Reincarnated Into An Otome Game? Who Cares! I'm Too Busy Mastering Magic!

Chapter 13 on, we will be starting into “Siblings (brothers?) and Getting Ready to Enter the Magic Academy.” Yup. Just getting ready unfortunately. At chapter 44 we finally get to “Magic Academy.” With only one, at the most two, chapters per week, that is a LONG time haha. All I can say is that I hope you guys will stick with me on this adventure of magic and mischief and apparently now murder. Until next time~ Have a nice week! I"m going to be crying while studying for my AI exam T.T

T/N: Sorry for the late release! My exams are this week, and I have a bunch of projects coming due, so I wasn"t able to put in the good few consecutive hours I need to translate these chapters. For any of my readers that are counting the moments until chapter releases, if I am not going to make my weekly release on time, I will make a note on the Projects page of this blog. I could make a blog post about it, but I don"t want to get anyone"s hopes up just to be disappointed. For my few followers, if you would prefer an update post though, let me know! I will do that next time! With that, I present to you, your slightly late chapter~!


When explaining to Father what had happened, I didn"t conceal anything related to Rouge. I told him about her tempting me to go to the library, about sneaking in and finding that doc.u.ment, and afterward about how she threatened me and made me pinky promise not to talk about it. Furthermore, I told him about how she had been destroying Father"s and Mother"s relationship by offering advice to both sides. Everything that I could remember, I told Father about.

“I want to explain everything that happened, so please just listen until the end, and try to absorb everything that I am about to tell you.”

Although I had made that sort of request, it proved unnecessary since he didn"t even move while I was speaking, let alone say anything. He just listened with his elbows resting on my bed and his hands clasped in front of his mouth. (T/N: in Gendo pose if you know what that is. Apparently it"s a meme…)

Though, as I continued to speak, his feelings must have had some sort of effect on his magic, because the room"s temperature dropped drastically. When an extremely frigid air began creeping up towards me from around his feet, I started worrying. This isn"t a sign that occurs just before an accidental explosion of magical power, right?

As for my sudden recovery, I played it off as if I had heard a voice from within a dream. I couldn"t really tell him that I had completely recovered due to suddenly recalling memories of my past life, now could I?

“It happened when I no longer had the will or the strength to live. I thought I was going to die. Since I wouldn"t be causing any more trouble than I already had, I was thinking that it might even be a good thing. At that time, I suddenly heard the voice of something in my dream. It told me it was still too early for me to leave this world.”

Honestly, even to me this sounded like nothing but a weak excuse, but Father listened on, still in that same position with his hands clasped in front of his face, only he had started sniffling. Since he was crying, I figured he must have believed me.

And even though I say all this, according to Alice"s knowledge of this world, both magic and spirits exist, so I guess it wouldn"t be that strange for me to hear a G.o.d"s voice or for a spirit or one of my ancestors to have whispered to me in a dream. That"s just one more component of this lighthearted fantasy world that I"ve found myself in. As soon as that evil woman is taken care of, I can"t wait to slowly learn all about this stuff.

When I had finished talking, Father finally lifted his head away from his interlocked fingers. In that moment, I could feel the atmosphere somehow become even more tense. Although Father"s eyes showed clear signs of his having wept, his expression had become that befitting the head of the Archelaus family.

“Do you believe what that maid told you?”

After seeing Father"s face, I suddenly knew the truth. He was clearly preparing for the worst, so I just figured it had to be that. Since that"s the case, I just need to tell him my true feelings.

“I love both Father and Mother. I also believe that both you and Mother love me. For that reason, I couldn"t care less about what Rouge was talking about.”

That last part was a lie. The piece of my heart that still belonged only to Alice was sobbing. And the other section of my heart that was still underdeveloped and fragile was crying out. That"s why, even as I maintained my composed expression, tears streamed down from my eyes.

When I was starting to feel hopeless, suddenly Father enveloped my in his strong embrace. He had ran around the circ.u.mference of the bed in order to enfold me in his arms.

