Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1318: No Longer Trash

Chapter 1318: No Longer Trash

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What… What happened?” Chen Xiaobei froze. He seemed to have forgotten about the fight that was happening.

Whatever it was, it was just too bizarre.

After building the Spiritual Connection, Chen Xiaobei found out that the Asura Divine Mirror was designed to break all Seals casted by someone who was not an Earth G.o.d!

To put it in simpler terms, as long as the Bind and Restriction had not reached the level of Earth G.o.d, they could all be broken by the Asura Divine Mirror!

It was through Phantom Rain that Chen Xiaobei discovered that demiG.o.ds were more human than G.o.d-like, while Earth G.o.ds were more G.o.d-like than human beings!

Even though Earth G.o.ds were not immortals, they were considered at the very least as half-immortals, which put them in a much higher ranking than demiG.o.ds.

In other words, the Thousand Spirit Formation beneath their feet may be able to kill a demiG.o.d but the Asura Divine Mirror could break it!

What just happened to that worthless piece of trash?

This item was actually extremely powerful!

When he looked at the Hundred Ghosts Parade painting, the thought that flashed through Chen Xiaobei’s mind was that it contained the 48 illusions of Blood G.o.d! Once released, they would kill the enemies ruthlessly and relentlessly!

Blood G.o.d!

Listening to the name itself was sufficient to know that it was an extremely powerful ent.i.ty! They were at least 10 times stronger than Seven-star evil spirits!

Although Chen Xiaobei had not seen any solid outcome, he had a feeling that this Hundred Ghosts Parade painting would not lose to the Asura Divine Mirror!

Ripples of excitement coursed through his veins as he stared at the two Spiritual Items in his hands!

The Ming He who had given him these Spiritual Items in the Red Envelopes was someone whom Chen Xiaobei still could not figure out.

Not only did he infiltrate the Little Apple Playground group, he was even able to vanish competely from the group without a trace after the Red Envelops had been given out.

What was even more interesting was that this Ming He was able to alter the system’s description of the Spiritual Items.

Only the mod, Three Qing, Lord Dao could do something like that.

But Chen Xiaobei was more than certain that Ming He was definitely not Three Qing.

His Sifu would not commit such a cloak-and-dagger matter.

The Primordial Lord of Heaven would have never given him that powerful of a Spiritual Item.

Even the Laotzu who would not side with anyone would not even give Chen Xiaobei the pills that could increase his lifespan; let alone would they give him something like that!

Who in the world was this Ming He?

Chen Xiaobei was deep in his rabbit hole of thoughts. It was only when someone called out to him that he finally snapped out of it.

“Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen! Why are you daydreaming? If you don’t act now, we’ll lose!”

“Mr. Chen! Wake up! This battle is about to fall apart!”

“Xiaobei! What are you doing?”

Everyone, including Luo Puti was in a frenzy.

The battle was not looking good. The longer they chose to hold it off, the worse their death toll would be, and the greater the number of enemies there would be.

If this continued, the remaining Asura Hunter-spirits would be completely ambushed by the hundred-eyed evil spirits and wiped out in a matter of minutes.

“Don’t panic! Everyone, please don’t panic! I’ve already won this battle!” Chen XIaobie refocused his attention.

He would never be able to find out who this Ming He was on his own. He would have to ask his Sifu later.

What he had to do now was to break the Thousand Spirit Formation and keep everyone safe!

“What? You’ve already won?” the thousand-eyed evil spirit sneered. “Hey kid! Please put on your brains! Don’t you think that all these pretenses are just going to make you look like a fool?”

“Open your eyes and see! I am not exaggerating!” Chen Xiaobei raised the Asura Divine Mirror and shouted, “Asura is here! The sky is rumbling! He is immune to fire and water! No spell in this world can bind him!”

A blood-red halo appeared above the Asura Divine Mirror and radiated outwards, extending its ray until everyone was under its shelter.

The group began to exclaim loudly amongst themselves:

“Oh my G.o.d! The binding spell under out feet is gone! We can move!”

“Yeah! It really is gone! Mr. Chen! Why didn’t you take this powerful treasure out earlier? We were nearly frightened to death!”

“Great! Now that we are freed, let’s get out of this place! Asura Hunter-spirits can still be held on for a little longer! There is enough for us to flee from this place!”

“Yes yes yes! Let’s go!”

They were all so excited that they could not stop chimming to themselves. All they wanted to do right now was to just return home. None of them wanted to stay here any minute longer.

“How is that possible?” All the eyes on the thousand-eyed evil spirit widened like polka dots all over its body.

It knew, better than anyone else, how powerful the Thousand Spirit Formation was.

Throughout the thousands of years, there were only few who ventured here before, but none of them had even been able to go through the Thousand Spirit Formation.

Legends have said that the demiG.o.d who had been swallowed by the sandstorm had actually died because he was restrained by the Thousand Spirit Formation and devoured by evil spirits.

How was it that Chen Xiaobei could do what a demiG.o.d could not?

The thousand-eyed evil spirit found itself questioning every single thing it knew.

It irked the thousand-eyed evil spirit that not only were the people free from the binding, they were also protected by two holy items and were able to escape now.

In comparison, the thousand-eyed evil spirit had lost nearly 2,000 hundred-eyed evil spirits! It was a ma.s.sive loss!

But Chen Xiaobei’s next statement was completely out of everyone’s expectation!

“We don’t need to flee! I’ve said it already that we are winning this battle!”

Chen Xiaobei stood tall where he was, a powerful charisma exuded right out from him.

For a moment, everyone was in are by Chen Xiaobei’s vigor. Mouths were sealed shut and there were no more talks of running away.

“Hey kid! Don’t you think you’re totally over your head? All you did was break the Seal! I still have 8,000 spirits with me! How are you going to fight me?”

The thousand-eyed evil spirit glared at Chen Xiaobei with such an intense wrath that it looked like it was going to burst into flames.

“I’m too lazy to explain anything to you. Since you have a thousand eyes on you, why don’t you just see for yourself?” Chen Xiaobei unfurled the Hundred Ghosts Parade painting and shouted, “Divine Spirits from Nine Heavens! Spirits from the abyss! Blood G.o.d is here! No one should go against him!”

This was his first time seeing this painting. There were 48 identical looking evil spirits clad in deep red robes inside the painting.

At Chen Xiaobei’s command, a bright red light illuminated from within the painting. One by one, the evil spirits in red robes glided out.

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