Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 821: The Box that n.o.body Wants

Chapter 821: The Box that n.o.body Wants

“Ms… Ms. Lin… You’ve got to be joking right?”

Taken aback, the auctioneer had never seen something like this before after working in this line of work for more than a year.

“Joking? Do you really think you are worthy enough for me to joke around with you?”


Immediately, the auctioneer took in a deep breath. Seemingly, the t.i.tle given to her in Jianghu matched her perfectly. Her domineering character made her looked less like a woman. However, this was actually completely understandable. As the leader of an ancient faction with Celestial cultivation, it was no wonder that she had such a domineering personality.

“Do what I ask you to do or are you trying to ask me to do it myself?”

Her glare turned cold as she exuded a domineering aura – causing the people around her to be terror-stricken.

“N-n-no! I will do it now!”

With sweat dripping down his forehead, he would never dare to anger an elite with Celestial cultivation. After the white jade Ganoderma was packed, it was sent over to Chen Xiaobei by a s.e.xy bunny girl. At the same time, the other s.e.xy bunny girl brought a tablet to Lin Caoyin to complete the transaction.

“Faction Leader Lin!” Chen Xiaobei exclaimed with a smile.

“I’m here!”

Instinctively, Lin Caoyin stood up and turned around to look at the back row. The all-powerful domineering aura that she emanated earlier was replaced with gentleness. Instantly, her t.i.tle changed from Spinsterminator to Lady Mellow.

“From today onward, we are friends! Please let me know if you have any needs. Or if you are in trouble, you can come and look for me as well! My friends are more than willing to help you as well!”

“Great! This is so great! Thank you Mr. Chen! Thank you so much!”

Feeling excited, Lin Caoyin could not help but keep on expressing her grat.i.tude to Chen Xiaobei. Others might not know the benefit that Lin Caoyin gained from becoming Chen Xiaobei friend. However, she knew clearly the statement that Chen Xiaobei just made was going to benefit her until the end of her life.

In other words, Lin Caoyin could now contact with Hades and Focker personally and ask for help from them. This was one thing that Lin Caoyin had dreamed of for a very long time. Not too long ago, she was still trying to build a connection with Hades through pleasing the Hades’ G.o.dson. Through becoming friends with Chen Xiaobei, Hades and Focker were now her allies. In other words, Lin Caoyin would stand out in this dog-eat-dog world.

With that being said, the amount of money that Lin Caoyin just paid could be considered as a long-term investment. Soon, she would be able to earn back all the money that she spent today since Focker was now her ally. So, this was actually not a bad deal at all. That was why the domineering Lin Caoyin was more than willing to bow down at Chen Xiaobei and thank him wholeheartedly. Upon seeing that, everyone was stunned by it. They just could not imagine the infamous Spinsterminator would act so gentle toward Chen Xiaobei. None of them would believe in it if they did not see it with their own eyes.

“My… My brother… Am I dreaming? I believe I’ve just witnessed the white jade Ganoderma being delivered right into your hands! Also, you did not even spend a single cent to acquire it!”

Zhang Xiaoshen looked stunned, as the logic he was familiar with was shattered when he saw that the box that contained the thousand-year-old white jade Ganoderma was given to Chen Xiaobei. The moment he thought about he just received the white jade Ganoderma for free, he was elated. However, he could never tell anyone about the reason behind this crazy encounter.

In the first row.

Hikari Okazaka’s face was extremely red. Feeling embarra.s.sed, he knew that he just experienced an epic fail moment. That was why he was rendered speechless. On the other hand, Demonic Fox was looking calm from the outside. Deep inside her heart, she was actually feeling really shocked. Though she knew that Chen Xiaobei was no ordinary person, she still underestimated him somehow. With only a single sentence, she managed to make Lin Caoyin give him the white jade Ganoderma.

Demonic Fox came to a conclusion that the people that supported Chen Xiaobei’s back must be extremely terrifying!

On the other hand, Damien had noticed that Chen Xiaobei was not as simple as he thought.

“Something is not right! I think that kid is trying to cover up his real ident.i.ty! He is not who we thought he is supposed to be!”

“What should we do now? Should we change the plan?” asked the follower in a nervous manner.

“Our plan is perfect! Even an elite with Celestial cultivation will not survive from our plan! Just stick with it!”


The follower nodded his head and stepped back in a calm manner. It was as if the of them were extremely confident that the plan would turn out to be successful no matter what!

“Ladies and gentlemen! Next! We shall take a look at our second item!”

Immediately, two s.e.xy bunny girls pushed out a cart with a metal box on it that was one meter in length and width. There were intricate pyramids and sphinxes engraved on all sides of the box. A cart was used to fetch the box because it weighed at least 500 pounds!

“Regarding the second item, I believe that we had made a detailed introduction earlier as well! So, this is the box that a pharaoh brought with him when he died! I’m not going to repeat all the other information about this box. The starting bid on this item is one billion dollars! Every bid that you make must not be less than one million! You can begin to bid for it now!”

Upon hearing that, the entire auction hall was deadly silent. The reaction from the crowd was completely different from when the auctioneer presented the white jade Ganoderma. One minute had pa.s.sed and no one made a single bid.

“It seems like this treasure chest is going to be left aside!”

“Sounds right to me! Firstly, no one knows what’s inside it! Secondly, there’s no one can open the box! Using one billion dollars to purchase an antique does not make any sense at all! Unless there is something wrong with the person’s brain, I don’t think there will be anyone stupid enough to bid for this item!”

“That’s right! The owner of this treasure chest is trying to look for someone dumb to purchase it! I wonder who will be stupid enough to buy it!”


With all kind of comments going on around the auction hall, most of them treated this metal box as only a piece of antique. To them, only a fool would spend one billion dollars to purchase it.

“Just announce that no one is going to buy this stupid box! Stop wasting our time! Bring out the thousand-year-old Ambergris that we’ve been waiting for!” Hikari Okazaka urged.

Upon hearing that, everyone started to do the same as well.

“Hold on! Mr. Focker would be embarra.s.sed if no one places a bid on this box. Let me the first one that bid for it!”

Out of instinct, the auctioneer a.s.sumed that no one was going to bid for it anymore.

“1.01 billion! Going once! Going twice! Going thrice!”

Suddenly, a loud voice could be heard from the back row.

“Two billion!”

Chapter 822: Increase the Price by Folds

“What the f*ck?! Who called two billion? Is he out of his mind?”

“The other only increased the bid by one million. Then he jumped in and raised it by one billion?! He is insane!

“Look! Look! That’s him! That’s the guy made the bid!”

The audience’s gaze turned to Chen Xiaobei again. However, having been slapped by Chen Xiaobei earlier, they quieten down – not daring to throw insults at Chen Xiaobei.

The ones who were with Chen Xiaobei, on the other hand, were unnerved.

“Xiaobei, what are you doing?” Lin Xiang who was very troubled asked, “Everyone said that the box is a useless piece of junk. Why did he bid… At such a high price?! Isn’t that a waste of money?”

Lin Caoyin shook her head and said, “Mr. Chen is not an ordinary man. I don’t understand what is he trying to do but he can definitely afford this. We don’t have to worry about anything.

Lin Xiang was not even in the slightest bit relieved to hear this.

She was a thrifty woman – when they were shopping for clothes, she even advised Chen Xiaobei to be more careful with his spending.

How could she have any peace of mind seeing Chen Xiaobei splurge on a box that n.o.body wanted?

Just then.

Zhang Xiaoshen shrieked, “Hey! What the h.e.l.l are you blindly calling out? What do you know about the box? How could you bid two billion on it?

“Of course, there are treasures inside!”

Chen Xiaobei smirked. He had already seen the contents of the box with his Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes.

“Oh please drop the act!” Zhang Xiaoshen frowned and said, “The box is made of a very special material! Even if you had the latest gadgets, no one would be able to detect what’s inside the box! How is it possible that you know what’s inside?”

“I have eyes that see through it. That’s how!”

Chen Xiaobei laughed.

“Hey, how old are you? Why are you still cracking this kind of jokes? Why don’t you just say that you are a G.o.d?” Zhang Xiaoshen did not believe anything that Chen Xiaobei said.

