Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 181: Jewellery Shop Crisis!

Chapter 181: Jewellery Shop Crisis!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Xiao Zhe almost vomited blood when he heard that Chen refused to treat his son. He had just spent a whopping 1.8 million. He never expected Chen to say no to his request. That made Xiao Zhe really angry and frustrated.

“You son of the b.i.t.c.h! Are you treating me like an idiot?” Xiao Zhe shouted angrily.

“You were a freaking moron from the beginning. You know it yourself that I will definitely not treat your son even if you use your a.s.s to think about it!” Chen said condescendingly.

“You mother*cker!”

Xiao Zhe’s face turned green. He quickly turned to Luo and said loudly, “Madam Luo! I want to sue this b.a.s.t.a.r.d! He beat up and hurt my son…”

“Shut up! Where do you think you are right now?”

Luo interrupted him again and said gravely, “I did tell you just now that I have closed this case! You mentioned that you would never bring up this case anymore! Now, you just broke your promise! Are you treating me like a stupid monkey? Do you know that I can sue you for obstructing justice?!”


Xiao Zhe was stunned. He was so angry that his body shook involuntarily. But, there was nothing else he could do to change the current situation. He did not have the guts to offend Luo too much. All he could do was shouted at Chen angrily.

“Chen Xiaobei, you son of the b.i.t.c.h! I will deal with you in private!”

He then left after he threatened Chen.

“What an idiot!”

Chen rolled his eyes at him. He was not afraid of him at all.

He turned around, smiled, stared at Luo and said flirtatiously, “My beauty, Luo Puti, we should totally stick to our bet that we made earlier. Do you want to kiss the right side left side of my face?”

“You wis.h.!.+ Get out from my face!” Luo rolled her eyes on Chen.

She will never recognize the bet that she made with Chen earlier.

“You are not allowed to do this kind of thing to me. Our boat of friends.h.i.+p just sailed out to the ocean. Are you going to break my heart?” Chen said with a smile on his face.

“Hmph! Stop a.s.suming things! I have never agreed to get on your boat of friends.h.i.+p!” Luo rolled her eyes at Chen again.

“You are right. You have never agreed to get on my boat of friends.h.i.+p but you have gotten on my bed before!” Chen raised his eyebrows and laughed evilly.

“Are you looking for some beating? I’m definitely more than happy to do you a favor!” Luo faced turn red and started to act like she was going to beat up Chen.



Chen’s cell phone rung suddenly. It was Jing Fei’s nervous voice on the other side of the call.

“Bro Bei! Something bad just happened! We’ve run into trouble while we were trying to buy the material needed to craft more jade pieces…!”

“Alright… I will come over right now!”

Chen’s face changed immediately. He rushed to the jewelry shop after he said goodbye to Luo. When Chen arrived at the jewelry shop, he asked Jing Fei to enter the vault with him to discuss the problem that they had encountered. He locked the door to prevent others from eavesdropping on them.

“Okay… Tell me. What happened?” Chen asked seriously.

“I follow your order to go around the city to purchase the materials that we need. Now, we have enough gold, silver, and gems. But, we are lacking jade sc.r.a.p right now. I can’t seem to buy it in the market.” Jing Fei said.

“How did this happen?”

Chen’s face became even more serious. This was not good news. All the profit came from the crafting of jade pieces with jade sc.r.a.p. It was a lucrative business with almost zero cost. Chen’s income would drop significantly if the jewelry business falls.

“I don’t know about the detail as well. A few days ago, I already sealed the deal with the seller. I was going to get the material from them today. But, they suddenly changed their minds and said that they couldn’t sell the jade sc.r.a.p to us!”

Jing Fei frowned. He seemed really frustrated.

“Someone must be messing with us!”

Chen a.n.a.lyzed and said, “The jade sc.r.a.p is actually considered as useless garbage. They should be happy that we are willing to buy it from them! Someone must be controlling them behind the scene. Thus, they changed their mind together. The person might even threaten them!”

“That’s right! Bro Bei, your a.n.a.lysis makes perfect sense!”

Jing Fei nodded and said, “When I talked to them two days ago, they were begging me to buy their jade sc.r.a.p! Today, I can sense fear in their voice when I talk to them. Some of them even tried to avoid me!”

“Go and investigate this matter now!”

Chen made the decision pretty quick. He said, “There some be someone really powerful behind those jade dealers! The problem is with that powerful person! The problem will be dissolved automatically when we make peace with him!”

“Powerful person? Now I remember! There is someone like that!”

Jing Fei did a quick flashback, took out a name card and hand it to Chen.

“Bro Bei, take a look at this name card. I received this name card from one of the jade dealers a few days ago!”

“Zheng Daqian?”

Chen’s stare became focused, “He is the president of the Green Vine City Jade Stone a.s.sociation.”

“I heard the jade dealers mentioned that this Zheng Daqian cut off the source of jade stone! Every jade dealers have to go through him to stock up their jade stone. And, he will not sell you jade stones if you offend him!” Jing Fei said.

“That’s right! He must be the one that is messing with us!” Chen made the deduction pretty quick, and he sounded really firm.

“What should we do next? Should we kill this b.a.s.t.a.r.d?” The murderous aura was spilling out from Jing Fei.


Chen shook and said, “We must look for ways to solve this problem. Violence is not always the solution to everything. We must figure out why and how happened to us! There is always someone even more powerful above him! Killing him will not solve the problem!”

“Bro Bei, you are so d.a.m.n wise! I was too aggressive…” Jing Fei was shocked. He entirely agreed with Chen’s concerns.

“There is an address printed on the name card. We should visit him. We might receive something out of our expectation.”

Chen flicked on the name card, and he grinned.

“Receive something? What would that be?” Jing Fei was puzzled. He had no idea what Chen was talking about.


Chen raised his eyebrows and said, “We have never offended this Zheng Daqian. Why would he want to mess with us?”


Jing Fei frowned and had an epiphany all of a sudden, “Are you trying to say that someone is giving the order to Zheng Daqian to mess with us?”

“Hehe… We shall go there and figure it out.”

Chen smiled and walked out the jewelry shop.


The Green Vince City Jade Stone a.s.sociation located at south side of the city. The building looked like a big factory. They saw hundreds of thousands of jade lying on the floor when they entered the building. One could judge that Zheng Daqian had total control of jade stone marker in Green Vine City.

“Who are you guys?”

A guard stopped them and asked arrogantly.

“We are here to meet your boss to talk about jewelry business.” Chen smiled and said.

“Who the h.e.l.l do you think you are? One cannot simply meet the boss just like that! Get lost now!” The guard shouted condescendingly.

Chen frowned and he stared at the guard coldly.

“Excuse me… I didn’t hear you clearly. Can you please say again?”

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  • Morvian



  • Allend_Reaper



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Chapter 182: The Person Behind The Evil Plan!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I’m asking you guys to get lost!”

The security guard shouted.


A foot landed on his stomach before he could finish his words. The immense power and force from the kick made him roll for quite some distance. His face and body were covered in dirt and dust.

“Who do you think you are? How dare you speak to Bro Bei like this?” Jing Fei stared at the security guard angrily. He was the one that kicked him!

“Help! Someone, please help me! Someone is going to beat me to death!”

The security guard pressed on his stomach, rolled on the floor and called for reinforcements to beat Chen and Jing Fei up at the same time.

“Shut up! Stop embarra.s.sing us by shouting!”

A middle-aged man with big tummy walked towards them. Everything about this man was so round. He always smiled when he talked. That made him look like the Maitreya Buddha. He was none other than the president of Green Vine City Jade Stone a.s.sociation; Zheng Daqian.

“Boss, they just beat me up…” The security guard said with a voice that just suffered from injustice.


Zheng rolled his eyes on the security guard and said, “How can you not know the famous Chen Xiaobei? You totally deserve the beating!”


The security guard looked at Chen terrifyingly and remained speechless. He did not dare to say another word. Thus, he left the scene as soon as possible.

“Hmm? It’s hard for me to believe that powerful people like you know about me.” Chen smiled and said.

“Your Beichen jewelry created quite some waves in the city. I’m working with all kind of jewelry. Of course, I know about you!” Zheng grinned and smiled happily.

“If Boss Zheng knows about me, then, I should spill my purpose of coming here today.”

