Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1347: Got the Prize

Chapter 1347: Got the Prize

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The second round of the compet.i.tion had begun.

Many people were eliminated during the first round. In other words, the ones who survived the first round of elimination were all skilful players. In this round of compet.i.tion, Chen Xiaobei was up against Fan Xipin. He was one of the most skilful Go players amongst the others. Truth be told, Yan Ziqin was the only person that could compete with him. Seeing that Chen Xiaobei was going up against Fan Xipin, Wei Xiaobao and the rest of the people who lost the bet went to Monkey King to bet that Chen Xiaobei was going to lose this round of compet.i.tion.

Wei Xiaobao: Fan Xipin! Mr. Fan! Master Fan! Please do your best! Our fate lies in your hands!

Shen Gongpao: Fan Xipin! You defeated Taibai Jinxing in the first round of compet.i.tion! I believe that you are skilful enough to defeat Chen Xiaobei!

Fan Xipin: Don’t worry! The reason why Huang Longs.h.i.+ lost this compet.i.tion was because he underestimated his opponent! He allowed his opponent to put three stones first! That’s no different from looking for trouble! Don’t worry! I will not let G.o.d Chen put any stone before I do! I’m pretty confident he is going to lose this round of elimination!

Wei Xiaobao: Great! This is what I’ve been waiting for! Monkey King! Get ready to lose everything you have won just now! Hehehe…

Monkey King: Hmph! You should get ready to be beaten up by all eight of your wives!

Shen Gongpao: Just cut the c.r.a.p already! Begin the second round now!

At the very beginning, Fan Xipin was filled with confidence. While playing with Chen Xiaobei, he went and chatted in the group. However, the speed of him moving the stones gradually got slower and slower after half an hour.

Around an hour later, the chess board was only filled halfway and Fan Xipin’s Dragon was slaughtered and there was nothing he could do about it. Just like the previous round, those that knew the rules knew that Fan Xipin had already lost in this round of the compet.i.tion.

Fan Xipin: I can’t believe I just lost to G.o.d Chen… Everything happened too fast!

Wei Xiaobao: What?!! You lost again?! My heart doesn’t feel good right now! Please don’t scare me! I’m so dead if you really lose to G.o.d Chen! I should have just put my bet on G.o.d Chen! I’m filled with so much regret right now!

Fan Xipin: I don’t want lose as well! But it’s true that I’m not as skilful as G.o.d Chen! I concede!

Shen Gongpao: Ah!! What is happening to you guys! Three days ago, all of you said you were going to win this… and now Chen Xiaobei is slowly defeating each one of you? This is ridiculous!

Fan Xipin: It’s normal to lose in any compet.i.tion! I don’t mind it! G.o.d Shen, why are you overreacting?

Monkey King: How could he not overreact? He is about to lose his Primordial Jade Divine Incantation to Xiaobei! That is one of the most important skill books of Chanism. Though it was never considered a top-tier skill, its value is still pretty d.a.m.n high! Asking him to give it to Chen Xiaobei is worse than cutting a piece of flesh off him!

Fan Xipin: Erm… Well… A bet is a bet! G.o.d Shen himself was willing to put his valuable skill book at stake! There’s nothing I can do about it!

Shen Gongpao: You… I’m really angry right now!

Chen Xiaobei: I have told you before that no one can defeat me when it comes to Go! You are the one who refused to believe me! Are you going to blame me now?!

Shen Gongpao: Chen Xiaobei! You better stop acting in such an arrogant manner! I refuse to believe that you can defeat every single player in here! For the next round, your opponent is going to be Yan Ziqin! I don’t believe that you can defeat him this time! Seems like you’re finally out of luck!

Yan Ziqin: What? My next opponent is G.o.d Chen?! Oh G.o.d! This is truly an unlucky moment! s.h.i.+t! I’m going to lose this time!

Shen Gongpao: What do you mean by you are going to lose to him? Yan Ziqin! You better wake up now! Encouraging others means digging your own grave!

Yan Ziqijn: Oh, c’mon… I don’t wish to dig my own grave as well. I have closely observed both games that G.o.d Chen had just played! Clearly, he is way better than me, and my skill level is similar to only that of Fan Xipin! There’s no way in heaven that I can defeat him! I think I’m going to concede this game.

