Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1525: Chaos Blood Sword’s Killing

Chapter 1525: Chaos Blood Sword’s Killing

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Huh? How dare you attack me first!” Teddy’s face darkened. “Attack him! Kill this stupid son of a b.i.t.c.h! Show him how powerful the Blood Descendants are!”

“Yes, sir!” All twelve bodyguards answered in unison, immediately forming a semi-circle, charging towards Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei did not even bat an eyelid. He continued to hurtle forward, ignoring the twelve people running at him.

Both sides differed sharply. It was like watching twelve violent, hungry wolves hunting for a meek strayed lamb, whereby a b.l.o.o.d.y kill would ensue, resulting in the pathetic, ghastly death of the lamb.

The Blood Descendent Guardian at the front bellowed, “You s.h.i.+thead! Were you so scared you lost your mind? How dare you keep coming at us! Do me a favour and just die will you!”

He raised both arms revealing claws as sharp as daggers which were aimed squarely at Chen Xiaobei’s Dantian.

These twelve Blood Descendants’ cultivation were much higher than the Silver Winged Myrmidons. Be it strength or speed, they were at least a level higher.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei was no longer the same Chen Xiaobei back then!


Chen Xiaobei lifted a finger, and a frosty red brilliance shot out from the tip of it.

The light was wispy, like a long string of hair but as if left Chen Xiaobei’s finger, it grew and expanded in a flash into a longsword.

The sword was of a blood-red color, and made out of top-tier Blood Jade. The shadows of two dragons circled the sword’s body, fierce and limitless.

In the next instant, the blood-red radiance ballooned even more and washed the entire place in its crimson light.

“My G.o.d! What a scary Sword Force!” exclaimed the Blood Descendants who were charging towards Chen Xiaobei. Their hearts were now drumming wildly in their chests and their pupils were contracted. Terror, along with the blood-red light, shrouded them.

It felt as if two ancient giant dragons were coming at them, and the power they displayed was as if they could just smite them into dust with the snap of a finger!

True enough, what they feared turned into reality!


The pair of dragons appeared in a flash, and advanced toward the Blood Descendant who was at the front, striking and slicing his head clean off the neck. Blood poured out. It was a frightening sight to behold.

All Blood Essence and spirit of the Blood Descendant were then absorbed into the blood sword.

More accurately, the red dragon had absorbed the Blood Essence, and the black dragon had absorbed their spirit. Through their Special Abilities, they were stored inside the blood sword as energy.

That’s right! This was the Chaos Blood Sword!

The red dragon was the sword’s original Special Ability, and the black dragon was the Soul Consuming Enigmatic Jade’s Special Ability.

With the two combined, the sword could maximize the use of the enemies’ Blood Essence and Souls after an enemy was killed!

The only flaw with this sword however, was that souls that have been absorbed were not allowed to enter the underworld realm, and no merit points would be rewarded too.

Chen Xiaobei wasn’t worried as he had plenty of merit points. It was more worthwhile to exchange the souls for energy.

“My G.o.d… That’s… That’s really scary!” The remaining 11 Blood Descendant Guardians were too stunned to move forward. They just stood there, mouths gaping and eyes wide open in sheer shock.

But Chen Xiaobei was not going to wait for them get over their shock.

Zing! Zing! Zing!

The Blood Chaos sword swung midair; its razor-sharp blade sliced about, sending lifeless heads falling to the ground.

Inflicted with such a powerful force, the 11 Blood Descendants were killed just like that. Their Blood Essences and souls were absorbed, and they ceased to exist from the three realms.

In a matter of seconds, the whole place grew calm again.

The Chaos Blood Sword made its way back to Chen Xiaobei, hovering above his heard as the red light lit up its surrounding areas.

“I’ll say this one last time! Hand Gordon over now, or I’ll make you pay!

Chen Xiaobei’s gaze was frosty. Under the blood red light, he looked like a Demon Overlord that came from purgatory, an absolutely terrifying prospect.

Teddy inhaled sharply. His state of mind was deeply affected but he had someone powerful behind him, so he would not give in so easily.

“You really are not easy!” Teddy straightened himself up. “That Blood Sword’s speed and strength is about 130,000 combat power! If it’s a little bit stronger, I might be afraid. But because we share the same combat power, we the Blood Descendants are superior to you!”


With a sudden roar, a transformation began to happen.

Teddy’s brown hair turned into a golden blonde, and a pair of golden wings emerged from his back. His irises were of the same red color but his pupils were now in gold!

This was the original form of the Blood Descendant’s grand leader. The transformed Teddy was way more powerful than his previous form. Clearly, he was at the pinnacle phase of his current cultivation.

His combat power was still 130,000 but after his transfiguration, he was able to make use of the Blood Descendant’s talents boosting his speed, strength, and defense.

Blood Descendants would always win against a similar ranked human.

That was why, even though his guardians had been eradicated, Teddy was still confident about winning this battle.

Chen Xiaobei nodded. “You’re right. Because we have the same combat power, you have the upper hand!”

Soon after he said that, Chen Xiaobei put away his Chaos Blood Sword.

Back in Atlantis, Chen Xiaobei cultivated for seven minutes, and he was able to reach the peak of Celestial Cultivation with 130,000 combat power.

Earlier on, Chen Xiaobei relied on his True Qi to move the Chaos Blood Sword. He did not actually use the Special Ability stored in the sword.

That was why the sword was only able to move at the speed and strength of 130,000 combat power.

That allowed him to wipe out all the Blood Descendant Guardians, but against the transfigured Teddy, it did not present any threat at all.

Of course, there was now quite a good amount of energy stored inside the sword. Having absorbed 12 Blood Descendant Guardians’ Blood Essences and souls, it could produce a strike of 140,000 combat power.

This was enough to beat Teddy.

But this energy could only be used once. Chen Xiaobei wanted to collect more than that, and he did not want to waste it all here.

That was why he put the Chaos Blood Sword away.

Teddy did not know any of this, so he laughed mockingly. “Hey dips.h.i.+t! Why did you put your weapon away? Are you scared now? Hahaha!”

“Who said putting aside my weapon means I’m scared?” Chen Xiaobei retorted.

“Hmph! Even if you did have a weapon, you won’t be able to beat me! If putting it away doesn’t mean you surrender, what does it mean then? You better hand over my father’s Dark Neutron or I will make you regret that you were even born at all!”

“If you can still stand after three seconds, I will return it to you!” Chen Xiaobei shouted as he charged towards the Blood Descendent.

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