Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 81: Let Me Show You A Better Way

Chapter 81: Let Me Show You A Better Way

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Son of the b.i.t.c.h! Who are you calling a b.i.t.c.h?” The landlady was extremely angry.

She slammed the table, causing it to jump. Then, she said, “Don’t think you can bully me! Are you treating me as one of those gorgeous and elegant ladies? You will be scared to death when I get angry!

“Gorgeous and elegant? Blargggh…” Chen wanted to puke after hearing what she said. It was not an act for sure.


The landlady was getting even angrier. Gas started to shoot out from the top of her head. Then, she shouted at Lin, “Ms. Lin! Why did you get yourself such low quality and uncivilized boyfriend? Dump him now! Master Dongfang is the best!”

“No, my boyfriend is the best! I will stick with him! Only him!” Lin looked really determined. Both of her hands were holding on to Chen’s arm.

“From what I can see, you are definitely an idiot!”

The landlady sighed and said, “This young man must be some poor donkey! The hair on master Dongfang’s leg is thicker than his waist! Can you imagine how rich is Master Dongfang?!”

“Nope! In my eyes. Dongfang Yangwei is not even qualified to become a speck of dust stuck to the soles of Chen’s shoes!” Lin said perversely.

She was very protective of Chen. She would never allow anyone to defame him.


The landlady was at the peak of her anger. She shouted angrily, “Your choice! I’m going to stick to my words! Move out now if you choose not to spend the night with Master Dongfang!”

“Where do you want me to move in such a short time frame?! Can you be more reasonable?!” Lin said angrily.

“Move! We will move out tonight!” Chen spoke before the landlady could reply.

“Chen, quite talking nonsense. I don’t have a place to go to.” Lin got really anxious.

She was going to reason it out with the landlady. But, Chen just pushed her to a dead end. It would be impossible negotiate with the landlady now.

“Hmph! I’ll stay here and make sure that you do move! You are a b.i.t.c.h if you don’t move out tonight!” The landlady was getting more ruthless with each pa.s.sing second.

“Then, open up you b*tch’s eyes and take a good look!”

Chen raised his eyebrows and took out his cellphone. He called Jing Fei and said, “Jing Fei, help me buy a house right now! Look for a decent and ready-to-move-in house! Yes, right now! Money is not a problem. I will transfer the money after you finish negotiating with the guy.”

Lin and the landlady were completely stunned after Chen hung up the call. A decent property in Green Vine City costs at least three million! The fully furnished ones would cost at least five million! However, Chen had decided to purchase a property for Lin without a second thought.

“Chen… You are kidding right…?” Lin could not believe Chen just bought a property for her.

“Go and pack your stuff.” Chen said calmly.

“I will talk to Lin Nan. Don’t you worry.” Chen knew her concern.

“Alright, Nan always listens to you. We will move to the new house now. I will move out with my brother when I find a house that I can afford.”

“Pumpkin, you are my woman now. I bought the house for you. You can stay there forever. You don’t have to worry about renting another house anymore.” Chen smiled and said.

“Who said I’m your woman now! Let me pack my stuff first. I don’t want to talk to you anymore…” Lin was shy. She ran to her room with her mouth pouted.


The landlady was completely petrified. She stood on the ground with his eyes and mouth wide opened. Her mouth was wide enough to fit a fist. Who the h.e.l.l is this guy? Buying a house like buying candy! She was shocked but she didn’t forget what she had promised Dongfang Yangwei.

“a.s.shole! I’ll have to warn you right now! The young master of Black Tiger gang is interested in Lin Xiang! I know you are filthy rich! But you’ll be fed to the crocodile in Green Vine River if you offend Master Dongfang!” The landlady shouted at Chen.

Chen grinned and said, “Oh, stop shouting. I have a better offer for you. Interested?”

“You… What do you mean by that?” The landlady was shocked.

“I saw some pink “Qi” at your forehead. That’s the sign of a romantic encounter. However, the sign is still rather weak for now. With my help, you can definitely jump up Dongfang Yangwei’s bed,” Chen laughed evilly.

“You are crazy! Don’t treat me like an idiot! Even a three-year-old kid will not believe your bulls.h.i.+t!” The landlady rolled her eyes on Chen. She did not believe Chen at all.

Chen shrugged and said, “Well, if you are willing to try, you might just be successful. Even if it’s 0.001 percent! But, you will lose this 0.001 percent success rate if you refuse to even try!”

“This…” The landlady was stunned for a moment. She then started to think that Chen’s words did make sense.

Should she try it? Her interest was piqued. She was alone for quite some years. Also, this was her h.o.r.n.i.e.s.t time! She was sick of using cuc.u.mbers, eggplants and vibrating d.i.l.d.os. Shw had been dreaming of getting a real man to moisten her desire.

As she thought of Dongfang’s tall and muscular body. She finally succ.u.mbed to her desire and said, “How are you going to help me?”

“Tell me, what’s your name? And, get me a pen!” Chen said.

“My name is w.a.n.g Dali…” She went and borrowed a pen from Lin after she finished telling Chen her name.

Chen quickly took his cellphone and opened up his treasure chest.

“Yangwei Bro, don’t blame me for being so cruel to you. You should have never hit on my Lin. No one is going to deal with you if I don’t deal with you.”

Chen took out the Charm of Marriage that he had received long time ago. His smile was full of evil intent.

“Here’s your pen.” The landlady handed it to Chen quickly.

Without a second thought, Chen wrote down the names; Wong Dali and Dongfang Yangwei on the charm of marriage. Also, he drew a love shape around their names as well.

“All is done?” The landlady asked.

“Let me calculate the best time for you to approach Dongfang.”

Chen lifted his finger and started counting. “Nine o’clock tonight will be your mating time. Go to the hotel and look for Dongfang Yangwei! Remember, you have to be more aggressive. The more aggressive you are, the higher the success rate is!”

“Alright! This is all for my s.e.xual prosperity! I’m going to go all out, this time!” The landlady took the key card of Dongfang’s room and left the house.

After that, Chen looked for a matchstick to burn the Charm of Marriage. He couldn’t stop laughing. There was one more Monkey Fur of Prosperity and Heavenly dog food left in his treasure chest, having used up the Charm of Marriage. Also, the six hundred odd bottles of Potion of Hundred Herbs and all the stolen jewelry.

After some counting, Chen made a decision, “I’m going to finish using all the magical items real soon! I have to be more active in the group to s.n.a.t.c.h more Red Envelopes.”

His cellphone vibrated when he finished his thoughts.





“d.a.m.n! The group is flooded with Red Envelope! Is today some kind of festival?!”

Chen was stunned, He quickly opened the Red Envelope group and started to tap on the screen with all his strength. All these Red Envelopes contained magical treasures! They would greatly enhanced his life!

Comments (45)

  • NovemCaelo


    Chills going down my spine by that woman’s words ew.

  • VenerableSaitama


    Rip Yangwei

  • Springautumncicada



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Chapter 82: My Lucky Star

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

I’m slow! All the Red Envelopes are gone!

I’m slow! All the Red Envelopes are gone!

I’m slow…

When tens of thousands of members tried to s.n.a.t.c.h Red Envelopes together, the chances of s.n.a.t.c.hing even one Red Envelope would be close to zero.

“d.a.m.n! These guys must have been training hard at s.n.a.t.c.hing Red Envelopes! I have not s.n.a.t.c.h any Red Envelope for some time. Now, I can’t even lay my hands on one Red Envelope!”

Ten minutes had pa.s.sed. Chen tried his best to s.n.a.t.c.h at least one Red Envelope, but he got nothing so far. This is crazy.

“Chen, can you please help me move the huge box over there? I can’t move it on my own.”

Lin was walking out from the room with bunch of stuff in her hands.

“Alright, let me move it.” Chen nodded. Then, he threw his cellphone on the table and walked into the room. Since he failed to s.n.a.t.c.h any Red Envelopes, might as well help Lin move her stuff. But, Chen was stunned when he came out of the room with the box in his hand. Lin was holding his cellphone, tapping rapidly on the screen.

“You…What are you doing?” Chen was incredibly nervous. That cellphone was his biggest secret!

“I’m helping you to s.n.a.t.c.h Red Envelopes.”

While s.n.a.t.c.hing Red Envelope, Lin asked, “What kind of group is this? There are so many Red Envelopes falling down!”


With his quick wits, he said, “This is one of the games that I’m currently playing. All these Red Envelopes are not real.”

“I see. That’s what I thought as well. The names of the members in this group are so quirky. The Red Envelopes are pretty weird as well.” Lin nodded. She did not think too much of it.

Well, Lin has never been interested in playing games. Also, she did not have much experience in s.n.a.t.c.hing Red Envelope. That is why she did not see anything odd about this “game”.