“Alice. As your father, I love you so much. Maybe we didn"t start out as father and daughter like other families do, but even so, it"s the truth…..”

He said this slowly, and with the force of all of his feelings behind every word. I didn"t say anything in reply. I just put my arms around him and held on tight.

We hugged for a long time, enough so that each of us could feel the love of the other. We finally pulled away from each other when we heard a knock at the door. Regretfully, my father let go of even my hand so he could return to the chair on the other side of my bed.

Incidentally, the chill that had acc.u.mulated in the air had dispersed a while ago, when we had been hugging. After separating, Father didn"t forget to give my head a gentle pat, which brought me feelings of ticklish happiness.


From the other side of the door, a voice replied yes, and Alphonse was given permission to enter.

“Did you clear out the area? And have you forbid everyone from speaking about this?”1

“Yes. Everything has been taken care of. I have made it so that no one is allowed to come near this part of the house. What should I do next?”

Father asked me what I wanted to do next with his gaze, to which I merely nodded my head, giving him the choice.

“Hmm…. Right. Alphonse. You know about this child"s true birthplace. You can partic.i.p.ate in our conversation.”

So Alphonse-san also knew. I blinked in surprise, and Alphonse-san got very frazzled.

“M…. Master! Why are we talking about such a thing in front of the Young Mistress….?!”

“Two years ago, Alice found out about it herself. That"s why I had you clear out the other servants from this area after she woke up, so we could discuss this.”

“!! But why….. How….. Who could have possibly……!”

Alphonse-san couldn"t believe it. He was so troubled that he started trembling. Yes… well, to a five year old child…. no…. actually I had been only three. To expose such a thing to a three-year-old is just cruel. Anyway, I quickly gave Alphonse-san the rundown of what I had just told Father.

Though he is typically the image of a perfect butler: calm, cool, elegant, and perfect at completing his tasks, while listening that facade fell away. He cried, was furious, and became depressed all on my behalf.

During the moments when his anger burned brightest, the temperature of the room climbed dramatically, and it looked as if some hazy sort of mirage was playing out in the back of the room. Having sensed the magical fluctuations though, Father merely gave a flourish of his finger and then a cool breeze started blowing through, returning the room to normal.

Oh my goodness! I do love this fantasy setting!! I really want to hurry up and pour all of my focus into this fantasy world, but I have to focus for now!!

As I continued talking, Alphonse-san was in a state of inner turmoil and ended up striking the same pose as my father had been in. The fact that I laughed just the tiniest bit at their similar reactions shall remain a secret from both of them, though.

While I was still explaining things to Alphonse-san, I just happened to glance at my father and was shocked. I couldn"t help but look away again when I saw his savage, bloodthirsty expression. He must have been like this before too, but I couldn"t tell because his face had been mostly concealed behind his hands.

But now, as I was once again explaining how Rouge threatened me, he must have reached his limit. He was staring off into s.p.a.ce with a very slight and yet refined smile on his face, but with pure ice in his gaze. It was an expression that said he was going to kill Rouge. His determination felt as strong as the Devil King himself.

All this time, I only ever saw him in a haggard and pessimistic state, but now his spirit was returning and he seemed almost refreshed. In that moment, I swore to myself to never make him mad though…. Scary!

When I had just about finished with my retelling, Alphonse-san bowed to me, slowly sinking into a 90 degree angle.

“Young Mistress, I sincerely apologize; one of the workers under my care has done something deserving of death. Moreover, I did not realize you had been suffering nor that you were being threatened, thus rendering me useless to you. I cannot apologize to you enough.”

In a pained voice, Alphonse-san continued, this time talking to Father.

“Master, I have failed you as your butler: I was not able to control someone under my direct supervision. I have no excuses. Once I have helped you completely take care of this matter, I will accept any punishment.”

“Is that right? In that case, I will punish you.”

Hearing this, I jerked my head towards Father. He was staring at Alphonse-san with eyes that did not betray any of his emotions.

“I understand. Once everything has been taken care of, I will hand over my position, and then even if you toss me out as a fraud….”

