Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1829: Tens of Thousands Pay Their Respects

Chapter 1829: Tens of Thousands Pay Their Respects

“You’re bringing me… to Tenshou capital planet… to watch fireworks?” Luo Puti’s brows furrowed.

Why would Chen Xiaobei say something like that?

“Childe Chen… You’re joking, right? Going there is suicide…” The rest of the group said.

Helian Tulong, on the other hand, burst into laughter. “Do you see it now? The cat is out of the bag! Chen Zhufeng is tricking you! I don’t believe that any of you have the b.a.l.l.s to go! This is suicide! A suicide mission!”

“Helian Tulong!” Luo Puti turned around to glare at their prisoner. “Did Chen Xiaobei damage your brain? How can you say something so stupid?!”

Luo Qiongcang joined his daughter. “Helian Tulong! Don’t even try to sow dissension among us! Chide Chen could have killed all of us with a snap of his finger! Why would he play some elaborate trick on us?”

“Yeah!” The people of Saint Duke agreed. “Why would he need to do that?!”

With everyone speaking against him, Helian Tulong found himself speechless.

The people of Saint Duke were all on Chen Xiaobei’s side. They would not fall again for Helian Tulong’s attempt to drive a wedge between them.

“Childe Chen, we trust you!” Luo Qiongcang declared. “We’ll do as you tell us! We’ll follow you to ends of the world!”

Everyone else nodded.

“Good! Let’s go to the portal!” Chen Xiaobei said, still holding Luo Puti’s hand.

Luo Qiong and the other core members of Saint Duke followed closely behind.

Trailing at the back was Helian Tulong grappled by two Saint Duke soldiers.

Hundreds of armed soldiers had gathered at the portal.

A young man dressed in magnificent clothing walked up to Chen Xiaobei and bowed. “Bro Bei! Everything is in order!”

Chen Xiaobei’s entourage gasped.

That young man was the young master of Saint Duke’s most powerful faction, Yuwen Yuanqin.

The soldiers with him were Yuwen family’s personal bodyguards, bound only to the family – not even Luo Qiongcang could command them!

The Yuwen family was preceded only by the Luo imperial family!

This family had been secretly exchanging intel with Royal Dome’s Ximen family. Luo Qiongcang and the core members of Saint Duke were well aware of that and had been antic.i.p.ating the family’s betrayal.

They never thought that they would see Yuwen Yuanqing taking orders from Chen Xiaobei, and pledging the service of his family troops to Chen Xiaobei!

What in the world was happening here?

“Come one! Let’s go to Tenshou!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“Luo Qiongcnag muttered under his breath. “Childe Chen… You’re mistaken… Saint Duke and Tenshou are enemies! Our portals are not connected to theirs…”

Yuwen Yuanqing answered, “Don’t worry, your grace! Bro Bei knew this all along! I’ve already connected this portal to the one in Tenshou! You can travel there whenever you want!”

“What…” Luo Qiongcang stammered. “Even if we’re willing to allow the access, Tenshou won’t!”

Yuwen Yuanqing smiled. “Don’t worry, your grace! Tenshou has ceased to exist except in name only!”

It took a while for everyone to digest the information.

How could a powerful starfield like Tenshou cease to exist?

Tenshou was Saint Duke’s enemy!

If Tenshou really was dead, that would mean Saint Duke was no longer in danger! This was not something to blather about!

“This is not something that can be explained with just words! Everyone, just follow me!” Chen Xiaobei smiled.

“Alright! We trust you! Let’s go!” Luo Qiongcang signaled to his people to step through the portal.

There were flashes of light, and the group found themselves in Tenshou’s capital planet.

“Is this their capital city! Wow! It’s much more prosperous than ours!” Someone exclaimed.

Others were not as excited. “Their prosperity had been built on our expanse! All these years, all the resources they’ve taken from us is enough to build an entire country! The Tenshou are ruthless and vicious beasts!”

Luo Qiongcang looked around and was suddenly nervous. “Childe Chen, why isn’t there a single person here? It feels deserted…”

Everyone else looked at Chen Xiaobei. They wanted to know, too.

There was not a single soul in the modern capital city. It was very odd.

Chen Xiaobei shrugged. “A curfew has been imposed on the city. Everyone is at home watching tv!”

That did not make the whole situation less puzzling.

Chen Xiaobei continued, “Everything that’s about to happen will be broadcasted live to every Tenshou household!

The Saint Duke people were only more befuddled now.

“Let’s go to their Royal Palace!” Chen Xiaobei announced, leading the group with Luo Puti.

On their way to the palace, they did not encounter a single soul.

When they stepped into the palace though, hundreds of thousands of people were waiting for them!

The grand emperor of Divine Dragon race, the grand emperor of Apocalypse Starfield’s Vermillion Dragon, the holy emperor of Neptune, the newly appointed emperor of Royal Dome, the master of Yuwen household, and the master of Ximen household stood shoulder to shoulder. Behind them stood the key members of all six forces, which was followed by their top-tier elites.

Altogether, these people were enough to trample all starfields in the Nine Zones by storm!

This was a monumental moment for the people of Saint Duke!

Then, four emperors, the masters of the two households, and the rest of the ten thousand people raised their hands, palm-in-fist towards Chen Xiaobei and bowed.

“Greetings Childe Zhufeng!”

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