Chen went straight to the point and said, “Recently, I was planning to buy some jade sc.r.a.p. And, all the dealers did promise me that they will deliver the product to me today. However, all of them changed their minds all of a sudden. I want to know what do you think about this?”

“Hehe… Bro Bei, you are the kind of person that goes to straight to the point when it comes to serious business. I should do the same as well. I’m the one that stopped them from selling jade sc.r.a.p for you!”

“Why would you do that? I have not offended you before. There must be a solid reason behind your actions.” Chen remained kind of calm. But, his tone was slightly changed.

“Hehe! You want a reason, right? Well, I am the reason!”

Right at this moment, another two persons walked towards them. The presence of that two persons solved all the question that Chen had in his mind. They were Wenfeng and Ruguan.

“G.o.dfather! Thank you so much for your help in this matter! I will make sure that I will treat you even better after this!” Ruguan walked to Zheng and can’t stop to lick his shoes.

“Hehe… We are family, do, you don’t have any reason to be extra nice to me. Also, I’m doing it for Wenfeng as well.” Zheng smiled and said.

However, Chen was not affected by three of them at all. He even felt like laughing.

“Do you really think that you can beat me to the ground with your stupid tricks?!” Chen asked.

“Hehe… This is just the beginning.”

Ruguan laughed coldly and said, “We have worked out a plan to rout you. Soon, you won’t be able to buy other materials like gold, silver, and gems that you needed so badly to craft any jewelry pieces! Our goal is to make sure that your jewelry shop will close for good!”

“You guys don’t have to be so ruthless. If not, the karma will be landed in your jewelry shop!” Chen said calmly.

“What a joke! Stop acting cool when you know that your jewelry shop is going to close down soon! The Crown Jewelry Shop will become more and more successful with my support behind it!”

Wenfeng said coldly, “We are going to organize a big sales tomorrow! I have invested eight million in Ruguan’s jewelry shop to purchase more products to be sold at the sales. Other than that, I invited a singer to support us as well. Everyone will pay attention to the sales tomorrow. And, they will forget about your stupid shop!”

“I’m impressed by you. You have splurged a huge amount of money to beat me to the ground!” Chen put on a serious face and said.

He never expected that Wenfeng would plan something that big with a huge sum of money to beat him in the jewelry business. It seemed like he had hardened his heart to fight with Chen till one collapsed. Undeniably, his strategy was going to be effective to go against Chen. The reputation of Crown’s Jewelry Shop would increase tremendously if the plan worked. On the other hand, Chen’s jewelry shop would be forced to close for an extended period. Wenfeng’s plan might just worked this time. Jing Fei was deep in thought when he heard Wenfeng’s plan.

He knew the seriousness of this matter since he is the manager of Beichen Jewelry Shop. The consequences could be pretty destructive if that problem was not dealt properly.

“Are you afraid of us right now, b.a.s.t.a.r.d?”

Wenfeng said arrogantly, “Kneel down in front of me if you are afraid of my plan! Knock your head on the floor for ten times and address me as your grandfather for ten times as well. I might just let you live if I’m happy with your act!”

“You son of the b.i.t.c.h! Can you hear Wenfeng’s request?! Kneel down right now!” Ruguan shouted beside Wenfeng.

Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at Chen condescendingly. That was the kind of arrogant look that an arrogant person looked down on a beggar that did not know much what was going on around the world. According to Zheng, going against Wenfeng was totally a stupid move.

“All of you, shut up! Seems like all you here are looking for a death wis.h.!.+ Where did you guys find the b.a.l.l.s to ask Bro Bei to kneel down on the floor?!” Jing Fei shouted angrily.

“Back off, Jing Fei.”

Chen raised his eyebrows and said calmly, “We are all civilized people here. Thus, we do not condone violence.”

“But, Bro Bei, they are getting way over their head!” Jing Fei looked really frustrated. If it was not for Chen, he might have beat them all up right now.

“Calm down. Calm down.”

Chen tapped on Jing Fei’s shoulder, smiled and said, “No one will know the ending before the story happens. Maybe everything will change tomorrow.”

He could not figure out where did Chen acquire his confidence at that crucial moment. He acted like nothing was going on.

“Son of the b.i.t.c.h! You can continue with you stupid acting! I want to see you weep tomorrow once we kick-start our mega sales!” Wenfeng said.

“Hehe… I’m a person that always stay true to others. I’m not acting at all!”

Chen grinned and said, “What time do your mega sales start? I want to go there and support you guys. I might just spend one to two million to increase your sales!”

Comments (50)

  • aXionPingu


    son of A b*tch @ translator, get it right

  • Morvian


    i can’t say I’m satisfied with MC too much nonsense like right now, i prefer him like in the past~ straightforward rob them clean then make them totally become a beggars without home~ MOAR SECT GIVING THEIR THANKS FOR NEW CHAPTER~ BUT WE’RE PEOPLE WHO HAS THICK SKIN AND GREEDY SO WE NEED MOAR!!!!!!!!!!~ MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA~

  • Xaq


    I’ve thought about three idea of already only using the city’s resources. With as much money as he has he should be able to get a supplier elsewhere.

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Chapter 183: One-Star Spirit!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

How dare you say you never act like an a.s.shole in front of everyone? You are acting like a mega a.s.shole right now! Do you think ordinary people would spend one two million Yuan to do shopping? Wenfeng and Ruguan’s eyes almost rolled to the back of their heads.

“Hmph! I’m expecting that you will definitely make a mess at our sales tomorrow!”

Wenfeng grinned and said, “I have invited a lot of reporters to come to my mega sales tomorrow! All of them would point their camera at you if you were to make any stupid move! You will be embarra.s.sing yourself in front of everyone!”

“Hehe… What kind of person do you think I am? I can promise you that I will not make a mess at your sales tomorrow!”

Chen raised his eyebrows and said, “I shall leave first, for now! I wish all the best for your sales tomorrow!”

Chen turned around and left with Jing Fei.

After some distance, Jing Fei could not hold on to his frustrations anymore. He frowned and said, “Bro Bei, are we really not going to do anything about this matter? Our reputation will be destroyed if we allow him to execute his plan!”

“Of course, I know about this!”

Chen walked while fiddling with his cellphone. People in the city were talking about the mega sales of Crown Jewellery shop in Weibo and Jewellery forum.

[Have you heard about it?! I heard the jewelry would be given a great discount tomorrow!]

[Yes! I heard their jewelry are even cheaper than the jewelry sold in Beichen Jewellery shop! Definitely worth checking it out!]

[Sigh! I’m Bro Bei’s die-hard fans! But, his shop has been closed for some time. I have no choice but buy jewelry from Crown Jewellery shop!]

[Yea… What happened to Bro Bei? Why did his shop remain closed for such a long time? Do you think he closed down the shop for good due to the great loss that he suffered earlier?]

[I don’t think he suffered any losses! He promised that he would donate thirty-one million but he didn’t even fulfill his promise!]

[Man… I really have no idea what’s going on with Bro Bei]


“Seems like I lost connection with my fans due to my recent inactivity in the group. My fans’ loyalty started to be shaken by some other external factors. My reputation will completely disappear if I don’t do something about it!”

Chen raised his eyebrows while reading all these comments. He then quickly posted a status along with some pictures. The pictures showed the doc.u.ments of setting up the Xiaoyao Foundation. Chen then wrote a line of captions beneath the pictures.

[I have been busy with the donation matter. Finally, there some ground-breaking progress! I will donate all the money that I promised to donate earlier! Also, this donation matter is going to be a long-term commitment! Lastly, Beichen jewelry shop will be re-opened at ten in the morning tomorrow!]

The post created an atomic-bomb-impact in Weibo! All of Chen’s fans got super hyped!

[d.a.m.n! Bro Bei finally comes active! I really miss you!]

[This is some cool s.h.i.+t! Bro Bei is the MAN! I can’t believe you set a charity foundation secretly!]

[Bro Bei, I know that you will never disappoint us! You are the real MAN that keeps your promise!]

[Since Beichen Jewellery shop is going to be re-opened tomorrow! I will not spend my money in Crown Jewellery shop!]

[I shall be there at ten in the morning tomorrow! And, I will only spend my money in Beichen Jewellery shop!]


Chen’s fans’ loyalty remains high. Thousands of them responded to Chen’s post in a short period of time. Without a doubt, Beichen Jewellery shop will be filled with tones of people tomorrow!