Chen was relieved when Lin believed him.

He asked casually, “Did you get any Red Envelopes?”

“Yeap, I managed to s.n.a.t.c.h three Red Envelopes.” Lin nodded and said.

“What?! Three?!” Chen’s eyeb.a.l.l.s almost fell on the ground when he heard Lin’s reply. He had tried his best to s.n.a.t.c.h at least one Red Envelope, but, he had returned empty handed. Lin had just spent a short time s.n.a.t.c.hing Red Envelopes but she already got three Red Envelopes in her hands. That’s ridiculous!

“Come and check it out if you don’t believe in me.” Lin handed the cellphone back to Chen.

He put down the box and took the cellphone from Lin. There were three new notifications.

[Congratulations! You have s.n.a.t.c.h a Red Envelope from Black Snake Demon King. You have received a book; The Secret of a Million Poisons. It has been stored inside your treasure chest.]

[Congratulations! You have s.n.a.t.c.hed a Red Envelope from Luohan, The Dragon Conqueror. You have received a book; The Ultimate Staff of Luohan. It has been stored inside your treasure chest.]

[Congratulation! You have s.n.a.t.c.hed a Red Envelope from Yanw.a.n.g. You have received a Spirit Cage. It has been stored inside your treasure chest.]

“d.a.m.n son! Three freaking Red Envelopes! Babe! You are my lucky star!”

Chen was so excited that he hugged Lin tight. He swung her around. Then, he propped her up against the wall. Chen put his lips on Lin’s lips.


The kiss was so sudden that Lin had no idea on how to respond to it. Soon, all the anxiety, shyness, and confusion was gone from the air. All she felt was unlimited sweetness from Chen. Lin responded by putting her hand around Chen’s waist. Her tongue moved around Chen’s tongue pa.s.sionately as well.

This sudden act of intimacy went on smoothly. Chen moved her hand to Lin’s s.h.i.+rt. He wanted to unb.u.t.ton her s.h.i.+rt and go for the best part.




Chen’s cellphone rang during this crucial moment. He hung up the call but it rang again after a few seconds. The call completely ruined the moment.

“You should pick up the call. I think it’s concerning the property.” Lin bit her lower lip and tidied her s.h.i.+rt up at the same time.

“Jing Fei! You a.s.shole! I will let you know the consequences of ruining my intimate moment!” Chen was really unhappy. The caller’s number was completely unfamiliar to Chen, it was not Jing Fei.

“h.e.l.lo. Is this Chen Xiaobei?”

It was Dongfang Yangwei’s voice on the other side of the phone.

“Tell me your whereabouts right now if you are a real man!”

“What do you want?!” Chen said coldly. His body was burning with the fire of anger.

He was so close. However, this son of the b*tch just ruined the moment. This is madness!

“Let’s have a talk! I want to know your location! Don’t be a p.u.s.s.y! I don’t want to look down on you!” Dongfang was taunting Chen.

Chen was so angry. He shouted coldly, “I’m at Ms Lin’s house right now! You want to negotiate, right? I’ll be here waiting for you! Remember to bring more people with you!”

“Alright! You have b.a.l.l.s of steel! Wait there!” Dongfang roared. Then, he hung up on the call.

“Who’s that?” Lin asked worriedly.

“It’s that son of the b*tch, Donfang Yangwei!” Chen said.

“Did he just demand to negotiate with you here?” Lin asked shockingly.

Chen shook and said, “That son of the b*tch will not come here personally. He must be lying on the cozy bed in the hotel right now. He’s such a greedy b.a.s.t.a.r.d! He wanted to kill me and hit on you at the same time.”

“We should go now! He will definitely send the people from the Black Tiger gang to deal with you! Don’t put yourself in unnecessary danger.” Lin said anxiously.

“Nope. We will not leave this place.”

Chen shook and said calmly, “That b*tch wanted to kill two birds with one stone. I will make sure he does not succeed. Also, I want to make him to pay for his own actions!”

“But…” Lin was still very worried.

“Babe, don’t you worry. I know what to do.”

Chen smiled and said calmly, “You can continue to pack your stuff first. Let me check on the group…I mean my game first.”

“Alright.” Lin was really obedient. Also, she trusted Chen completely. She nodded and went back into the room.

Chen took out his cellphone quickly. Then, he opened his treasure chest.


[The Secret of Million Poisons is written by the Black Snake Demon King. It lists the formulas of ten thousand and eight types of poison. Do you wish to withdraw it?]


[The Ultimate Staff of Luohan. It is written but Luohan the Dragon Conqueror. The basics of Luohan staff combat is written in it. Do you wish to withdraw it?]


[The Spirit Cage is an item from h.e.l.l. It can be used to trap low level spirits. With the help of Buddhist’s ritual, low-level spirits can be purified. Do you wish to withdraw it?]

“Nice! Three good items in one go!”

Chen thought, “I don’t have any use for poison right now. Also, there’re not spirit here for me to capture. Let me take a look at the Ultimate Staff of Luohan first.”


Along with the flash, the Ultimate Staff of Luohan book appeared in Chen’s hand.

“This book isn’t that thick. I should be able to master it in ten minutes.”

Chen started to read on the book. Since he had consumed the Holy Pill of Wen Qu, he stopped worrying about learning. All he need to is take a glance at the book. Everything would be learned in a very short time. Easy!

After ten plus minutes, Chen already mastered the Ultimate Staff of Luohan.

“This is actually quite fun. I hope that I can put it to use soon!”

Suddenly, Chen heard a loud noise outside.

“Chen Xiaobei! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Come the f*ck out!”

Comments (42)

  • Bigi


    what an idiot throws his phone away and then says this is his biggest secret i dont know who is more r.e.t.a.r.ded mc or author creating such a r.e.t.a.r.d

  • xeider


    Impotence poison seems the most probable^^

  • Morvian


    Ma.s.sacre!!!!!! MOAR!!!!!!? MOAR SECT BEGGING FOR MORE CHAPTER!!!!!!

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Chapter 83: Straight to The Dragon Nest

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Chen…” Lin ran out from her room after hearing the voice outside the house. She was extremely worried.

“Don’t worry. Just continue packing your stuff. I’m going to do some warm-up.”

Chen smiled and said, “Oh right. May I borrow your mop?”

Lin hesitated and said, “It’s in the bathroom…”

“Okay. Just do whatever you were doing earlier.”

Chen took the mop from the bathroom and walked out the house. There were around ten strong men outside Lin’s house. All of them were extremely muscular. They looked like they couldn’t wait to tear Chen apart. They are not like those small-time gangsters wandering on the street. They were the real deal; gang members of Black Tiger gang.

“Son of the b.i.t.c.h! You have b.a.l.l.s! Walking out alone! I gotta complement you on that!” A middle-aged man walked out from the group. He was bald. His body was full of rock-hard muscles. He looked like a bull with his black t-s.h.i.+rt.

“Who are you scolding son of the b.i.t.c.h?” Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

“I’m scolding you son of the b.i.t.c.h!” The bald guy shouted loudly.

“Hehe… Now I know which son of the b.i.t.c.h is barking outside Lin’s house.” Chen laughed mockingly.


A few muscular guys started laughing before the bald guy could react to Chen’s mockery.

“You… How dare you scold me son of the b.i.t.c.h?!” The bald guy’s face turned red.

“I did not scold you. It’s a fact.”

Chen shrugged and laughed evilly, “You don’t deserve to scold me with your level of IQ.”

“You… You….” The bald guy was so angry that he almost puked blood.

He shouted angrily, “Motherf*cker! Those will be your last words! I will not be called Qiang the bald guy if I don’t end you today!”


Chen laughed after hearing his claim. I’m pretty sure that this guy did not expose himself to anime. How can he name himself Qiang the bald guy? This is so stupid! Chen started to wonder if the sole purpose of him choosing this name was to make his opponents laugh to death.

“Haha… If there’s Qiang the bald guy. There must be Big Bear and Bear the second, right?” Chen couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

“I am Big Bear!”

“I am Bear the second!”

Surprisingly, two muscular guys came forward.

“Hahaha… How can Dongfang Yangwei send a bunch of clowns here to fight the fight? I cannot… I’m going to laugh till death.” Chen was holding onto his stomach. He was laughing to the point that he started double over. Tears of laughter started to roll down from his face as well.

“Motherf*cker! Why the f*ck are you laughing?! We are going to fight now! Get serious!” Qiang the bald guy shouted.

“You want to fight? Come at me, bro!” Chen focused and shouted.

Chen’s right hand spun the mop about. His immense strength caused the head of the mop to fly off. Coincidently, it landed on Qiang the bald guy’s face.