“Mm, technically, this ability to see through things is actually an ability of a deity.” Chen Xiaobei said, straight-faced.

“What the heck! Can’t you be serious for a moment?”

Zhang Xiaoshen was so mad you could only see the whites of his eyes. “I was merely helping you! This is for your good. If you are not going to listen to me, I shall leave you be!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled and did not reply to him. Sooner or later, Zhang Xiaoshen would know if Chen Xiaobei was just bluffing him.

Whispers could be heard from the people in the first row.

“That kid is r.e.t.a.r.ded!” Hikari Okazaka suddenly spoke. He laughed manically. “Spending two billion dollars on a c.r.a.ppy box that cannot be opened is like throwing money into the sea! How stupid! Hahaha…”

Demonic Fox had yet recovered from the previous shock. She was still racking her head, trying to figure out what Chen Xiaobei was doing.

But she was more certain than ever that Chen Xiaobei would never do anything stupid!

She had never believed in anyone like that before. Just like believing in herself, she knew that Chen Xiaobei was going to give the audience a second wave of shock really soon.

“Hikari-san! Raise the bid! I’m sure that there is something extremely valuable in that box!” Demonic Fox said without as much as batting an eyelid.

“What? You want to keep bidding? Are you insane?” Hikari Okazaka said scornfully, “No one will pay one billion for that piece of junk! The price has risen to two billion now! Only a fool will increase the bid!”

“Hikari San! You have to trust me!” Demonic Fox said gravely, “I can guarantee that the box is valuable. It is definitely worth way more than two billion dollars!”

“Yinmu, you have always been a sensible and restrained woman. Why are you so impulsive today?” Hikari Okazaka looked disgustedly at the chest and said, “To me, two million is nothing. But I will not spend it on something so stupid…”

“I bid four billion!”

Hikari Okazaka nearly bit his own tongue in surprise.

Having thought things through, Damien raised his paddle.

What a shocker!

“What in the f*cking world?! Damien actually raised the bid?” What is the meaning of this?”

“Crazy! This world has gone mad! People spending four billion American dollars on a broken box. It’s a waste of money!”

“No! No! Damien, the grand duke is a very level-headed person! He would never do anything ras.h.!.+ Could the box really be worth four billion dollars?”

“That’s right! That must be it! That kid in the last row and Damien, the grand duke must know the true value of the box, that’s why they are bidding such a huge amount on it!”

“If that’s so. Then that kid and Damien, the grand duke are not foolish at all but are very shrewd!”

The room exploded with exclamations. When both Chen Xiaobei and Damien raised the bid, everyone realized that the broken box was actually extremely valuable.

“See that, Xiang’er? Mr. Chen is not as simple as you think he is. He is a reasonable man who does things with a purpose!” Lin Caoyin said with a smile.

“Yes… You were right…” Lin Xiang nodded hazily.

A few seconds ago, she was just complaining that Chen Xiaobei was squandering money; but a few seconds later, she could not help but be impressed by him!

Only Chen Xiaobei had the wisdom in recognizing the value of things that people deemed as junk.

“That’s so awesome! My brother!”

Zhang Xiaoshen raised his brows, still taken aback by what had just happened, “Do you really have X-ray vision?”

Chen Xiaobei smirked and said, “Not only do I have X-ray vision, but also the ability to read minds!”

“Read minds?” Zhang Xiaoshen was taken aback. “You mean like when the FBI investigate people using psychology?”

“Right! It was through my observation of the grand duke’s expression and movements that I deduced that he’s lying!” Chen Xiaobei bluffed with a straight face, “When he first raised the bid price, it was not because he wanted to show respect to Focker, he wanted the chest for himself! That is how I realize that the chest is actually a valuable item!”

“Oh!” Zhang Xiaoshen looked admiringly at Chen Xiaobei and said, “My brother! You are a man with skills! Can you please teach me how to read minds?”

Obviously, compared to the unfounded X-ray eyes, Zhang Xiaoshen is more willing to believe the more credible mind-reading reason. Clearly, Chen Xiaobei merely made them up. “I’m afraid it is impossible with your qualification.” Chen Xiaobei shrugged. Inside, he was cracking up. “Mind-reading my foot! If it were not for the Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, no one would know what’s inside the box!”

“Am I not qualified?” Zhang Xiaoshen looked defeated but he did not dwell on it, but quickly changed the topic and asked, “So what are you going to do next? Damien just bid four billion! That’s not a small sum!”

“Just raise the bid!” Chen Xiaobei raised his paddle and said, “I bid eight billion!”

Zhang Xiaoshen gasped. “A… Another… Twofold! What is inside that box?”

Everyone else was also asking the same question – what was inside that box?

Chapter 823: Damien’s Suggestion

“What the h.e.l.l is Xiaobei thinking? What’s inside the box? I know that he really wants to get his hands on the box but he could have increased the price slowly, right?! What if the Blood Descendant grand duke decides not to fight with Xiaobei anymore?! And he will end up in spending a lot of unnecessary money!” said Lin Xiang.

“Xiang’er, you need to learn how to place your trust in Mr. Chen! I’m pretty sure that is a good reason behind his decision! The thing that is being kept inside the box could worth more than eight billion!” said Lin Caoyin in a serious manner.

“How is that even possible? What kind of things can sell that kind of ridiculous price?”

In the first row.

“What the f*ck! That kid just increased the price by double! I have attended hundreds of auctions! I have never seen someone as crazy as him! This is truly unbelievable! Why would he choose to sit at the back row since he is so freaking rich?!” asked Hikari Okazaka.

“Clearly, he is trying to cover his real ident.i.ty in front of others! Mr. Hikari! You must trust me! Go and partic.i.p.ate in bidding for the box! I can guarantee that the thing that is being kept inside the box must be extremely valuable!”

“Take part in the bidding?”

Taken aback, Hikari Okazaka started to feel tempted to bid for the box. After all, he just witnessed that Damien and Chen Xiaobei throwing out cash to compete with each other to get their hands on the box. Thinking it through, he knew that there must be something extremely valuable being kept inside the treasure chest. However, he was the one that declared that only idiots would take part in bidding for it – changing his words was equivalent to slapping his own face.

“I’m not going to do it! I’m pretty sure that the two of them do not know what is inside the treasure chest as well! They are just gambling big! Imagine if the things inside it is a person’s ashes! That would be a huge b.u.mmer!”

Clearly, Hikairi Okazaka cared about his pride more than anything else.

“Mr. Hikari! You need to believe in me! I beg you! Please take part in the bidding! You know that money is never your concern! You will be filled with regret if you still refuse to listen to me!”

According to how well Demonic Fox knew Chen Xiaobei, she was almost certain that Chen Xiaobei had gotten to know that the item inside the treasure chest was worth more than eight billion! And the truth was Demonic Fox was actually right about it! Earlier, Chen Xiaobei had already used his Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes to take a look at the content inside the treasure chest.

Numerous crystals that were as big as coins were being stored inside the treasure chest. There was a good amount of pure Spiritual Qi inside every single crystal. And this was the thing that every Jianghu elites were looking for. This kind of crystal was commonly known as Spiritual Stones. Seeing that Chen Xiaobei got so excited over the treasure chest, there were actually a total of two thousand Spiritual Stones being stored inside it! That was why, he did not mind to increase the bid by an obscene amount of money. Let alone eight billion! He could still earn a lot if the price was increased to eighty billion!

Being able to figure out Chen Xiaobei’s secret, Demonic Fox was actually very smart, observant, and brave. However, the man that sat beside her was just a fool.

“I have told you that I’m not going to bid for that stupid box! Can you please cut it out?!” said Hikari Okazaka.


Demonic Fox still wanted to try one last time to convince him.

“Shut up! Don’t forget that you are the future empress of j.a.pan! You are embarra.s.sing me by talking non-stop here!”

“I-I… Understand…”

With her lips pursed, Demonic Fox felt really indignant. Earlier, Demonic Fox thought that Hikari Okazaka was a close to perfect man. Now, once she compared him with Chen Xiaobei, she felt that Hikari Okazaka was no longer the man she thought he would be. To Demonic Fox, Chen Xiaobei was the kind of man that could achieve something really big in his life! No one would ever know his limit! Someday, he could turn the world upside down! Or maybe he could bring a big change to this world!

