”

“Princess Puti! You cannot think of yourself alone! Think of the rest of us – the tens of billions of people in Saint Duke!”

“Princess! You have to choose the person you should be choosing! Don’t fall for the enemy’s trick!”

“Princess Puti… Please… We beg you…”

One by one, the people cried out to Luo Puti. The cowardly ones even knelt down.

“You don’t need to say anything more! I’ve already chosen Xiaobei! I will not change my mind!” Luo Puti said, unyielding. “I used to always doubt Xiaobei’s ability but he has never disappointed me! Not even once! I will not doubt him this time! I will put my trust in him unconditionally! I believe that he can help me, and help us get out of the situation we are in!”

Chen Xiaobei could not help but smile at this declaration of faith.

Being acknowledged and getting absolute approval from the ice queen made him feel a great accomplishment!

“Luo Puti! You are betting on the fate of the entire Saint Duke Starfield!” Helian Tulong huffed. “And you will lose this bet! Choosing me is the only chance Saint Duke has of surviving!”

“Winning or losing, living or dying – they have nothing to do with you at all!” Luo Puti argued. “I’ve already chosen Xiaobei! You’re welcome to leave Saint Duke!”

“You…” Helian Tulong’s face darkened.

He thought that he was the default fuma candidate. He was supposed to be the one returning home with a beautiful princess in his arms!

At this very minute, the princess he was supposed to marry actually told him to leave!

This was the humiliation of all humiliation! A complete dishonor!

“Luo Puti! How dare you!” Helian Tulong’s shame bubbled into anger. “My family was willing to aid Saint Duke! It was going to the blessing of a lifetime for your Luo family! Today, I walk away from Saint Duke. Tomorrow, Saint Duke is our family’s enemy!”

Desperate to keep Helian Tulong from departing, Saint Duke’s royalty and the officials dropped to the ground on their knees and begged Helian Tulong to say.

Tenshou alone was big enough of a force to destroy Saint Duke. Losing the Helian family to the enemy would only exacerbate the situation!

Even Luo Qiongcang could not bear it anymore. He got up from his seat and said, “Childe Tulong, please wait!”

“What is it, the emperor of Saint Duke? What would you like to say? Are you going to kill me? Do you have the b.a.l.l.s to do it?” Helian Tulong hissed.

The Helian family was a top-tier family of Apocalypse Starfield, and Helian Tulong was part of Heaven Dominating Faction!

If Helian Tulong was killed in Saint Duke, the entire Saint Duke Starfield would be joining him in the grave!

“You’re mistaken, Childe Tulong! Having the Helian family willing to lend us a hand is Saint Duke’s honor!” Luo Qiongcang said, hoping to salvage the situation!” Luo Qiongcang said. “I believe everything you’ve said, Childe Tulong, Childe Chongwu, and Childe Changxiao! You are all right!”

“Hmm? Are you saying that there’s room for discussion?” A smile played on Helian Tulong’s lips.

Luo Qiongcang said, “That Chen guy is very suspicious! I don’t believe him at all! Today’s disorder is all his doing! Getting rid of him is the only way to get this betrothal back on track!”

“Hehe!” Feng Chongwu and Yun Changxioa broke into laughter. “Your grace, you are a very wise man!

“Father! What are you saying? I will not let you kill Xiaobei!” Luo Puti stood protectively in front of Chen Xiaobei.

“Stand back, Puti!” Luo Qiongcang roared. “He brought the Frozen Heart Spiritual Ring here today so that the Helian family, the Feng family, and the Yun family will become our enemies! He’s a poisonous snake! He’s Tenshou’s spy! If we don’t kill him, Saint Duke will die!”

“No! Xiaobei is not a spy! I swear on my life!” Luo Puti said.

Luo Qiongcang ignored her. “Compared to the entire Saint Duke Starfield, one person’s life is nothing! This man has to die! The betrothal will go on as we planned!”

“Father!” Luo Puti screamed.

“Puti, don’t worry!” Chen Xiaobei pulled Luo Puti to him and pushed her behind protectively. “If anyone wants to kill me, let them come! I, Chen Xiaobei, will fight them to the end!”

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