Alphonse-san wore the look of someone preparing for the worst as he lowered his head once again.

“Ah, yes. In my estimation, things won"t be completely resolved for at least another ….70 years or so, so until then I"ll be in your care.”


Alphonse-san sharply lifted his head. Although he didn"t say it, Father"s expression very clearly said, “good grief.” And then, in a worn out voice he muttered,

“The Archelaus family doesn"t have any butlers besides you. What ‘handing over your position?" There is no one to give it to! So, at the very least, you should happily get married and raise a proper heir to take over. I won"t accept your retirement even a moment before that happens.”


Alphonse-san was so moved that he trembled a bit, and tears fell from his down-turned face.

“Rather than forcing you to retire, I should be the one to give up my position as the head of the Archelaus family, and my t.i.tles as husband and father for that matter as well. In any case, you were not the one who failed to notice something awful had happened to his daughter, and who had no idea why his wife had fallen ill to such a degree.”


I cried out.

“Father has been continuously bearing this horrible situation and even still you"ve continued to love both Mother and me. You are an amazing father already!!”

I meant everything I said wholeheartedly. Looking at this situation from the standpoint of someone who has experienced how easy it is for couples to get divorced in modern day j.a.pan, it is almost unthinkable that Father would have been so devoted to us and have persevered this long.

“Not to mention, Alphonse-san, I saw how you continued to support both Father and Mother. The only reason we could have made it this far was thanks to you! I also can"t imagine having anyone but you for our butler!”

I was the one who had just blurted out her feelings, but it was Father and Alphonse-san who seemed more affected: they had to choke back their own feelings and were forced to look away from me.

Since this seemed to have stopped our progress in making plans, I faced them squarely and made this declaration,

“Ummm, anyway…. Father, Alphonse-san, I love you both. Even when you lamented the fact that I wasn"t getting better, you never cursed or gave up on our family. So now, let"s take down that evil wench together!”

Let"s kill Rouge! Annihilate her! …. is something I can"t really say in my current body…. So I sugarcoated my words a bit. Nevertheless, hearing that, the air around my father and Alphonse-san changed.

“Please leave it to me, Young Mistress. This time, I will exterminate the monster living in this house even if it costs me my life.”

As Alphonse-san made this declaration, the already tense atmosphere of the room became even more charged, raising the temperature and making his dark red hair flutter ever so slightly. I could see his reddish brown eyes also burning with his determination.

Father, sheathed in an indomitable aura added,

“I, Siegmund Nathan Archelaus, head of the Archelaus household, swear that this time I will make no mistakes. I promise to carry out my beloved daughter"s plans until the end.”

At this manifestation of Father"s emotions, a chilling breeze blew through the room, ruffling his light blue hair while a mysterious light blazed in the depths of his beautiful blue eyes.

And thus, I gained the support of Father and our butler, my strongest possible allies.

T/N: Well now, I hope with this you guys who were disappointed that last chapter had nothing about Rouge getting her just desserts will feel better. They actually want to kill her lol. Pretty unusual for these sort of typically fluff stories! With this turn of events, it kind of feels like a Chinese reincarnation novel instead, since they often plot to kill people in revenge haha.

Also, for those of you dying for the magic learning arc to start, this chapter marks the halfway point for the what the author has called “The Beginning and Family.” From Chapter 13 on, we will be starting into “Siblings (brothers?) and Getting Ready to Enter the Magic Academy.” Yup. Just getting ready unfortunately. At chapter 44 we finally get to “Magic Academy.” With only one, at the most two, chapters per week, that is a LONG time haha. All I can say is that I hope you guys will stick with me on this adventure of magic and mischief and apparently now murder. Until next time~ Have a nice week! I"m going to be crying while studying for my AI exam T.T

1T/N: I seem to have misinterpreted this line in the previous two chapters. When they said “clearing out people” I had thought they were referring to getting the bad people out of their estate, but he just wanted to make sure there was no one around to overhear their conversation. I think I have gone back and fixed it, but for anyone that saw the original, sorry about that!↩

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