Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1411: Don’t Kill Him

Chapter 1411: Don’t Kill Him

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Ill? You dimwit! How dare you slander the Ninth Young Lord?! I don’t think you know how death is spelled!” Lu Changwei roared, leading the others to point fingers, condemning Chen Xiaobei.

“No one in Northern Wilderness Starfield has ever talked to our Ninth Young Lord like that before! This dumba.s.s is just asking to be killed!”

“Killing him will just be too merciful! We’ll have to delay his death! Then carve him up to feed the dogs!”

“That’s right! Do it now! Let’s get rid of this stinkbug for Ninth Young Lord!”

The crowd barked, like hounds protecting thier owner, making Chen Xiaobei the public enemy that needed to be eliminated immediately.

Wenren Muyue’s heart lurched, and Dong Xiaowu and the others watched on with shock and disappointment.

They had thought that Chen Xiaobei actually had a way to save himself in his bag of tricks. They had not expected that Chen Xiaobei’s first statement was an insult to Ximen Dingjun, telling him that he was sick.

That was the complete opposite of self-preservation! He might as well have thrown himself into the pit of death!

“Hey kid! Who gave you the nerve to insult me like that?” Unlike the others, Ximen Dingjun was very calm. “Do you know that there are all kinds of tortures in this world that are a thousand times worse that dying! You still have two more statements. If you can’t change my mind, you’d be wis.h.i.+ng you were dead!”

“These people don’t know that Ninth Young Lord is sick, that’s why they are angry at me! But as a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, I can tell that Ninth Young Lord is in fact ill! That’s my second statement!” Chen Xiaobei said with a coolness in his voice.

“Bull!” Lu Changwei shouted. “The Ninth Young Lord is the overlord’s favorite son! He’s well taken of! How is it possible that he is ill?! We don’t need to be here pretending like you know something when the fact is you don’t, and are trying to scare us!”

“Yeah!” Zhu Dachang jumped in. “You’re just a baby in diapers! Who gave you the confidence to impersonate a doctor? Do you think we’re stupid enough to fall for your lies?”

“Yeah! Our Ninth Young Lord already said that this kid is a Jianghu fraud! He cannot be trusted!” The lackeys all piled in.

“Shut up, all of you! Let him finish his final statement!” The expression on Ximen Dingjun’s had changed. Clearly, he was the one who knew better than anyone else what illness he had.

Lu Changwei and the others were stunned by their young lord’s reaction. Should he not be sending Chen Xiaobei to the chopping block already? Why even let him have the third statement?

Could there be a turning point to all of these?

Wenren Muyue and the others began to feel a surge of hope, hoping and praying inside their hearts that a miracle would happen and Ximen Dingjun would have a change of heart.

“I can cure it!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged. “That’s my third statement!”

“You little piece of s.h.i.+t! You really are invested in the whole doctor act, aren’t you?” Lu Changwei barked. “Even if you are a traditional Chinese Medicine doctor, you didn’t even do the four-step diagnosis; look, listen, question, pulse, and you are already claiming that you can cure the illness? You’re insulting the Ninth Young Lord’s intelligence!”

“Like you said, look, listen, question and pulse. I’ve already looked at the Ninth Young Lord’s vital force! That’s more than enough!” Chen Xiaobei said as-a-matter-of-factly.

“Just looking at his vital force is enough?” Zhu Dachang repeated sarcastically. “You really are quite the storyteller! Even the Temple’s appointed traditional Chinese medicine doctors wouldn’t dare make such ostentatious claims!”

“Heh, I’m not being ostentatious. I’m just very confident with my own medical skills!” Chen Xiaobei replied, composed as ever.

“I can bear witness to that!” Wenren Muyue stepped out. “The first time Mr. Chen cured me, he made the diagnosis purely based on my vital force only, and then suppressed the illness on the spot!”

“Is that true? Isn’t Mr. Chen an Sumukhwa expert? Since when did he suddenly become an expert traditional Chinese medicine doctor?” Dong Xiaowu asked.

Qin Luo and the others looked unconvinced as well.

“Whether it’s true or false, that can be easily solved!” Lu Changwei said. “If this idiot can tell what illness it is that the Ninth Young Lord has, then it means that he’s not a liar! But if he can’t, hehe, then he’ll be wis.h.i.+ng he hadn’t opened his mouth!”

“That’s right! Action speaks louder than words! Go ahead and tell us in detail what the Ninth Young Lord’s illness is!”

“Yeah! Go ahead! Even if you beat me to death, I would never believe that you could actually diagnose illnesses based on vital force alone!”

“If you can’t tell us, then that means you were just playing the Ninth Young Lord like he’s a monkey! You will regret this!”

Lu Changwei’s lackeys shouted, getting all riled up.

“Heh, that’s the patient’s confidentiality. If the Ninth Young Lord agrees, then I will tell!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged.

“Ninth Young Lord! Allow him to tell us! Once he speaks, then we’ll be able to tear that mask off his face!” Lu Changwei urged.

“Er…” Ximen Dingjun hesitated.

His condition was too embarra.s.sing to speak about. If he allowed Chen Xiaobei to reveal it, then he would lose his face.

But he was also very curious. The Temple’s traditional Chinese medicine doctors had already looked at him and on the surface, he did not appear to be any different from anybody else.

How was it that Chen Xiaobei could tell? Could Chen Xiaobei really be much better than the Temple doctors?

Just when Ximen Dingjun was humming and hawing, Lu Changwei gave him one last push.

“Ninth Young Lord! There’s no way this stinkbug is better than the Temple doctors! Just let him tell us! If he could tell us, I will eat s.h.i.+t on a livestream!”

“Fine!” Ximen Dingjun gritted his teeth. “Hey kid! Just go ahead and tell. What’s your diagnosis?”

“Heh, then I’ll goahead and reveal it!” Chen Xiaobei smirked. “The Ninth Young Lord is ill because he has overindulged himself in women, causing a sperm overdraft! The Temple doctors could have cured you. But during the treatment, you did not control your urges, and continued to indulge yourself! So, your condition has now deteriorated to the point where the Temple doctors are unable to salvage! If I’m not mistaken, if the most beautiful woman in the world strips naked in front of you right now, you are not even able to get hard! If you force yourself to have s.e.x, you’ll shoot in less than a minute! To put it simply, you have terminal premature e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned, placing emphasis on the two final words.

“Motherf*cker! You piece of s.h.i.+t! How dare you humiliate our Ninth Young Lord in front of all these people! I will hack you into pieces now!”

Lu Changwei charged towards Chen Xiaobei like a ferocious dog.

“This is not slander! The Ninth Young Lord knows this!” Chen Xiaobei said. “Also don’t forget my final statement just now! The Temple doctors can’t cure it, but I can!”

“Stop! Don’t kill him!” Ximen Dingjun ordered.

“Don’t kill him?” Lu Changwei turned around carefully, a look of genuine surprise on his face. “Is… Is what he said true? Ninth Young Lord… you… you really…”

“Can you just stop talking?!”

Ximen Dingjun’s face reddened, glaring at Lu Changwei.

A subtle change of expression spread across the whole group.

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