Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1338: Clear the Barriers

Chapter 1338: Clear the Barriers

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Mr. Zaar, what brings you here? We were not informed of your visit. Is this a surprise inspection?” An armed security officer at the door asked.

“Oh! It’s not a surprise inspection. I just have some personal business I need to discuss with Professor George,” Zaar stammered.

“Mr. Zaar! Are you kidding? This is George Research Inst.i.tution! It’s our countries’ top-secret research facility! You cannot enter for personal business!” The officer looked at Chen Xiaobei and Ying Wuqiu. “Mr. Zaar, are you being threatened? If you are, I don’t mind helping you with that!”

The security officer instinctively placed his hand on the pistol at his waist. He had the clearance to shoot intruders.

“No! No! No! These two are super VIP!” Zaar said.

“Hehe, don’t worry, Mr. Zaar. This is not my first time killing. They’re just two stinkbugs! One bullet for each.

Unfortunately, he met someone more merciless than him.

Chen Xiaobei walked past the security officer.

“F*ck! You’re not afraid to die, eh?” The officer raised the gun and pointed it at Chen Xiaobei’s head.


A loud explosive sound echoed in the hallway.

It was not a gunshot, but the security officer hitting the wall headfirst. His skull cracked open like a watermelon and his brains were scattered everywhere.

“Oh, my G.o.d!” Zaar screamed.

Zaar did not even see if it was Chen Xiaobei or Yin Wuqiu who had struck the officer.

This security officer was nothing less than an insect in front of these elites.

Chen Xiaobei’s mind was occupied with Xiangyu. He did not even look at the mutilated body as he continued forward.

“Get to the front and lead the way! If you try anything stupid, I’ll kill you!” Yin Wuqiu said with an authoritative aura surrounding him.

“Huuuh… I wouldn’t dare.”

Zaar exhaled sharply, and hurried to the front to lead Chen Xiaobei.

The interior of the research facility was not that huge. Apart from the group of researchers in white lab coats, there was also a special force guarding the place.

Due to the fact that the surviving Bionic Soldiers were uncontrollable like wild beasts, it would be a disaster if any one of them escaped.

That was why a Special Task Force was stationed here to keep the researchers safe.

The loud commotion at the entrance alerted the unit.

A hundred men, all armed with lethal firearms, charged toward the door, and blocked Chen Xiaobei and the others.

“Mr. Zaar, what are you doing?” The commander asked.

“Commander Horn, I can’t explain it to you right now. Please ask your men to give way, or all of you will die!” Zaar’s face was white as sheet as he stammered away.

“Die? Who wants to kill us? These two Chinese?”

Commander Horn eyeballed Chen Xiaobei and Yin Wuqiu.

Horn did not even have issue any orders, as his 99 men were already looking down the barrels of their guns pointed directly at Chen Xiaobei and Yin Wuqiu. Hands on the trigger, they were ready to fire upon instruction.

“Don’t… don’t… don’t shoot!”

Zaar was so afraid he nearly peed his pants. He cowardly staggered away from Chen Xiaobei and Ying Wuqiu, and stood as far away as he could.

Similarly, without needing Chen Xiaobei’s orders, Ying Wuqiu stepped forward and said, “You have three seconds to leave!”

“Hmph! That’s brave coming from a guy like you! Do these guns look like toys to you?” Horn barked. “Don’t you elites for a second think that just because you have your True Kang Armor that you’re invincible! When all one hundred guns fire, each bullet will deteriorate your True Qi! We’ll only need to fire two to three rounds completely wear out your True Qi! Your True Kang Armor will be broken through and you’ll die!”

“Your three seconds are up.”

Yin Wuqiu did not have time for chatter. He continued to walk.

“@#$%@&! You want to die, huh? Brothers! Fire! Execute them!”

Horn was clearly not pleased. All his years as commander, this was the first time he had met someone so smug even in the face of a hundred guns.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the guns fired simutaneously. Thousands of bullets rained down on Chen Xiaobei and Yin Wuqiu. As they were exposed, there was no place for them to hide.

Horn was right. One gun would not scare those elites. They could use their True Kang Armor to protect themselves while killing the gunman before their True Qi was used up.

But up against a hundred guns and surrounded by all that kind of firepower, it was a completely different story.

Even with his current cultivation, Chen Xiaobei would not be able to be able to tank so many guns all at once.

This was also why a country could so effectively oppress Jianghu. The government controlled the military and owned all the armor. The people of Jianghu would have to take a step back as they could not afford to be the country’s enemy.

It was definitely possible to use guns to wear out True Qi, but not against Ethereal Force!

Ethereal Cultivation stressed on returning to one’s true self.

And it was much more powerful than True Kang. If it were to have been 100 missiles, Yin Wuqiu might have died, but up against 100 guns, it was no worse than an itch on his back.

Yin Wuqiu leaped and his Wind Ethereal Force opened up like an umbrella, deflecting the shower of bullets.

The bullets rained down like tiny pellets of hail on the force field. Seemingly, the Ethereal Wind Force had managed to neutralize the force of the bullets. And they were all fell on the floor.

“How….” Horn stared, openmouthed. “Open fire! Continue to shoot! Don’t let him advance! Or we’re done for!”




Guns were blazing, and bullets swept across the room. If they had bene shot at a common elite, the elite would have been shattered by now into a pile of flesh and blood.

Unfortunately, the person they were up against was not just any other elite, but Yin Wuqiu, an Ethereal Cultivation elite with 230,000 combat power.

“Those who stand in Bro Bei’s way shall die!”

Yin Wuqiu swung his arm.


Again, he summoned his Wind Force Eagle to slice up all the hundreds of people in front of him into half.

In a blink of an eye, all hundred men, including Horn were all dead.

“My G.o.d!”

Zaar’s legs were shaking, and a wet trail trickled its way from the crotch of his pants down his legs.

Chen Xiaobei sighed , “When will I ever get cultivation like that?”

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