On the other hand, Hikari Okazaka is just a second-generation filthy rich man. It would be great if he could protect his status in j.a.pan. It was simply impossible for him to achieve something bigger anymore. Feeling disappointed, Demonic Fox wished that the person that sat beside her was Chen Xiaobei but not Hikari Okazaka.

Knowing that she could no longer put any hope on him, Demonic Fox slowly turned her head and looked at Damien. At this moment, only he could suppress Chen Xiaobei’s domineering presence.

Though Chen Xiaobei might look calm from the surface, he was actually extremely nervous.

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d, better don’t increase the price anymore! I have only eleven billion in my account! I will definitely lose to him if he insists on buying it!”

Seemingly, the purpose Chen Xiaobei increased the price was to make Damien surrender to him. This was no more than psychological warfare. If he could make Damien took a step back, Chen Xiaobei would be able to use eight billion to exchange with something that cost around three hundred billion! That two thousand Spiritual Stones were the thing that Chen Xiaobei needed the most right now because his Chaos Sword Essence just consumed five thousand Spiritual Stones from him days ago. He would be left in a state of frustration if he failed to purchase this treasure chest.

“Mr. Chen! Initially, I have something very important to do today! But, I decided to delay my plan because of this treasure chest!”

Upon hearing that, Chen Xiaobei felt extremely disappointed.

‘s.h.i.+t! This is bad! Considering the fact that Damien is willing to delay his important plan to purchase this treasure chest, I think he will definitely come up with everything that he has to purchase it!”

However, the thing that was about to happen next went beyond Chen Xiaobei’s expectation.

“Truth to be told, the treasure chest is very important for me but I don’t think I possess the skill set to unlock this treasure chest! I would like to ask everyone to be our witness, I will give up on bidding the treasure chest if Mr. Chen can unlock this treasure chest in front of us!” said Damien in a serious tone.

“Unlock the treasure chest? We are more than willing to become your witness! But, can that kid do it?”

Feeling doubtful, the crowd did not think Chen Xiaobei could unlock the treasure chest. The owner of this item and Damien would not have given up on it, if it could be unlocked easily.

“Everyone! Calm down! I’m pretty sure Mr. Chen knows a thing or two about this treasure chest since he is willing to offer eight billion dollars to buy this treasure chest! Mr. Chen, are you interested in trying it? You can use eight billion to purchase this treasure chest if you can unlock this treasure chest in front of everyone!”

“Alright!” replied Chen Xiaobei in a confident manner.

Chapter 824: Everyone Was Shocked

“You really can unlock the treasure chest?!”

Having to squint his eyes, a sense of excitement could be seen from Damien’s blood red eyes. It was true that he could not unlock the treasure chest himself. That was why he wanted to try to ask Chen Xiaobei to unlock it instead. To his surprise, Chen Xiaobei agreed to it without any hesitation.

“I have my ways to unlock it! Just watch me!”

With a confident smile, Chen Xiaobei got up and walked up the stage.

“Who on earth is this guy? Lots of people have tried to unlock the treasure chest but all of them have failed to do so! He really thinks that he can unlock it?”

“You are right! I have heard that the owner of the treasure chest had attempted to use explosives and acid to unlock the treasure chest. Seemingly, he has failed miserably! I can’t even see a dent on that treasure chest! It’s truly unbelievable that the kid claims that he can unlock the treasure chest!”

“Stop guessing! Let just sit back and watch the show! Our curiosity will be fulfilled if he can unlock the treasure chest in front of us!”

“That’s right! I really want to know what’s being stored inside the treasure chest! No matter what the item is, I’m pretty sure it is extremely valuable since he is willing to offer eight billion dollars to buy it!”


With all the comments flying around, everyone’s curiosity was being piqued. And they could not wait for Chen Xiaobei to unlock the treasure chest and show them what was being stored inside it.

“Ladies and gentlemen! I’m going to unlock it now!”

In front of everyone, Chen Xiaobei stepped on the stage officially. To ordinary human beings, it was true that it was almost impossible for them to unlock it. However, Chen Xiaobei possessed an item that could help him to unlock all kinds of locks in this world. With everyone sitting down there as his witness, he did not need to worry that Damien might break his promise. The moment Chen Xiaobei thought about using eight billion to buy something that worth three hundred billion, he could not help but feel elated.

“Can Xiaobei unlock that treasure chest? What’s being stored inside the treasure chest?”

Lin Xiang stared at Chen Xiaobei while mumbling.

“I want to know as well…”

With great antic.i.p.ation, Lin Caoyin could not move her eyes away from Chen Xiaobei.

In the first row.

“Grand duke. Look at that kid! He seems really confident. He might be able to unlock the treasure chest in front of everyone! Are you really going to hand over the treasure chest to him? According to the information from the ancient book of Blood Descendant, a treasure chest like that is usually filled with Spiritual Stones!”

“Hehe… I don’t mind giving it to him if he can unlock it… Have you forgotten about our plan?”

“Plan? I understand now! You are planning to use that kid as a tool to do us the favor! We will be able to claim it once we kill him!”

“Hehe… Seems like you are smarter than I thought! Unfortunately, that kid still doesn’t know that he is about to be killed by us soon! He thought that he is filled with luck today. To his surprise, h.e.l.l will be unleashed upon him soon and heaven will be gone!”

“Grand duke! You are so smart! Too smart!”

The follower gave Damien a thumbs up while smiling excitedly.

Beside him, Demonic Fox had fixed her gaze on Chen Xiaobei’s back. Though she did not know what was being stored inside the treasure chest, she knew that Chen Xiaobei was going to give everyone a big shock very soon.

“Yinmu! Why are you keep on looking at that man? Please remember that I’m still your fiancé!” said Hikari Okazaka in a displeased manner.

“Don’t you want to know what’s inside the treasure chest?” said Demonic Fox in a disgusted manner.

“There’s nothing to see! That b.a.s.t.a.r.d is just trying to show off in front of everyone! I don’t think he can unlock that treasure chest! Even if he can open the treasure chest, I’m pretty sure there are no good things inside it! Maybe an evil spirit will be unleashed once he opens the treasure chest and it will haunt him for life!”

Demonic Fox shook her head and she had no intention to continue to talk to him. The more she compared her fiancé with Chen Xiaobei, the more she felt that Hikari Okazaka was just a useless man. She even looked forward to watch him be slapped by Chen Xiaobei.


Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei placed his palm on the treasure chest. He did not move much but the sound of metal cracking beneath his palm could be heard by everyone.




Wherever his hands moved, there would be cracks forming on the treasure chest. He then used his palm to do a circular movement and a hole was being formed on top of the treasure chest. The contents were finally revealed to everyone.

“Oh… Oh my G.o.d… It’s Spiritual Stones! A chest full of Spiritual Stones!”

The auctioneer could not help but shout into the microphone. The loud noise caused everyone in the auction hall to fall into a state of astonishment. Hundred of them stared at the contents of the treasure chest, frozen like statues.

“This is so awesome! My brother! There are at least two thousand Spiritual Stones stored inside the treasure chest! Using only eight billion dollars to buy all of it is such an insane deal!”

“s.h.i.+jie… Those… Those are Spiritual Stones?” asked Lin Xiang in a shocking manner.

After joining Tidal Faction, she came to a realization that Spiritual Stones were the kind of thing that every Jianghu elite was looking for. On regular days, she could hardly come across a Spiritual Stone. Now, there were two thousand of it being presented in front of her – making her doubt that this was actually a dream.

“It’s… It’s Spiritual Stones! Two thousand Spiritual Stones… Not even Tidal Faction’s vault contains so many Spiritual Stones… Mr. Chen is such a G.o.dly person!”

In the front row.

Demonic Fox was looking at Chen Xiaobei with her mouth wide open.