“Bro Bei… Why did you say that we will re-open Beichen Jewellery shop tomorrow? We do not have any stock with us right now…”

Jing Fei was holding his cellphone and did a quick read on Chen’s Weibo. He looked distraught.

“Have you heard of an old song before? We don’t have the gun. We don’t have the bullet. But, the enemy will build for us!” Chen grinned. His smile has a hidden meaning to it.

Jing Fei was shocked. He asked shockingly, “I thought you mentioned earlier that you would not make a mess at Crown Jewellery Shop tomorrow?!”

“Hehe… I did promise that I will not make a mess tomorrow. But, I did not mention that I will not make a mess for them today.”

Chen laughed evilly and said, “Have you forgotten that I said that everything would change when the sun comes up tomorrow?”

“You are trying to say…”

Jing Fei’s emotion took a quick turn. A smile started to be formed on his face slowly.

“We will start our secret operation at midnight!”

Chen had everything under his control.

After that, Chen went home. He was planning to take a good rest. So, he will be able to execute his plan flawlessly. A beautiful spirit flew to his side the moment he got on his bed. She had a sweet oval face, cycloidally arched eyebrows and a pair of big hazel eyes.

She was wearing a maid costume. Her b.o.o.bies had almost burst out of her dress. The length of the dress was so short that her backside was half revealed. A pair of s.e.xy stockings were being out on her long and elegant legs. The soft and fair forbidden zone was formed between her legs.

That was G.o.ddess that every man wished for!

“Hehe! My master! Do I look gorgeous and s.e.xy? Do you have the urge to push me on to your bed?”

The spirit was only twenty centimeters tall but she was extremely seductive. Unfortunately, she could not be touched because she was in spirit form. She is Wenyuan’s spirit.

“d.a.m.n girl… The way you dress up yourself is so inappropriate.”

Chen gulped, and he could not look away from her. Too bad she was in spirit form, if not Chen would definitely push her on the bed and do all sort of s.e.xy stuff with her.

“Master… Stop lying to yourself… Your body is telling the truth… Look at your little rocket… It’s responding to me…”

Wenyuan stared at Chen’s little rocket seductively.

“Cough… Cough…”

Chen flushed and quickly divert the topic, “Seems like you have gone through a huge power boost. I don’t believe that you can change into maid costume in such a short period of time!”

“Hehe… Of course!”

Wenyuan laughed playfully and said, “The Unholy Spirit Pill that you gave me earlier is extremely effective on me! I can increase my combat power by five hundred every day! Now I’m a One-Star Spirit with two thousand combat power!”

“One-Star Spirit?”

Chen was stunned. He remembered that Xiaobai once told him that the Sirius and himself could be evolved into One-Star Spirit Beasts as well. After some calculations, Chen figured out that by this time they should have evolved into One-Star Spirit Beast.


Wenyuan nodded and explained, “Creature like us are in spirit form. Our combat power is different from human. Our cultivation is counted by stars. Nine-star spirits are the most powerful spirit among all!”

“What kind of ability do you possess right now? I don’t think all you can do is change into maid costume with two-thousand combat power.” Chen asked curiously.

“I know Face Crafting Skill as well! All I need to do is spend some spirit power to perform the skill!”Wenyuan said proudly.

Chen’s face was filled with joy instantly, “Your Skin Crafting Skill should be able to create a human face, right? Just like the one in the book called Strange Tales!”

“Yes! I can do that! It’s real!”

Wenyuan smiled and asked, “Master, do you want to try it?”

“It’s so happened that I need a mask right now!”

Chen grinned and put on a super evil smirk.

Comments (34)

  • Morvian



  • Hiro12a


    The mc not a good guy……besides he gonna have to protect the world once he becomes op so might as well have fun now

  • SupremeZzzzzZ


    Long road is ahead of us.. Probably in two years or so.. The chapter releases is not enough..??

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Chapter 184: Clear The Place Immediately!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Master! The look on your face is as evil as a big bad wolf! The face of the guy that you want a copy of will definitely suffer from your masterful plan!”

Wenyuan was looking at Chen with her big and lively eyes. She too, put on an evil smile. Normally, she would have a lot of evil ideas in her mind. That was why Chen and her could work together really well. She knew that Chen had some evil thoughts in his mind when she took a look at Chen’s face.

“I want a copy of Wenfeng’s face!”

Chen grinned. He could not even stop his evil laughter. It was like the spirit of the big bad wolf just took over his body.

“Eh? Master, are you planning to strike on that son of the b.i.t.c.h, Wenfeng?”

Wenyuan frowned. Her face turned furious instantly. Even though Wenfeng was not the one that killed her family, he was definitely one of the accomplices. Thus, she always wanted him to be punished heavily.

“Great! That’s just great! Master! Please make sure that son of the b.i.t.c.h suffers greatly! If possible, take his worthless life!”

Wenyuan said angrily in a determined tone, “Alright, I should get back to work. Let me help you craft Wenfeng’s mask right now.”

After that, Wenyuan went back to the Spirit Cage and started to work on the mask crafting. She might look playful most of the time. But, she could be really serious when it came to work. Chen took the opportunity to Check on Xiaobai and Sirius while Wenyuan was working on the mask. As expected, both of them were now One-Atar Spirit Beast. They owned a whooping two-thousand combat power. In other words, they were extremely powerful. The safety of Chen’s parents was guaranteed when they were a.s.signed to guard Chen’s house. According to Xiaobai, they would evolve into two-stars Spirit Beast after ten days of consuming the Heavenly Pet Food. By then, each of them would possess three-thousand combat power! Even Chen could not win the battle if both of them fought with Chen at the same time.


Time flew, and it was midnight. Chen put on Wenfeng looking mask and the Nightwalker Outfit. He chose not to drive tonight. He ran to the place that he set with Jing Fei earlier. Jing Fei wore a pitch black suit as well. His entire body was completely covered except for his eyes.

“Jing Fei!” Chen shouted at the back.

“Bro Bei?”

Jing Fei recognized Chen’s voice but he was extremely shocked when he turned around.

“Wenfeng?! How come you are here at this time?!”

Jing Fei took another good look at the person. His jaws fell on the ground. He thought he heard Chen’s voice but it was Wenfeng that appeared behind him. Jing Fei was puzzled. But, he trusted his eyes more than his ears. Without a second thought, Jing Fei raised his punch unconsciously and attacked the person.


There was a thousand combat power embedded inside his punch. It was equivalent to a four hundred pounds powerful punch. Wenfeng would definitely die if this punch landed on his body. However, the punch was put to halt completely by one single palm. Jing Fei failed to proceed with his attack even though he used up all his strength.

“Too powerful! This is not right! It’s impossible for Wenfeng to stop my punch!”

Jing Fei is not dumb at all. He opened his eyes wide and stared at Chen and said, “You… Are you really Bro Bei?”

“Hehe! Even you can’t differentiate me from Wenfeng! This mask is perfect!” Chen grinned.

He looked the same as Wenfeng.

“Oh my G.o.d! It’s really you, Bro Bei!”

Jing Fei’s shocking voice was a little bit shaken. He would never believe in the existence of such a skillfully crafted mask until he saw one with his own eyes. Jing Fei had ventured in Jianghu for years. If he could not differentiate Chen from Wenfeng, then, no one else in this world would be able to do so.

“Stop standing there. Let’s go! Time is money!”

Soon, they have reached their destination; Crown Jewellery shop.

“Hold on…”

All of a sudden, Jing Fei stopped Chen from moving forward. He pointed at the top sides of the door. There were two high definition CCTV being installed at the entrance. Chen would enter the CCTV’s recording area if he took another step forward.

“d.a.m.n… You are really professional!”

Chen smiled and said mockingly, “Unfortunately, I don’t need your professionalism tonight.”

After that, Chen started to move forward. He did not even try to cover himself from the camera. He even made a few mocking faces at the camera.

“Hmm… I understand now!”

Jing Fei had an epiphany suddenly, “Now, Bro Bei’s ident.i.ty is Wenfeng! The CCTV will record the appearance of Wenfeng but not Bro Bei! In other words, Wenfeng will be the one that commits this crime! d.a.m.n! What a masterful plan!”

“Destroy it,” Chen ordered calmly after he left the evidence for the CCTV.