“a.s.shole! Die now!”

Qiang the bald guy shouted angrily, “Kill him now! Stomp on him until he dies!”

A group of muscular guys started to charge at Chen. However, Chen was exceptionally calm. He swung the rod like a true Kungfu master. It was so cool and intense. Chen had just learned the Ultimate Staff of Luohan, but he is a G.o.d when it comes to leaning. He had already mastered the skill. Also, he could put it to practical use right away.

“First skill, The Hiss of White Snake!”

Chen held the rod tightly and firmly. He aimed at the chests of one of the muscular guys. It was extremely fast and accurate. It hit right on his chest.


The unlucky guy groaned painfully. He flew a few feet away. He clutched his chest. He felt as if his chest and heart were going to explode. The strong, suffocating sensation made him almost pa.s.s out.

“This… This guy is so powerful!”

All the other muscular guys were extremely shocked. They would never have thought that Chen possessed such immense strength.

“Second skill. The Sweep of the Autumn Wind!”

Chen did not give them time to react. He swung the mop at the rest of the muscular guys.




The sound of bone cracked through the air. It was extremely unpleasant to listen to. When the rod landed on their bodies, bones were instantly broken. The knees and bones of their legs were completely crushed. All of them rolled on the floor, groaned in agony.

“Oh my G.o.d! This guy is insanely strong! His power can be compared to the four leaders of Black Tiger gang!”

“Bro Qiang… We should retreat…”

“Bro Qiang… We will get into serious trouble if we don’t retreat now…”

The rest of the muscular guys were scared to death. All of them wanted to go back home alive.

“No retreating! We have a lot of people with us! He is totally outnumbered! Our reputation will be completely ruined if we decided to retreat now! Go and crush him!” Qiang the bald guy was shouting angrily.

However, he almost bit his own tongue before he could finish his sentence.

“Third skill…”

“Forth skill…”

Chen was like the G.o.d of War. Another eight muscular men fell to the ground after he finished two lines of dialogues. All of them were holding onto their stomachs and thighs. Also, they were crying out for their mothers and fathers. None of them had the strength to stand up, because their internal injuries were too serious.

Now, only Qiang the bald guy, Big Bear, and Bear the second were still standing.

“Bro Qiang… Should we continue this fight…?” Big Bear and Bear the second asked fearfully.

“No more! Run!”

Qiang the bald guy was filled with fear. Only idiots would go against such powerful guy. He ran right after he finished his line. He has completely forgotten all the words that he had said to Chen earlier. Big Bear and Bear the second were completely stunned. Right at that moment, Chen had already charged at them.

“Sixth skill, Master Picks the Light!”

Chen swung his rod. He poked the rod in between their legs and then swung upwards.


Eggs were cracked along with a m.u.f.fled sound!


Big Bear held on to his crotch. He sounded like a chicken when he groaned in pain. His legs went soft and he knelt on the ground. Bear the second tightened both of his legs together unconsciously when he saw what happened to Big Bear, it was too painful to watch.

“Why are you not running?” Chen asked curiously.

“Spare my life, hero! Spare my life, hero!” Bear the second quickly knelt down in front of Chen and begged Chen to spare his life.

“Well, at least you know how to beg for your life. Alright, I’ll spare it.”

Chen sighed. He was too lazy to beat him up. He quickly ran to Qiang the bald guy.

“Bro… Spare my life… Spare my life…”

Qiang the bald guy tried his best to outrun Chen. However, he was the only target left. How could he possibly outrun Chen?

“Nope, not you.”

Chen held the rod and aimed at Qiang the bald guy’s backdoor. Then, he used all his strength to extend the rod, spinning it as it stabbed its way through.

“The Ultimate Skill of Rod of Luohan; Destroy the Dragon’s Nest!”


Along with the m.u.f.fled sound, the rod went right inside Qiang the bald guy.


Qiang the bald guy groaned in agony and fell right on the ground. The long and thick wooden rod was deep inside him. It was too hard to pull it out. It stood up like a flag pole.

“Hmm… I like this ultimate skill; Destroy the Dragon’s Nest.” Chen grinned and smiled evilly.

Comments (65)

  • CatFacingTheWind


    d.a.m.n that ultimate skill really made me shudder.

  • Thormented


    …. ruthless. .-. Why does a deity need to have such a ridiculous staff skill o.o

  • ImYoona


    His ultimate skill is: Destroy the Dragon’s Nest haha

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Chapter 84: I Will Summarize Eight Thousand Words Here

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chen destroyed Dongfang’s evil plan by crippling all those muscular guys. Also, he had to pay quite an amount of medical fees to treat those injured gang members. Chen was happy with what he has done today. Then, he returned to Lin’s house.

After that, Jing Fei called and told Chen that he found a decent piece of property. Its price was five million Yuan. Without a second thought, Chen wired the money to Jing Fei right away. Lin headed over to her new house with Chen after she finished packing. She did not have much personal belongings. She settled in her new house pretty swiftly. Looking at this hundred fifty square feet new house, Lin had mixed feelings.

That was a five million Yuan house! This gift could not be compared to a bouquet of flowers or jewelry. Lin had already given her heart to Chen, but it was still very hard for her to accept such an expensive gift. Maybe, she had not yet completely given out her heart to him. She secretly decided that she would look for an opportunity to completely give herself to Chen.

Lin Nan rushed excitedly to the new house right after he received Chen’s phone call. He had never dreamed of living in such luxurious house in his entire life. He kept licking Chen’s boots once he met Chen. He almost wanted to drag Chen and Lin to the marriage registration office. On the other hand, Chen could not continue his intimate moment with Lin because of the presence of Jing Fei and Lin Nan. Chen left the house with Jing Fei after helping them to settle down in the new house.


At the Shangri-la hotel, room 666, Dongfang Yangwei was lying down on the bed and drinking red wine.

“Looking at the time, Qiang the bald guy should have crippled that b.a.s.t.a.r.d already! Also, the landlady should have successfully convinced Lin to come over here.”

Dongfang grinned and laugh, “I’m such a genius! I can’t I believe I thought of such a brilliant idea! Eliminating my rival and hitting on such a gorgeous girl at the same time! This is what I call killing two birds with one stone! I’m really impressed, not bad at all, me! Hehehe…”

Then, he put down his wine gla.s.s. He looked for a gla.s.s and threw a red pill inside the gla.s.s. The pill dissolved instantly right after he poured the water into the gla.s.s.

“Hohoho! My Xiang Xiang is going to be so h.o.r.n.y after she takes in this aphrodisiac pill. I’m going to have so much fun with her tonight! Just thinking of it makes me feel as high as a kite…” Dongfang’s body shook. He almost drooled all over the floor.

“Erm… I should take in some pills as well. I’ll need to last for a bit. I want to last more than two minutes! If not, I will be so embarra.s.sed by myself.” He took out a blue pill and popped it into his mouth.

“I will be legendary tonight! I should pop one more pill in case that wasn’t enough.” After some thoughts, Dongfang popped in another pill.

“Hold on… Hold on… I must conquer Lin on the bed tonight! Let me just pop another pill… Wait… I should pop three more pills…” Dongfang was getting so excited that he popped in all the blue pills that he had with him.

This pill was known as an upgraded version of v.i.a.g.r.a. It was imported from India. Legend had it that this pill was ten times more powerful than v.i.a.g.r.a. Within two minutes, Dongfang felt like his crotch was on fire and that it was close to exploding real soon. Right after that, his body caught fire. His eyes were completely bloodshot. Also, his skin turned really red.

“Oh s.h.i.+t… Why is Lin is not here yet…? My d.i.c.k is going to explode soon!” Dongfang regretted popping all the blue pills in one goal.




Suddenly, someone was knocking at the door. It was the most beautiful sound to Dongfang. He quickly picked up the gla.s.s with the red pill in it and rushed to open the door.

“Xiang Xiang! I’m pretty sure you are thirsty. Here, have a drink first….” Dongfang handed over the cup to her excitedly.

“I’m not Xiang Xiang. I’m Li Li. I do feel thirsty.” She took the gla.s.s and gulped down the water within a second.

“Landlady… Why are you here…?

Dongfang was stunned. His eyeb.a.l.l.s almost dropped on the floor. He never expected that the one showing up at the doorstep would be w.a.n.g Dali, the landlady but not Lin Xiang.

“A master told me that we are destined to be together. I’m here to bring myself to you!”

The landlady pushed Dongfang into the room. She was called w.a.n.g Dali (super strength) for a reason.

Dongfang fell to the ground, starting to feel more horrified than he had ever felt in his life.

“What are you going to do to me…?”

“Like you need to ask me that… I’m going to f*ck you inside out!”