Though she expected that Chen Xiaobei would give everyone a huge surprise, she was still shocked by what she just witnessed. This time, j.a.pan had emptied out their vault to allow Hikari Okazaka to bring eight thousand Spiritual Stones with him. One could definitely imagine that two thousand Spiritual Stones were worth an obscene amount of money!

“No! This is not possible! I must be dreaming!”


“This is so painful… This is not a dream!”

Hikari Okazaka could not help but pinch his face to make sure that he was not dreaming.

“Oh G.o.d… That b.a.s.t.a.r.d just receive two thousand Spiritual Stones from unlocking the treasure chest!”

“With only eight billion dollars, he has earned two thousand Spiritual Stones!”

“How foolis.h.!.+ I should have bid for it as well!”

Hikari Okazaka felt extreme regret that he had chosen not to bid for it earlier. His face was completely twisted. Immediately, Demonic Fox glared at him and chided him in her heart.


Chapter 825: You Want a Challenge?

“What the f*ck! That kid over there just earned a c.r.a.pload of money! I’m so jealous right now!”

“Ain’t that right? Two thousand Spiritual Stones is equivalent to the savings of a hundred-year-old ancient faction! All that kid does is spend eight billion to beat all of them! His luck is amazing!”

“Not just luck! You have to know that none of us here possess the skill to unlock that treasure chest even if we can get our hands on it! A golden opportunity like that will only be reserved for people that come prepared! The focus here should be the way that kid unlocked that treasure chest!”

“You are right. Hundreds of people have tried to unlock that treasure chest but he is the only one that manages to unlock it successfully! I have to give him that!”

While everyone was staring at Chen Xiaobei in an impressive and jealous manner, Chen Xiaobei put on a smile and said, “Auctioneer, I have managed to unlock the treasure chest. According to the deal that we just made, please announce that I have bought this treasure chest!”


Gulped, the auctioneer looked at Damien unconsciously.

“Why are you looking at me? Everyone here is powerful and influential people. And they are our witnesses as well! There’s no way that I will break my promise in front of everyone! Just announce it!”

Speaking in a casual manner, it seemed like Damien did not really care about the two thousand pieces of Spiritual Stones. Upon seeing that, the crowd could not help but compliment Damien for being a gentleman. Even Chen Xiaobei changed the way he looked at Damien. He felt like this person was an honest man. He would definitely get to know him better if he was given the chance.

At that moment, only the follower of the Blood Descendant knew that the reason Damien acted like a gentleman was not because he did not care about the two thousand pieces of Spiritual Stones. To Damien, Chen Xiaobei was just a piece of walking dead meat. All those Spiritual Stones would be kept by Chen Xiaobei temporarily.

“Okay! Since you guys can stick to the deal, I hereby announce that the second item is sold at eight billion dollars! Sold!”

Once the hammer landed on the table, the deal was sealed. Earlier, the original owner of the treasure chest a.s.signed Focker to help him to sell it to any potential buyers. That was why the owner would take the largest cut from the eight billion dollars and the remaining money would go into Focker’s pocket.

Knowing that he could not evade the bill, Chen Xiaobei completed the transaction in an honest manner. Within the blink of an eye, eight billion dollars was deducted from his bank account. However, Chen Xiaobei did not regret his decision at all! Spending only eight billion dollars to buy something that cost around three hundred billion dollars was definitely the best decision that he had ever made in his life. And Spiritual Stones were the thing that Chen Xiaobei needed the most right now. As the saying goes, ‘money is just a series of numbers’. And Spiritual Stones meant a lot to Chen Xiaobei.

It could increase his combat power and activate certain Spiritual Items to boost his overall strength! In other words, Chen Xiaobei’s decision made him earn more than three hundred billion! That was definitely a moment to be remembered!

If he was given another opportunity like this, Chen Xiaobei would not hesitate to spend all his money on it even if the item cost eighty billion! After completing the transaction, the treasure chest was sent backstage. Immediately, Chen Xiaobei asked Hades to prepare a car to cover up what he was about to do. In the car, Chen Xiaobei kept the treasure chest and all the Spiritual Stones into his personal treasure chest.

The moment Chen Xiaobei returned to the auction hall, the crowd was still discussing the way Chen Xiaobei unlocked the treasure chest. Even Zhang Xiaoshen could not help but keep on asking Chen Xiaobei about it. All Chen Xiaobei told him was that it was his personal secret. Even if Chen Xiaobei explained to them, no one would believe in him as well. Other than the group members of Red Envelope Group, no one knew that he was given a Primordial Ancient Bug, Twelve Wing Golden Cicada by the Prime of Tongtian.

Earlier, Chen Xiaobei hid the Twelve Wings Golden Cicada beneath his palm. No one would believe that a bug could do what explosive and acid could do. The metal crunching sound that the crowd heard earlier was the sound of it eating through the treasure chest. Still, the little guy was still hiding in Chen Xiaobei’s front pocket.

“I still want more! The Phoenix Rune Enigmatic Silver is d.a.m.n hard to come by on this planet. Please give me more…”

Of course, it was speaking in Zoolingualism and its voice was extremely soft. Only Chen Xiaobei could hear it talking. The Phoenix Rune Enigmatic Silver that Twelve Wings Golden Cicada mentioned just now was the material that made the treasure chest. Chen Xiaobei’s curiosity was piqued by it but this was not the right time to think about it. The third auctioned item was about to be presented in front of everyone.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Next, we are going to send out the most epic item of the night! I believe that most of us here have been waiting for that item for a very long time! Let me present you with the ten-thousand-year-old Ambergris!”

The moment the auctioneer finished talking, two s.e.xy bunny ladies brought out a tray that was made of pure gold with the Ambergris on it. Immediately, the crowd grew restless.

“Look! Look over there! It’s the legendary item that can increase one’s combat power by three thousand instantly! By consuming that item we could save ourselves by a few decades of time! That is just incredible!”

“Well, all you can do is think about it! Considering that it is some super rare item, do you really think you can afford it?!”

“Nope… I can’t afford it… Definitely not…”

Soon, the crowd grew silent. Most of the people in the auction hall were not equipped with enough capital to purchase anything that was being auctioned tonight. At most they were just the audience with no right to comment on the item!

“It seems like everyone knows the benefit of consuming this piece of thousand-year-old Ambergris perfectly well! Let’s get to the point right away! The starting bidding price of this piece of Ambergris is three thousand Spiritual Stones! Each bid that you make must not be less than ten Spiritual Stones! The bidding officially starts now!”

Immediately, no one dared to say a single word after the commencement. Taken aback, most of the people were taking in mouthfuls of breaths. Though they knew that this piece of Ambergris was not going to be cheap, none of them expected that it would be so expensive.

Three thousand Spiritual Stones was an obscene amount of wealth for regular factions. Not even an ancient faction like Tidal Faction could come up with so many Spiritual Stones! To put it bluntly, those underdeveloped countries would not be able to afford to buy this piece of Ambergris even if they emptied out their vaults!



“It seems like there is no one else can afford to buy this piece of Ambergris except for me! Where is the challenge? I can’t believe that I managed to acquire such a rare piece of treasure in such an easy manner!”

“You want a challenge, right?!”

Immediately, a mocking voice could be heard from the back row.

“I bid 3,010 Spiritual Stones!”

Chapter 826: The Holy Lady of Divine Sovereign Order

“You again?!”

Feeling frustrated and embarra.s.sed, Hikari Okazaka knew that he just failed to act tough in front of everyone again. Following that, they turned around and saw that Chen Xiaobei was the one that shouted just now. Initially, Hikari Okazaka thought that he was the only one in the auction hall equipped with enough resources to purchase the Ambergris. After all, not everyone could come up with such a huge amount of Spiritual Stones. If it was not for j.a.pan and Divine Sovereign Order helping him out, it was impossible for Hikari Okazaka to afford the ten-thousand-year-old Ambergris.

To his surprise, Hikari Okazaka never thought that Chen Xiaobei was rich enough to take part in the bidding. A huge and loud slap had just landed on his face.

“Haven’t you heard of this saying? Those who speaks the loudest are vulnerable to face slapping moment! I have brought a lot of Spiritual Stones with me! I’m determined to purchase this piece of ten-thousand-year-old Ambergris!” said Chen Xiaobei with a smile.