Jing Fei destroyed two CCTVs within a second. Next, they needed to unlock the door. The lockpicking skill of a real thief would be tested in circ.u.mstances like this. Since Jing Fei was known as the Thief King in Jinaghu, it meant he could unlock most of the locks that were being sold in the market. He then started to take out two thin needles and started to mess around with the lock. It might seem messy but real lockpicking skill was definitely needed here to unlock the door. The strength that one exerted while picking the lock was very important.

“Lockpicking is so interesting…”

Chen was paying close attention to the way of picking a lock effectively. He noticed a lot of small details with his Scholar Heart. In a short period of time, he managed to master the skill of lock picking. There was a saying; you can learn everything when you pay attention to the things that you want to learn. He might be able to use this skill shortly.


The heavy rolled up door was finally unlocked. However, there was one more lock to be unlocked behind the rolled-up door. Chen took over the two thin needles and started to work on the lock with the lock picking that he had just mastered earlier.


The second door was unlocked within ten seconds.

Jing Fei was stunned by the speed of unlocking the door. He said, “Bro Bei… Since when you learn how unlock a lock through lockpicking? You are d.a.m.n skillful! Your speed on unlocking the door is even faster than me!”

“I just learned it from you!”

Chen shrugged and said, “Why are you acting so surprised at such a simple matter?”

“Sim… Simple?”

Jing Fei’s eyeb.a.l.l.s almost fell on the floor.

“This is the atomic lock that made in j.a.pan. I went through three years of training to successfully unlock it…”

“Because you are stupid!”

Chen grinned and tossed his cellphone to Jing Fei. He then ordered, “Cut the c.r.a.p, let’s grab everything that we can grab from his shop! This time, don’t even leave the furniture behind!”

Comments (48)

  • unconditional


    hahahaha broke to the nth lvl haha

  • Silentone


    That’s bad a.s.s…

  • HeavenlyCatKing


    My ghad

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Chapter 185: The Enemy Will Build It For Us!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation




Jing Fei tossed out some stones to destroy all the CCTV. He then started to execute the plan that Chen told him earlier. He kept everything that he could see in the treasure chest. Things like gems, gold, silver, jewelry, jade stone could not escape the fate of changing a new owner. Chen even ordered Jing Fei to keep the tables, chairs, and counters into his treasure chest as well. Within few minutes, the Crown Jewellery Shop was utterly empty.

“Bro Bei, let’s take a look at their inventory.” Jing Fei said happily.

Those things that they just kept in the treasure chest were just appetizers. The main course was in the inventory.


Chen opened the thick and heavy door of the inventory. The things that they saw in the inventory made their eyes s.h.i.+ne bright like a diamond. There were countless pieces of jewelry stored in the inventory. One could get blinded by the light reflected off the jewelry. Ruguan had a total of three hundred million Yuan wealth. Ninety percent of it was inside this inventory. Wenfeng’s eight million Yuan worth of investment was in this inventory as well. Everything added up together was on par with the number of jewelry that Chen owned during his jewelry mega sales.

Actually, Ruguan and Wenfeng were planning to use this jewelry as bullets to defeat Chen

“Haha… Bro Bei! Everything that you said is right! We don’t have a gun, and we don’t have bullets as well. But, the enemies have prepared those for us!”

Jing Fei said excitedly, “Tomorrow, our Beichen Jewellery shop can open for business, as usual! But the Crown Jewellery shop will become the joke of this city! Hahaha…”

“Let’s clear the s.p.a.ce!”

Chen swung his hand and put on a mocking smile.


After that, Chen and Jing Fei went back to Beichen Jewellery shop. They entered the inventory and started to use the Transmogrifying Flame and Heavenly Smithing Furnace to modify the jewelry that they just stole from Crown Jewellery Shop. Both of them spent the whole night to work on the modifying work. They drank Potion of Hundred Herbs for rejuvenation.

It was very crucial for them to completely change the physical appearance of the jewelry. It was to make sure no one in this world could find flaws with their jewelry.

At eight in the morning tomorrow, all of Chen’s employee came back to work from their holiday vacation. That included Lin Nan as well. Chen arranged a meeting early in the morning. He asked Jing Fei to distribute tasks to them. Everything went smoothly. All of them were waiting to serve tonnes of customers at ten later. The circ.u.mstance would definitely not turn out into something as crazy as last sales.

Chen did not plan to stay inside the shop. He greeted his employees and exited the shop casually. He walked to the Crown Jewellery Shop located on the street next to his shop. Wenfeng and Ruguan put a lot of effort into advertising their mega sales. Tonnes of people were gathering around Crown Jewellery Shop. Although the people that came for the mega sales was not as many as the sales organized by Chen, there were at least twenty to thirty thousand people waiting outside.

There was a stage being set up at the front entrance of Crown Jewellery shop. Chen had to use all his strength to squeeze to the front of the stage. After ten minutes of waiting, the main characters finally arrived. Wenfeng and Ruguan walked onto the stage together. Both of them were all ready for this big day.

Both of them had their stylist style their hair. They put on expensive suits and s.h.i.+ny leather shoes. Everything about them was near perfect. They were s.h.i.+ning on the stage. The crowd under the stage were cheering for them. That made them looked like superstars.

“Everyone, please be quiet.”

Ruguan had a microphone in his hand. He acted sincerely and said, “I’m the CEO of Crown Jewellery Shop; Ruguan! Thank you so much for using your precious time to come and support us! Your pa.s.sion towards us flatters us…”

Suddenly, a voice interrupted him while he talked on the stage happily.

“Cut the c.r.a.p! Start the mega sales now! My wallet is extremely hungry! I can’t wait to shop in your jewelry shop!”

The person that shouted was none other than Chen Xiaobei.

“Why is this b.a.s.t.a.r.d here?”

Ruguan’s face turned angry and shouted, “Security! Please drag this b.a.s.t.a.r.d that tried to make a mess here out of this place!”

“Are you kidding me?! I brought tonnes of cash here to shop in your jewelry shop! Why are you trying to chase me out?!”

Chen continued to shout, “Is this how Crown Jewellery treat their valuable customers? Such bad service! This is bullying! Everyone, let’s boycott them! Let’s leave…”

Ruguan was freaking out. He couldn’t afford to have Chen make a mess on this big day.

“Security! Come now! Drag him out!” Ruguan shouted.

“Boss Ru, calm down!”

Wenfeng took over the microphone from Ruguan and said, “Today is the big day of Ruguan’s jewelry shop. It’s totally normal for Bro Bei to feel envious of us. He can do whatever he wants. And, we will not be affected by him.”

Wenfeng emphasized on two words; Bro Bei and envious. Clearly, Wenfeng was trying to kill two birds with one stone. He wanted to embarra.s.s Chen in public and destroy this good image in everyone’s heart.

“Bro Bei? So, that young man is Bro Bei!”

“d.a.m.n! It’s really him! I thought he is a nice guy! Why did he look like a b*tch in real life?”

“He can’t afford to see other do better than him in the jewelry business. This is such a b.i.t.c.hy act!”

“I never thought that Bro Bei is this kind of person!”

“This is not what a real man will do!”


Most of the people gathered outside the Crown Jewellery Shop were not Chen’s fans. Thus, they were easily affected by Wenfeng’s words. All of them started to criticize Chen. Ruguan gave Wenfeng a thumbs up when he saw the strategy that Wenfeng used to shut Chen up. That was definitely better than asking the security guards to drag Chen out from this place.


All of a sudden, Chen jumped on the stage. He grabbed the microphone without a second thought.

“What are you trying to do? This is not the place for you mess around!” Ruguan was shocked and he shouted angrily.

“Boss Ru, remember, we must maintain our sense of civility!”

Wenfeng tapped on Ruguan’s shoulder and said, “If Bro Bei wants to make a mess here, we should just let him do it! There are twenty to thirty thousand of people here watching him! There are different reporters from different TV station live-streaming his action as well! Let him be the clown of the day!”

Everyone looked at Chen at the same time after hearing Wenfeng’s comment. The cameraman pointed their camera at Chen as well.



He saw that he became the center of attention of everyone, he cleared his throat and started to make up something.

“Everyone, please don’t misunderstand my intention! I’m not going to make a mess here today! On the contrary, I have prepared twenty million Yuan to support my friends here!”

Comments (35)

  • Avaricious


    Omg the ultra burn ahhh It heat is so hot that Even I feel it in this alternate universe

  • Traveler_J23



  • Daoist666doriginal


    What is the exp sect? ? Commenting in d comment section should be to praise bro bei and other MCs not just 2 raise exp ?