Shen Gongpao: What?!

Yan Ziqin: Yep! I’ve thought over it carefully. No matter what I do, I’m going to lose the game anyway. So, I think it’s better for me to concede now before it starts to avoid any embarra.s.sment.

Shen Gongpao: Mr… Mr. Yan. Can you please at least give it a try? Don’t concede now! I believe you can do it! Just give it a try please!

Yan Ziqin: No way… No way… G.o.d Chen is too skilful at Go! It’s not necessary at all! I have decided that I’m not going to play this round!

G.o.d Erlang: What? Even Yan Ziqin has just decided to concede the compet.i.tion! There’s no point for us to continue with the compet.i.tion anymore… I’m going to concede as well!

G.o.d Chejiao: You are right. It’s not neca.s.sary for us to waste our time here! I don’t there’s anyone in the Red Envelope Group is skilful enough to defeat G.o.d Chen!

PaG.o.da-Bearing Heavenly King: I still have to deal with some matters. I’m going to concede as well!

Shen Gongpao: You… You… You…

Chen Xiaobei: Is there anyone who want’s to play with me? If there’s no one else who would like to compete, I would like to invite s.h.i.+xiong Shen to announce the result!

Seeing three of the most skilful Go players being crushed by Chen Xiaobei, the rest of the players had all lost the motivation needed to continue the battle anymore.

Monkey King: Shen Gongpao! You were pretty d.a.m.n arrogant just now! And now? You are nothing but a coward! The rewards for this Go compet.i.tion wee sponsored by my Sister Nuwo! Do you really think you can pretend that nothing happened by keeping quiet?!

Chen Xiaobei: Lady Nuwo? Why would she sponsor the reward for this Go compet.i.tion?

Monkey King: That is because Sister Nuwo feels that the group is getting dryer and is withering up. So, she’s willing to provide a prize if Shen Gongpao organizes this Go compet.i.tion!

“I see now! I knew it! Ever since the Primordial Lord of Heaven joins the group, the group has gotten quieter than before! He is definitely not kind enough to ask Shen Gongpao to organize a Go compet.i.tion! Now, I know Lady Nuwo is behind it!”

Chen Xiaobei: s.h.i.+xiong Shen! I know Lady Nuwo is busy listening to the Ancestral Lord’s sermon! But, I’m pretty sure that she will ask about the compet.i.tion when she comes back later! It’s useless for you to hide the prize from me! Just hand me the prize and Primordial, the Jade Divine Incantation skill book!

Shen Gongpao: I hereby announce that Chen Xiaobei is the winner of our very first Go compet.i.tion! The reward, a Verdant Emperor’s Divine Gourd will be given to him now… Let’s… Let’s all congratulate him together!

Monkey King: Eh?! So, the prize is a Verdant Emperor’s Divine Gourd?! Sister Nuwo is really generous when it comes prizes!

G.o.d Erlang: d.a.m.n! A Verdant Emperor’s Divine Gourd! That is a Three-star Divine Item! I’m so jealous right now!

Wei Xiaobao: A Divine Item! G.o.d Chen… this sure is a fruitful haul for you!

Fan Xipin: Congratulations, G.o.d Chen!

Yan Ziqin: Congrats!

Some of them felt genuinely happy for Chen Xiaobei. However, some were puking blood behind the screen.

Chen Xiaobei: s.h.i.+xiong Shen! Don’t forget that you have to send me the Primordial Jade Divine Incantation to me! Send me the two Red Envelopes right now! I want to check them out right now! I can’t wait any longer! ???

Shen Gongpao: …


[Congratulations! You have s.n.a.t.c.hed a Red Envelope from Shen Gongpao! You have received a Verdant Emperor’s Divine Gourd! It has been stored inside your treasure chest!]


[Congratulations! You have s.n.a.t.c.hed a Red Envelope from Shen Gongpao! You have received a Primordial Jade Divine Incantation skill book! It has been stored inside your treasure chest!]

“I’ve got my Red Envelopes! This is so awesome I could die!”

On the other hand, Monkey King himself had earned himself a good number of goodies as well.


Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei’s cellphone rang.

It was Elder Cao.

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