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Stop showing off there! All you just did is add ten more Spiritual Stones to the starting bid! And you make it sound like you just added hundreds and thousands of Spiritual Stones to it!”

“Hehe… Adding ten Spiritual Stones is no different from adding hundreds and thousands of Spiritual Stones! My purpose is to bring you down! If possible, I would choose to add one Spiritual Stone instead!”

“F*ck you! Do you really think that you can bring me down?! I can squash you like a f*cking ant! Auctioneer! I would like to increase the price to 3,300 Spiritual Stones!”

From the very beginning, Hikari Okazaka had never liked Chen Xiaobei. Now that Chen Xiaobei landed another slap on his face, he could feel more anger was bubbling from the bottom from his heart. He wished he could push Chen Xiaobei to the ground, beat him senseless, and change into a pair of clogs to step on his face. Unfortunately, Hikari Okazaka was not allowed to do so on Paradise Island. The only thing he could do was beat Chen Xiaobei by purchasing the Ambergris!

“Wow! He is after all the prince of j.a.pan! The fact that he just increased the bidding price to 3,300 Spiritual Stones is enough to prove that there is no end to his resources!”

300 Spiritual Stones were definitely not a small amount of money to most of the people that were sitting in the auction hall. Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes, which reflected a wicked glint. His bait tactic was a huge success. The owner of this piece of ten-thousand-year-old Ambergris belonged to Chen Xiaobei originally, so it could only be sold at the starting bid price if no one competed with Hikari Okazaka. With Chen Xiaobei joining in the bidding process, he just earned an additional 300 Spiritual Stones within the blink of an eye.

Ethically speaking, the thing that Chen Xiaobei did was definitely wrong. However, he did not feel bad doing so since Hikari Okazaka was not exactly a good person as well. Firstly, he acted way too arrogant in front of everyone. Secondly, he did tell his bodyguards to murder Chen Xiaobei because of some small conflict. Thirdly, he was the fiancé of Demonic Fox – making Chen Xiaobei feel like someone just s.n.a.t.c.hed away his woman from him.

In other words, Hikari Okazaka was the kind of b.a.s.t.a.r.d needed to be taught with a good lesson that he could remember for life. Having the principle of treating an enemy with good gesture was equivalent to being cruel to oneself, Chen Xiaobei would not hesitate to crush him since he was no angel.

“I will increase it to 3,310!”

Shrugging, Chen Xiaobei continued to add on to the bid in a casual manner.

“Motherf*cker! You did it on purpose! I will increase it to 4,000 Spiritual Stones! I dare you to do it again!” shouted Hikari Okazaka in a furious manner.

“d.a.m.n! You sound really determined! Let me think about it!”

Deep within Chen Xiaobei’s heart, Chen Xiaobei was actually elated since he just earned an extra 700 Spiritual Stones from it!

“Little Shen! Do you know much about j.a.pan?” asked Chen Xiaobei.

At that moment, Zhang Xiaoshen was still left in a shock. After hearing Chen Xiaobei’s question, he finally came back to reality.

“I know quite a bit about the current affair in Jianghu.”

“Do you know why is Hikari Okazaka so determined in buying the Ambergris?”

“I’m the right person to answer this question! Firstly, he is the prince in j.a.pan. Logically speaking, he will inherit the throne of j.a.pan and becomes a king in the future to rule the country! And the Yinmu Binghu that sat beside him is the Holy Lady of Divine Sovereign Order! Divine Sovereign Order is the biggest religion in j.a.pan! 90% of the population in j.a.pan wors.h.i.+ps the so-called Divine Sovereign! And the Holy Lady is being known for the messenger being sent down by the Divine Sovereign to be wors.h.i.+pped by everyone. It is j.a.pan’s tradition for the king to marry the Holy Lady.”

“To the government, the wedding between the prince and the Holy Lady would benefit them politically. To the people of j.a.pan, this holy marriage would cause the blessing from the Divine Sovereign to upon them.”

After listening to Zhang Xiaoshen’s explanation, Chen Xiaobei was left baffled.

“What does the Ambergris has to do with the wedding between the prince and the Holy Lady?”

“Just let me finish first and you will understand the reason behind it! Their wedding can be considered as one of the biggest events that could ever happen in j.a.pan! According to tradition, the Holy Lady must achieve True Nirvana stage before she can be married to the prince! After acquiring this piece of Ambergris, she will be able to close the gap and achieve the long-awaited True Nirvana stage. That is why Hikari Okazaka is so determined to buy it!”

“I see now! So, he will pour out everything that he has to acquire this piece of Ambergris, right?”

“You are right! Unless you can beat the amount of Spiritual Stones that he brought with him – if not, it’s impossible for you to purchase it!”

“Okay. I understand now! I want to increase the bidding price to 4,010!” said Chen Xiaobei with an evil smile.

Initially, Chen Xiaobei wanted to stop right here. After listening to Zhang Xiaoshen’s explanation, Chen Xiaobei realized that he could earn even more Spiritual Stones.

As expected, Hikari Okazaka had no intention to give up on the bidding. He then shouted loudly, “Where the h.e.l.l did you get so many Spiritual Stones?! I’m warning you, if you increase the bid without having enough resources, you’ll be blacklisted!”

To Hikari Okazaka, it was impossible for Chen Xiaobei to possess so many Spiritual Stones. In other words, he was just trying to sabotage him. This kind of behavior would not be tolerated in an auction. Once someone found out about it, the person would not be allowed to partic.i.p.ate in the auction forever.

“Have you forgotten that I’ve just acquired 2,000 Spiritual Stones?”


Hikari Okazaka felt extremely regretful for not bidding for the treasure chest when Chen Xiaobei brought that he just acquired 2,000 Spiritual Stones.

“Hikari-san! You must listen to me this time! Stop the bidding! Ask that b.a.s.t.a.r.d to show you 4,010 Spiritual Stones first!”

Feeling nervous, Chen Xiaobei knew that it was not possible for him to bring out so many Spiritual Stones.

“What a sly fox! How dare you challenge me?! I’m going to teach you a good lesson soon!”

Chapter 827: Deal!

This was going to be awkward. All Chen Xiaobei had were 2,000 Spiritual Stones – definitely not more than that. If Hikari Okazaka decided to listen to Demonic Fox, things would not go well for Chen Xiaobei. Focker was supporting Chen Xiaobei from the shadows and he would not be on the blacklist. However, there was no way that he could never wash away the crime that he just committed since everyone was looking at him. In the end, the ten-thousand-year-old Ambergris would be sold to Chen Xiaobei at the lowest price. In other words, this was actually a ma.s.sive bet. Hikari Okazaka would be the one that decides Chen Xiaobei’s fate.

“Why should I listen to you? I’m after all a man! Let me be in charge of big matters like this! You should show me enough respect that a man deserves when we are in public places!”

“Is respect more important or this deal is more important?” asked Demonic Fox while frowning.


Hikari Okazaka was taken aback. Though he knew that this deal should be his priority, it did not mean that he was equipped with a clear mind to see the bigger picture. And he was way too arrogant to listen to the advice of others.

“You are just a woman! Don’t talk to me about this deal! Just go and sit down and zip your mouth! This ten-thousand-year-old Ambergris will fall into my hands eventually! Just watch me squash that piece of s.h.i.+t like a bug!”

“I bid 5,000 Spiritual Stones! Son of a b.i.t.c.h! I dare you to add more to it!”

Upon hearing that, Demonic Fox’s beautiful eyes were filled with disappointment. Hikari Okazaka claimed that he wanted to squash Chen Xiaobei like a bug but he did not realize that he was actually the bug in this case. At that moment, Demonic Fox had lost all her faith that she had placed in Hikari Okazaka. All this while, Demonic Fox was being tied down by the royal family and Divine Sovereign Order, which was why she could not marry the one that she loved.

She had to constantly tell herself that she would be married to someone powerful even though she could not choose to be together with someone that she loved. The word ‘powerful’ did not refer to cultivation but maturity, charm, ability, wisdom, and state of mind. The first time Demonic Fox met Hikari Okazaka, she had felt that this man was everything that she ever wanted. Until she met Chen Xiaobei, she realized that she had made a terrible mistake all this while.

