Jiro was silent as Orochimaru continued to give his a.n.a.lysis on the range of targets available. Jiro"s impressive eyesight allowed their once specialization in a.s.sault to also move a bit towards tracking because he could easily see over a mile ahead. The team also made sure to factor Kana into the equation as she was easily capable of tracking ninja. Jiraiya had also started to learn some water release jutsus and Orochimaru was proficient in wind release. This growth in elemental coverage allowed for the team to expand their potential targets.

Jiro and his team began to move towards the Uchiha compound after the meeting because they had to figure out how to integrate Kana into their team dynamic without her being only a tracker. Kana had grown during this time and she had turned the Forest of Death into her home. Many sounds had once come out of the forest when Kana entered it, but she came out as the Queen of the forest. While she did come out as the Queen, a portion of the forest was burnt down due to her frequent and reckless usage of fire release.


Jiraiya and Orochimaru gulped in amazement as Kana was spewing impressive amounts of fire into the sky with fire release. Jiro turned to them with a proud look on his face as he explained that Kana was raised feeding off of fire chakra so she was practically immune to fire and very proficient in releasing large amounts of it. Orochimaru immediately started forming new plans and he went off into the corner of the training grounds near a tree leaving Jiraiya and Jiro. Jiraiya was off in his paradise of day dreams because he scored a date with Tsunade.

Although the team was busy as a whole, Jiraiya had been trying to improve his relationship with Tsunade. He had taken to heart the likes and dislikes of Tsunade through trial and error. His efforts were rewarded with a date and he had been ecstatic about it. Fortunately, the date was set to be after the exams rather than in the middle as the team still needed Jiraiya to be focused.

Orochimaru finally finished his planning and clapped his hands to get the attention of Jiraiya and Jiro. As they both turned to him along with Kana, Orochimaru started to explain the new range of targets that they could potentially pursue.

"All right guys, Jiro"s a tracker so we"ll have a higher chance in being able to hunt individuals that are especially trained in escaping, but don"t have high hopes for it. The same goes for Kana was well. Simply put, Jiro and Kana are incredibly strong in combat, but they are not trained in chasing and tracking someone who can disappear into the environment. Luckily for us, we have a much larger elemental coverage so we can attack many other a.s.sault members. Jiro"s skill in Taijutsu lets him hold the attention of most Taijutsu masters meaning that we can attack while he holds their attention."

Jiro and Jiraiya were listening, but halfheartedly as they were both bored. Kana had already grown tired of the talk and flew off towards the Forest of Death in order to hunt. When Orochimaru finally stopped talking, Jiro was leaning on a tree and manipulating a small ball of fire, Jiraiya was gone looking through Konoha for any good restaurants for a date, and Kana was back from the forest, eating a tiger.

Jiro watched as Orochimaru left from the compound busy formulating more plans and Jiro was glad that this was the last meeting because he was bored of listening to Orochimaru list all of the possible counterattacks and how to react to those. Jiro was a dynamic fighter that adapted to the environment around him. He was not a strategic fighter that made plan after plan.


Jiro was experimenting with a new jutsu. He wanted to make a fire release jutsu that would burst fire out in a line similar to a laser. He was in a training ground with lots of rocks so he was shooting at the rocks. Like usual, he was using a clone in case the jutsu went wrong and Kana was nearby. Kana had become the ruler of the Forest of Death, but she was still not grown up so she still stayed with Jiro most of the time.

The progress was going horrible. Jiro had at first tried to manipulate his chakra to release fire in a direction, but it was so slow that anyone could dodge it. Trying to spit out a speedy fireball also didn"t work as he wanted the fire to be continuous like a flamethrower, but much more concentrated. Jiro watched the process of how a fireball was formed with his sharingan, but it didn"t help in showing how he should try forming his chakra for a linear release of flames.

Jiro finally settled with a technique where he shot a linear flame from his mouth with the help of hand seals, but he was not satisfied with it. He wanted to be able to release it from his hand at a much more concentrated amount. Jiro had to stop for now as Kana was getting dangerously bored and he was responsible for watching over her. Similar to a pampered child, Kana wanted only the full attention of Jiro and not an inferior one like that of his clone.

Jiro petted Kana on her head to calm her down a little as flames were sparking off of her indicating just how aggravated she was feeling. Kana might be the ruler of the Forest of Death, but it was much larger than the area she ruled meaning that Kana was only the ruler of a section in the forest. Jiro accompanied Kana into the forest as she charged towards the territory of another ruler in the forest. Jiro would not actively help Kana, but intervene when she was in mortal danger.

As the wind zoomed past Jiro"s face while he was sitting on Kana"s back, Jiro was inspired about how the eagle claw technique of manipulating wind on the surface of his body could be improved. Instead of just casing his fingers and palm in the sharp wind charka, he could coat his whole body in wind chakra to cut through the wind resistance and make himself go faster when traveling.

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