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Chapter 186: It’s A Setup!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What does he mean by twenty million?”

“Supporting his friends?”

“Bro Bei, what do you mean?”

The audience was all hyped up. They wanted to figure what is going on. To ordinary people, twenty million was an astronomical amount of money.

Chen smiled and explained, “I will buy out all the remaining jewelry they have after the mega sales ended! Other than that, I will purchase it according to the original price! I will not ask for any discount! I will consider spending more if twenty million is not enough!”

“d.a.m.n! Are you freaking serious?!”

“Bro Bei is really supporting rivals in business! This is just too d.a.m.n generous!”

“Awesome! You can do anything you want if you are rich enough!”

“This is the Bro Bei that I know! We have misunderstood him!”

The people around him were shouting in excitement. They got all excited by Chen’s announcement. At the same time, those professional cameramen recorded everything that Chen just said. They knew this news was worthy of being reported.

“It’s easy to be successful! But, it’s hard to bless other when you are successful! This young man is really something extraordinary! He is so generous that everyone should learn from him!”

“I have decided! I will write an article with the t.i.tle of; Be a Blessing! And, this young man will be the core character of the article!”

“Great idea! Nowadays, the gap between rich and poor is too big! The society needs this kind of positive energy!”

“That’s right! Those filthy rich people should wake up and starts to learn from him! Learn how to bless other!”

All of a sudden, everyone became so supportive of Chen. The criticism and doubts from the audience were completely gone in the air. They were all replaced by praises and supportive comments. Someone was getting grumpy while Chen took all the light on the stage. Wenfeng and Ruguan’s faces turned green when they witnessed the dramatic change in front of them.

Initially, they wanted to embarra.s.s Chen but Chen dissolved the embarra.s.sment with only two simple sentences. He then received tonnes of compliments. The audiences almost forgot that the main characters of the days were Wenfeng and Ruguan.

“Everyone… Please be quiet… Be quiet…”

Wenfeng shouted for some time, and he finally managed to get everyone’s attention.

“Everyone, please don’t listen to his bulls.h.i.+t!”

Wenfeng continued to say, “We are going to give a lot of discount on the jewelry! There won’t be anything left by the end of this mega sales! Thus, we don’t even need Chen Xiaobei to help us by buying the leftover stock!”

Everyone was getting impatient when they heard Wenfeng’s comment.

“Quit talking c.r.a.p! Let the sales begin! Let us help you to clear your stock!”

“That’s right! We come here for the huge discount! We can’t wait any longer!”

“Open the door now! I want to surprise my girlfriend with the jewelry that I buy from here!”

“Stop wasting our time! Open the door now!”

Chen and Wenfeng were trying to gain support from the audience. The truth was, the audience did not really care about their argument. All they care about was the money that they could save from this mega sale. The audiences looked like a bunch of hungry wolves that could not wait to consume all the products inside the shop. Wenfeng and Ruguan finally smiled when they saw the audiences were acting so supportive and pa.s.sionate. Although their well-planned scheme did not even hurt Chen, the audiences were still really excited to make their purchase. In other words, they would have a good business today!

Chen would still be defeated if their sale was successful.

“Don’t worry everyone! I have arranged everything! My employees are entering the shop right now! All of you guys can shop as long as you want!” Wenfeng announced excitedly.

“Finally… It’s going to begin…”

At the same time, Ruguan was extremely excited as well. For him, this was a historical moment. He strongly believed that his Crown jewelry Shop would be glorified with the help of Wenfeng.


The iron rolling door was opened from the inside. The moment that everyone was waiting for became a shocking and extremely disappointing moment! The Crown Jewelry Shop was empty except for the employees that stood there petrified. Not even a single piece of garbage could be found on the floor.

“What… What the h.e.l.l just happened!?” Wenfeng’s eyes were wide opened.

“Am I dreaming…?” Ruguan’s mouth was wide opened as well. He pinched himself unconsciously to make sure that he is in reality!


“This is not a dream!”

“What the f*ck! This is not a f*cking dream!”

Ruguan was completely petrified. It was like his brain just short-circuited. He could not think straight anymore. There was nothing else he could do even if he can think straight. He could not figure out what just happened to his shop.

“Motherf*cker! F*cking h.e.l.l!”

At the same time, the customers that were standing by to shop were irate!

“Where is the jwelry?! Where the f*ck is the discount?! Where the f*ck is the mega sale?!”

“Are you treating all thirty-thousands of us like monkeys? We are not here to be fooled around by you!”

“Motherf*cker! This is cheating! You f*cking cheat us! Do we look like an idiot to you?!”

“I want to call to customer complaint department! The Crown jewelry shop is sh*t!”

“I will never come to this kind of f*cking shop anymore!”

“I’m going to tell everyone that only idiots will shop at Crown Jewelry Shop!”


“Everything is destroyed… My Crown Jewelry shop is destroyed… G.o.d… Why does this happen to me…”


Ruguan was completely devastated. His legs went soft and fell to the ground.

“There must be someone messing with us!”

Wenfeng turned furious and stared at Chen angrily, “Speak! You are the one who messed around with us right!”

“Hehe… You guys are the ones that cheated your customers. How am I related to this?”

Chen shrugged and said casually, “Please don’t simply blame others without solid evidence! You look like some mad dog! This shows that you are nothing but an imbecile!”

“You must be the one! I’m going bet with my head that you are the one that robbed Crown jewelry shop! I’m calling the cops!”

Wenfeng took out his cellphone and started to call the police. He summarized everything to the police.

“Just call the police! I believe that the police will bring in the right person that committed this crime!”

Chen was extremely calmed. He even felt like laughing secretly. This whole thing was planned by Chen. Everything was under his control. Others were just the stepping stone for his evil plan. When the police came, they quickly took a look at the CCTV footage. The second thing that they did was to walk to Wenfeng.

“Wenfeng! You are under arrest!”

Comments (54)

  • KenJustKen


    ** I would have liked this novel even more if the MC (main character – Chen Xiaobei) was Moar of, um I mean ‘more of’, a nice person such as how Song Shuhang is, in the “Cultivation Chat Group” novel by Author: Legend of The Paladin! My partial ‘guess’ is that with ‘Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms’ it was copied from the Red Packet novel, and the author chose not to change much.

  • Daoist666doriginal


    Boi. He just got wrekt

  • freakmedic


    Translator your under arrest for not releasing fast xD …

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Chapter 187: Real Life Dog Eat Dog Scene!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Excuse me? Am I under arrest? You must be crazy! I’m the one who called you guys! Hey, stop…” Wenfeng was confused. Even if he had ten thousand more brains, he could still not comprehend why were the police arresting him.


Not waiting for him to finish, an officer had already cuffed his hands. “You’re the crazy one!” A middle-aged officer rolled his eyes and said, “I’ve been a policeman almost all my life, and this is the first time I’ve seen a real case of the thief screaming thief!”

“Huh? What thief screaming thief? I don’t understand!” Wenfeng was stunned. Since when did he become a thief?

“Officer, what do you mean?” Ruguan had gotten up and curiously asked the police officer. “Young Master Wen has invested a total of eight million yuan into the business, how is he a thief?”

The middle-aged policeman twitched his lips and said to Ruguan, “You must be very dumb! Your ‘partner’ sold you out! And you’re still counting his investment for him? Here, see for yourself!” As he spoke, the policeman took out a tablet and played the surveillance video footage. The video was in full HD and was showing the front door of the store at 1:03:31AM. And in the video, “Wenfeng” was seen wearing all black and moving about in front of the store entrance. He looked directly into the camera and so his whole face was perfectly captured on video. Soon, by 1:04:07AM, the camera was destroyed, and the video ended there.”

“Wha… How can this be?” Wenfeng was once again stunned. He wanted to say something about this, but could not find the words and almost bit his tongue.

“Wenfeng you c.u.n.t! How can you do this to me!” At the same time, Ruguan shouted at him in a disappointed tone, like a pig that was screwed in the a.s.s. “I trusted you! I really thought that you were helping me! But you turned around and stabbed me in the back like this! F*cker, I’ll kill you!”


Ruguan summoned every ounce of strength in his body and threw out a strong punch on Wenfeng’s left eye.

“Owww…” Wenfeng reacted to the pain. His left eye was bruising up fast, making it look like a panda’s. “Ruguan! You crazy a.s.shole! I slept early for today’s launch; I was already in bed by 11 last night…” Wenfeng explained through gritted teeth.