The red pill had turned her into a beast. She already started to tear open her s.h.i.+rt.

“No… Stop…”

Dongfang had his eyes popping up. He was completely stunned. The effect of the blue pill started to take its toll on his body. He couldn’t come with any strength to resist her. His gut started sinking deeper and deeper.

“Come on! Baby! Let’s get crazy!”


The landlady shouted excitedly. Then, she charged at Dongfang. Two of them started to make love to each other pa.s.sionately on the floor. Eight thousand words will be summarized here. In a nutsh.e.l.l, the scene was horrific, violent, explicit, and downright dirty.

At the Lan family’s South Lake mansion. Lan Zhengguo headed over to the dining room to have some supper after a long day of work. He gazed at the scrumptious meal worriedly.

“Uncle Feng, is Mengchen still not eating?” Lan Zhengguo asked in a deep voice.

“Yes. This is the sixth day. Lady Lan still refuses to eat anything at all. The kid’s death had a huge impact on Lady Lan…” Uncle Feng replied in a low tone. Just when he finished his words, a shadow barged into the dining room.

Lan Mengchen proclaimed hurriedly, “Quick! Get me something to eat! I’m famished…”

“Mengchen… This is…”

Lan Zhengguo and Uncle Feng were shocked. Mengchen had grown up under their care. They knew Mengchen better than anyone in this world. She had always been her own person. External forces can never derail her train of thought. She already fasted for six days. They were baffled by her sudden change of heart. This is unbelievable!

“Why are you looking at me like that? Are you going to stop me from eating?” Her eyebrows were raised. Her tired face was filled with unspeakable joy.

“Of course, I will not stop you from eating! Aunt Liu, bring Lady Lan something nice to eat! Quick! Bring tons of food here!” Lan Zhengguo nodded.

He was a capitalist in front of strangers. But, he was a loving father when it came to his daughter.

“Mengchen… Have you thought through it all?” Lan Zhengguo tried to probe. Also, Uncle Feng was staring at Mengchen. He was wondering why Mengchen had given up on fasting all of a sudden.

Comments (58)

  • Leixein


    Oh i hate this parent type so much… the biggest hypocrite type… “its all for your own good~ hes rich, handsome, bla bla bla” but doesnt give a single f*ck about their children opinion, when all they really want is just riches and benefits and when their daughter suicide or run away because of the despair they regret. Whats use for regret when your child is gone already… dumb r.e.t.a.r.d

  • ACrazySheep


    The dude has 500 combat power and can’t last 2 min without a pill…

  • Morvian


    i still voting for MC kill that lan’s father and uncle~

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Chapter 85: Undying Chen

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I did not intend to eat, because you guys drove Chen to his death, or at least that was what I believed.”

Lan smiled and went on, “But, now, he is alive and kicking. There’s no reason for me to fast anymore.”

“What? How is this even possible?”

Lan Zhengguo was stunned and asked in a deep voice, “Uncle Feng, what the h.e.l.l is going on? Didn’t you leave the young lad to his certain death?”

“Lady Lan must have gotten her news wrongly!”

Uncle Feng denied Mengchen’s claim without any hesitation, “That Jianghu elite was powerful enough to take Chen’s life. He couldn’t have possibly survived! I’ve been in the Jianghu for so many years! I know for a fact that Chen couldn’t have escaped with his life!”

“I’m sorry. But, you were wrong this time! Chen is more powerful than you think!” Lan grinned slyly and took out her cellphone.

“I thought I have already confiscated your cellphone?! Where did this one pop up from?” Lan Zhengguo frowned.

“This is grandma’s.”

Chen tried to access the school’s forum as she spoke to her dad. The front page of the forum was flooded with Chen’s name and the name; Bro Bei.

[The Pride of Green Vine City! Chen, the Sports Prodigy! He broke eight state records in one day! The rising star of sports world!] (110098 views)

[To my cla.s.smate; Chen Xiaobei! All the senior students are really proud of you!] (70442 views)

[Bro Bei! You are so stunning and cool! You are now more popular than Lan Mengchen! You have stirred a storm inside our school!] (41872 views)

[The Bro Bei club has been officially set up! Come and sign up for it!] (8898 people signed up)

[Bro Bei, are you accepting any apprentices?]

[Bro Bei, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!]

Lan Zhengguo and Uncle Feng felt their jaws going slack as they read all the Chen related posts. One was the CEO of Lan organization. The other was a super elite in Jianghu. Both of them were completely stunned by this ordinary Chen.

“I never would have imagined that I had been wrong about him… Who the h.e.l.l is that guy? How is it possible for him to defeat a Jianghu elite? This is unbelievable!” Uncle Feng’s stare was deep and dream-like. It seemed that his mind was busy at work.

Lan Zhengguo was worried. He said, “Could this kid be from the Dragon City? Maybe he’s from a powerful organization!”

“No way!”

Uncle Feng shook his head and said, “I have done a proper and detailed background check on him. He did come from a small village. The next time, I will personally test his mettle!”

“Uncle Feng! Dad! Stop pursuing him!”

Lan Mengchen said seriously, “I know that I’m responsible for the Lan family! I give you my word that Chen and I will strictly remain as friends only. We will not cross that line!”


Lan Zhengguo sighed in relieve and said, “Good girl. I’m relieved when you say that. I’ve made you suffer.”

At Wen’s mansion. It was half-past twelve. Wen Tiandou had just fallen asleep when the door was forced open by someone. A guy with messy hair and an untrimmed beard rushed into the room, crying, “Bro. Something bad just happened!”

“Mad Lion! How many times have I told you not to be so tensed up when bad things happen? It’s totally pointless. There’s nothing you can do to about it. Just, calm down. Take a chill pill.” Wen Tiandou sat up slowly and gently. He sounded calm and serene. It was how a true Jianghu elite would act.

“Our little bro, Killer Bee is dead!” Mad Lion said loudly.


Wen leaped off his bed. He was so shocked that his eyes were both wide open. The calm and chill Wen Tiandou was totally gone with the wind.

“That… Chen Xiaobei is still alive! This is the sixth day that Killer Bee has gone off the radar. I’m afraid that he is truly dead!” Mad Lion said nervously.

“How is that even possible?! Killer Bee is a Jianghu elite in the latter phase of the human body. It’s not possible for Chen to defeat him!” Wen Tiandou was completely startled.

Initially, he had not considered Chen as a worthy opponent. In addition to that, he never dreamt that Chen would have the ability to kill his little bro.

“I don’t believe it! That b.a.s.t.a.r.d did not show up for six days as well. How do you know that he’s still alive?” Wen Tiandou had a hard time accepting the truth about his little bro.

“Look at this…” Mad Lion handed over the laptop that he held to Wen. The forum of Green Vine University was displayed on the screen.

Wen started to frown when he read the forum. He said, “It seems that Killer Bee is really dead. I have underestimated you, Chen Xiaobei.”

“Bro. I want to avenge our little bro!” Mad Lion said angrily.

“Hold on. Don’t rush it.”

Wen shook and said, “Don’t forget! Our main objective is to capture Wernyuan! My deceased dad gave a green jade b.u.t.ton to her! The information that we are looking for is inside that b.u.t.ton!”

“I can wait. But, I’m afraid that bro Blood Dove can’t wait any longer…” Mad Lion said worryingly.

“Find him more women. If he’s bored with local women. Find him some exotic goods like j.a.panese women, European women or even Russian women. Money is not a problem. Just make sure to hold him off.” Wen said.

“Okay… I understand now.” Mad Lion nodded and exited the room.


The next morning at Shangri-la hotel, room 666. Dongfang Yangwei felt like his body had been emptied out after a rough “battle” last night. He held on to the edge of the blanket and sat at the corner of the bed with an empty mind. The landlady sat on the bed with a cigarette in her hand. She took a puff on it and a ring of smoke came out from her mouth.

“Hubby. Have you rested enough? Should we go for next round?”


He almost vomited blood after hearing what she said.

“Aunty! Spare my life, please! We had eight rounds of “battle” last night! I will surely die if you force it out of me!”

“What a load of s.h.i.+t! I’m saving your life! You need to get those pills out of your system!”

The landlady killed her cigarette, wiped her mouth and straddled Dongfang Yangwei. She then laughed and said, “Come on baby! Let the horse run freely on the battlefield! Wahahaha!”

Tears started to roll down from Dongfang’s face. There was nothing that he could do to resist her. His stamina had been completely depleted from the “battles” last night. He was a limp lump of meat on the chopping board. The landlady was like a butcher. His body was all hers to toy with.