Before that, Hikari Okazaka was perfect for Demonic Fox because there was no one powerful enough to compete with him. Now that Chen Xiaobei was competing with him, Hikari Okazaka was like a naked man with all his weaknesses exposed. Feeling extremely disappointed, Demonic Fox wished that Chen Xiaobei would squash him like a bug.

“Alright! I shall fulfill your wish since you insist on competing with me! I’ll bid 5,010 Spiritual Stones!”

“F*ck you! I don’t believe that you have so many Spiritual Stones with you! I know that you just acquired 2,000 Spiritual Stones! There’s no way that you can fork out the remaining 3,010 Spiritual Stones!”

Hikari Okazaka roared at Chen Xiaobei while gritting his teeth. It was important to know that the royal family and Divine Sovereign Order had come up with almost all the Spiritual Stones that they possessed to pa.s.s them to Hikari Okazaka. The number of Spiritual Stones that he brought with him was estimated at 8,000 Spiritual Stones. All these Spiritual Stones could be considered as the funds to strengthen the country’s foundation – overspending it would definitely bring forth permanent damage to j.a.pan. In other words, 5,000 Spiritual Stones was actually their final budget.

The moment Chen Xiaobei increased the price to 5,010 Spiritual Stones, Hikari Okazaka had already maxed out the budget. Continuing to bid on it would cause j.a.pan to suffer an economic downfall. Left in a dilemma, Hikari Okazaka was tempted to listen to what Demonic Fox suggested to him earlier. However, he was afraid that Chen Xiaobei did possess enough Spiritual Stones to purchase the Ambergris the moment he decided to stop bidding for it.

He would need to wait for Demonic Fox to train at least a few decades to achieve True Nirvana stage if he failed to acquire this piece of Ambergris. The royal family and the people of j.a.pan would not feel at peace if they kept delaying the wedding. As a chain reaction, his n.o.ble status in j.a.pan would start to crumble as well. Realizing that he just chided Demonic Fox, it would be extremely embarra.s.sing for him to change his mind right now.

Left without options, Hikari Okazaka had to steel his heart to make up his mind.

“I bid 6,000 Spiritual Stones!”

Immediately, enlightenment was reflected in Chen Xiaobei’s eyes. He knew exactly what was going through in Hikari Okazaka’s mind.

“Mr. Hikari. Truth to be told, both of us really want to buy this Ambergris! It will be a waste of time if we continue to bid on it. Why not you just tell me your maximum price? I will take it with me if I can pay more than what you can offer! Take it with you if I fail to match the price that you offer! What do you think about it?”

No matter what, Hikari Okazaka would not return to j.a.pan empty handed. Seeing that Chen Xiaobei had come up with a good suggestion, he agreed to it immediately.

“Alright! Let’s do what you suggest! My bid is 8,000 Spiritual Stones! I’ll be speechless if you can surpa.s.s me with this amount of Spiritual Stones that I bid!”

“8,000 Spiritual Stones?”

With a smile on his face, Chen Xiaobei clapped his hands.



“What do you mean by that?” Hikari Okazaka asked in bewilderment.

“I don’t have more than 8,000 Spiritual Stones with me! So you can now take the Ambergris with you! Ladies and gentleman! Let’s come together to congratulate our winner! Mr. Hikari Okazaka!” shouted Chen Xiaobei with a wicked grin.


The crowd was shocked by the fact that the Ambergris was sold for 8,000 Spiritual Stones.

“So, that’s the prince of j.a.pan! I can’t believe that he just came up with 8,000 Spiritual Stones to purchase the Ambergris!”

“You are right! That piece of ten-thousand-year-old Ambergris can increase one’s combat power by 3,000! That is equivalent to 3,000 Spiritual Stones! I can’t believe that the price of the Ambergris was raised by at least three folds!”

“One can do anything that you like if you have an insane amount of money! I’m so jealous right now!”


Hearing the comments from the crowd, Hikari Okazaka felt like he was being scammed.

“Yinmu… Why do I feel like I’m being fooled by him?”

“No one fooled you. They are all praising you! Look at you! You have gained so much respect!”

“You are right! I have won the bid! That’s all that matters right now!”

“8,000 Spiritual Stones! Deal! Next, I would like to invite Mr. Hikari to go backstage to hand over the Spiritual Stones to the owner of the Ambergris! Then, the deal is officially sealed!”


Hikari Okazaka stood up and walked to the backstage. At the same time, Chen Xiaobei stood up as well.

“Brother. Where are you going?” asked Zhang Xiaoshen curiously.

“I’m going to watch the idiot vomit blood!” said Chen Xiaobei with an evil laugh.

Chapter 828: The One That Benefits the Most

Everyone left since the deal was sealed. At the same time, Damien brought his follower to leave the auction hall as well. A terrible conspiracy was about to be unveiled soon. On the other hand, Hikari Ozakaza went back to take out all the Spiritual Stones from his personal vault. He then returned to the auction hall to complete the transaction.

“Yinmu! Soon, I will be able to get my hands on the Ambergris. Once we return to j.a.pan, I will pa.s.s you the secret manual of Divine Sovereign Order and you will be able to achieve True Nirvana stage in no time! Following by that, we can have our wedding immediately!”

Looking at Demonic Fox’s voluptuous body with a perverted smile, Hikari Okazaka would have made love to her hundreds of times! He was ecstatic the moment he thought about acquiring the Ambergris. Once the wedding ceremony was completed, Demonic Fox would officially become his woman. By that time, he could have s.e.x with Demonic Fox as many time as he wanted.

Upon thinking about that, Hikari Okazaka’s pa.s.sion started to surge. He could not help but extend his hands, wanting to hug Demonic Fox’s slender waist.

“Hikari-san! Please stick to the rules! Do not think of touching me before the wedding ceremony!”

Immediately, Demonic Fox moved away from Hikari Okazaka’s dirty hands.

“Alright! I will not touch you!”

With his eyes narrowed, Hikari Okazaka’s tone turned cold.

‘Motherf*cker! Do you really think you are some kind of sacred hold lady?! Once the wedding ceremony is done, I will make you become my b.i.t.c.h! By that time, I will f*cking force you kneel down in front of me and beg!’

Hikari Okazaka could not help but manifest this angry thought that he had toward Demonic Fox.

“Thank you.”

Clearly, Demonic Fox had no idea that Hikari Okazaka was going to torture her once she married him. On the contrary, she even thought he was the kind of man that respected woman. At least she was not as useless that she thought he would be.

“We are here. Soon, we will be able to meet the owner of the Ambergris! This person is definitely not an ordinary person! We must start off with a good impression to build a good relations.h.i.+p with him!”


Demonic Fox nodded her head and regained her composure. With both them putting on a smile, they opened the door and prepared to deal with the owner of the Ambergris.

“You… What the h.e.l.l are you doing here?”

The two of them were stunned when they saw Chen Xiaobei was sitting in front of them with his legs crossed while enjoying a cup of tea. On the other hand, Focker was sitting on Chen Xiaobei’s left side while Hades stood beside him. Hikari Okazaka’s and Demonic Fox’s brains were scrambled when they saw Chen Xiaobei sitting inside the room. He could be there to mess with them if he was alone. However, they knew things had gotten serious when they saw Focker and Hades were inside the room as well.

“I’m the owner of the Ambergris. I’m here to wait for the payment!”

With a smile on his face, Chen Xiaobei was indulging in watching Hikari Okazaka and Demonic Fox’s faces of astonishment.

“How… How is this even possible?”

Standing there like a statue, Demonic Fox’s mouth was agape. She could not believe what she just heard and saw. All this while, she thought that Chen Xiaobei was just trying to set a trap for Hikari Okazaka to fall in and he would not benefit anything from it. To her surprise, she never thought that Chen Xiaobei was actually the owner of the Ambergris. In other words, he had become the biggest benefactor of the auction!