“You think I’m blind? If you slept at 11, then who the h.e.l.l is the guy in the video? A ghost? I’m going to beat you to death!” Ruguan was in a rage and would not listen to his excuses.


With that, another punch landed on Wenfeng’s right eye, making him look exactly like a panda.

“F*ck you! That’s not me! That’s an imposter! A fake!” Wenfeng screamed out. “Someone could have just 3D printed a mask with my face on it! I’m not going down like this!”

“Wha…” Ruguan was taken aback. Although the 3D printing idea was a little farfetched, it was not entirely impossible! Besides, Wenfeng did not have a motive for this. Could they have been wrong? Ruguan calmed himself down and turned to the officer. “Sir… Do you have any other evidence? Fingerprints or anything else?”

The middle-aged officer smiled and replied, “This Wenfeng guy is really sly, he didn’t leave anything else behind at the crime scene! But justice always triumphs above evil! We found solid evidence to put him away!”

“What? How can that be?” Wenfeng’s eyes bulged, he was stunned. He was not the person who committed the crime, how could there be solid evidence that he did? And at the same time, Chen was also startled. Other than the camera at the entrance of the store, he did not remember leaving any trail behind at all. Just what did the police find and how did that turn out to be against Wenfeng?

“You’ll see after watching this next surveillance video, all will be revealed!” The cop continued while playing another video on the tablet. It was footage from the inside of the store. There was not any movement at first, but right about 1:04:39AM, the store’s main doors were suddenly opened. “Wenfeng” and his partner appeared and entered the store. The officer then paused the video just right there and turned to them. “Now if you noticed the time from these two videos, the time between the point where the camera outside was smashed and when they opened the entrance, was only 32 seconds!”

“Mmhmm, yes!” Ruguan nodded. “But what does this prove?”

“Our technical experts have checked and found that the shop uses state of the art locks for both the shutter doors as well as the entrance! Especially the one at the entrance, it’s a high-end import from j.a.pan!” The officer continued.

“That’s right! That lock was custom made! Cost me one hundred thousand! They even call it the safest lock on the market!” Ruguan replied.

“Exactly! And this is the proof!” The officer exclaimed. “Even the best international burglar will need at least 3 minutes to pick that lock! But the evidence shows that the thieves got into the shop after opening the shutter and the main doors in just 32 seconds. So, unless he has the keys himself, that would not be possible at all!”

As soon as the officer finished explaining, Ruguan took a deep breath and raised both his clenched fists towards Wenfeng. “Wenfeng, you son of a b.i.t.c.h! I treated you like family! I gave you the keys to the store! And you used that to break in and steal my goods! Now, the evidence is clear! I want to kill you…” Ruguan knocked Wenfeng over and pinned him to the ground, before continuously beating him up like a madman!

“F*ck this s.h.i.+t! That’s not me! You dare to hit… What the f*ck? You’re hitting me… I’ll bite back!” Wenfeng was cuffed and was not able to defend himself from Ruguan, and like a cornered dog, he sank his teeth into Ruguan’s leg to fight back.

“Owww…” Ruguan fell as well and couldn’t gain any footing to get up fast enough, so he held Wenfeng’s leg up and bit it.

“Oww… Owww…” The two idiots were going at each other and biting hard, so hard that they were both bleeding from it! And this was on stage, just right in front of tens of thousands of people, a live “dog eat dog” scene!

Chen was watching the whole thing from the sides, trying his best not to laugh out loud. He did not expect that his decision to learn to lockpick on a whim ended up working in his favor instead! And the truth is, in the 32 seconds that they took to open the locks, Jing Fei spent almost 20 seconds to open the shutters. No one would have thought that the custom-made super lock that international burglars would require three minutes to pick was easily opened by Chen in just 10 seconds! Wenfeng was definitely not getting out of this one!


Just then, his phone rang. It was a call from Uncle Qin.

“Xiaobei! The Miss is in trouble!”

Comments (39)

  • Aspirer


    Police Officers allowing a cuffed ‘thief/criminal’ get beaten to a pulp right in front of them? … Such a sloppy and unrealistic scene. Total downer. 32 thumbs down for this scene. >.>

  • dewa93



  • Morvian



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Chapter 188: A Foreboding Situation!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After hanging up, Chen hastily made his way to the Lan’s South Lake Mansion. As for Wenfeng and Ruguan, Chen could not care less for these two idiots. If it were not for them plotting against his Beichen jewelry, he would not even have bothered doing anything to them. All that had happened, because they were looking for trouble at the wrong place, and they did not deserve his pity.

South Lake, just outside the gates to the Lan Mansion, Uncle Qin was already waiting for Chen there. Chen arrived in his car and immediately got down and ran to him. “Uncle Qin, just what happened? Why can’t you tell me over the phone?”

Uncle Qin appeared anxious but calmed himself down before explaining, “The Miss has gone missing. And we suspect… That she… might have been kidnapped!”

“What!?” Chen exclaimed, he was alarmed by the news. He was finding it hard to believe that something like this could happen. The Lan family was the richest family in all of Green Vine City and had enough resources and power to prevent something like this from happening. If Mengchen was kidnapped, it would mean that the people behind this were also not simple crooks! Chen took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down before continue asking, “When did this happen?”

“It’s been two days…” Uncle Qin replied in a very anxious voice.

“Why didn’t you come to me earlier?” Chen was upset upon hearing that, and anger flashed on his face. His whole body shook with rage and was emitting a fearsome pressure. Even Uncle Qin, who was a strong and experienced fighter himself, felt it getting harder to breathe and a s.h.i.+ver going down his spine when he felt it. It was as if the young man before him had suddenly turned into a ferocious beast!

“Xiaobei… Please! Calm yourself down.” Uncle Qin said solemnly. This matter concerns the survival of the Lan family, and as a butler, I am not supposed to be telling you this… But I am simply too worried about the miss, that I called you to try my luck…” Uncle Qin who was also known as the Stone Buddha, was not one to easily display his emotions and was as calm and steady as a mountain. At then, he was very anxious and restless.

Chen realized just how big this issue meant to the Lan family, and did not blame uncle for keeping this from him. And he also realized that his anger is not going to help resolve the issue, and tried his best to reel in his emotions. “Uncle, now that I am aware of what happened, I will see this through to the very end! Please tell me everything you know; every small detail may be of great help!”

“Very well…” Uncle Qin nodded before continuing, “Two days ago, the miss wanted to return home from campus to celebrate the Lunar Festival with the family. I was supposed to pick her up from campus, but due to some unforeseen circ.u.mstances, I was delayed, and so the miss then said that she would return home by herself. This was not the first time she commuted alone, her being socially and academically active, she would often travel to many places by herself. And so, I did not insist on picking her up and expected her to return home on her own instead. But… we have not been able to contact her again since that night!”

Listening to Uncle Qin’s account of what happened, Chen frowned. “Suddenly losing contact when she was supposed to be coming home… It looks like this is kidnapping!”

Uncle Qin nodded in agreement. “It is all my fault… If anything bad happens to miss, I will never be able to forgive myself!” When he said that, he clenched his fists so hard that his fingernails were already cutting into his palm. He was extremely remorseful and was blaming himself too much over this. If something bad had happened to Mengchen, Uncle Qin would definitely break down.

Chen noticed Uncle Qin’s remorse and couldn’t bring himself to blame him. He softly comforted the butler, saying, “Uncle Qin, please stop blaming yourself so much. I believe that heaven will not be so unkind to good people, and I promise you that I will do everything I can to get her home safely!”

“You make it sound too easy!” Just then, Lan Zhengguo accompanied by Uncle Feng walked out of the gates. He shot Chen an icy cold glance and said, “The Lan Family has pulled every string we have at our disposal, but could not even get as much as a clue to where my daughter disappeared to. And you, a n.o.body, just what do you think you can achieve?” Lan Zhengguo said in an icy condescending tone. “I’m already frustrated enough as it is, and I do not want to waste my time on unnecessary people. Uncle Qin! Send our guest off!”

Zhengguo’s words were not only full of his lack of confidence in Chen, it was also borderlining on utter contempt! As if Chen was nothing in his eyes! Lan Zhengguo did not expect anything great from Chen, to the point that he did not see his existence as necessary! This made Chen really furious. But since he was Mengchen’s father, he chose not to make a big deal out of it, and kept his anger and frustration to himself. But he vowed that he would find Mengchen himself, no matter what!