“Bro Bei… Bro Bei…”

At the same time, screaming and shouting pierced through the air like a tsunami of soundwaves at the field of Green Vine University. Chen claimed all the gold medals from the different sports with his extraordinary strength. He could have easily broken a few records if he wanted to. He was a superstar. Everyone was cheering for him on the field. Some of the non-school personnel even came to the university to watch Chen compete in different sports. Most of them were sports fans, reporters, and officers from state sports departments.

Comments (212)

  • Vortex_


    There has been something wrong with the system. I have no idea it stopped publis.h.i.+ng. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Well get back to you guys soon.

  • WidestGrin


    Did the translator transmigrate? Is translator in another world now???

  • Vortex_


    I hope so~haha~I will try to request

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Chapter 86: Learn The Art of Poison

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

No doubt, Chen had successfully led his cla.s.s to the glory of getting the first place during the sports day. Lin Xiang’s eyes turned red when she went up the stage to receive the reward as a new counselor. All her students were extremely excited as well. Also, they were really proud of getting the first place on sports day.

Chen went for a small interview with the reports after the sports day ended. However, all he did was simply answered the reporters’ questions. Right after that, he was summoned by the leader of the school. The officials of state sports department wanted to invite Chen to join their running team. Unfortunately, Chen was not interested in joining the running team. He had other priorities. Thus, he rejected them. The officers thought that it was a shame for him to waste his talent. They left him a name card and promised Chen that a spot would always be available, no matter what.

Chen rushed to the gate after everything was settled. Today marked the seventh day of Killer Bee’s death. During this time, Jing Fei had worked together with the director of Green Vine police station; Liu Quanfu to investigate the case in secret.

“The killer’s name is Killer Bee. He was the apprentice of Faction of Hundred Beast. Also, he was Wen Tiandou’s brother-in-arms. One more thing, there was one more faction member by the name of Blood Dove. He was even more powerful than Wen Tiandou!” Jing Fei told Chen everything that he got from his investigation.

“Wen Tiandou is a real son of the b.i.t.c.h! It was bad enough to murder his own father. I can’t believe that he sent someone to kill me as well! I will make sure that he pays for this!” A dark and deep light settled in Chen’s eyes.

Killer Bee was the one who died during the fight. Chen was that close to dying himself. If Killer Bee had not let his guard down, he would have been able to easily dodge the flying sword. Chen and Jing Fei would surely meet their ends as a result. The near-death experience had fueled Chen’s hatred to another level.

“He will pay for what he did!”

“But, Bro Bei…”

Jing Fei frowned and said, “Wen Tiandou and his gang were too powerful for us to handle. How are we going to make them pay?”

“It’s true that they are way more powerful than us. But, we can defeat them with our wits. I want to make sure that all of them suffer for what they did to us!” Chen looked really determined. He had a plan in his mind.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jing Fei asked with trepidation.

He couldn’t imagine how Chen stood a chance against Wen Tiandou and the gang when they outcla.s.s him by such a degree.

“Drive the car here. We are going to buy some medicine.” Chen said calmly.


Chen took the book called Secret of Million Poison from his treasure chest as Jing Fei drove. This book recorded all kinds of poisonous formulas. He would definitely kick Wen’s *ss after mastering the making of poison. However, Chen was disappointed when he opened the book. There was a wording; Making poisons was an evil deed. Your merit points would be deducted sharply if you kill someone with poison. Use at your own risk! Use at your own risk! Use at your own risk!

“I couldn’t care less! Let me learn them first. I believe there would be one poison out of them all that suits me!”

He breezed through the book. Simple poison like roofie, laxative pills were recorded inside the book. It even recorded the recipes of some of the most lethal poisons. Of course, the ingredients differed when it came to different types of poison. Ingredients for lethal poison was basically impossible to be found in a normal market. Chen soon mastered the book of Secret of Million Poison. In the end, he chose two specific types of poison to be used on his enemies. Also, the ingredients for these two poisons were rather easy to acquire. After that, Chen and Jing Fei went to the medicine and market and bought the ingredients for the poison, Both of them then headed back to Chen’s bungalow together.

Eternal Prosperity was the name of this bungalow. Over the past seven days, the furnis.h.i.+ng company was already finished with the furnis.h.i.+ng and it was ready for occupancy. Chen had paid quite an amount of money to furnish the house. All the decorations were made of recycled materials. Thus, it was totally safe to move in right away, without any health risks.

“Nice. This is nicely furnished. I shall quickly settle all my matters before inviting my parents over!” Chen moved around the bungalow, pretty satisfied with what he saw.

He then started to brew the poison. This bungalow also served as Chen’s private area. He could carry out all his secret activities in this bungalow. No more hiding.

Chen chose two very basic types of poison. They were simple, and the process is rudimentary. All he needed to do was to crush all the ingredients that he had bought and mixed them together, based on the provided rations in the book. Half an hour later, Chen was done mixing the poison. Then, he packed the poison in two separate bundles of cloth.

“Hehehe… Even though I can’t kill Wen Tiandou, I will make sure that Wen Tiandou really suffers!” Chen put on an evil smile with the two broken clothes in his hand.

When the sky turned dark, Jing Fei drove Chen to the north mountain and parked the car at one of the hidden spots in the woods. They were going to wait until midnight to execute their plans. Chen knew that there’s a huge gap of power between him and them. Without wasting any time, Chen started his training in the car. He almost reached the next level of training. The dragon aura started to fluctuate aggressively inside his body at two in the morning. Chen finally achieved the next level of his training.


[Paragon level: Later phase of physical body. Health: 1000. Combat power: 1000]

“Fuhhhh… Finally!”

Chen exhaled a series of foul air from his mouth. He could clearly feel that the dragon aura inside his body was stronger than before. Power filled his body instantly.

“What? Bro Bei, you’ve reached the next level of training?” Jing Fei gulped and looked at Chen with his eyes wide opened.

“Yes. I have just reached the next level of training. We’re on the same levels now” Chen laughed.

“Oh my G.o.d! You are a monster! I spent ten freaking years to reach this level! Compared to you, I’m a piece of garbage.” Jing Fei was completely shocked. Envy was projected all over his face.

“Stop licking my boots. Wait for me here. I’m heading out!”

Chen took out the Monkey King plastic mask that he had bought earlier for this special occasion. He then wore the mask and made sure that it was secure in place. Finally, he got out from his car and walked towards the mansion.




The dogs started barking. The guards were instantly on guard.

“Who is that?!”

One of the guards turned on his torchlight and the other guard brought the dog with him to check on the premises. Both of them slowly walked to the woods.


A white cloud of dust was tossed at them all of a sudden.

Comments (43)

  • Allend_Reaper



  • Swordslady



  • Swordslady


    Thank for chapter

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Chapter 87: Look! It’s a Saucer Plate!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Erm… Ugh…”

Both of the guards collapsed before they even knew what happened. Chen slowly walked out of the dark.




The hound kept on barking at Chen. It wanted to jump and attack Chen. However, the hound collapsed as well when it breathed in the white powder that still puffed up in the air.

“Haha… I can’t believe this basic powdered form roofie is so effective against them! This is so cool!” Chen grinned and walked towards the door. However, Chen did inhale some of the white powder as well. It was alright for Chen because he had the Seven Treasury Fragrant Pouch with him. Low-leveled poisons like this could be totally nullified.

Chen held some of the powder in his hand. He tossed it at two more guards when he reached the front gate. Finally, he sneaked inside the premise. Chen then activated his Golden Gaze Fiery Eye. All the walls became transparent in his eyes. Chen sneaked into the mansion carefully after making sure that the coast was clear.

Initially, he had planned to check out every single room in the mansion. He saw Wen Tiandou sleeping in his father’s room.

“What an animal! There’s absolutely no remorse from him after killing his sibling and father! How dare he sleep inside his father’s room! He should be condemned to h.e.l.l!”

Chen was getting angrier. He took a handful of powdered form roofie before he entered the room. He intended to knock him out and kill him afterward! The poison would only knock him out, not kill him. Thus, merit points would not be deducted from Chen.

All of a sudden, Chen heard a series of light footsteps approaching him. He was startled. Then, he quickly hid inside the toilet. Through the Golden Gaze Fiery Eye, Chen saw a woman approaching the room. Judging from her attire, she should be one of the Wen family’s maids. However, her movements were rather strange. She walked like a zombie in one of those zombie movies. She had a knife in her hand.

“What the h.e.l.l is going on?!” Chen was shocked. Then, he went into hyperfocus mode to try to figure out what was happening.

Chen saw a blue phantom shadow behind the maid. The spirit was similar to the one that possessed Lan’s grandma. Her hair was so messy. Her face was filled with hatred. A deathly aura was all over the spirit. This maid had definitely been possessed by an evil spirit!


