Sarutobi stared down at the file of Jiro on his desk. He looked back up to the Yamanaka and indicated with his hand for her to begin talking. She cleared her throat while formulating her thoughts.

"Jiro did not have any mental anomalies in his mind. We did not find any traces of mind altering that could be from our clan. However, while running through Jiro"s memories of when he began to rampage, we saw that his emotions were running much more rampantly in comparison to his usual behavior."

"We noticed that Jiro"s thirst for battle really cranks forward when he gets into any sort of fight. Any time he was sparring or in an actual fight, his emotions started to surge. The best comparison I can think of is an ocean. When he is calm, his emotions do not reveal themselves easily like a calm sea. When he is in battle, his emotions run wild like waves."

"Finally, there was some anomaly that we noticed. When his emotions were running rampantly, they were amplified by a large amount as his overall mind was clouded by the emotions. When people feel extreme emotion, their vision gets clouded and we are able to pick up on that. Instances when friends are killed or when one is betrayed show the most cloudiness in mind. Jiro"s mind was just as clouded when he was in that fight with the Genin and anbu."

"We might not have been able to find any actual evidence of tampering with emotions, but this is the best reason to presume that Jiro had his emotions messed with by some mysterious jutsu."

Sarutobi folded his fingers while concentrating on his next course of action. The village needed to make sure that their key figures were not being manipulated to act dangerously. A hidden kunai was much more dangerous than an exposed one. He continued to contemplate on the best course of action to verify that everyone important in the village was not being manipulated.

Unfortunately for Sarutobi, Black Zetsu was not interested in messing with the village. He had observed Danzo and figured that the village would eventually be split because of his ambitions. The ideal situation would have been for Jiro to kill a fellow ninja resulting in him being isolated from the village. He could then subtly lull Jiro into leaving the village where he could finally gain another p.a.w.n in case Madara rebelled.

Unfortunately, he failed on many aspects so he failed to bring progress in turning Jiro over to his side. He didn"t want to alert Madara of Jiro which is why Black Zetsu left.

Sarutobi finally settled on a plan. He would have his anbu accompany the Yamanaka who would look for any times of abnormal emotional times in anyone important such as clan heads and future clan heads. Other people to be looked over included especially skilled Jonin. The final group of people to be evaluated would be the Konoha Council.

He naturally did not want to create a ma.s.s panic within the village so the people evaluated would not spread information about what happened.


Jiro began to walk in the village accompanied by Jiraiya and Orochimaru. The duo had waited for him to come out of the T&I building. They walked in silence until Jiraiya finally cracked. He walked ahead of the group before turning around and confronting Jiro.

"Jiro, what happened?"

Jiro was silent for a couple moments before speaking. He explained that what he went through was considered an S-rank secret so he could not go around spilling the beans. While he was speaking, Jiro was swiveling his eyes in multiple directions to make sure that no anbu were nearby. Jiro looked several times before he quickly threw Jiraiya and Orochimaru into a Genjutsu.

When the Genjutsu ended, Jiraiya and Orochimaru gave no visible signs of knowing something that they didn"t know. Jiraiya shifted the topic away from Jiro onto his trepidation for tomorrow. He had realized that they had basically gotten screwed over due to their negligence and pride. They continued to wander down the street trailing over to Jiro"s compound and eventually came to a consensus.

Firstly, there was a reward for turning in ninja over to the proctors. Secondly, there was some sort of reward if one turned in one"s own compet.i.tion. Perhaps they had missed the second part of information because they came and left early so the three Genin planned to arrive an hour earlier before the next day"s hunt began and hunker down at the entrance to force others into a favorable fight with them.

The discussion of plans was over so Orochimaru left from Jiro"s house relaxed and mentally ready for his opponents tomorrow. Jiraiya was also going to leave from Jiro"s home so followed after Orochimaru. After his two teammates left the house, Jiro looked at the time to realize that it was about time for dinner.

He a.s.sumed that his mother had left something in the refrigerator so he went to check it out. Jiro was faced with an empty refrigerator. He slowly walked out and looked up to the sky feeling a mental drain that he hadn"t experienced for quite some time. After motivating himself, he bought a couple of meals from a nearby restaurant for his mother, father, and brother. Jiro was also feeling hungry so he ate inside the restaurant.

While eating inside the restaurant, the hubbub of people continued to walk and Jiro just watched as people entered, left, or stayed to converse with friends. In his last life, Jiro did not have many friends. People either wanted to be a friend for his protection or to kill him. A small smile wormed its way onto Jiro"s face and he left the restaurant, thoughts filled with the joy of a new life.

Jiro was truly lost in his own thoughts as he left and was not able to see the chaos that occurred after he left.

"Is that the crazy second clan heir of the Uchiha infamous for throwing people under a Genjutsu?"

"I heard that he was able to scare even the Hokage into becoming his sensei."

"It gets worse, I heard that he was so scary that everyone who was in his cla.s.s shivers after hearing his name and that was after only one day!"

Continuous talks echoed about inside the restaurant about the infamous Jiro Uchiha. Tales of his equally infamous citizen hating eagle or his undisputed position as the ninja who would most likely suppress a generation. As much as they talked about Jiro"s feats or rumors about him, they could not get rid of a certain thought inside their head.

"How come his smile looked so..."

"Oh Jiro-sama, why must you smile so happily when you are not yet together with a fellow man."

The lady of the Uchiha clan who shouted that was quickly knocked out and dragged out of the restaurant by a couple other Uchiha. However, even the clansmen were confused as to why the seemingly emotionally stunted ninja could smile so happily.


Fugaku dragged himself home and hopes of a warm meal filled his heart. He came home to cold house. He had spent the whole day doing missions with Dai and Teuchi under the strict guise of their teacher so he was exhausted. A pitiful sounding wheeze slowly crawled out of his mouth. Desperation was obvious in his eyes as he slowly opened the refrigerator.

The cold air that tumbled out felt even worse than the time Fugaku was enduring cold winds after being soaked in water. Fugaku heard the door open and turned around to witness his deadpan twin with a couple bags in hand. He leaped over with a happy face and thanked his brother for bringing food. Jiro nodded to him in acknowledgement before pointing out the portions for his father and mother.

As Fugaku continued to dig into the food, Jiro walked into his room and crawled onto the bed. Jiro fell asleep after a short period of time.

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