Just then, a speeding police car drove up to the gates. And stepping out of the police car was none other than Luo Puti! It was obvious that Lan Zhengguo was at a loss about what to do about the situation, and had requested the a.s.sistance of Inspector Luo herself.

“Inspector Luo, thank you for coming! Please, let’s talk inside!” Not only was Lan Zhengguo’s att.i.tude towards Luo pleasant, but he had also even stepped outside to welcome her in person! Compared to his att.i.tude towards Chen, this was as contrasting as heaven and h.e.l.l! But this did not come as a surprise to Chen. When it came to dealing with members of the elite Six Doors, even many of the rich and powerful would still be courteous and behave. To Lan Zhengguo, Luo might be his last hope of saving his daughter. How could he not treat her nicely?

“Mmm.” Luo nodded. It was clear that the Ice Demon Queen herself was not the most enthusiastic woman towards even the richest man in Green Vine City, unlike many others who would already be b.u.t.tering up to him right now. She carried herself with a pride and majestic vibe befitting that of a queen. But her proud demeanor broke as she saw someone familiar among the people gathered there right now. “Chen Xiaobei! What brings you here?” Luo frowned. A hint of curiosity flashed on her expression, and her voice tensed a little. She was rather nervous around Chen, especially when she remembered their wager not too long ago, where if she lost she has to give him a kiss. That memory still made her heart beat uncontrollably and a girly sense of shyness to wash over her. She was really worried, that if the young man brought the matter up, where was she going to hide?

But her worries were for naught, Chen was not in the mood to tease her right now. “Lan Mengchen is a close friend of mine. I’m not going to just sit this one out.”

Luo felt calmer when she heard that and replied, “I understand your feelings, but I doubt you can be of much help in this case. Just go home, for now, I’ll definitely bring your friend home safe and sound!” She said that in the manner of her doing her duty as an upstanding and just member of the police.

“Thanks!” Chen nodded, his impression of Luo improved by a lot after hearing her say that. “You should carry on with your investigation, but just know that I won’t just be sitting by idly! Let’s do our best in our own way, and hope this brings the best result!” Chen said to her with his resolve burning in his eyes. His voice was calm, but his words carried a sense of authority that was unnatural for someone so young. Luo knew from his words that she would not be able to change his mind.

“Very well then. You be careful when doing this on your own ok? And call me if you need my help!” Luo nodded at him and headed into the mansion.

Seeing that, Lan Zhengguo, Uncle Feng, and Uncle Qin were all taken aback; they were bewildered! Luo Puti was an officer from the legendary Six Doors Organization, why was she treating Chen Xiaobei so… differently?

Comments (69)

  • Morvian



  • Junnosuke94


    4th i guess

  • Dragonsword40


    You were actually third cause the first person made two comments. The fourth be with you only partially. You share it in a way with Jawson. (This comment is supposed to be a joke on May the force be with you)

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Chapter 189: Target Locked!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chen was very sure of what he had to do, and the first thing on his mind was to get back to the jewelry store, and lock himself inside the vault. His store was sitting in the heart of the city, and the vault was a completely private s.p.a.ce where he would not be interrupted or seen, and that was where he would make his plans.

“Whether I can rescue Mengchen or not, will depend on the items I’ve got from the Red Envelope Group!” Chen’s eyes glowed with determination as he took out his phone and opened the treasure chest.


[G.o.d’s Eye Talisman: A talisman made by Qianli Yan. Allows the user to clearly see everything within 1000 miles from his position. Each talisman lasts one minute only. Would you like to retrieve it?]

“Yes! Retrieve!” And just with a tap on his phone screen, a beam of light shot out from the phone and landed in his hand. It was three paper talisman that had intricate and mysterious looking symbols drawn all over it, the well-drawn figures and patterns all form a small but complex seal in the center that shaped like an eye. Although just a simple piece of paper with drawings on it, it gave off a mystical feeling about it.

Chen took one of them up, and with just a thought, the talisman burst into flames. It burned with a red and yellow flame that was not hot to the touch, and as soon as it started burning, Chen felt a mysterious energy flow from the talisman into his body. By the time the talisman finished burning, the eye-shaped seal in the center did not burn, but instead, glowed with yellow and red light, and floated in front of Chen’s eyes.

“What the f*ck!” Chen could not help but exclaim. Through the glowing eye, his vision became as if he was looking through a high-powered telescope. He could now easily see 1000 miles, right into a neighboring city! The sudden increase in vision almost made him s.h.i.+t his pants! What was more shocking, was that other than being able to see things from far away, he was able to see every detail very clearly! He was looking at a place called Third Old Lee’s Convenience Store in White Cloud city, which was a neighboring city to Green Vine. There was a middle-aged man manning the store, holding the newspaper in one hand, and cleaning his toenails with his other. Chen could read the newspaper he was holding without any trouble, as well as see clearly the skin and dirt he cleaned off his foot!

‘Holy s.h.i.+t! Holy f*ck! Oh my G.o.d! This stuff is legit! It’s exactly like what Qianli Yan could do himself! This sh*t is lit… Wait, I need to focus! This thing only lasts one minute!” Chen quickly focused his sights on the outskirts of his city. Green Vine’s territory was circular with a radius that was just about thirty kilometers. The city had mountains to the north, a lake to the south. The east was cut off by the sea, and the west by a highway. The city’s borders were very well defined by these four things, and the city’s covered territory was all within the limits of his sight.

“If Mengchen was kidnapped, then she must still be somewhere here in this city. I have to find her exact location first!” Chen then started scanning the city for her. If this was done by someone else other than Chen, even with the G.o.d’s Eye Talisman, trying to find Mengchen among the whole population of Green Vine was almost impossible. But for Chen, that was a different story altogether! Thanks to having the Scholar’s Heart, he had a super brain that could process large loads of information at near impossible speeds! With just a simple glance, he could identify and register each and every face he saw to his brain quickly and discern if she was there or not in an instant. With his superior memory, he could scan the city in a very organized manner and identify if one area had already been scanned or not. After one minute, the glowing eye burned out and disappeared. But even then, Chen had already scanned half of the people currently in Green Vine City! Chen’s method of scanning the city in search of someone was many times faster and much more accurate than state of the art surveillance systems!

“Looks like is not on my side today, I can’t find her after using just one talisman. But, I’ll definitely get there with the second one!” Chen was very confident. He immediately used another talisman and continued scanning the city. Since he already had experienced before, his search was much faster and efficient this time.

“Found her!” In just half a minute, Chen excitedly locked onto his target. But after seeing where Mengchen was as well as who was with her, his face turned into a terrifying scowl. A malicious and murderous gleam could be seen in his eyes.


A sharp metallic sound of a sword being drawn suddenly rang through the vault and the long unused Chaos Sword Essence emerged floating in front of him! The Black Dragon residing deep inside of it appeared to be squirming around, as if about to break free and roam the world once more, exuding a chaotic and domineering pressure!

“You’ve been thirsting for blood for so long… Today, I’ll let you feed all you want!” Chen’s gaze was as cold as ice. He unsummoned the sword back into his palm, and went out of the vault.

The port, East City. There were hundreds of warehouses here. Some were filled with goods stored by various people or businesses from the city, and some were empty. The kidnappers had brought Mengchen there and were in hiding in one of the many empty warehouses. This was a brilliant idea as these warehouses were private property and rarely kept in check. No wonder the Lan Family failed to find Mengchen even after using every connection they have in the city.

Warehouse number 33. For reasons unknown, this warehouse had been emptied for several months already. Until two days ago, when a few mysterious men quietly broke into it, and kept the warehouse doors locked. They secretly hid in there, away from other people, and only came out when necessary to avoid attention and being found. In the corner of the warehouse, was a steel cage with a frail-looking girl inside. Mengchen looked weakened and tired, her body s.h.i.+vering nonstop with fear. Tears were still rolling down her soft cheeks and off her beautiful face, but there was only despair in her eyes. She was constantly biting her lips from being too anxious, and did not dare to even breathe too loudly. Next to the cage, there was a bowl of soggy ramen, there were already a couple of dead bugs floating on top of it. It was clear that the ramen was made for her two days ago when she was just kidnapped. But she could not find the appet.i.te nor the will to eat or drink anything given by her kidnappers. These two days in the cage had been the most horrible and terrifying experience of her life!