[Low-level evil spirit. Paragon level:****. Form: Spirit. Combat power: 100]

Chen’s Netherspirit Battlescouter did a quick a.n.a.lysis on the evil spirit.

“This evil spirit’s combat power is so d.a.m.n low! I think she had just turned into an evil spirit not too long ago. What is she trying to do?” Chen opened his eyes wide. Through Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, Chen noted down every single movement made by the evil spirit. Then, he saw the possessed maid opening the door with her stiff hands really slowly. She walked towards Wen Tiandou’s bed, step by step.

After that, under the control of the evil spirit, she lifted up the knife in her hands and aimed it at Wen’s head. She was getting ready to chop off his head!

“Oh my G.o.d! That evil spirit is going to kill Wen Tiandou!” Chen did not even blink his eyes. He did not want to miss this.

That was what I called Karma, b.i.t.c.h!

Wen Tiandou had committed so many evil deeds before. Even an evil spirit wanted to take his life!


Without a warning, Wen Tiandou threw a punch. A second ago, he was still in a deep sleep. His speed was so much faster than the maid. Also, the power that his punch carried was beyond powerful. His combat power was over five thousand! In other words, the strength of his punch should be around two thousand pounds! After a m.u.f.fled splat, the power from the punch drove the maid right into the wall. Her abdomen blew up and her internal organs splattered all over the ground.

“b.i.t.c.h! How dare you try to me?! Wen Tiandou sat up and stared at the maid coldly.


All of a sudden, the mangled corpse sat up and threw the knife at Wen Tiandou.

“Hmm? An evil spirit!”

Wen was shocked. He caught the knife calmly. He had spent years in the Dragon City mastering his martial art. He knew what caused the reanimation of a dead body immediately.

“Bro Blood Dove! There’s an evil spirit in my house! Come and help me, quick!” Wen Tiandou shouted and stared at maid’s dead body coldly.

The evil spirit knew that something bad was going to happen to her. She quickly left the maid’s dead body. Evil spirits could only possess people with a combat power that was lower than theirs. Now, she had no one to possess. The only thing that she could do was flee from the scene as soon as possible.

She ran to the door without a second thought, but she was quickly repelled! A middle-aged man with long hair stood at the door. His index finger and middle finger on his right hand were put together. He then pressed it against his right eye. His left hand held a Mahogany Sword with three paper talismans on it.

“Calm down. I was awake when you threw your punch.”

This man would be the Blood Dove.


[Paragon level: Early phase of training Qi. Health: 6000. Combat power:6000!]

“Oh s.h.i.+t! This guy is even more powerful than Wen Tiandou!”

At the same time, Blood Dove swung his sword three times to force the evil spirit back to the maid’s dead body. Then, he smacked a paper talisman on the dead body.

“You can see me?” The face of the evil spirit started to appear on the face of the dead body. She stared at Blood Dove fiercely.

“Hehe… Before joining the Hundred Beasts Faction, I did tag along with the Taoists to train with them. Consider yourself unlucky because I’m here today!” Blood Dove laughed coldly.

He then swung his sword again. The two paper talismans on the sword lit up.

“No! You can’t destroy me! I want my revenge! I want my revenge…” The evil spirit was yelling hysterically. Blood Dove totally ignored her. He swung his swords gently and slowly. It was more of a ceremonial gesture than a combative maneuver.

Chen saw everything clearly.

“An enemy of my enemy is my friend! That evil spirit wants to kill Wen Tiandou. She’s my friend now! I must rescue her! Luckily, I have Spirit Cage with me! I should capture her spirit.” Chen took out the Spirit Cage from his treasure chest after making the decision.

The spirit cage was black in color. It looked like a metal incense burner. There were nine skeletons carved on it. It gave out a creepy aura. That must have been made in h.e.l.l.

“I mustn’t fail!”

Chen held the Spirit Cage on his right hand and the roofie powder in his left hand.

“Die! Evil spirit!”

Blood Dove completed the ceremony. The Mahogany Sword lit up. He raised it up, ready to finish the spirit off.

“Look! Flying saucer!”

Suddenly, a man shouted behind him. Blood Dove turned to look. A handful of white powder landed on him. His eyes rolled up and he collapsed on the floor. Well, even elites with six thousand combat power would not be immune to powdered form roofie! How stupid was that!

“Who the h.e.l.l are you?!”

Wen Tiandou was shocked. He could not breathe. He stared at Chen sharply; like an eagle staring at its prey!

Mad Eagle!

Wen Tiandou’s t.i.tle in the Hundred Beasts Faction!

However, Wen Tiandou still could not figure out the person behind the Monkey King mask.

Comments (21)

  • Tseim


    The spirit of the wenyuan?

  • Allend_Reaper



  • tenebrosso



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Chapter 88: Super Itchy Powder

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Most of the Jianghu elites have had hardened skin and bones. They also had an innate control of their Qi. Wen Tiandou held his breath. He was not affected by the powder. He would not run out of breath anytime soon, thanked to his internal Qi cycling within his body.

Knowing that Chen would never reveal his real ident.i.ty, Wen Tiandou attacked Chen without saying another word.


The impact and power of the punch created a wind current. It was extremely terrifying. The punch carried two thousand pounds force of power. Even for the newly improved Chen, it would be too much.

Chen activated his Golden Gaze Fiery Eye. Just like cheating in a computer game, Chen had already predicted what he was going to do. He quickly tossed the yellow powder in his other hand. That’s the second poison that he had prepared. It’s the Super Itchy Powder.

“Ah… Oh… Itchy! This is so d.a.m.n itchy!”

Wen Tiandou had thought that he was going to be fine if he kept on holding his breath. He did not know that Super Itchy Powder acted externally. The itch entered his briefs and started getting to work. It was like having millions of ants crawling on his body. He felt like millions of mosquitoes were biting his body.

If he doesn’t tend to it, he would die from the itch. Once he started scratching, he would not be able to stop scratching. Wen Tiandou stopped his attack midway. He couldn’t even stand still due to his itching. He collapsed on the ground right away. He started to scratch his body crazily. Shortly after, his whole body was full of b.l.o.o.d.y scratch marks. Chen ignored him completely. He walked towards the dead body hastily. He tore off the paper talisman of the dead body. All of a sudden, a ghastly blue spirit rushed out from the dead body. She couldn’t care less about Chen. All she wanted to do was to flee the scene as soon as possible.


Chen opened the spirit cage and said. The evil spirit had been weakened because Blood Dove launched an aggressive attack on her earlier. She was quickly sucked in without any resistance.

“Let me out! Let me out! I want my revenge… Revenge…” The evil spirit groaned hysterically.

Chen closed the cage immediately. Finally, the piercing voice from the evil spirit halted.

“It’s impossible to talk any sense to an evil spirit. Their consciousness has been controlled by their unending hatred. I have to find a way to cleanse her hatred before trying to figure out her real ident.i.ty. Also, I need to find out on why would she want to kill Wen Tiandou.”

Chen turned his back on Wen Tiandou and kept the Spirit Cage into the treasure chest. He lifted up his right hand slowly. He wanted to use the Chaos Sword Essence to kill Wen Tiandou. Right at that moment, Chen saw a well-built shadow approaching him rapidly through his Golden Gaze Fiery Eye.

“s.h.i.+t! It’s Mad Lion!”

Chen knew this man from the intel that Jing Fei had pa.s.sed to him earlier.


[Paragon level: Latter phase of physical body. Health: 1300. Combat power: 1300]

That guy was even more powerful than Killer Bee who Chen had killed earlier. He was now so close to killing Wen Tiandou. The Chaos Sword Essence was Chen’s biggest secret. He could not afford to let any outsider know his secret!

In order to keep his secret safe, he ran towards the window, breaking the gla.s.s as he jumped down to the garden.

“Bro. What the h.e.l.l just happened?” Mad Lion’s was a pretty fast man. He was shocked when he saw the condition of the room.

“Pursue… Pursue…” Wen Tiandou tried his best to convey his thoughts to Mad Lion. Both of his hands were busy scratching all over his body.

“Servant!” Mad Lion shouted. He wanted the servants to clean up the scene.

He jumped down to the garden to pursue Chen. Mad Lion’s physical body was much stronger than Chen. He was faster than Chen as well. Seconds later, he managed to catch up to him.

“Coward! Where are you going to run?!” Mad Lion shouted as he overtook Chen and blocked his way.


Chen was getting more and more nervous. He knew that this enemy was much more powerful than him. There was no way for him to outrun his foe. He was nervous, but his state of mind was more mature and stable than his old self. He utilized his Qi of flying dragon to pay close attention to Mad Lion’s movements. He was going to use the Chaos Sword Essence to kill him when Mad Lion revealed his weak points.

