Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1547: Biting the Hands That Feed You

Chapter 1547: Biting the Hands That Feed You

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Spirit-lit Lamps?”

None of them had ever heard of anything like this.

It was difficult for them to believe something they’d never heard of.

Feng Bucun looked sideways at Chen Xiaobei and snorted, “Heh! You really like to complicate things unnecessarily, don’t you? That would be a human lighting the candle and a spirit blowing it off. What stupid Spirit-lit Lamp? Don’t pretend to know if you don’t know! What a joke!”

Chen Xiaobei was not at all disturbed by this rude comment. He simply shrugged and said, “If you don’t believe me, you can just walk in and see for yourself.”

“Tha…” Feng Bucun did not know what to say. All the tough talk aside, he did not dare be the first to enter that pa.s.sage.

Previously, when he ignored Chen Xiaobei’s advice and tried to open the door with his sword, he got into trouble. Right now, Feng Bucun was not the only one who was afraid of entering first. In fact, none of them dared to do so.

“Didn’t you say that I was pretending to know things I didn’t know? Since you’re the one who knows so much, then you should go ahead!” Chen Xiaobei challenged.

“I…” Feng Bucun turned red as a tomato.

Chen Xiaobei turned away from him and said, “We all came to explore the tomb. You’re all probably prepared to wrestle evil spirits with whatever measure you have with you! So, open your Yin Yang Eyes, and see. Then you’ll know whether or not what I say is true!”

“Yin Yang eyes? I remember now!” Someone shouted from among the group, “In an intelligence report, it was said that Chen Xiaobei was born with Yin Yang eyes. He must have seen something! Everyone do as he says!”

Everyone people began to take action.

The Chinese factions used the Taoist method, and drew small runes on yellow paper talismans using cinnabars.

Everyone had a piece of yellow paper which they burnt, and then they could, albeit for a limited amount of time, be able to use their Yin Yang eyes to see and hear Yin spirits.

The Americans on the other hand, all employed different methods.

The wizarding school chanted a spell, the Blood Descendants drew Star of Savid around their eyes, the Vaticans took out a special cross, and the Werewolves made pendants out of wolf teeth and silver pieces.

“My G.o.d! There are so many Yin spirits!”

The hundreds of people there shouted in surprise.

They saw countless Yin spirits floating in the deep and wide pa.s.sage. There was a Yin spirit hovering around the top of each oil lamp.

The Yin spirits were all female, and were dressed in traditional palace clothing. These were probably palace maids.

When they looked at the oil lamps, they found that the red flames had all turned into blue wildfires.

Female spirits lighting up wildfires. If those were not Spirit-lit Lamps, then what else could they be?

“Hurry! Hurry! Everyone, take out whatever weapons you have to fight the Yin spirits. Let’s charge!!!” Feng Bucun shouted.

Everyone began taking out their pure Yang Spiritual Items, or specific magical items that were used to deal with Yin spirits, and were ready to fight a battle against them.

“Stop!” Chen Xiaobei suddenly shouted. “We cannot fight this battle!”

“What the h.e.l.l are you talking about?” Feng Bucun frowned. “They are blocking the way! If we don’t get rid of them, how are we going to move forward?”

“Put your weapons away and just walk in!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“Are you out of your mind?” Feng Bucun shouted. “You want us to walk through a pa.s.sage filled with Yin spirits without our weapons? We’d be like lambs for slaughter walking to a lion’s den!”

Everyone else present were all questioning Chen Xiaobei’s strange instructions as well.

“Master Feng is right!” Feng Ying said. “Yin spirits are spiritual bodies. If we put away our pure Yang Spiritual Items, then we’ll be like fish on a cutting board! The Yin spirits will surely kill us!”

It would seem that the people who supported Feng Bucun were all in agreement. “Yes.h.!.+ Going in unarmed is suicide! It’s a stupid suicide mission!”

Of course, there also those who supported Chen Xiaobei. “But then again, Chen Zhufeng was right about the jade door and the Spirit-lit lamps! If we don’t listen to him, we might get into trouble!”

An insolent Feng Bucun however quickly shot them down. “Nothing happens three times in a row! Chen Zhufeng was right twice. This time, he probably wants to exploit our trust, and set up a trap for the people of the Anti-Bei Alliance!”

At the d.a.m.ning accusation, the people who init.i.tally supported Chen Xiaobei began to waver.

Feng Bucun continued, “Everyone, don’t forget that most of you here are his enemies! Do you think he really cares for you? I for one, don’t believe that!”

With this final nail in the coffin, the people who once supported Chen Xiaobei now looked at him with renewed suspicion in their eyes.

“You’re biting the hands that feed you!” Chen Xiaobei said coldly. “Since none of you believe me, then pretend I didn’t say anything! Since you guys love fighting so much, you should just go and fight then! From now on, I won’t be giving you any pointers anymore!”

Chen Xiaobei was no Mother Teresa. He was never one to tolerate being snubbed at for his good intentions.

He warned them out of kindness, but what he got in return was doubt and innuendo. He would not warn them anymore as his honest to goodness goodwill had been only met with spite and malice.

“Brothers! Seniors! Prepare your weapons and charge forward with me!”

Feng Bucun had lost a lot of face during this little trip, so he quickly took the lead in hopes that his good performance would restore what little reputation he had left.

Wu Yuejian followed closely behind, with the Anti-Bei Alliance coming after. Hundreds of them began to advance into the pa.s.sage.

In the end, only Long Zishan, Liu Xuanxin, and the Werewolves decided to remain.

Xiangyu commented, “The people who stayed are all wise!”

“The fools that rushed in will pay for not listening to Xiaobei!” Six-Eared Macaque said.

“Faction Leader Chen! What is going on?” Long Zishan and Liu Xuan approached them.

The Werewolves did not come forward, but as silent as they were, they were all ears and waiting for Chen Xiaobei’s answer.

“I won’t explain it to the people who don’t believe me, but since all of you trusted me, then I will tell you the gist of it!” Chen Xiaobei said. “This is the golden rule of tombraiding! One must light a candle before robbing a grave, but if the Yin spirit blows out the candle, the people who rob the grave would have to leave immediately!”

Everyone who was listening nodded as they had obviously heard this kind of saying before.

Chen Xiaobei then continued his explanation, “To put it simply, when the spirits blow out the lights, it’s a sign for people to leave! Alternatively, if the spirits light up the lights, it’s a sign that they welcome people!”

“Welcome people?” Liu Xuanxin said. “You meant those palace maid spirits lit up the oil lamps to welcome us?”

“That’s right! It’s a welcoming sign!” Chen Xiaobei nodded.

“How is that possible? The Emperor’s tomb is an extremely important place. There must be a stricter defensive plan to keep outsiders from going in!” Liu Xuanxin was noticibly hesitant. “In fact, this is the tomb of THE great Emperor Qin. There are too many people waiting to rob his grave. Why would they be welcoming anyone to go in? That doesn’t make any sense at all!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged. “From an outsider’s point of view, this is all illogical! But it makes a lot of sense from Xu Fu’s point of view!”

“Xu Fu?”

Everyone was baffled.

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