
My name is Rouge Smith. I"m a live-in maid for the Archelaus household. Right now, I am pushing a cart down the hallway that leads to the library. There is a seasonal chill in the air, so to help my beloved master sleep well, I am bringing him tea and Brandy to drink before he goes to bed.

Even if it"s only as a waitress, these moments are the only time when we can be together, just the two of us. So, as always, when I reach the library, I spruce up my appearance before knocking on the door, and wait to enter until I"m given permission.

“I"ve brought your tea.”

I walk closer to Master, and then pour tea into the pre-warmed cup. Before handing it to him, I add just a touch of the sweet-smelling Brandy to the brew. 

“Ahh, thank you.”

Despite being just a servant, Master looked my way and properly thanked me. In reply, I give a slight nod of my head. This is merely one of this gentleman"s charming characteristics.

Ahh, I just love these moments I share with him. Being able to personally give Master his tea, to be together in private like this before he goes to bed, I can imagine that we have a very intimate relationship. It"s almost like he"s my husband and I"ve anxiously come over to take care of him as his lovable wife.

My gorgeous Master, with his light blue hair the color of melting ice, and his deep blue eyes, just sitting in his chair, and I, his wife, quietly standing next to him and pouring him tea. Ahh~ how beautiful, how perfect would that be?

I shove this delusion—no, this soon to be reality—down into the depths of my heart, and start up our typical exchange.

“Would you like to hear about Mistress"s current condition?”

“…..Ah, yes.”

That"s right. While Master is drinking his tea, I always report to him about how that annoying woman is doing. But of course, I give it a negative spin. And I can"t monopolize this job of bringing Master his tea, so I can"t do this every day. But even so, doesn"t that make the reports seem more authentic since they aren"t being overdone?

“During the day, after the people were cleared out from around the Young Mistress"s room, Mistress left to visit Oedipus-sama. After that, she came back to the house, and even though a maid was telling her about the Young Mistress"s condition, she was dazed and didn"t seem to care…. All the while the maid was talking with her, she was just silently staring off into s.p.a.ce…….”

I made sure to put on an extremely grave expression while I informed him of this.

“……. I see. Eleanor is already……”

Master murmured, his face warped in anguish.

“Master…… In addition, after all the staff were cleared out from the Young Mistress"s room, and everyone was barred from entering, we all became worried. Did something happen to the Young Mistress?”

That"s right. Today, everyone was told to leave the area around that filthy, former orphan"s room. In that moment, I started hoping that she had died in that room, but then the order to forbid all entry to that area was made—even the maid that was nursing her was forced leave— and absolutely no visitors were allowed, so I was unable to hear any news of her. The only person I saw entering or leaving was Alphonse.

Immediately after everyone was cleared out, I saw Master and Alphonse leaving the area with stiff expressions, and without saying anything. After that, I saw that woman leaving the house for once, and when she had returned, she was acting even more unstable than usual. Even though this was the perfect time to corner both the mother and child once and for all, I couldn"t gather enough information rendering this opportunity useless.

Did that annoying child"s condition deteriorate further? Did she die? Or… It can"t be… She didn"t somehow manage to recover, right? If that"s the case, I urgently need to know.

“I"m sorry, but that I can"t say. Please tell everyone not to be too worried.”

“Is that so…… No, I"ve asked something that I shouldn"t have. Please, forgive me. I well relay that information to the others.”

I obediently withdrew my inquiry, but my heart would not calm down. I desperately need information. How happy would I be if I heard news of her death? But, at the same time, if she had somehow recovered, that would mean the end of me.

I reined in these mixed feelings, letting them rage inside my heart but not allowing even a hint to show on my face.

After a moment of silence, Master suddenly muttered to himself, “…… I"m so tired…..”

I immediately looked up, about to meet Master"s gaze, before I realized what I was doing and swiftly jerked my head back down. This is the first time I have ever heard him complain before.

Completely exhausted, Master leans heavily into the back of his chair and places a hand over his eyes.

“Ma, Master…..?”

Somehow, he seems different from his usual self. Normally when he talks aloud, it doesn"t feel this way…. like he"s talking directly to me. This feeling, this expectation, makes my heart start to flutter.

“…..Ugh, my daughter has become like that and my wife has already reached her limit. I, myself, am just so tired………. Rouge.”

Just now…. My name…..? Master just called my name……?

I can feel my face turning bright red. Master, with his lovely, deep voice, just spoke my name…..!?

I know Master is definitely the type to memorize all of his servants" names, but he"s never once used them before. Usually he just says “you” or “you there.”

The sweet sound of my name coming directly from Master"s thin lips reverberates through me, making me shiver.

“Ahh, that…. M, must be very hard…. Having both Mistress and Young Mistress be terribly sick and bedridden….. You have my deepest sympathies.”

Ahh! Stupid! Why did I say that!?

I completely interrupted his private conversation just out of the blue.

“Yes… And my wife"s brother is demanding that I divorce her… This might just be my only chance. It"s about time that I give up on this family. I just want to live a comfortable life…. Ah, but this conversation doesn"t leave this room.

“Oh! Of course, Master…..!”

This is the exact situation I have always been hoping for!

I gulp down hard, trying to calm down, but the shock is too great. It almost felt like Master"s deep, mesmerizing voice had been a whisper meant for only me.

“….It seems like every time I have these sorts of thoughts, you have always been there for me, pouring my tea like this. I"ve always been very grateful.”

“Ah, it"s nothing…. I"m just doing my job….”

Master laughed.

“No, the kindness that you always give me, along with the tea… it heals me. You must have some n.o.ble blood running through you. You have that sort of charm.”

“Thank you.” I reply, embarra.s.sed. I"m so happy that I can"t even think straight. There is almost no one who knows that I am a descendant of the n.o.bility, but Master was able to recognize it so easily!

“You are always so devoted to serving me…. The truth is, recently I have been anxiously awaiting these moments we spend together before I go to bed.”

Oh. My. G.o.d… This… is this really happening?

Without me even realizing it, Master had put his elbow onto the desk and was leaning forward in his seat to look into my face. And then those tantalizing lips moved.

“I wish these moments could last forever…. Don"t you, Rouge?”

“Ah…. Master……?”

He grabs me, and holds me tight. I"m so happy that I feel like I might burst! His beautiful words won"t stop replaying in my head. Ahh, my only regret is that I can"t look into his eyes… What sort of expression might they have right now?

“Only if it is okay with you, won"t you become my comfort? The one person who can help me to relax? ….. After this, won"t you come to my bedroom?”

I straighten, covering my mouth with both hands in mock embarra.s.sment.

“Ah, that….. that is….”

After patiently looking at me for a bit, he slowly says with that alluring voice of his,

“Give your everything to me.”

Ahh, what a truly amazing day.

“Yes.” I whisper in reply.

T/N: For anyone curious, Siegmund calls Rouge"s name twice, and then every other time he uses 君(きみ:kimi) to address her. Also, when I said that he addresses his servants as “You” and “You there” this was my best attempt at translating 君. I couldn"t seem to find any other better way to say this, though I feel like there must be….. If you have any ideas, please leave them in the comments!

Also, I know a lot of people were disappointed with chapter 5 being from Siegmund"s point of view…. So I hope this look into Rouge"s mind won"t be a disappointment! I, personally, loved this chapter. I could really feel her insanity from it. Kind of gave me the chills.

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