“Take off your mask! Reveal yourself! I will not kill a John Doe!” Mad Lion growled.

“I will let you know my name only if you defeat me!” Chen said. He was trying his best to stall the time.

“Hmph! Defeating you would cost me no effort! Judging from your speed, I know that you are much weaker than me!” Mad Lion had a pretty accurate judgement.

“I will defeat you within ten moves!”

He took out a gleaming short sword from his waist. A murderous aura was spilling out from the short sword. It was pretty easy to guess that many people have been killed by this weapon.

“I want a weapon as well if you are going to use a weapon to fight me! It will be unfair if I’m unarmed.”

“Find a weapon around here if you can. Don’t blame me if you can’t find any!” Mad Lion laughed and said, more arrogance than honor involved.

This was the Wen family’s mansion garden. There were only flowers and wooden sticks around.

“I want a bamboo stick!” Chen quickly ran to look for a bamboo stick. He broke a bamboo stick from a nearby bamboo plant and plucked the leaves off. Finally, it became a bamboo rod! The Ultimate Skill of Rod of Luohan was the only means for Chen to increase his combat power, as he couldn’t use the Chaos Sword Essence at the moment.


Mad Lion saw that Chen was ready to fight. He charged at Chen with his short sword. Mad Lion’s paragon level was slightly higher than Chen. Thus, he was extremely fast. He was also far stronger. It was like a lion charging at a rabbit. It was a bad situation!

“So d.a.m.n powerful!”

Chen was extremely nervous as this battle was going to be a near-death experience for him.


Chen tossed out a handful of Super Itchy Powder when he saw Mad Lion getting close. Mad Lion quickly swung his sword with his right hand. A strong wind blasted off it and blew the Super Itchy Powder away. At the same time, he managed to use the tip of his feet to jump back, three feet away. The Super Itchy Powder did not land on him at all.


Then, Chen quickly followed up and smacked Mad Lion’s head with the bamboo rod. Obviously, this was Chen’s trick. He had used the Super Itchy Powder to divert his attention. Before Mad Lion could react to his surroundings, the bamboo rod would land on his head. The timing was perfect.

With Chen’s strength, an ordinary person’s head would definitely be turned into mush. Unfortunately, Chen’s foe is Mad Lion! He grabbed hold of Chen’s bamboo rod and use his sword to slash it into half.

“Coward! You are too d.a.m.n weak! Hahaha…” Mad Lion laughed arrogantly.

“You are right. I am weaker than you. But, don’t you feel that there’s something wrong with your palm?” Chen said calmly, mockingly.

Comments (17)

  • Suzzie


    Main character is a dum **** who things he’s smart lolol

  • DemonicPathFounder


    he was nervous but his state of mind was calm?

  • Allend_Reaper



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Chapter 89: The Internet Sensation, Chen Xiaobei

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“My palm?”

Mad Lion was stunned. It was a slow reaction. It was probably because the dead skin on his palm was too d.a.m.n thick.

“Itchy! So d.a.m.n itchy! You… What have you done to me?!”

His left palm was so itchy that he dropped his short sword on the ground. Then, he began to scratch his left palm in a frenzy.

“Hehe… That was my little trick. Did you enjoy it?”

Chen started to laugh.

Chen had applied some Super Itchy Powder on the bamboo rod. This would be a trick after tricks. Chen wanted Mad Lion to use his hand to block the bamboo rod.

Mad Lion had to scratch his left palm with his right hand due to extreme itchiness. His combat power would mean nothing anymore since his hands were all occupied. He was a scratching duck!

“Idiot! Look over here!”

Chen was not going to be polite anymore. He picked up the bamboo rod and started to beat him senseless.

“Ouch! Ouch… It hurts!”

Mad Lion was groaning in pain. His physical body was quite st.u.r.dy, but Chen had one thousand combat power. There were four hundred pounds of strength in each strike. Every hit brought about excruciating pain. After a while, Mad Lion was badly hurt. All he wanted to do was run! Mad Lion ran towards the mansion while enduring the pain and the itch.

“Hmph! I thought that you wanted to kill me?! It’s too late for you to escape now!”

Chen used the strength from his single arm to jab at Mad Lion with all his might.

“Enhanced Version of Destroying the Dragon Nest!”


A m.u.f.fled sound lingered in the air. Mad Lion’s a.s.shole had been penetrated by the bamboo rod. It was buried deep inside his “glory hole”. There were a lot of Super Itchy Powder stuck on the surface of the bamboo rod.

“Awww… Ouch…”

Mad Lion was groaning in agony. Basically, his a.n.u.s had been completely destroyed. The combination of excruciating pain and extreme itch were like h.e.l.l to him. Whenever he used his hand to scratch his b.u.t.tock, a familiar song replayed inside Chen’s mind; broken a.s.shole and injuries all over the b.u.t.tocks. The pain was so “good” that Mad Lion was feeling as “high” as a kite.

“Sword, go!”

Chen did not have the time to look at Mad Lion suffering from the pain. He shouted, and the Chaos Sword Essence flew right at Mad Lion’s heart. It stopped at his heart to absorb all the essence from him.


[You have killed a bad guy. Triple Realms Merit Points + 1000]


[Your current Triple Realms Merit Point is 2287. You need another 7713 merit points to go to next level.]


[Super Philanthropist. Charm + 200, Luck + 200]

The Netherspirit Battlescouter was sending messages to Chen continuously. However, Chen couldn’t care less, all he wanted to do was to feel and look at the changes of the Chaos Sword Essence. Wen Tiandou could have washed off the Super Itchy Powder by now and would be charging at Chen without any warning. Chen was able to take out Mad Lion with his tricks because they were not that different in power. However, Chen would not stand a chance when it came to fighting Wen Tiandou.

Chen retrieved his Chaos Sword Essence after it finished absorbing the essence of Mad Lion. He then quickly left the Wen mansion with Jing Fei. Both of them went back together to Chen’s bungalow. Fortunately, everything had been smooth sailing.

“Took out one strong foe. Messed with Wen Tiandou and managed to save an evil spirit. This journey is quite rewarding, after all.”

Chen sat on the sofa comfortably. He could not keep the smile off his face. After resting for a little while, he consumed a bottle of Potion of Hundred Herbs and started his training. The night Lan was taken away, he had decided to give up on sleep altogether in order to train himself. As long as he has enough Potion of Hundred Herbs to keep him energized, he would be able to keep going.

He was determined to become stronger! He thirsted for more combat power! He would never stop training!

On the second day, Jing Fei bought breakfast for Chen. While having his breakfast, Chen was looking at the group chat. At the same time, he left a message to Sanzang. He asked for a way to neutralize an evil spirit’s hatred.

“Why is this Sanzang not replying to my messages? Is he still sleeping?”

Chen now had a G.o.dlike reading speed. Within few seconds, Chen had already finished reading the group chat. There was some food left on his plate. So, he decided to check on the school forum. As expected, news about him still flooded the school forum. On top of that, his fan club had reached ten thousand people. After a quick read, Chen found nothing of quality.

He then had a quick idea. He realized that he had not checked on his Weibo account for a long time.

“I should give it a quick check and see if any fans are following me.”

Chen only started to use Weibo when he entered university. Initially, he only had thirty plus followers. Those were Chen’s close friends who constantly updated each other. He was so shocked when he logged into his Weibo account.

“Ten, thousand, ten thousand! Oh my G.o.d! 20333 fans following me! This is insane!”

Chen looked at the monitor with his jaw wide opened. It was a tough thing to have even two or three Weibo fans follow you earlier. But, now, twenty freaking thousand fans followed him within two freaking days! The number was still rising.

“This is weird… All my fans should have come from this university. There are only ten thousand plus people in my fans club. How is it possible for me to have twenty thousand fans on Weibo?”

Chen was really puzzled. Then, he accidentally saw all the hot topics at the right side of the screen.

The first hot topic was about some random actress cheating on her husband with her manager. This scandal was a hot topic among the people. This b.i.t.c.h and her boy toy had done something really scandalous. Everyone in this country had criticized them. Even people like Chen who would not give a d.a.m.n about the entertainment industry had shared this news on his Weibo to support the actor.

The second hot topic was about the Olympics. The Olympics was in season right now. All those athletes had received widespread attention from everyone in the country. The rest of the hot topics after that were also related to sports.

One of the topics was; Green Vine City’s Running Prodigy, Chen Xiaobei!

“Oh my G.o.d! I can’t believe one of the listed hot topics is about me!”

Chen was really overwhelmed by the fact that he was now an internet sensation. He clicked on the hot topic immediately. The content was pretty similar to other Weibo posts. However, the post became extremely popular with the aid of Weibo’s social media platform. Ten thousand out of his twenty thousand Weibo fans were from his fan club. The rest of them were non-locals. At first, Chen had thought that all these people had followed him only because they were pa.s.sionate about sports.

