Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1247: Elder Jiu is Here

Chapter 1247: Elder Jiu is Here

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“100 billion? What is that all about?”

The crowd asked with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.

10 million is nothing to these ultra-rich people.

But 100 billion, on the other hand, is 10 thousand times more! Not all of them could afford such a hefty sum!

On top of that, everyone knew who Focker, the owner of Paradise Island was.

100 billion was transferred from Focker’s account to Chen Xiaobei’s! And Ottle’s secretary even mentioned that Chen Xiaobei was the person the Rothschild’s were investigating!

Focker had also been implicated in transferring the money in secret!

Did that mean that there was some sort of covert business going on between the two?

All eyes were on the pair now. It was like watching a very intriguing thriller film.

“Oh, so you were the one Focker transferred the money to!” Ottle’s eyes narrowed. “Do you know what happens to people who take the Rothschild’s money?”

“I don’t.”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, looking bored.

“Then I will tell you!” Ottle smiled. “We will sue you! We will use our connections to sue you! Not only will you be forced to spit out all of the money you owe us, you will also rot in prison! On top of that, the person who colluded with you, the traitor, my cousin Focker, will be imprisoned at home for three years!”

Gasps echoed throughout the crowd.

“There are really some shady deals going on! This kid is done for!”

“Isn’t Ottle too heartless? He’s not even letting his own cousin off the hook!”

“You know nothing about the Rothschilds! There’s a power struggle for the next heir in the family! If Focker gets grounded for three years, then he’s basically out of the game!”

“Oh, no wonder! This is really the next level of family feuds! It’s like how the ancient emperor’s family members fought for the throne! Blood brothers won’t even show each other mercy, let alone cousins!”

“What was Master Focker thinking? He ruined his entire future for 100billion!”

“Yeah! The moment Ottle gets hold of something that Focker did wrong, he could twist the entire situation to his whim and fancy!”

The crowd continued to whisper amongst themselves.

It was pretty obvious that Ottle was taking this opportunity to get back at Chen Xiaobei and crush his cousin Focker, his compet.i.tion for the family’s throne!

“So, what do you have to say for yourself?” Ottle laughed as if he already had Chen Xiaobei and Focker eating out of his hands!

This was what Ottle thought: The money was transferred yesterday and it was all spent yesterday as well! There was no way Chen Xiaobei would be able to pay the money back overnight!

On top of that, Focker’s account had been frozen. So, as long as this debt was unpaid, Ottle could mess with Chen Xiaobei and Focker as he pleased.

“What I want to say is that I borrowed that money to settle some of my personal matters. It’s only 100 billion! Why would I want to embezzle such a small amount of money?” Chen Xiaobei replied.

“Wow! That’s some big talk!” said a voice from behind the crowd.

An old European man with snow-white hair, accompanied by two intimidating bodyguards emerged from the crowd.

“Jiu… Uncle Jiu…! Why are you here?”

Ottle was as surprised as he was humbled, by the presence of the old man.

“Elder Jiu?!” The crowd gasped. “My G.o.d… That… That’s the Rothschild family’s Elder Jiu?”

“Who is Elder Jiu?” Someone asked.

“You’re so ignorant!” The person next to him chastised. “Elder Jiu is the brother of the current head of the Rothschild family! He is a core member of the family of which the head of the family trusts most! You could say that he’s the second most important person in the family!”

“My G.o.d! No wonder Master Ottle revered him!”

Elder Jiu had joined Ottle and the others in the center of the crowd. “I’ve been recuperating here in Paradise Island for quite some time already. Why? Didn’t Focker tell you?”

“No… I just arrived. Focker didn’t get the chance to tell me…” Ottle stuttered.

The truth was that, it wasn’t that Focker did not get to inform him in time, but because he and Focker had never seen eye to eye, and therefore did not pay Focker a visit.

Of course, that was not something one would say in front of Elder Jiu.

The elders hated it when brothers started bickering with each other.

Elder Jiu made no comment but turned his attention to Chen Xiaobei and said, “Young man! Even to the people with means here, 100 billion is a large sum. Do you think that just because you claimed that it’s too little for you to embezzle, we’ll believe you?”

Chen Xiaobei merely smiled back at him. “Heh, it may be a large sum to them but to me, it’s nothing!”

“You…” Elder Jiu frowned. “You really are arrogant!”

“Oh, he’s not just that! He’s also a big-mouthed fraud!” Ottle added, trying to fan the flames.

“You are the fraud! My brother-in-law will never try to pretend to be what he’s not! He will use the truth to shame all of you!”

Lin Nan was very protective of Chen Xiaobei. He would not allow Ottle to ruin Chen Xiaobei with his outrageous claims.

“Humph! Your brother-in-law keeps saying that 100 billion is nothing to him. Then why did he have to borrow from us in the first place? Why can’t he use his own money?”


Lin Nan was bereft of speech.

“Hehe, don’t have anything to say anymore, do you? This is very simple logic: if you brother-in-law had the money in the first place, then why borrow from Focker? This is proof that your brother-in-law is poor! If going around saying that 100 billion is nothing is not being pretentious, then what is?”


Lin Nan’s face reddened. He wanted to fight back to protect Chen Xiaobei, but he could not seem to find the words or reason.

The crowd began to mock Chen Xiaobei again. “He took other people’s money and then claimed that he does not care about it! Isn’t he contradicting himself?”

“Young man!” Elder Jiu spoke again. “We are not going to do anything to you if you explain to us properly on why you borrowed money from Focker! Now, I still don’t see you trying to ask for our forgiveness!”

“What’s wrong with my att.i.tude?” Chen Xiaobei asked. “I was just telling the truth. 100 billion really is insignificant to me! I came here today to pay him back!”

“What? You’re just going to pay back all that money you spent yesterday? Do we look like idiots to you?” Ottle said cynically.

“That’s right!” Chen Xiaobei smiled. “You really are an idiot!”

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