Sarutobi leaned forward making eye contact with each of the boys that would be accompanying Jiro on his mission that was going to be a.s.signed. The old man sensei was a couple feet behind the boys and leisurely sitting on a chair.

"You will be a.s.signed an S-Rank mission. Even though you are Genin, you all have more than proved yourself to have the physical qualities required of Chunin. Your mission details are inside this scroll. Good luck in your mission."

As Duy, Teuchi, and Fugaku walked out of the office with shock written on their faces, Sarutobi gestured towards the old man dressed in torn robes. While the students were waiting outside, Sarutobi was having a conversation with the old man.

"How long do you have to live?"

"Not long. I welcome retirement, but I still want to help the village."

Sarutobi sighed for a moment before finally rubbing his hair in frustration.

"You should have retired just like all the other people of your generation and lived a nice retired life, but your still sacrificing so much. Anyways, I"ll be blunt. It"s fine if you guys fail your mission. Your mission is to watch over Jiro and make sure he doesn"t run off when he is sent on a mission to watch the borders between our village and the village. Unfortunately for us, we only have a rough gauge of how strong Jiro is. Between you and me, I think that he is hiding some of his strength."

"Regardless, his physical strength is already similar to you in your prime before you opened the seventh gate which along with your already present injuries deteriorated your muscles into a bad state. He was also observed to use wind chakra to form a chakra avatar that surrounds him like the lightning release chakra mode of the Third Raikage."

"The wind release chakra mode of Jiro"s boosts his evasion to ridiculous levels. The Raikage just busts through wind resistance and continues onward with his lightning release. Jiro"s speed comes from him being able to just slip past wind resistance or lower wind resistance to minuscule levels which also costs much less energy to do."

The old man looked pensive at the news that he just got. He knew that Jiro was already capable of keeping up with him just a couple months ago when he taking the Chunin exam. Already being able to surpa.s.s him, made the old man both wary of Jiro yet appreciative of the prospect of a generational genius being on the side of the village. The old man also took his leave from the office leaving just Sarutobi and his old friend Danzo.

"Are you really going to just let an Uchiha have his way like this?"

Sarutobi turned to make eye contact with Danzo and firmly answered.

"Of course I am. Danzo, you and Tobirama both had issues with the Uchiha. Mainly because of their tendency of being overly emotional to the point where they could get consumed by their hatred. Is that correct?"

Danzo vehemently nodded in agreement.

"Just look at Madara! He was formerly one of the closest friends of Hashirama, yet he had to be killed by Hashirama. Madara, the strongest of the Uchiha was consumed by his hatred. What makes you think that Jiro would be any different?"

Sarutobi also nodded in agreement with his friend. He then turned to look through the window towards the village, specifically where the Uchiha were living.

"The Uchiha are dangerous. They are like an explosive seal that has yet to be activated by chakra. Their emotions are so strong that they can easily get consumed by hatred. However, Jiro is different. When I first met him with my students, I realized something. He wasn"t intentionally suppressing his emotions or just acting. He never had much emotion to begin with."

"You and Tobirama feared the Uchiha because you both a.s.sumed that they wouldn"t be able to control themselves. How about having an Uchiha so powerful that he could control the Uchiha if they were to fall into hate? I am letting Jiro have his way, because I am positive that it will help turn Jiro into someone that is willing to accept responsibility and save any Uchiha who fall into hatred."

Danz pondered a moment after hearing about Sarutobi"s plan. Deciding something, Danzo disappeared back into the shadows. Sarutobi also sighed in fatigue as Danzo left. He hoped that his speech would deter Danzo from doing something stupid. Half of what he said were not the complete truth, Sarutobi had no idea if he could actually convince Jiro to act as the guardian of the Uchiha.

Truth be told, Sarutobi was pretty sure that Jiro would find a way to teach Fugaku in order to make him be the guardian of the Uchihas. However, Fugaku would have to then be able to overcome the curse of hatred held by all Uchiha.


Fugaku ripped open the scroll with excitement visible in his eyes. Duy and Teuchi flanked him from the sides and also peered at the scroll. Their excitement quickly began to drain as they looked further into the scroll. As more and more details of their "escort" became present, Fugaku snapped the scroll back up and put it into his pocket.

His face was somewhat pale. Duy"s face was that of slight disappointment while Teuchi was shocked. The boys were all friends of Jiro so they knew his personality and capabilities somewhat well. Jiro for sure would be able to escape from them easily. None of them wanted to experience Jiro"s Genjutsu which could be at greater heights than before.

They were also unhappy about being given a mission which was basically, a mission that would result in failure either way. They all had faith in their sensei, but even he had admitted that Jiro was dangerous for himself as well. Given Jiro"s way of acting, he would for sure just leave and make them go on a chase after him resulting in a very long and perhaps painful mission.

Dejected, the boys began to walk towards Teuchi"s home to enjoy the food his parents would make as they had noticed that the mission would begin the day after tomorrow. As they were walking back, a hand suddenly clamped onto each of their shoulders. The boys break free of the grip and dashed forward creating distance while Teuchi dropped a smoke bomb. The boys were in ready position with Duy in the lead. Fugaku and Teuchi flanked him while Fugaku"s eyes were glowing with the telltale red of the Sharingan.

In front of them stood Jiro with a big smile stretching across his face. In his hand was the scroll that was handed to them by the Hokage and it was open. Jiro shut the scroll with a snap after quickly reading through the details.

Fugaku and his team sighed in defeat as they realized the details of their mission were compromised. Quickly forming a plan, Teuchi beckoned for Jiro to walk over. He then discreetly indicated for Jiro to throw them under a Genjutsu.

The gang suddenly realized that the people who were once in the area were now gone and Jiro was present with them. Teuchi sat on the floor before making a sudden decision without consulting the rest of his team.

"How about we just tag along with wherever you want to go and act like you were too strong if we get questioned? I think that it would be for our best interests if we made a plan to follow."

Duy and Fugaku also fell in board with the plan and Jiro had no problems with it either. Thus, the boys began their first scheme against the village interests.

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