After reading some of the comments, Chen started to get really confused.

“This Weibo is so special. I have no idea why wouldn’t I want to follow this Weibo.”

“Interesting Weibo! Follow!”

“Charming Weibo! Follow!”

Chen was really confused to see what’s so interesting and charming about a long-abandoned Weibo.

“Charm? Must be my charm!”

Chen had an epiphany all of a sudden. He had killed Killer Bee and Mad Lion. The merit points that he had earned increased his charm greatly. Charm allows a person to gain others trust and affection easier.

There were some not-so-good-looking actors and actresses inside the entertainment industry. All of them possessed a certain charm level that had managed to build up their fans base.

“Haha… It looks like I have the potential to become a famous person on the web!”

Chen laughed. He picked up his cellphone and took a picture of him having his breakfast. Then, he uploaded the picture on the Weibo.

Instant like! Then all the comments and sharing came after that!

“No s.h.i.+t! I’m an internet sensation now!”

Chen opened his eyes wide. He could not believe it.

Comments (30)

  • ArchersGoon


    It takes certain talent to penetrate a fully clothed a.s.shole… ᕙ(⇀‸↼‵‵)ᕗ

  • LordOfTheMorning


    he could kill the granpa with 6k power or the super bad guy, but he killed a n.o.body whose power was only 300 more than him… gj mc, rly

  • Irfan999


    He is not strong enough. And the sword is sleeping after used cause the sake reason.

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Chapter 90: Only 998!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Well, one needed to be extremely famous to become an internet sensation. Since the internet was so commonly used among people around the world, internet sensations had become some kind of superstar. It was no longer necessary for them to be good at singing or acting. They would not even need to showcase any talent to become famous.

If everything went smoothly, an internet sensation could easily build up a huge fanbase. For example, an internet sensation could get thousand or even millions of likes by simply posting their pet pictures. Millions of fans would get crazy over their cute selfies. People would pay attention and care about their daily lives. Every single move and decision made by them would touch millions of fans’ hearts.

Such an exciting prospect! Chen felt exactly like this at that moment. A half-eaten pau and a normal bowl of plain porridge had just received thousands of comments within a few minutes. Moreover, the number was still climbing.

Chen held his phone in the hand and started to smile, “Hmm… Maybe there will be a businessman coming here to look for me. We might do a photoshoot for some kind of advertis.e.m.e.nt. Maybe, there will be famous directors coming and look for me to act in their movies. Some might even write songs for me in concerts. Wahahaha…”


All of a sudden, the cellphone vibrated.

“Good to see you, G.o.d Chen. You have found the right person to help you to neutralize an evil spirit’s hatred! The renting of my Golden Purple Khakkhara costs only 998 Triple Realms Merit Points. Also, I will throw in a ceremony of transmigration for free!” Sanzang said.

“Erm… I don’t need your Golden Purple Khakkhara to neutralize a low-level evil spirit. It’s like using a chainsaw to kill a chicken.” Chen said.

“I see. Then, I would like to recommend the Vajra Bodhi Bracelets to deal with this evil spirit. This spiritual item has been personally consecrated by yours truly. I’ll also throw in a free manual on how to deliver evil spirits from their hatred, for free! This package costs only 998! Pay me and these two precious spiritual items will be yours.


Chen was shocked by Sanzang’s suggestion.

“I just became an internet sensation. My charm will drop greatly if I pay 998 Triple Realms Merit Points to Sanzang…”

Chen was not happy about it. But, if he refused to pay Sanzang, the evil spirit will be trapped inside the Spirit Cage forever and ever. That doesn’t sound good.

“Hmm… That’s alright. I can slowly earn back the merit points. I should buy these two items first. At least they’re reusable.”

After some calculations, Chen sent the Triple Realm Merit Points to Sanzang via personal package.


[998 Triple Realms Merit Points has been deducted from you. (Charm: -100. Luck: -100)]

Chen could feel the pain in his heart when the merit points were deducted from him. He had used blood and sweat to earn those merit points!

“Master! Sanzang Master! I have sent you the merit points via personal package! Please, send me the bracelet and the book right now!”

“I’m still doing my morning devotions. Please wait for another three hours. I promise that I will send it to you, as soon as possible.” Sanzang said.

“F*ck you!”

Chen was so mad that he almost vomited blood out from his mouth. He had just given away 998 merit points painfully. Now, Sanzang was asking him to wait for another three hours. This after-sales service is beyond terrible!

“You wanna do your morning devotions? Try focusing with this!”

Chen went online and opened up his favorite website. There were different types of girls at the homepage of the website. Genres like teen, MILF, lolis, pantyhose, cosplay, trans, could be found on this website! It also helped that they were not covered by a single article of clothing. Chen picked the three s.e.xiest pictures and sent them to Sanzang.

“Amitabha. This is so sinful! Sinful! G.o.d Chen! What are you doing?!” Sanzang cried.

“Send me the items right now! If not, I will continue to distract you from your morning devotion! I’m warning you right now! I have more s.e.xy and violent pictures from my collection!” Chen said.

“What?! (Three shocking emojis). Did you just say that you have more pictures like these in your possession?! Can you send me more s.e.xy pictures?!”


Chen almost facepalmed when he saw the reply.

Was this bald b.a.s.t.a.r.d is some kind of fake monk? This was not a normal monk’s reaction!

“Please don’t misunderstand my intentions! I’m asking for these pictures is to train my willpower. I want to be able to withstand all these deadly temptations! This is part of my training!” Sanzang said.

“Cut the c.r.a.p! Give me the items right now!”


[Congratulations! You have s.n.a.t.c.hed a Red Envelope from Sanzang! You received a Vajra Bodhi Bracelets! It has been stored inside your treasure chest.]


[Congratulations! You have s.n.a.t.c.hed a Red Envelope from Sanzang! You have received a book of How to Deliver Evil Spirits From Torment! It has been stored inside your treasure chest.]

“Not bad!” Chen smirked.

“G.o.d Chen. Can you send me more pictures with s.e.xy women in it?” Sanzang asked.

“Nope.” Chen said.

“Why?” Sanzang asked.

“These pictures are ultra-rare items! They are fully colored. More importantly, they are in HD and are completely uncensored! I have to put in a lot of effort to look for these pictures.” Chen said.

“Hmm… Compared to the s.e.xy pictures that I normally look at, these pictures are definitely rarer than mine!”

What the f*ck! This guy is deep into p.o.r.n! He is definitely a fake monk! Chen’s impression of monk had been completely destroyed.

“G.o.d Chen. Please don’t think of this wrong! I really need these pictures to train my willpower!” Sanzang said.

“I don’t care! Pay me 998 merit points! Then, you can have these pictures in your possession!” Chen said.

“What? 998? That’s too expensive!” Sanzang said.

“It’s non-negotiable! I learned it from you! Take it or leave it!” Chen said.

“….” Sanzang was speechless.


[Congratulation! You have s.n.a.t.c.hed a Red Envelope from Sanzang! You have received 998 Triple Realms Merit Points! It has been stored inside your treasure chest!]

“Hmph! When it comes to business! You are still too inexperienced!”

Chen laughed evilly. Then he randomly pick a few s.e.xy pictures and sent them to Sanzang.

“Thank you G.o.d Chen! I’m going to continue with my willpower training! See ya!”

Chen couldn’t care less if the monk was ‘training’ something else. After that, he quickly activated the merit points that were currently being stored inside his treasure chest.


[Congratulation! You have received 998 Triple Realms Merit Points!]


[Your current Triple Realms Merit Points is 2287. You need another 7713 merit points to go to next level.]


[You are now a Super Philanthropist! (Charm+ 200. Luck+ 200)]

“Hahaha… My charm is back! All I used was a few s.e.xy pictures to trade for two precious items from Sanzang! d.a.m.n! I’m smart!”

Chen laughed happily. After that, he took out the Spirit Cage, Vajra Bodhi Bracelets, and the book of How to Deliver Evil Spirit From Torment from his treasure chest. In order to neutralize an evil spirit, one would need to make use of the Yang power from these spiritual items with the combination of some chanting to evict the hatred from the evil spirit.

Chen was no monk. But, he had the consecrated bracelet with him now. It was definitely more than enough to deal with a low-level evil spirit. Chen flipped the book with one of his hand and played with the bracelet in the other hand. He then started to chant at the evil spirit that was currently trapped inside the Spirit Cage. Through the Netherspirit Battlescouter, Chen could see that a dark aura was being lifted off from the spirit. Hatred was slowly being banished from the evil spirit.

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