Putting the past aside, Demonic Fox was really impressed with the plan that Chen Xiaobei just executed. Just like what she expected of him, she always knew that Chen Xiaobei was a legendary character in this Jianghu. No one would ever know his limits. And no one could predict what he was going to do next! The moment when one thought that he was going to fall, he could easily turn the tide around! At that moment, Demonic Fox started to grow fond of Chen Xiaobei. He was exactly the type of man that she liked.

As compared to Chen Xiaobei, Hikari Okazaka was just a useless piece of s.h.i.+t to her.

“Son of a b.i.t.c.h! How dare you trick me?! The reasonable price of the Ambergris should cost only 3,000 Spiritual Stones! And you trick me into paying 8,000 Spiritual Stone for it! I’m going to f*cking kill you!”

Immediately, Hikari Okazaka lost his mind and wanted to charge at Chen Xiaobei like a mad dog to tear him apart.

“Hehe… I didn’t force you to increase the price! You are the one that wanted to compete with me! Why are you blaming me?!”

With a smile on his face, Chen Xiaobei was looking at Hikari Okazaka as if he was an idiot.

“Who should I blame if I don’t blame you? That item belongs to you originally and you kept on bidding on it to increase its price on purpose! You just spoiled the entire auction! I will never accept this kind of result!”

“The rules state that those without enough funds are not allowed to bid for the item! It doesn’t mention that the owner of the item is not allowed to partic.i.p.ate in the bidding process!”

“I did ask them to help me to sell the Ambergris. However, I changed my mind halfway and I wanted it back! I would have had to pay a huge sum of penalty fees if I had asked them to pull back the item for me! However, if I manage to buy back my own item, all I need to do is to pay a small amount of commission! So, tell me! Why can’t I do that? You are the one that insisted on competing with me! That was why the price was increased to 8,000 Spiritual Stones! You have no right to blame me!” said Chen Xiaobei with an evil smile on his face.

The look on his face was tempting Hikari Okazaka to land a slap on it. In the end, he had to agree with the thing that Chen Xiaobei just said. After all, it did make perfect sense. There was nothing Hikari Ozakaza could do even if he decided to make a huge fuss about it. Also, Hikari Okazaka was bound by the rules of the Paradise Island.

“Mr. Hikari! There is nothing wrong with the deal and auction! We did follow and stick to the rules! Please hand over the payment right now! If not, I will a.s.sume that you just break the deal and my team of lawyers will not hesitate to sue you! At the same time, I will include you in the blacklist of the Rothschild Family!” said Focker.


Immediately, Hikari Okazaka took in a deep breath. All his anger was ceased to exist. He would not hesitate to destroy the place if it was just some random auction hall. Knowing that this auction hall belonged to the Rothschild Family, not even j.a.pan could do anything about it.

“Alright! Master Focker! For your sake, I will make the payment right away! Someone! Please bring in the Spiritual Stones!”

All the Spiritual Stones were had been examined by experts before the auction. They were now being sealed inside the box. In total, there were eight boxes of it.

“Kid! You better keep all these Spiritual Stones close to you! I hope you can live long enough to spend all of them!”

Hikairi Okazaka glared at Chen Xiaobei and left the room with the Ambergris and his followers.

“Hikari-san! I need to go to the bathroom!”

Demonic Fox did not follow Hikari Okazaka leave the room. Instead, she headed in a different direction. Swinging his hand, all eight boxes of Spiritual Stones were being kept inside his Infinite s.p.a.ce Ring.

He then smiled at Focker and said, “Don’t wait for me as well. I need to go to the bathroom too!”

Chapter 829: You Must Risk Your Life First If You Want to Get in My Bed

“Why are you here?”

The moment Demonic Fox entered one of the cubicles, Chen Xiaobei followed her into it as well.

“Clearly, you are trying to hint to me by telling everyone that you are going to the bathroom! I will be an idiot if I don’t come with you! So, what do you want to tell me? Spill,” said Chen Xiaobei with a grim smile on his face.

“I have nothing to say to you…” said Demonic Fox while glaring at Chen Xiaobei.

“Nothing to tell me? Then, why did you drop me a hint to ask me to come to the bathroom with you? Are you trying to offer me another service?”

“Go and kill yourself please! a.s.shole!”

Demonic Fox was so angry that her face turned red.

“Just admit it! I can feel that my charm has managed to conquer you! Just confess your love to me! We might have children now if you come to your senses and take the initiative!”

“Children my a.s.s! I will never confess my love to you unless the sun rises from the north…”

Irritated by Chen Xiaobei, Demonic Fox had to force herself to swallow all the words that she was about to use to chide him. Undeniably, Chen Xiaobei was right about her. She did hint to Chen Xiaobei to come to the bathroom to discuss something with him. And Chen Xiaobei was right about another thing as well. A lot of things would not progress if she did not take the initiative to do it.

“I want to make a deal with you!”

Tucking away his playful manner, Chen Xiaobei could sense that Demonic Fox was about to discuss something serious with him.

“You do me this favor and I will bring you back the Ambergris that you just sold!”


Upon hearing that, Chen Xiaobei was elated. If he managed to take back the Ambergris – that would mean Hikari Okazaka just paid Chen Xiaobei 8,000 Spiritual Stones for nothing!

“There’s no free lunch in this world. Tell me. What do you want me to do for you?” said Chen Xiaobei with a smile. He did not let the joy cloud his mind.

“I want revenge! I want to avenge my family!”

“Are the enemies really that powerful? Not even Hikari Okazaka can help you with that?”

“Initially, I thought that he could help me with it. Today, I just found out that he is not as I thought he would be! He is definitely not reliable at all! With no other options, I have to come here and ask for your help.”

“d.a.m.n… Are you trying to tell me that I’m extremely powerful?” said Chen Xiaobei in a joking manner.

“You are right about that! Earlier, I thought you are actually not that powerful. Again, today, I just found out that you are way more powerful than I thought you would be! Amongst all the people that I know, I think you are the only that can help me with this favor!”

“I like how you lick my boots! Unfortunately, I’m not a fool! I will not lose myself just because you keep on complimenting me! I thought you are supposed to have a Sifu that trains you?”

“My sifu… He is the disciple of my enemy…”

“What the f*ck! Who the h.e.l.l are your enemies?! Hikari Okazaka is not powerful to deal with that enemy? And the leader of the Divine Sovereign Order is the disciple of that person?! Even a dumb a.s.s will know your enemy is some kind of all-powerful individual! Asking me to avenge your family is equivalent to asking me to kill myself!”

“I know that this mission is almost impossible! I can promise you that I will bring you more rewards if you can avenge my family!” said Demonic Fox with a sad tone while gritting her teeth.

“You can promise me anything right now and you can choose not to deliver all those that you have promised after I avenge your family! Tell me something more practical!”

Seemingly, Chen Xiaobei was not dumb enough to mind other business if he did not see some solild benefits.

“You can consider the Ambergris as a deposit! Other than that, I can make use of my current ident.i.ty to bring you more benefits!”

“Firstly, that piece of ten-thousand-year-old Ambergris is not that important to me. I wouldn’t have sold it to others if I want to keep it for myself! To be honest, you are just a puppet to them. The benefit that you can bring to me might not be the thing that I want! Using such a low-quality incentive to lure me to do something so dangerous for you indicates that you are not sincere at all!”


Rendered speechless, Demonic Fox began to frown. She did not know what to say anymore. Other than the two things that she offered just now, she did not have anything better to offer him.

“Do you have anything else that you want to tell me? I shall make a move first if you are just going to stand there.”

Shrugged, Chen Xiaobei clearly did not want to get involved in this unknown pile of mess.

“Hold on!”

Demonic Fox exhaled lightly, jumped at Chen Xiaobei and pushed him to the cubicle’s wall. Immediately, she pressed her soft and moist lips against Chen Xiaobei’s.


Taken aback, Chen Xiaobei realized that he stumbled upon another forced-kissing moment.

Hold on! Why the word, another? Feeling fuzzy, Chen Xiaobei could not remember how many women had forced themselves onto him. Maybe he has a women-come-to-me aura that exuded from his body. What the h.e.l.l is wrong with all those women?! Did they somehow receive the wrong script? Couldn’t they inform him beforehand?

