Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1344: Another Intention

Chapter 1344: Another Intention

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xiangyu began to explain, “We’ve planted a mole in Hou Sailei’s group. He gave us the location of Hou Sailei’s research facility and he was supposed to coordinate with us from the inside. He was going to open the door for us! When we reached that place, the door was open, but when we got in, it was nothing but an abandoned research facility. There was not a trace of Hou Sailei, but there were plenty of deadly poisonous gas!”

“There were nine other men with me. They all died on the spot! I was lucky enough that my ancient body interested them. Fortunately, they gave me the antidote. Otherwise, I would have been dead already!”

Xiangyu looked very upset when he mentioned about his nine teammates. Anger filled his eyes. Even though he did not say it aloud, it was obvious that Xiangyu wanted revenge, no matter the cost.

Chen Xiaobei replied a.n.a.lytically, “So, our enemy discovered our mole! They must have fed you false intel, so that you would walk straight into their trap!”

“That’s exactly what happened! One mole, and Nine Thunder Kirin Special Forces. All dead. I have to bring justice to their sacrifice!” Xiangyu was determined but there was a helplessness plastered on his face. “But the biggest problem now is that with our mole gone, finding Hou Sailei would be like finding a needle in a haystack!”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Yu! We have a Central Intelligence Agency high official with us!”

Yin Wuqiu smiled, as he turned his gaze to Zaar who was standing in the corner of the room.

“Me?” Zaar pointed at himself, his body shaking. “Hou Sailei’s research facility is the most top-secret facility there has ever been! The level of its secrecy is equivalent to getting the launch codes of a nuclear weapon! Other than the president, only three other people know where it is. This is totally above my pay grade!”


Yin Wuqiu thought that Zaar would have known but from the looks of it, the idiot was telling the truth. “If that’s the case then, we’ll figure out a plan to catch anyone who knows about this. We’ll make a move once we get to know the location!”

“No!” Xiangyu shook his head and said, “If we catch any one of them, the Americans will instantly come up with a contingency plan. Before we can even find out where Hou Sailei is, they would have already transferred him somewhere else!”

“This…” Yin Wuqiu was frustrated. “If that’s the case, then we’re all out of plans!”

“Yeah! If it was that simple, so many people would not have been sacrificed already.” Xiangyu sighed dispiritedly. He really did not know what to do next.

“It’s actually very easy!” Chen Xiaobei who had been quiet, suddenly spoke up.

“Easy? What are you saying?!”

Xiangyu, Yin Wuqiu, and even Zaar perked up their ears, eager to hear what Chen Xiaobei had to say.

“The mole and the nine Thunder Kirin members’ sacrifice are not wasted! They have already helped us confirm Hou Sailei’s whereabouts!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“What? Hou Sailei’s location? How is that possible?”

The three men stared blankly at each other, not understanding what Chen Xiaobei meant.

“If I’m right, Hou Sailei should be in the abandoned research facility!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“That’s impossible! No way they are there! I saw it with my own eyes.” Xiangyu shook his head disbelievingly.

Yin Wuqiu and Zaar look unconvinced.

Chen Xiaobei smiled. “The mole’s cover has been blown. They could have just killed him, but why lure you guys in? Killing your team makes no difference in this matter! The great America would not do something so redundant! There must be more to this move!”

The other three men nodded. They all understood what Chen Xiaobei was saying.

“What do you men say, that there is more to it when they lured us in?” Xiangyu asked.

“They used a false front to masquerade the truth so that the most dangerous place becomes the safest place!” Chen Xiaobei said. “Hidden in plain sight. That is the enemy’s intention!”

“Can… Can you please elaborate?” The three men did not really understand what Chen Xiaobei was saying.

Chen Xiaobei said, “Bro Yu, before you began the mission, you must have already reported the location to the Thunder Kirin’s headquarters, right? And then, during the mission, you must have also live streamed the entire operation with some high-end equipment, yes?”

“Yes, you’re right! Before we were poisoned, the headquarters were updated on everything!” Xiangyu replied.

“That’s it!” Chen Xiaobei explained. “When the enemy lured you to the abandoned research facility, they wanted Thunder Kirin’s headquarters to see with their own eyes that there was no way Hou Sailei could be in there! So, even if Thunder Kirin’s headquarters sent another thousand teams to comb through all of America, they would never search that abandoned research facility, considering your whole team has been eliminated!”

Yin Wuqiu snapped his fingers. “So, they used the abandoned research facility to hide the real facility! The most dangerous place became the safest place! That’s a great move!”

Xiangyu nodded. “That is so true! I’ve been thinking about all the places that Hou Sailei could have been! That abandoned research facility was the only one place that didn’t cross my mind! Clearly, I’ve fallen for the enemy’s ruse!”

Zaar swallowed. “Mr. Chen, you really are too incredible.”

“There’s no need to try and curry favor me. I won’t kill you.” Chen Xiaobei smiled. “Before we go catch Hou Sailei, I need you to bring me to a place.”

“Alright! Just tell me where, Mr. Chen! I will bring you wherever you want to go! I won’t question it!”

Zaar patted his chest enthusiastically.

“Xiaobei! Since we know where our enemies are, let’s make a move now! If not, things will get even more unpredictable!” Xiangyu was impatient.

“Yeah! Bro Bei, we can delay this!” Yin Wuqiu said. “The vice president was beaten to a pulp, the top S.H.I.E.L.D agents annihilated, and this research facility destroyed. The Americans must already be on high alert!”

“Then why are rus.h.i.+ng?” Chen Xiaobei shrugged. “There is something very important I need to do first. Also, we’ll need more time to come up with a plan to catch Hou Sailei. These two things that I’m about to do must not clash with one another!”

“Can we still work out a plan? Our mole is dead!” Xiangyu looked puzzled.

Chen Xiaobei raised an eyebrow. “I’ve already found America’s mole! The plan that I have in mind would definitely make sure that we capture Hou Sailei this time!


Xiangyu was stunned.

“Don’t worry! Just leave it to me!” Chen Xiaobei chuckled. “We have to catch Hou Sailei by tonight!”

“Alright! I’ll leave it to you then!”

Xiangyu nodded. He would have to trust Chen Xiaobei.

“Zaar! Lead the way!” Chen Xiaobei ordered.

“Mr. Chen, where are we going?” Zaar asked.

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