The turtle"s sh.e.l.l was glowing and the burn marks previously on it from Jiro and Kana were beginning to fade away. Jiro stared down at the turtle waiting for it to launch some attack. His thirty seconds of waiting were in vain as the turtle just stayed still.

"Try blasting it with some wind."

At Jiro"s request, a blade of wind fell from Kana"s wings and cut through multiple heads that were just doing nothing. As the heads fell, new ones grew from the spot with an even faster speed. At this point Jiro was frowning. He was annoyed. He finally found an opponent that seemed like it would be interesting to fight, but it was a literal turtle that just took attacks with trying to retaliate or even move.

The towering feet of the behemoth were still attached to the ground. Its feet that were like roots to a tree were slowly transforming into that of a tree. Jiro continued to watch with curiosity as the turtle began to transform. The feet finally began to move, but they separated to different parts of the body forming a hexagon if one connected lines to each of the legs.

The snake heads began to entwine together to form a trunk like structure. The growth of tiny trees and brush on the turtle which had once been burned off started to shoot upwards. The sh.e.l.l of the turtle which was once clear was full of vegetation once more. However, the vegetation was growing at a speed that was making it already start to hang off of the sh.e.l.l and begin to droop towards the forest ground.

Jiro watched in three parts annoyance, but seven parts fascination as the turtle was turning into a tree. The snake scales started to form mottled patterns of brown and green as it started to harden further and expand slightly to form grooves in the trunk of the tree. The part where the feet of the turtle meet the body began to expend upwards bringing the tree to new heights. At this point, the tree was already at the same height of Jiro and Kana, but it still continued to grow.

The heads of the snakes which still remained suddenly opened their mouth as branches began to shoot outwards from the inside of the mouth. The pattern of branches continued to spread out with some branches spiraling downwards. Soon enough, the branches began to glow with an emerald hue and leaves began to sprout from within. Vines began to grow along with other vegetation to form a tree glowing with a vitality that couldn"t be suppressed.

Insects and other animals of the forest started to climb up the roots of the tree to take refuge nearby. A bird began to jam its beak into the trunk at a rapid speed. Other grubs also crawled up the roots and birds flew in droves to the safe refuge of the branches and leaves. Within minutes, the once empty tree was filled to the brim with wildlife forming a unique ecosystem solely based on the tree.

Suddenly, Jiro felt a strong urge to take a breath of air from near the tree. Without needing to order Kana, she immediately flew a safe distance away from the tree. They continued to look at the tree and its otherworldly glow with excitement, but caution.


Sarutobi had arrived and didn"t have to wait long for the rest of the ninja to arrive. He immediately took off into the forest with Enma. With Sarutobi in the lead, the rest of the ninja followed behind him forming a triangular formation. A Hyuga was dashing alongside Sarutobi and pointing out where the ma.s.sive amounts of chakra could be seen.

The rest of the ninjas kept their formation up and followed Sarutobi as he pa.s.sed by trees and brush. Sarutobi arrived with the rest of the ninjas in time to witness a giant tree bloom. Countless pink blossoms suddenly opened on the tree creating a beautiful scene as the sun shined down on the blossoms.

Sarutobi spotted Jiro nearby along with his summon, Kana. He came over while some of the other ninja stayed a relatively safe distance from the tree. Jiro"s cautious manner and observance of the tree instilled some alarm in Sarutobi. He couldn"t see anything that might make the tree seem dangerous.


Jiro saw that Sarutobi arrived with the other ninja, but he continued to cautiously watch the tree. Even though it"s bloom was beautiful, he was still cautious about the tree due to him trying to instinctively smell the air from the tree. He easily spotted the animals on the tree suddenly start to fall off. Countless birds suddenly started falling from the branches of the tree and other animals started to fall off as well.

With his sharingan activated, Jiro had his vision enhanced even further. The animals that were falling off looked drained of their blood and other fluids. Skin and bones as well as some other flesh was what made the animals retain some form similar to it"s original. The already quiet forest seemed to be even more quiet as the ninja were waiting on the judgement of Sarutobi.

Sarutobi beckoned at Jiro for him to come over so Jiro walked over. Jiro spotted his father among the ninja present and waved at him. Junichiro smiled as he spotted Jiro and he waved back. As Jiro walked over, a couple Hyuga and Uchiha walked closer to the tree while keeping their Dojutsu activated.

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