About ten so meters away from the cage, was a table filled with all sorts of snacks, cigarettes, playing cards… And the masterminds of this kidnapping were all seated there as well.

“It’s already two days, Lan Zhengguo must be anxious to the core right?” s.h.i.+ Kelang said while smiling.

“You don’t say? He only has one precious daughter. It would be funny if he isn’t!” s.h.i.+ Dafeng responded while puffing on a cigarette.

“Then shouldn’t we call him now? Let’s first demand a one billion Yuan ransom!” s.h.i.+ Mingwei said excitedly.

“That’s right! Let’s ransom Lan Zhengguo first! Then lure the Chen b.a.s.t.a.r.d out! I want to cut him one million times and torture him until he dies!” s.h.i.+ Dafeng said from his wheelchair.

“That’s right! We spent so much money on these Demon Platoon mercenaries to send Chen Xiaobei to h.e.l.l!” At the mention of Chen’s name, s.h.i.+ Dafeng and s.h.i.+ Mingwei’s eyes lit up with intense and burning hatred.

“Don’t worry! With Mr. Farker here, we’ll definitely get back at him for all that he did to us. That little piece of s.h.i.+t is going to die a horrible death!” s.h.i.+ Kelang said in an icy tone.

“I just hope you guys get the ransom soon; then I can have fun with the girl!” A blonde middle-aged man with blue eyes said while licking his lips. He looked at Mengchen with a lewd expression.


Right just then, the warehouse doors flung off their hinges, and a silhouette clad from head to toe in black, strode into the warehouse. The intruder walked in like he was the grim reaper himself, overflowing with an immense killing intent to the people seated at the table!

“Save your breath! Even if you all had the money, you need to be alive to use it!”

Comments (36)

  • CrazyLemonTea


    I doubt it since it’s partially Chen’s fault and I think frankly that he’s a bit of a douche with how he was willing to throw away his daughters happiness just because the person she liked wasn’t Uber rich or powerful

  • Morvian



  • Morvian


    nah, seeing her state she’s already raped? well i rather let her free then kill her father if his father accept him without apology while kowtowing~

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Chapter 190: Won’t Stop Until I Die!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Chen Xiaobei! How come it’s you?”

“Our plan is perfect! How the h.e.l.l did you find us here?”

“This is just impossible!”

The person behind the master was extremely shocked by Chen’s sudden appearance.

“Did this b.a.s.t.a.r.d call the police? Go and send someone to check it out!” Even the blonde and blue eyes Farker was getting nervous. He quickly ordered someone to check out the perimeter of the warehouse.

Other than the master planner, there were at least thirty others in this warehouse. All of these demons were hired by s.h.i.+ Family after they sold their mansion. They were from European countries. They did not look friendly. Based on their physical appearance, they were definitely some kind of mafia!

“Boss! There are no policemen outside! Not even a person’s shadow can be seen outside!” A black guy with his MP5 reported back to his boss.

“Hahaha… This guy must be out of his d.a.m.n mind! How dare he come here alone? Does he not know how to spell the word; death?”

Farker had his arrogant look on and said, “Our Demon Mercenary Gang has at least thirty machine guns here! All we have to do is squeeze the triggers for a second! And, you will become a “holy” guy! Hole-y, get it?”

Everyone including s.h.i.+ Family laughed when they heard Farker’s claim. According to them, Chen’s combat power was higher than s.h.i.+ Kelang, but it was impossible for him to fight against guns and bullets! In the end, Chen would only kneel down in front of them and beg for mercy. However, Chen did not even bother looking at them, he took a careful look at Lan. He did see her with the G.o.d’s Eyes Talisman earlier but the impact was so strong when he saw his G.o.ddess was tortured badly at a close distance.


Chen’s face turned cold. His bloodl.u.s.t had increased by folds!

“Xiaobei! Run! They are going to kill you! Run…!”

From far, Lan was shocked when she saw Chen. She started to shout nervously. She had been kept inside the cage for two days. She knew how scary the Demon Mercenary Gang was. Based on her deduction, Chen would definitely die if he refused to leave this place!

“b.i.t.c.h! Shut the f*ck up!”

She Kelang was worried that Chen might bail. Thus, he rushed to Lan and knocked her out.

“a.s.shole! How dare you?!”

Chen’s eyes moved and deep inside his eyes were completely hollow. He had eliminated all his emotion. His bloodl.u.s.t was overflowing! There was only one ending for him today! He would not stop until he killed everyone here!

“Son of the b.i.t.c.h! Why are you acting so arrogant before you die?”

s.h.i.+ Kelang raised his eyebrows and shouted arrogantly, “You destroyed our family! Today, you have to pay for what you did to us! Beg for mercy now! If not, you will die miserably later!”

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Destroying your family is my way of showing mercy to your family! Today, I will make sure all your family members disappear from this planet earth!” Chen spoke with a cold hard tone. It was so powerful. Just like when an emperor gave out an order to someone, no one could go against his will!

“What a joke! Who do you think you are? I will change my surname if you can walk out here alive today!”

s.h.i.+ Kelang continued to shout, “Do what you need to do Mr. Farker! Show him no mercy! Cripple him first, and we will torture him slowly!”

“Easy peasy lemon squeezy!”

Farker laughed condescendingly and ordered his followers, ” Bring him here!”

Two mercenaries with machine guns walked towards Chen. Both of them had their guns pointed at Chen and laughed coldly, “Son of a b.i.t.c.h! Go over to our boss if you don’t want to have a taste of our bullets!”

“Do you think you are invincible with a gun in your hand?”

Chen focused and swung his arms towards the mercenaries. His cultivation is at the pinnacle phase of the physical stage! A three thousand combat power Jianghu elite! Both the mercenaries failed to react to Chen’s lightning speed. Their guns were in Chen’s possession the next second.




Blood started to gush out from their head. It was a gruesome death for them! Everyone in the warehouse could feel a chill crawling into their spines when they saw what happened to their comrades. They never expected Chen to find a way to s.n.a.t.c.h their guns when two guns were pointed at him! That was unbelievable!




Chen did not give them the time to be impressed by his inhuman speed. He squeezed on triggers of both machine guns. The remaining fourteen managed to find their ways to the closest fourteen mercenaries’ head! Actually, this was the first time Chen had laid his hands on a gun. The Scholar Heart allowed him to make the perfect calculations. His muscles had undergone a huge transformation after he reached the pinnacle phase of physical stage. Thus, not a single bullet was wasted when Chen shot at them! That was definitely a huge scary impact on everyone’s heart.

“This… This is impossible!”

This b.a.s.t.a.r.d is inhuman! He is a G.o.d! The G.o.d of Guns!”

“I have never seen such accurate shooting in my entire life! Not even the Northern Europe Reaper possesses such impressive skill.

“This is incredible!”

All those mercenaries had been through different kind of wars. That was their first time witnessing such impressive shooting skill! All of them were in deep shock after seeing what Chen could do to them.

If it wasn’t for the b.l.o.o.d.y smell in the air, most of them would still think that they were just dreaming.

“I have not killed for some time… I feel like my skill is rusty…”

Chen tossed away the empty machine guns and used his hands to ma.s.sage his hardened face.


[You have killed a big bad guy! 1000 merit points had been awarded to you!]


[You have killed a big bad guy! 1000 merit points had been awarded to you!]


[You have killed a big bad guy! 1000 merit points had been awarded to you!]



[Your current merit points is 86000! You need another 4000 merit points to go to next level! Charm: 8600, Luck: 8600!]

Suddenly, a series of messages was shown to Chen by his Netherspirit Battlescouter. Those are the merit points that he received from killing sixteen mercenaries!

“Not one of them was a good guy! I’m doing the world a huge favor!”

Chen’s stare was still ice cold. He took a look at the remaining people in the warehouse.

Only one thing was on his mind right now; kill!

“What a group of r.e.t.a.r.ded fools! Why are you guys stunned here? Go and beat him up into a pile of pulp!”

Farker witnessed half of his mercenary gang was ma.s.sacre brutally by Chen. He was so furious that he almost puked blood and shouted hysterically at the remaining gang members.

“Yes, sir!”

The remaining fourteen mercenaries aimed Chen with their machine guns and started to shoot at him crazily. The place where Chen stood earlier was unrecognizable anymore! However, Chen was no longer standing at that spot!

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