Seconds later, Chen Xiaobei had lost the ability to think logically anymore. He came to a realization that Demonic Fox was actually an expert with it came to intimate stuff like this!

Skills like 108 Ways to Tongue your Partner, 36 Ways to Use your Feet on your Partner, and 18 Ways to Caress your Love One were being used by Demonic Fox on Chen Xiaobei. Seemingly, she was a rather skillful woman. Though Chen Xiaobei was no longer a virgin, his l.u.s.t was aroused within ten seconds.

Luckily, Chen Xiaobei could be considered someone with a powerful state of mind. If an ordinary man was in his place, the person would have experienced premature e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n! Burning with the fire of l.u.s.t, Chen Xiaobei started to respond back to Demonic Fox. No man could hold on in a moment like this – unless the man was a eunuch!

Suddenly, Demonic Fox pushed Chen Xiaobei away at critical moment like this.

“Do you want me?” asked Demonic Fox in a seductive manner.

“Of course! I want you badly!” said Chen Xiaobei with an honest heart.

He was different than those hypocrites that acted like gentlemen and turn into dirty b.a.s.t.a.r.ds when they were being tempted.

“You have to avenge my family if you want me!”

Demonic Fox then walked closer to Chen Xiaobei and whispered something into his ears.

“You must risk your life first if you want to get in my bed…”

“Alright! I promise you I will do whatever it takes to solve your problem if you agree to become my woman!” said Chen Xiaobei in a dominant manner.

Right after that, Chen Xiaobei started to take off Demonic Fox’s clothes. This time, Demonic Fox did not push him away. Instead, she started to see it as an enjoyment.


Suddenly, a loud explosion shook the entire island!

Chapter 830: h.e.l.l is Here

“Something’s wrong!” Demonic Fox exclaimed.

“Just leave it be. Focker will deal with it!”

Chen Xioabei had no intention to let the little fox in his embrace escape from him. He wanted to continue that s.e.xy time with her.




Seconds later, there was a series of continuous explosions on the island. At that moment, they felt a mini-quake.

“s.h.i.+t! Something really bad is happening! Let’s get out from here!”

Taken aback, Chen Xiaobei canceled the thought of having s.e.x with Demonic Fox.


Nodding her head, Demonix Fox got dressed and rushed out of the bathroom. Following that, the two of them ran all the way to the auction hall. The things that they were about to witness were going to shake them to the core!




One after another missiles were being launched from the sea and landed on the island like raindrops. Other than its explosive power, a dark green poisonous gas was being released from the missiles once they exploded. Within the blink of an eye, the entire Paradise Island had turned into a living h.e.l.l. The sea of flame was engulfing all the victims that failed to escape in time mercilessly. However, the most terrifying part was not the explosion and the shrapnel! It was the dark green poisonous gas!

Taking in a mouthful of it was enough to cause a person a cough out blood. Seconds later, the person’s skin would start to corrode and blood would flow out from it. Beneath the skin, their bones and nerves were corroding as well. Soon, the person would lose his or her ability to stand and walk. The moment the poisonous gas came into contact with one’s skin, the person would be poisoned by it.

With the help of this poisonous gas, Damien was confident enough that he could wipe out the entire island. If not, it was impossible for him to defeat those elites with Celestial cultivation.

“What… What the h.e.l.l is going on?” asked Demonic Fox in terror.

“This is a chemical weapon! Someone is trying to destroy the entire island! I have to go back to look for my family and friends right now!”

He could feel that an apocalyptic crisis had landed upon on him, his families and friends!

His parents were still on the island!

His best friends were still on the island!

His women were still on the island!

And the baby, Little Fire Boss was on the island as well!

Chen Xiaobei would never forgive himself if something bad happened to them!

“You can’t go! We are surrounded by poisonous gas! Moreover, look at the condition of the island! This is just way too chaotic for you to look for them right now!”

Immediately, Demonic Fox tried to stop Chen Xiaobei from going out. And Chen Xiaobei’s family and friends were scattered at different places. It was impossible for him to look for all of them in one go!

“Cell phone… Cell phone…”

Chen Xiaobei took out his cell phone and tried to call his mom.

“Mom! Where are you guys?!” asked Chen Xiaobei in a nervous manner.

“Xiaobei! We are at…”

“Who the f*ck did this to me?! Get the f*ck out! I, Chen Xiaobei am going to kill your entire family!!!”

“Calm down! Don’t do anything stupid! Quickly go and contact others! Save those who are still alive!”

Feeling afraid, Demonic Fox had to force herself to stay calm and tried her best to convince Chen Xiaobei not do anything rash. Upon calming himself down, Chen Xiaobei went and tried to contact others. Before the attack happened, Song Qincheng, Murong Xiaoyao, Wenyuan were with his mom and now all their cell phones were turned off. No matter how many times Chen Xiaobei tried to contact them, none of them picked up his call in the end. In despair, Chen Xiaobei’s state of mind was engulfed by thoughts of the worst possible outcomes. It was as if an atomic bomb just went off in his heart. He was now on the verge of losing his mind.

Hong Haier, Fire Boss, and Cang Jingu went to visit the brothel earlier and their cell phones were turned off as well. Same went to Focker, Hades, and Lin Xiang.


Due to extreme worries, Chen Xiaobei could not help but cough out a mouthful of warm blood. He felt like the anger that he had in his heart was going to explode really soon. Facing such a tragedy, Chen Xiaobei’s state of mind was being crushed completely. It was almost impossible for him to recover from it. At that moment, his face was as pale as a sheet. With his soul lost, Chen Xiaobei looked like a dead man walking.

“Are you okay?”

Taken aback, Demonic Fox quickly went over and supported Chen Xiaobei. She would have never imagined that the powerful Chen Xiaobei would be reduced to such a pathetic state. Considering that Chen Xiaobei had always valued his family and friends over all the other things in this world, they were his motivation and his weakness at the same time. If possible, Chen Xiaobei would not hesitate to use his own life to bring back his family and his friends!

“Stay strong! If not, we will both be killed really soon! Stay strong! You are a powerful man! You are not allowed to be defeated here! Never!”

Demonic Fox kept on shaking Chen Xiaobei but she did not receive any response from Chen Xiaobei.


Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei’s cell phone rang. Xiangyu was the one that made the call.


It was as if he had just seen the light of hope at the end of the tunnel, Chen Xiaobei took in a deep breath and picked up the pieces. Before the attack happened, his dad, Old w.a.n.g, NeZha, Fire Boss, Murong Tian, Jin Liu, and Xiangyu were having a tea session together. Logically speaking, as long as Xiangyu was fine, he should be able to protect all of them.

“Bro Yu! Where are you? Are you guys okay?”

To his surprise, the sound of Xiangyu weeping could be heard from the other side of the phone.

“We were enjoying our tea session before the attack… A missile was shot into the room from the window… Everyone is dead… I was. .h.i.t by the poison as well… I don’t think I can live any longer…”


Chen Xiaobei coughed out another mouthful of blood. It was as though tears of blood were about to flow from his eyes.

“Xiaobei… Listen to me! You must stay strong! Head back to the hotel right now! Little Fire Boss and his mom were resting in the hotel room just now! I’m worried they did not survive from this attack as well! But, Little Fire Boss is wearing that Spiritual Item by Chang’e! He should be safe! Xiaobei! Promise me that you will rescue Little Fire Boss no matter what! He is still a child…”

Using his last breath to talk to Chen Xiaobei, there was no more sound coming from the other side of the cell phone.

“Bro Yu!!! I promise you that I will rescue Little Fire Boss no matter what!” shouted Chen Xiaobei furiously.

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei had reason to fight again. His battle intent was like a fire going through his entire body. He knew that he had to finish the battle no matter what. Like a phoenix being reborn from its ashes, Chen Xiaobei state of mind was not stronger than ever!

“Little Fox! Come with me!”

Chen Xiaobei held on to her hand and jumped on the Somersault Cloud that he just summoned. They then headed to the hotel immediately. At the same time, the Blood Descendants had already targeted them. Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei’s cell phone buzzed.


[The Prime of Tongtian just sent you a Red Envelope!]

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